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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Mm11

JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Regist10
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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Mm11

JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Regist10

JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by Tony Bennett 17.08.10 22:24

A thread was opened up on JATYK yesterday headed: 'TB's latest reply to Carter-Ruck'.

It has attracted 100 replies to date.

Not a single one of those replies addresses even tangentially any ONE of the various contradictions that the McCanns and their 'Tapas 9' friends made in their statements.

Cannot the amassed 'brains' of JATYK, which include of course the much-vaunted 'anna raccoon', help us with the answers to such simple questions as:

1. Did David Payne actually visit Dr Kate McCann at all on the evening of 3 May?

2. If yes, did he go there because Dr Gerald McCann was concerned about how she was coping - or because Dr McCann wanted his wife and children to come down to the recreation area and watch the children?

3. Did he see Dr Kate McCann only in a towel? - or not?

4. Did he enter the apartment, or not?

5. Was he there for 30 seconds, or 30 minutes?

6. Why did Dr Gerald McCann play tennis for an hour from 6pm to 7pm on 3 May when he had had to stop playing any tennis at all at 4.30pm due to an Achilles tendon injury?,

7. Did Dr Matthew Oldfield leave the table at 9.00pm (a) to chase up the tardy Paynes or (b) to check on the children?

8. Did the Paynes meet Dr Matthew Oldfield en route between the 'Tapas' bar and the Paynes' apartment at about 9.00pm? If so, why do they say this meeting was in different places and why was Dianne Webster adamant that this meeting never took place?

9. Was Dr Gerald McCann really on the tennis courts nearly all the time between 3.30pm and 7.00pm?

10. Did Dr David Payne return to his apartment, as he claims, at 7.10pm, or as Fiona Payne recollects, 8.00pm?

That's 10 fair questions. Not one in 100 posts on JATYK, however, addresses even one of those or any of the other contradictions and questions.

Perhaps these posters on JATYK believe that the fact that these Doctors and their wives cannot string together a coherent account of what they were doing that afternoon and early evening is of no consequence?
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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by sharonl 17.08.10 23:06

Oh Bless em

Give them a little time Tony

These are people who believe that:

A man was able to creep into apartment 5a without being seen by Jane Tanner, Gerry McCann or Jez Wilkins who were in the vicinity at the same time.

Hide behind a door whilst Gerry was in the loo

Drug the twins

Find Madeleine in the dark

Remove her from her bed without disturbing her, her siblings or the bedding

Place cuddle cat neatly on a shelf

Clean up

Open the noisy shutters without being heard

Climb through a 2ft window, 3 feet of the ground carrying Madeleine in his arms

Then head towards the beach via Murats house (which was in the opposite direction), in haste carrying her in an awkward position. Is it possible to hurry whilst carrying a child in that position?,

Doing all the above in record time and leaving no trace, no DNA, no fingerprints, no footprints, no noise, no witnesses.

Only one person could have been speedy enough and nimble enough to have done this, I have suspected him for a while.

Shall I call the McCanns' detectives then?

JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies GHome_08a
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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by sharonl 17.08.10 23:23

This is so confusing

Gerry says

At 12h30 they started lunch, the meal having lasted an hour until 13h30. After that time they made their way to the resort play area, the deponent left by the front door and the rest of the family by the rear door that, once again, he shut and locked from the inside. As to the front door, he does not know exactly if he locked it.

----- That they stayed in the play area for approximately an hour until 14h30/14h35. After that they left the twins next to the creche at the TAPAS, they signed the register and the three (deponent, KATE and MADELEINE) made their way to the creche at the main reception, where they arrived at 14h50 and delivered MADELEINE, not being able to say precisely who signed the register.

But what about this?

Gerry and Kate McCann have released the last photograph of their daughter before her abduction in the Algarve three weeks ago.

The picture is of Madeleine sitting by the swimming pool on the day she was snatched from her bed.

The McCanns emphasise the fact that this photo was taken at 2:29pm and also tell us that Mrs. McCann’s camera clock was one hour out with (presumably) the date stamp on the digital photo being 1:29pm.


Can anyone spot more than one difference in these pics?

JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Last_photo_700px

JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Gerry_amelie_pool
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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty A lot, lot longer

Post by Tony Bennett 17.08.10 23:35

The verdict on JATYK?

The 10 Questions listed above are 'a pile of poop'.

