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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Mm11

Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Regist10
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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Mm11

Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Regist10

Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by HiDeHo 24.10.10 18:28

One part of this OP was duplicated and I've removed it - T.B.
Another part at the end re Georgina Jackson is also duplicated, but I've left both parts in - T.B.

(May need some editing after posting..)
One reason for Madeleine presumed to be alive Thursday at High Tea are the witness statements that say they saw her...

It is everyone's prerogative whether they chose to believe that there were witnesses that saw Madeleine and therefore she was alive, but to use those witness statements to form an opinion without recognising they do not stand up to scrutiny may be a mistake.
I have found that every one of the statements are questionable as to whether Madeleine was actually seen by them or whether they were mistaken and a good portion show to be probably mistaken.
One example is the cook who believed she was Madeleine every day at the creche next to the tapas.
We know that Madeleine did not attend that creche so the 'sighting' was of another child (possibly the Paynes oldest)
Miguel Matias of Paraiso was convinced (even after being told by the police later that Madeleine wasn't there) he saw Madeleine dancing with her daddy.
CCTV pics show she wasn't there so one of the other tapas children, apparently, looked very similar to Madeleine.
Other statements are similar or non specific.
After compiling a list of Madeleine's personality, it became apparent that OC workers seemed to be describing a different child to the Madeleine everyone else knew...
For further details on the comments see here..
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We have a list of witnesses who saw Madeleine during week.

Some can be eliminated as, IMO, they seem to have been mistaken (red)

Many of the others (in my opinion,) are questionable and may have been mistaken or were not specific about seeing Madeleine.

Which of the witnesses can be considered as a confirmed 'sighting' of Madeleine during the holiday and were not confused?

Fátima María Serafim da Silva Espada is, in my opinion, a credible witness that saw Madeleine on Sunday

The picture distributed was of a younger Madeleine and may have confused some of the witnesses into thinking it was a younger child or another tapas child as can be compared in pictures on this page...

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and here...

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[size=130]1) - Catriona Baker
2) - Cecilia Dias Firmino -
3) - Charlotte Pennington
4) - Elisa Dias Romao -
5) - Emma Wilding -
6) - Georgina Jackson -
7) - Jeronimo Salcedes - Tapas Barman
8) - Maria M A Jose - Tapas Cook
9) - Paula Cristina da Costa Vieira -
10) -Fátima María Serafim da Silva Espada(5A Cleaner's daughter) -
11) - Luisa Ana de Noronha de Azevedo Coutinho ( Receptionist)

Non Specific comments:-
[size=130]Bridget O'Donnell
Jeremy (Jes/Jez) Wilkins
Stephen Carpenter
Daniel Stuk[/size]

Not in Files
[size=130]Miguel Matias[/size], manager of the beach-side Paraíso restaurant - Was mistaken and saw one of the other tapas children damcing with her dady pven by th the CCTV footage.
[size=130]Alice Stanley & Chris Unsworth[/size] - Took children sailing May 3rd - Apparently no statements from them
We have a list of witnesses... Duplicated - next bit SNIPPED - T.B.

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1) - [size=130]Catriona Baker[/size]
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- last saw MBM before 6 pm on 3rd May, when collected by Kate - Credibility of witness not confirmed (questionable creche records and invitation and trip to Rothley in November after which her Rogatory statement has many 'issues' imo
- may have changed her original statement 3 times during Rog interview)

2) - [size=130]Cecilia Dias Firmino[/size] - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

She says that her job is to receive guests at the entrance to the Millenium restaurant and check whether they have to pay for breakfast or whether this is included in their package. She works from 07.00 to 12.00 from Tuesdays to Saturdays. She says that she only attends to guests at breakfast time except on Wednesdays when there is Barbecue Night at the restaurant and when she welcomes guests for dinner, working from 18.00 to 22.00.

When asked, she says that due to her work she knows most of the guests given that most of them visit the Millenium as it is the only restaurant that serves breakfast.

