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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Mm11

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Mm11

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by aiyoyo 02.02.12 7:44


Press Release: Cease-and-Desist Letter issued to Gerry and Kate McCann, parents of Missing Madeleine McCann

Gerry and Kate McCann, parents of the missing Madeleine McCann, find themselves for the first time at the other end of a potential legal action. Top defense attorney, Anne Bremner, counsel to the Friends of Amanda Knox and the families of Rebecca Zahau and Susan Cox Powell, has issued a cease-and-desist letter (content posted below) on behalf of American criminal profiler Pat Brown whose book, Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann was removed from sale by Amazon following a claim by the McCanns that the book was defamatory. In recent years, the McCanns have instructed their solicitors, Carter-Ruck, to send numerous cease-and-desist letters to people who have publicly questioned their possible involvement in their daughter’s disappearance nearly five years ago while on family holiday in Portugal.

Next week on February 8th, retired solicitor Tony Bennett faces English prison as the McCanns’ fight to shut down his efforts to bring focus to aspects of the missing child case that point to the parents’ possible involvement. Also, the McCanns have sued the detective on their daughter’s case, Dr. Goncalo Amaral, for libel and have had his book, Truth of the Lie, pulled off the worldwide market. The trial is scheduled in Portugal for April. Now, Pat Brown has fought back for the cause of freedom of speech and justice, alleging that the McCanns have interfered with her right to conduct business and have damaged her professional reputation with their successful removal of her book from sale. On Monday, Pat will leave for Portugal to continue her quest for truth and justice in the case of Madeleine McCann. The Find Madeleine Campaign operated by Gerry and Kate McCann has spent some 2.5 million pounds on the supposed search for their daughter, Madeline, who vanished in Praia da Luz, Portugal while on vacation with the family nearly five years ago and come up empty handed. Since last May, a 37-man team headed up by Scotland Yard has spent 1.5 million pounds on salaries plus many more pounds following up supposed leads with no sign of success. Altogether, four million pounds has been forked out to locate a missing child with zero results. What, then, does American criminal profiler Pat Brown hope to accomplish with her two week trip to Portugal, beginning next week on February 6, with her small band of assistants and a few hundred euros of her own money?
She could find the truth. She could find Madeleine. She could find nothing but at least she won’t be costing the taxpayers millions or draining the pocketbooks of kindhearted donators chasing useless leads.

Pat Brown will be following up on the theory she purported in her Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann, her eBook which was pulled by Amazon at the request of the British solicitors Carter-Ruck on behalf of Gerry and Kate McCann. Amazon was told the book was defamatory in spite of the fact Ms. Brown clearly stated facts in the case, developed a theory based on those facts, and repeated numerous times that she makes no claim that the McCanns are guilty of any involvement in their daughter’s disappearance (other than leaving three children unattended night after night in the resort apartment). Since Gerry McCann clearly stated during the Levinson hearing, “I strongly believe in freedom of speech” and “I don't have a problem with somebody purporting a theory,” it is difficult to understand why the McCanns wanted the book to be repressed except that it was selling well and that the theory she presented was being considered credible by a number of readers.

During her trip to Portugal, Pat Brown will study the town of Praia da Luz and environs, reconstruct the crime, and examine possible locations as to where Madeleine might have been taken, dead or alive. If she discovers evidence to support a theory other than the one that was the focus of her book, she will pursue that information. She is looking forward to meeting with Dr. Goncalo Amaral, the ex-detective on the McCann case. Meanwhile, it is her hope and that of her lawyer, Anne Bremner, that the McCanns rethink their actions regarding the Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann and instruct their solicitors to have Amazon return the book to the market (now available at Smashwords and Barnes & Noble online).

For interviews and media appearances, please contact:

Pat Brown
The Pat Brown Criminal Profiling Agency

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by aiyoyo 02.02.12 7:46

This was quite a surprise to Pat Brown as she had never received any communications from the McCanns nor their solicitors concerning any defamatory material in this book nor had she ever received any communication concerning any defamatory material in her blogs on the case she has posted online at The Daily Profiler over the last four years. As Ms. Brown is an analyst of evidence, she is careful to not state anything as a fact that is not a fact and to clearly state what is a hypothesis or a theory as opposed to proof. She has publicly and repeated explained to anyone reading her analyses of crime that criminal profiling is a methodology which explores the possible and theoretical scenarios that might be considered as logical based on evidence connected with the crime - forensic, linguistic, or behavioral. Any findings resulting from investigative tools which are not acceptable in certain courts of law (such as cadaver dogs or polygraphs) are noted as suitable for speculation, but not as solid proof of anyone’s guilt or involvement in criminal activities. Criminal profiling itself is an investigative tool and not a finding of guilt as Pat Brown clearly notes in her book.