Here's the quote tonight from JATYK:

LOOK Tony, we don't need to answer those questions. They are all a pile of poop for one thing. And for another thing a letter to Carter Ruck explaining why they should not take you back to court for breaking your undertakings repeatedly is NOT the place to try and argue the case against the McCanns, such as it is.

Really Bennett, one can see why you are no longer a solicitor. One thinks this is all terribly laughable, and even your rottweiler Mental Midas, late of Rothley, is having trouble keeping a straight face.

Let's be clear about this - if you do not end up with a conviction, it's because the McCanns are better people than you will ever be.

And that IS a fact.

One of the realted questions in all this is: should we be silenced from asking them?

Should we be also silenced from comparing one 'Tapas 9' statement to another and pointing out the numerous contradictions in them?

Should I have to defend a libel action from the McCanns, the list of the contradictions and witness statements I could provide in support would be a lot, lot longer than that 26-page letter of mine.

It's interesting to note though that the folk on JATYK care not one jot whether or not Dr David Payne did visit Dr Kate McCann or not that evening.

After all, who amongst all the luminaries on JATYK is in the least bit bothered whether either Dr David Payner, or Dr Kate McCann, or both of them for that matter, are not telling the truth about this?

Not a single one of them.

Not even 'anna raccoon'.
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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by aiyoyo 18.08.10 6:42

As expected, the usual diatribe from mccanns cult disciples invective centre!

It's not longer about Maddie for them. If it were, and they believe in her abduction, then they should do something constructive, like campaigning the parents to ask investigators to reopen the case with expectation of the parents fully cooperating with the police. Or even campaign authorities to do an inquiry. Don't they want to find MBM?

Of course it's a no brainer criticising others work when they themselves have done absolutely nothing to show they are also seeking truth for MBM.

Are they paralysed by fear of what they might find? Otherwise, what better way for them to show Maddie is out there waiting to be found by doing something constructive towards that objective, rather than being destructive about TB's work?

Says it all really.

The twats invective centre dont surprise me anymore!

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty 'muratfan' HAS answered the 10 questions

Post by Tony Bennett 18.08.10 8:48

'muratfan' HAS answered the 10 questions I posed in the OP here. The answers are so intelligent (as one expects from 'muratfan'), crystal clear and obviously true that I obviously do not need to make any further enquiry about what I claimed were significant contradictions.

Of course, JATYK has predictably not only endorsed but actually applauded 'muratfan's splendid effort, and as one also might predict, JATYK member 'anna raccoon' is clearly also fully in line with her fwellow members as she has not recorded any dissent from 'muratfan's answers.

Here are 'muratfan's answers to my 10 questions, in all their full glory:


I WILL ANSWER FOR YOU BENNETT (of Madeleine Foundation)

1. Did David Payne actually visit Dr Kate McCann at all on the evening of 3 May?

Why do you not ask him Bennett? After all there is nothing in the statement from him

2. If yes, did he go there because Dr Gerald McCann was concerned about how she was coping - or because Dr McCann wanted his wife and children to come down to the recreation area and watch the children?

Why do you not ask Dr Payne

3. Did he see Dr Kate McCann only in a towel? - or not?

Ask Dr Payne you bald headed knob end

4. Did he enter the apartment, or not?

Guess what, he didn't as it is in the files what he did

5. Was he there for 30 seconds, or 30 minutes?

Read the files as it says 30 SECONDS, Amaral said 30 minutes as he is a fat incompetent lying ex-detective

6. Why did Dr Gerald McCann play tennis for an hour from 6pm to 7pm on 3 May when he had had to stop playing any tennis at all at 4.30pm due to an Achilles tendon injury?,

Have you ever had a Achilles tendon injury? It can vary from a twinge that heals quickly to a torn tendon*. I am guessing a twinge

7. Did Dr Matthew Oldfield leave the table at 9.00pm (a) to chase up the tardy Paynes or (b) to check on the children?

Read the statements properly please

8. Did the Paynes meet Dr Matthew Oldfield en route between the 'Tapas' bar and the Paynes' apartment at about 9.00pm? If so, why do they say this meeting was in different places and why was Dianne Webster adamant that this meeting never took place?

Sorry, i take it that your interpretation of the files is different from everyone elses

9. Was Dr Gerald McCann really on the tennis courts nearly all the time between 3.30pm and 7.00pm?

It is likely since tennis games can take a long time.

