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Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Mm11

Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Mm11

Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Regist10

Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'"

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Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Empty Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'"

Post by Jill Havern 24.12.10 8:54

24 DECEMBER 2010 | POSTED BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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This Thursday, the former Judiciary Police inspector in the case of Madeleine McCann, Gonçalo Amaral, has again pointed his finger at the Portuguese government, after last week's 'WikiLeaks' revelations, that showed that it was the English police itself that found evidence that incriminates the McCann couple in the disappearanca of their daughter Madeleine, on the night of the 3rd of May, 2007, in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve.

Gonçalo amaral told [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that Portugal "has a feeble government in face of English 'friends', servile and submissive, and the shelving of the investigation into the mysterious disappearance of Madeleine McCann is a shame for our country and for the Portuguese judicial system".

The former inspector, who had already told Correio da Manhã that he believed that the British police didn't tell the PJ everything, is convinced that London pressured Portugal in order to remove him from his post and in order to avoid any accusations against Kate and Gerry McCann.

Gonçalo Amaral is confident that the case will be fully clarified, but he says it is necessary to restart the police investigation and to review the process.

"Madeleine McCann deserves to have justice done. Her likely death and her mysterious disappearance cannot depend solely on the political will", he says.

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because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Empty Re: Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'"

Post by Shibboleth 24.12.10 11:53

So now, it is Gonçalo Amaral who has come out with his "gloves off". About time too.

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Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Empty Re: Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'"

Post by aiyoyo 24.12.10 12:26

He has nothing to lose.
The Portuguese system has let him terribly.
High time justice is returned to the deserving persons.

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Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Empty Re: Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'"

Post by Judge Mental 24.12.10 12:28

Gonçalo Amaral is confident that the case will be fully clarified, but he says it is necessary to restart the police investigation and to review the process.


Any new readers here, will find we are most suspicious that the McCanns and their friends did not co-operate in the investigation by participating in a reconstruction of events of May 3rd 2007, which the police wanted them to do. The McCanns then when on to deliberately have Amaral gagged by their lawyers, and thwarted his attempts to tell the public about the investigation through the media and his book.
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Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Empty Re: Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'"

Post by aiyoyo 24.12.10 13:29

Personally I think Amaral is over optimistic.
Far as I know no shelved or cold case in PT has ever been revived or reopened in the past, unless a miracle happens Amaral alone is not enough to reopen this case.

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Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Empty Re: Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'"

Post by Estelle 17.03.12 12:38

What do you all think now?

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Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'" Empty Re: Maddie case: "Portugal has a feeble government in face of English 'friends'"

Post by Gillyspot 17.03.12 13:26

I see that Amaral's comments were from 24.12.2010 and now we see that the PJ were already reviewing the case then (if recent article is correct). He would be in the know having friends still serving with the PJ.

Fingers crossed everyone that the PJ aren't forced to follow an agenda and are just able to search for the truth in Madeleine's disappearance.

Kate McCann "I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other circumstances"

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