Due to the speculative, if analytical, nature of Deductive Criminal Profiling, the methodology used by Pat Brown, she was careful to repeat numerous times throughout her publication that she was not accusing the McCanns of being involved in any crime or in the disappearance of their daughter, Madeleine. She was clearly only “purporting a theory” and exercising “free speech,” both manners of communication Gerry McCann stated he strongly supported under oath at the Leveson Inquiry on November 23, 2011 in London:

I would like to emphasise that I strongly believe in freedom of speech, but where you have people who are repeatedly carrying out inaccuracies and have been shown to do so, then they should be held to account. That is the issue. I don't have a problem with somebody purporting a theory, writing fiction, suggestions, but clearly we've got to a stage where substandard reporting and sources, unnamed, made-up, non-verifiable, are a daily occurrence.” Gerry McCann

As Pat Brown also believes in free speech and the right to purport a theory, it would seem she and Gerry McCann are in agreement that any work that purports a theory as opposed to false statements of fact is acceptable under freedom of speech. Pat Brown’s Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann opens up discussion of what happened to the McCann’s daughter, further stimulating interest in the case, and keeping Madeleine in the minds of the public. As the McCanns claim this is what they want, Pat Brown’s book is in accordance with this desire. In fact, it is the McCanns themselves who have clearly encouraged massive interest and speculation on this case. Pat Brown is in no way, therefore, infringing on any wish to keep talk about the case to a minimum.

By speaking and writing out quite often and in such a high profile manner, the McCanns have succeeded in making Madeleine McCann the most well-known missing child in modern history (since the Lindbergh baby in 1932). They have stimulated debate worldwide as to what happened to Madeleine. They have publicly purported their own theories; that someone took Madeleine because they wanted to raise a child, that she is being held captive in a sex ring, and that a pedophile had taken her. They have publicly disclosed many details of the case and repeatedly told their version of what occurred before, during, and after the disappearance of the daughter. They have discussed their emotions, behaviors, and opinions. Pat Brown is carrying on that discussion.

Utmost of importance in the entire matter, is the handling and funding of child abduction cases, the prevailing attitudes toward these crimes, and the future of catching child predators. Because the victims are so young and innocent, missing children are among the most publicized cases in the world. In the last three decades with the increase of the Internet and the 24-hour news cycle, awareness of child sex predators and stranger child abduction has radically increased fears of parents that their child will be taken and murdered. In reality, stranger abduction continues to be exceedingly rare for children of Madeleine’s age. Regardless, the paranoia that is engendered when a small child goes missing is a great stress to the community, the police, and resources. Therefore, it is extremely important that each and every case be properly analyzed and understood so that wrong ideas aren’t promulgated and funding and efforts are wasted investigating such crimes improperly. Each child that goes missing is a terrible tragedy for the parents, siblings, relative, friends, and community. Pat has great empathy for any family of a missing child and, most of all, compassion for the innocent young person who has suffered abuse, terror, sexual assault, and, possibly, an early death at the hands of others.

We are requesting that you respect Pat Brown’s right to free speech and to purport a theory as Gerry McCann has stated is not a problem for him. We request that the claim of libel be retracted for the Profile of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann and the book permitted to be returned for sale at Amazon.


Anne M. Bremner


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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by tiny 02.02.12 10:11

well done PatCriminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 50899 .over to you clarence,lets see you spin this

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 02.02.12 14:14

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 321268 or as they say in America, way-to-go Ms Bremner. Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 351181

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Cheshire Cat 02.02.12 14:43

Stella wrote:Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 321268 or as they say in America, way-to-go Ms Bremner. Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 351181

I am glad Pat mentioned Tony and Goncalo. Two fine upstanding citizens!
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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 02.02.12 15:01

That is a very well written piece and I think Carter Ruck's bullying days are about to come to an end. Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 181154

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by kikoraton 02.02.12 15:55

Bon voyage, Pat! I'd like to think the UK Press will give your quest sympathetic coverage, but I doubt it. The good folk of PdL may be willing to speak to you, if they think it will be discreet.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by aiyoyo 02.02.12 16:45

Cheshire Cat wrote:
Stella wrote:Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 321268 or as they say in America, way-to-go Ms Bremner. Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 351181

I am glad Pat mentioned Tony and Goncalo. Two fine upstanding citizens!