10. Did Dr David Payne return to his apartment, as he claims, at 7.10pm, or as Fiona Payne recollects, 8.00pm?

Do you always remember what time exactly your 'wife' always comes in. Fiona Payne actually said somewhere around 8PM


P.S. Scientific note:

How would I know if I had an Achilles tendon problem?

If you had a complete tear, you would probably feel a sudden pain in your heel or calf. Some people say this feels as though some had kicked them on the calf, or hit them with a squash raquet. Usually the heel becomes painful, swollen and bruised, and it becomes difficult to walk.

Tendonosis and tenosynovitis develop more gradually. The Achilles tendon and the heel become painful and a swelling may develop in or around the tendon. At first the problem is present mainly on running or playing sport, but later it may become increasingly difficult to walk because of the painful tendon.
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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by sharonl 18.08.10 9:31

How would I know if I had an Achilles tendon problem?

If you had a complete tear, you would probably feel a sudden pain in your heel or calf. Some people say this feels as though some had kicked them on the calf, or hit them with a squash raquet. Usually the heel becomes painful, swollen and bruised, and it becomes difficult to walk.

Tendonosis and tenosynovitis develop more gradually. The Achilles tendon and the heel become painful and a swelling may develop in or around the tendon. At first the problem is present mainly on running or playing sport, but later it may become increasingly difficult to walk because of the painful tendon..

Yet another contradiction from Team McCann then - The camera never lies Gerry

BTW - what is Gerry carrying on his right arm?

May 4 2007

JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2gHV3Ot7cUgMp-EZ2WEaSRV9EGYwbvnm_M7DXJPVJH6Oa9Bg&t=1&usg=__RB_xg2ZHxCMbVecDiwpKLQSxIn8=
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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty 'I see no contradictions'

Post by Tony Bennett 18.08.10 10:31

JATYK continues on its merry, Nelsonian* way, blithely ignoring significant contradictions in the witness statements of the McCanns and the 'Tapas 9'.

Here are the three latest gems from their offering, though none of them has outshone 'muratfan' yet:

Cath01: 'A list drawn up by reading the tabloids, not the files. A judge won't be interested in it'.

mrst: 'supposed inconsistencies'

bonnybraes: 'based on Morais' dodgy translations'.

The blogger 'anna raccoon' cosies up to these Nelsonians.


If this wasn't about a deep tragedy and, as Clarence Mitchell said recently, 'a complete mystery', it could be entertaining...

Historical note: Admiral Nelson looked at the Danish-Norwegian ships through his blind eye and said: 'I see no ships':

"The Battle of Copenhagen (Danish: slaget på Reden) was an engagement which saw a British fleet under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker fight and strategically defeat a Danish-Norwegian fleet anchored just off Copenhagen on 2 April 1801. Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson led the main attack. He famously disobeyed Parker's order to withdraw, reputedly looking threough his blind eyes and saying: 'I see no ships', destroying many of the Dano-Norwegian ships before a truce was agreed. Copenhagen is often considered to be Nelson's hardest fought battle, surpassing even the heavy fighting at Trafalgar".
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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty 6 guesses

Post by Tony Bennett 18.08.10 10:40

sharonl wrote:BTW - what is Gerry carrying on his right arm?
a) a fax from Mitchell?
b) a draft of his daily blog?
c) a print-out of his jogging times?
d) a copy of his next speech to the TV cameras?
e) his wine order to Mark Warners?
f) all five of the above?
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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by littlepixie 18.08.10 11:21

a navy/black bag?

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by Guest 18.08.10 11:52

[quote muratfan]

Ask Dr Payne you bald headed knob end

Ah, what a well thought out, intelligent and reasoned answer :ambersuz: rotfl Almost as good as laugh Ask the dogs Sandra laugh


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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by aiyoyo 18.08.10 12:12

littlepixie wrote:a navy/black bag?

That is a strange image with the bag so close.

It's as though they'd ran past someone or someone is tagging along them.

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by aiyoyo 18.08.10 12:23

JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies 181230
Tony Bennett wrote:JATYK continues on its merry, Nelsonian* way, blithely ignoring significant contradictions in the witness statements of the McCanns and the 'Tapas 9'.

Here are the three latest gems from their offering, though none of them has outshone 'muratfan' yet:

Cath01: 'A list drawn up by reading the tabloids, not the files. A judge won't be interested in it'.

mrst: 'supposed inconsistencies'

bonnybraes: 'based on Morais' dodgy translations'.

The blogger 'anna raccoon' cosies up to these Nelsonians.


