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Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story Mm11

Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story Mm11

Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story Regist10

Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story

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Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story Empty Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story

Post by Jill Havern 17.12.19 12:39

17th January 2018

by Peter Cullen


This is the first in a planned series of articles that will deconstruct the Madeleine McCann story.  The study of this story has traditionally been undertaken by those trying to solve the mystery of what happened to Madeleine?  I am offering something different, a textual study that will investigate the story of Madeleine McCann as a work of allusion and intertext.

“Intertext – a text that is related to one or more other texts through the use of allusions to these texts.”

Too often individual allusions within the Madeleine McCann story have been considered in isolation and regularly dismissed as coincidence, but to understand the work correctly we must consider the bigger picture.  Once exposed to the extravagance of these allusions, the reader is drawn away from the original story and towards the creativity of the writer.

Due to the sheer volume of these literary inventions one can only conclude that invention itself is central to the project.  The discovery of these inventions, I believe, is the primary purpose for which the work was created; that is, to be admired by a small ‘in-the-know’ audience, yet to remain unseen by everyone else.

I will offer many examples of creative play that will serve as background to the arguments put forward.  The writer of the Madeleine McCann story was not the victim of circumstance challenged with the manipulation of reality, he is the willing and extremely able creator of pure fiction.

To understand the story of ‘Madeleine’ we must not ignore these allusions as unwelcome intrusions into a factual story, but foreground them as central to the project of author and audience.

I will now reveal the original texts / source materials that the author draws upon to construct the Madeleine McCann story and demonstrate the ingenious allusions he has devised.

Thank you and please read on…
Jill Havern
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Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story Empty Re: Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story

Post by Cammerigal 18.12.19 0:00

The article makes great sense in the context of a script that was used to perpetuate the great McCann abduction myth. The dogs indicated she died in the apartment, via cadaver and blood.
Is the 'abduction myth author' Clarence Mitchell, or one of his HM government minions of spin? 
Should we consider this abduction author as guilty of perverting the course of justice as the tapas 7; or in the context of the fund fraud and of false news in the MSM, is this now an equally despicable crime in its own right that needs prosecuting (by the Portuguese)?
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Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story Empty Re: Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story

Post by Guest 18.12.19 0:31

The knock-on effect is indeed a crime in itself.

Indeed many of these main and bit part players are guilty of perverting the course of justice. I personally feel Clarence Mitchell is the star performer - only problem is, he represented the British government .... there it began and there it ended.

A pub brawl is fair play but try punching above your weight. There lies the problem.

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Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story Empty Re: Deconstructing the Madeleine McCann Story

Post by Guest 18.12.19 22:04

This guy Peter Cullen... he thinks that Madeleine is a fictional character starring in a big Hollywood production and that Fátima Espada (the cleaner who saw Madeleine on 29th April) is part of the script.

He also called Gonçalo Amaral a fraud and insulted the great research conducted by MMRG.

Reading his material is just a waste of time.

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