It is certainly good to know that mccanns have been given their own doze of bitter medicine to cease and desist. They have after all dozed it out to at least three upstanding and outstanding citizens in two continents and three countries; as well as various newspapers in the UK.

I get a funny feeling they might back down or settle out of court with Pat, especially if they lose out to Amaral; and they are going to lose imo. They are now clutching at straws, armed with a long list of last minute witnesses, to attempt to turn it around before they even start. They are all drowning, desperately hoping someone will throw them a buoy.

If Blacksmith's source is reliable, the mccanns list of witnesses from UK, all comprising family members and croonies, I am not one bit surprised, but some of the more colourful characters from Portugal on their list is indeed an eye opener.

With that many witnesses on their stand, it will be an entertaining circus show, which should be interesting if Pat can get into the Court. It might be a good idea if Pat can persuade a reporter from the USA press to tag along to cover her case, after all the mccanns tried to suppress her, an American citizen, from free speech which is a serious breach of the American's first amendment.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by kikoraton 02.02.12 17:11

But hasn't the Lisbon case been postponed until April?

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Cheshire Cat 02.02.12 17:45

kikoraton wrote:But hasn't the Lisbon case been postponed until April?

Pat has said she is willing to return to Lisbon for the court case.
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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by kikoraton 02.02.12 19:18


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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by aiyoyo 03.02.12 2:45

The mccanns had one game too many when they messed with Pat. Pat is going to return them as good as they give out and the mccanns must be prepared to go to war (not battle) with Pat because Pat has equally, if not bigger, presence and a hugh audience in the USA. And, dont forget Americans hate to be suppressed. This suppression coming from foreigners (a pair of British doctors) who admitted to have left their children alone, and whom the police believed were involved in their disappeared daughter, and yet to be exonerated by a Court of Law is going to infuriate the America's public if Pat should bring her plight to the America public through the media.

The belief that the mccanns got away because of they are white, middle class, and professionals; with their adeptness at media manipulation using their influential connections won't sit well with the Americans either - something which otherwise they would not have gotten away if they were a pair of low pond life living off the state. If anything people also hate to be manipulated by sly high-class criminals (meaning the mccanns-category, at the other end of the spectrum to those low class hardcore criminals) who think themselves clever enough to pull the wool over people's eyes.


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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Miraflores 03.02.12 9:42

I would suspect that the McCann's argument will be something on the lines of: "Amazon pulled the book of their own accord, nothing to do with us...."

Good luck to Pat. Fortunately I downloaded her book before Amazon pulled it. It seems as good a theory as any to me - but unless a proper investigation is re-opened I suspect we will never know what happened and it will remain a theory. Let us hope that she finds out something useful which she can pass on to the PJ.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Liz Eagles 03.02.12 9:54

candyfloss wrote:It's very strange isn't it sijm, the pros keep harping on about Madeleine being found, and here is a person giving up her time, to go and actively search and ask questions, and for some strange reason they are so frightened of her going. Why would that be? Do you think she might uncover something? Hopefully, she will, because after all we want the truth of whatever happened don't we?

much better to use a UK psychic hey? Lord forbid that someone with credibility may actually be able to help. Much better to go on the Oprah show, visit the Pope, talk to Lorraine Kelly, write a book, do fun-runs to raise awareness for all missing children. Oh, and don't forget those daft dogs hey!

I'm editing to add. Isn't it strange that the US were used to produce age advanced photographs (please someone help me out with the Youtube link for that) and yet a criminal profiler from the US is discounted.
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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Criminal Profiler Pat Broen will be heading to Portugal on Fb 6th

Post by sijm 03.02.12 20:53

If there was factual research I could help Pat with, that would be to do a little snooping upon the lines of that blood stained Aztec designed towel, the one found in the abadoned barn by the Portugues police.

The nearby resort of Meia Praia is the beach where a galleon sank full of Aztec gold, so, I assume lots of Hotels, B/B Houses would play on this as a tourist attraction.

When Murat's uncle Ralph Eveleight, his friend and sister Jenny Murat (nee Eveleight) who is Ralph's sister and mother to Robert Murat, When they left British shores for the Algarve, Ralph set out with his friend to start up a surfing/ water sports company.

Meia Praia beach is a tourist attraction for water sports.

I researched Murat in 2007 and came across the Eveleights adverts for their B/B Villa Salsalito, since then they have changed B/B holiday advert company a few times to advertise their Villa Salsalito, so I was lucky to hunt it down on the web.

Why was I so adamants to hunt it down , you may well ask, I had had a flash back of seeing a Mexican designed Room in the Villa, well, turns out in that brochure they had mention the names of rooms they let and the design they are in as in the following,

The Sintra room has a calming theme in Salmon and willow colours with Mexican funiture. Mexican as in AZTEC.