If this wasn't about a deep tragedy and, as Clarence Mitchell said recently, 'a complete mystery', it could be entertaining...

Historical note: Admiral Nelson looked at the Danish-Norwegian ships through his blind eye and said: 'I see no ships':

"The Battle of Copenhagen (Danish: slaget på Reden) was an engagement which saw a British fleet under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker fight and strategically defeat a Danish-Norwegian fleet anchored just off Copenhagen on 2 April 1801. Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson led the main attack. He famously disobeyed Parker's order to withdraw, reputedly looking threough his blind eyes and saying: 'I see no ships', destroying many of the Dano-Norwegian ships before a truce was agreed. Copenhagen is often considered to be Nelson's hardest fought battle, surpassing even the heavy fighting at Trafalgar".

Twats and muratfan are each other alter ego.

No intelligent countenance from them as usual.

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by WOODWARD 18.08.10 14:48

All that brown-nosing and" tell -tale titting" to carter-ruck and still not invited to tea with the tapasniks. Even the well meaning but intellectually challenged Mrs Cooper managed a photo with Clarrie yet the cult followers on JATYK dont even get a free good quality wrist band.

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by sharonl 18.08.10 18:18

littlepixie wrote:a navy/black bag?

Nah, can`t be a navy\black bag - Gerry never had one of them, he said so.
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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by Kitti 21.08.11 11:38

The quiz mistress tel no.?

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by kikoraton 21.08.11 18:34

"9. Was Dr Gerald McCann really on the tennis courts nearly all the time between 3.30pm and 7.00pm? "

"It is likely since tennis games can take a long time."

No, not likely at all. The tennis instructor said that the game/session ended at 1545. Gerry was elsewhere from that time until around 1930-2000. My guess is that he was either at, or following carefully events taking place at, Casa Liliana. Would explain all those strange telephone calls that afternoon!! And also explain why poor Robert didn't know whether he was coming or going that day, as per his confused accounts to the PJ!

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by Guest 21.08.11 18:57

kikoraton wrote:"9. Was Dr Gerald McCann really on the tennis courts nearly all the time between 3.30pm and 7.00pm? "!

There is an arrow on the tennis booking sheet that suggests that they moved the class to an earlier time. In her book Kate goes to great pains to account for their activities around this time. I also don't buy that she played tennis for 90 minutes and then went for a run for 60 mins because according to her she went straight to the Tapas after the run and met Gerry who was already there. Cat Baker refutes this, she didn't see Gerry, she said he was playing tennis.

JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Tennis10

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by kikoraton 21.08.11 21:00

Under Gerry's name on the tennis rota, appears "Dan". So Dan should know what he's talking about when he says they were off the tennis court by 1545.

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by Gillyspot 21.08.11 22:59

That oblique stroke in the 2.30 to 3.30pm timeline would imply that the court was taken. This with the arrow must surely mean Gerry's tennis changed times.

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by Guest 22.08.11 0:22

Gillyspot wrote:That oblique stroke in the 2.30 to 3.30pm timeline would imply that the court was taken. This with the arrow must surely mean Gerry's tennis changed times.
It just looked to me like the court was free so they moved it into the earlier slot. Just a possibility. I think that the whole timeline for that afternoon is skewed and suspect.

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JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies Empty Re: JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies

Post by happychick 02.12.11 18:05

sharonl wrote:Oh Bless em

Give them a little time Tony

These are people who believe that:

A man was able to creep into apartment 5a without being seen by Jane Tanner, Gerry McCann or Jez Wilkins who were in the vicinity at the same time.

Hide behind a door whilst Gerry was in the loo

Drug the twins

Find Madeleine in the dark

Remove her from her bed without disturbing her, her siblings or the bedding

Place cuddle cat neatly on a shelf

Clean up

Open the noisy shutters without being heard

Climb through a 2ft window, 3 feet of the ground carrying Madeleine in his arms

Then head towards the beach via Murats house (which was in the opposite direction), in haste carrying her in an awkward position. Is it possible to hurry whilst carrying a child in that position?,

Doing all the above in record time and leaving no trace, no DNA, no fingerprints, no footprints, no noise, no witnesses.

Only one person could have been speedy enough and nimble enough to have done this, I have suspected him for a while.

Shall I call the McCanns' detectives then?

JATYK - 100 replies on the topic of that letter to Carter-Ruck - but not one dealing with all the inconsistencies GHome_08a

spit coffee


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