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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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COEP proclaims to be a success Empty COEP proclaims to be a success

Post by Smokeandmirrors 14.05.13 7:05

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COEP proclaims to be a success Empty Re: COEP proclaims to be a success

Post by tigger 14.05.13 7:46

Googled the new 'National Crime Agency' something is being slipped in under the radar here and needs an airing imo.
A government body which tells us the following under the heading of Missing People Bureau: (which falls under the new NCA)

Missing Persons Bureau
We support and improve the services provided to missing person investigations by working alongside the police and related organisations, helping them to improve both efficiency and effectiveness.

Contact Us

By email: Missing Persons Bureau

Telephone: +44 (0) 8450 005481

Information for the public

Members of the public can find out more about how to report someone missing, report a sighting and see some of the more frequently asked questions by clicking here. You will also find a series of factsheets aimed at the families and friends of missing persons. The factsheets cover subjects such as what to do when someone goes missing, how to find support and what the police are likely to do.

To report a sighting, members of the public should call the 24 hour Missing People charity Freefone number 0500 700 700


So how come the fragrant Missing People Charity suddenly be part of the National Crime Agency via the Missing People Bureau?
Why is this particular Missing People outfit chosen over the many others that exist? Keeping in mind that they do have close ties with Ceops who administer Missing Kids website.

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