(Anyone know what colours that blood stained Aztec towel was, the one police found in that barn)?

Your welcome to try to get the advert on the web under, Holiday Homes in Algarve, but like I said I know they have change companies since 2007

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on Fe 6th.

Post by sijm 04.02.12 17:22

Just thought I would add O'Brian seems a very high profile and common name in Mexico and there ia a well established Irish settlement there.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by kikoraton 04.02.12 19:33

I think we can rely on Pat Brown to be very selective, sijm.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by aiyoyo 06.02.12 10:58

Pat Brown tweeted (at approx. 3:00 PM EST Sunday) "If anyone is available Tues. morning 10am-12pm & would like to meet with me for coffee (& McCann talk) at Heathrow Hilton/Sofitel, DM me."


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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Bebootje 06.02.12 12:33

sijm wrote:If there was factual research I could help Pat with, that would be to do a little snooping upon the lines of that blood stained Aztec designed towel, the one found in the abadoned barn by the Portugues police.

The nearby resort of Meia Praia is the beach where a galleon sank full of Aztec gold, so, I assume lots of Hotels, B/B Houses would play on this as a tourist attraction.

When Murat's uncle Ralph Eveleight, his friend and sister Jenny Murat (nee Eveleight) who is Ralph's sister and mother to Robert Murat, When they left British shores for the Algarve, Ralph set out with his friend to start up a surfing/ water sports company.

Meia Praia beach is a tourist attraction for water sports.

I researched Murat in 2007 and came across the Eveleights adverts for their B/B Villa Salsalito, since then they have changed B/B holiday advert company a few times to advertise their Villa Salsalito, so I was lucky to hunt it down on the web.

Why was I so adamants to hunt it down , you may well ask, I had had a flash back of seeing a Mexican designed Room in the Villa, well, turns out in that brochure they had mention the names of rooms they let and the design they are in as in the following,

The Sintra room has a calming theme in Salmon and willow colours with Mexican funiture. Mexican as in AZTEC.

(Anyone know what colours that blood stained Aztec towel was, the one police found in that barn)?

Your welcome to try to get the advert on the web under, Holiday Homes in Algarve, but like I said I know they have change companies since 2007

Nothing about that in de files.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Jill Havern 06.02.12 12:41

Good luck with your trip, Pat. I hope you can find time to log in and give us an update at some point.
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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Cheshire Cat 06.02.12 14:40

Get 'em Gonçalo wrote:Good luck with your trip, Pat. I hope you can find time to log in and give us an update at some point.

Pat has said she will be updating her blog whilst away. Good luck Pat!
Cheshire Cat
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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Notes from a Potting Shedder

Post by jd 07.02.12 0:12

Pat Brown's Search for Madeleine McCann
Two women put pen to paper. Same subject, same audience.

The women in question are criminal profiler Pat Brown and maternally bankrupt Kate McCann. They are both writing about a missing child, Madeleline McCann.

Whilst Ms Brown's book promises 50% of sales will be donated to her own Madeleine search fund, the royalties from Mrs McCann's book will go to their own private search for Madeleine. It will be added to the golden pot of the McCanns private limited company, Madeleine's fund as soon as the advance payment for the book has cleared.

Despite being something which is advertised as a totally transparent fund to search for a missing child, the Madeleine Fund : Leaving No Stone Unturned is really a mystery and the actual 'search' has always been a gaping black void to the outsider. With the amount of well wishing donations received, it is only fair that regular updates should be provided. There have been none. We only hear of a name... Edgar. Bizarre sightings and McCann court actions are the only news we hear. The McCanns never physically searched Praia de Luz like any normal parent would and they've never searched since.

On the other hand and true to her word, Pat Brown flies out tonight on a two week visit to Portugal. She will travel to Praia de Luz and spend two weeks using her professional expertise as a criminal profiler to analyse the case in situ.

Pat Brown is doing what we would dearly love to do, and something that Mr and Mrs McCann have asked... search for Madeleine. She really does not deserve the abuse she has been subjected to by supporters of the McCanns. I wish her every success on her trip and hope she really does turn up that missing piece of the infamous jigsaw. If she doesn't discover anything, well at least she tried...

Two women put pen to paper.
Same subject.
Same audience.
Different aim.

AnonymousFeb 6, 2012 11:19 AM
Madeleine,its a terrible thing when your own parents cant be bothered to go to portugal and look for you,but a complete stranger(no offence pat)can,and at no cost to any one but herself,yes its a terrible thing.
god bless you Madeleine,and god bless Pat Brown.

lynnFeb 6, 2012 11:46 AM
Wonder when the media will be "allowed" to report on ANY of the forth coming court cases? Good luck to Pat ,hope she,s the one who succeeds in wiping that smug smirk off Gerrys arrogant face,and if TB does get a prison sentence,will we see any public support in his right to freedom of speech,which the Macaans seem hell bent in denying everyone unless it suits them and Carter Ruck.

AnonymousFeb 6, 2012 11:47 AM
You contrast the two women so well.
One puts her money where her mouth is - the stranger- and the other one does nothing - the missing child's mother.

AnonymousFeb 6, 2012 01:01 PM
Pat made a promise to spend 50%of the profits from her book sales searching for Madeleine and she has kept that promise and is able to support ten days of searching with the money made.

Just imagine how much more time she could have spent if the Mccann's hadn't prevented Amazon from selling the said book.Mccann priorities eh same as always just for themselves!

It's so hard to believe they went through IVF to get this 'much wanted child'then treated her so badly ,you would have thought that they would have cherished each moment of her life,but sadly for this little girl she came second to NZ wine and Tapas.

What was it that Madeleine lacked in her parents eyes that made her so unimportant that they left her alone in an unlocked apt at the age of 3,it just seems incomprehensible to a right thinking person!

God bless Madeleine wherever she is,she deserved so much better from Kate and Gerry Mccann who dared to call themselves her Mummy and Daddy.Mummies and Daddies love and protect their children ,selfish narcissists leave them alone to party with their friends who they are'so into'

Tragically for Madeleine they weren't 'so into' her.
Good Luck Pat, Madeleine needs all who try to get to the truth of what happened to her.

Who pulled the strings?...THE SYMINGTONS..And the Scottish connections...Look no further if you dare

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Post by Willo 07.02.12 6:24

I hope that Pat takes a camera crew along to record the two week investigation. It would make for a interestng 60 minutes documentary. Reality TV at it's best.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Hallo and goodbye to Pat Brown

Post by Tony Bennett 07.02.12 16:19

I was able to meet Pat Brown off her plane at 9.30am and we had till 1.00 to have a good exchange of information and ideas on various aspects of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

I was able to provide her with a detailed briefing on Phase 1 of the McCanns' private investigation, which included:

* the emergence of Brian Kennedy as both benefactor and director of the McCann Team's private investigations

* the emergence of Brian Kennedy's in-house lawyer as the McCanns' co-ordinating lawyer and Director of the 'Find Madeleine Fund'

* Brian Kennedy's purchase of a house in Knutsford as the long-term base for this investigation into Madeleine's disappearance

* Kennedy's choice of controversial Spanish detective agency Metodo 3 as their preferred organisation to search for Madeleine

* Brian Kennedy's meetings with Robert Murat and his lawyer on 13 November 2007 and his meeting earlier that day with Portuguese Police at Portimao Police Station and with boss of Metodo 3, Francisco Marco, and his No. 1 investigator, convicted criminal Antonio Gimenez Raso

* A biography of Antonio Gimenez Raso charting his decline and fall from...Head of the Anti-Drugs and Anti-Trafficking Unit of Catalonia Regional resigning from them at the end of being appointed as a Metodo 3 private investigator in being appointed as the leading Metodo 3 private detective investigating Madeleine's disappearance in meetings with Brian Kennedy in meeting with strange Madeira lawyer Marcos Aragoa Correia at the Arade Dam on 10 December his arrest on charges of corruption in public office and theft, together with a gang of drug-dealers, of £25 million of cocaine from a boat in Barcelona harbour in his current 18-year jail sentence.

And I pointed out that after they lost the services of Antonio Gimenez Raso, they turned to the services of...Kevin Halligen!

Pat briefed me on her plans for Portugal. She was in good spirits.
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 07.02.12 16:36

Here's to Tony and Pat. Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 957704 Well done. Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 351181

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by pennylane 07.02.12 17:50

Stella wrote:Here's to Tony and Pat. Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 957704 Well done. Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 351181

What an encouraging piece of news. Thank you Tony! clapping1

To the very courageous Tony and Pat! drinks

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 08.02.12 17:23

Pat has just tweeted this.......


Good morning -okay, afternoon .... I caught up on my sleep ... from beautiful, Lisbon. I am meeting with all my new friends here. #McCann

2 minutes


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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) - Page 2 Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 08.02.12 17:34

Might allow myself a little optimism now - 2012 seems to be starting to shape up to be a very interesting year.... :fingerscrossed

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