When asked, she says that she knows the parents, the siblings and Madeleine. She received them for breakfast on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, she does not know whether they went for breakfast on Sunday or Monday, as these were her days off.

She says that breakfast was served between 08.00 and 10.00 and that the McCanns would arrive between 08.00 and 09.00.

She says that the McCanns appeared to be a normal family and that the relation between the members of the family was very good. Madeleine appeared to be very attached to her father and was always clinging on to him. Given her public relations function she was always very nice to the guests and would get involved with the children, saying that Madeleine was very shy and did not respond to her. She says that the only contact she had with guests was at the entrance to the Millenium restaurant, she did not have a view of the tables or the Buffet area

- saw MBM at breakfast when she worked on Tue, Wed & thurs, but does not specify exactly when seen (Note: conflicting evidence on where breakfast was taken by the family, and when) - Possibly mistaken identity as McCanns did not go to breakfast during the week when she was working

3) - [size=130]Charlotte Pennington[/size] [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

• Has been in Portugal since April 28th, the day upon which she began working for the Ocean Club tourist Complex in Luz, Lagos, and where she is employed as a child educator. Her work contract was completed in the U.K. with MarkWarner;
• The witness clarifies that between the 19th of April and the 04th of May 2007 she worked with a group of children staying in the aforementioned complex between the ages of 4 months and one year of age (the Baby Club);
• The witness further clarifies that the BabyClub group was divided in three sub-groups, with each group composed of two babies, so that each group had a different infant educator allocated to it;
• With relation to the facts of the investigation, the witness states that in the course of her work, she came across Madeleine McCann many times, explaining that, even though she [Madeleine] did not belong to her [Pennington’s] group, this was normal, as the physical space where the children groups are located is contiguous;
• The witness clarifies that Madeleine was registered with the ‘MiniClub’, a group with children between 3 and 4 years of age. The principal space where the children from MiniClub and BabyClub are situated is in the same building as the Ocean Club complex reception and this is why the witness had personal contact with the identified child. However, she clarifies that it was normal during “siesta”-- understood to be between the hours of 09H00 and 10H30 and 14H30 and 15H00, at the exact time that children are brought into the crèche by their parents—when the children under her guard are asleep, that she would participate with the children and the activities in the MiniClub;
• Witness states that on two different days, Sunday, 29th of April 2007, and on Thursday, 03rd of May 2007, she had direct contact with Madeleine McCann, telling her stories and speaking with her.
• Witness states that as she was an intelligent child, timid at first contact, and who later felt more comfortable, was a child who conversed normally for her age, and was of a calm demeanour. She adds that it was usual for Madeleine to be called “Maddy”, as this is how she [Madeleine] presented herself to the witness;

- told MBM stories and talked to her on 3rd May - Credibility of witness not confirmed (Claims to have seen the twins in their cot and yet early statement says she did not enter apartment.)

She arrived April 28th (but claims to have worked from April 19th?) and on the first day of working with the babies, she leaves them asleep and reads to Maddie?

4) - [size=130]Elisa Dias Romao[/size] - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The witness works at the Luz Ocean Club, on contract. Her functions include attending to the reception area of the Garden Club (where the Millenium restaurant is found).

This is the second period in which she has worked for the LOC, always in the same role.

Her days off are Sundays and Mondays.

Regarding the investigation, the witness states that she became aware of the same, on Friday. That morning, when she showed up for work, she heard talk that a British child had disappeared the night prior and that since then no one knows of her whereabouts.

With relation to the other elements gathered afterwards, the witness confirms that she became aware of them via the media and other talk between the guests and colleagues.

She firmly believes that no one knows precisely how everything happened.

Regarding the group linked to the couple and the missing child and her two siblings, she only became aware afterwards that Madeleine’s siblings were twins. The witness remembers seeing them in the Garden Club, near the pool and the Tapas restaurant.
They appeared a normal family, as did the entire group. She did not notice any strange or suspicious details.

When questioned, the witness clarifies that she worked at the Garden Club reception (NOTE: Millenium?) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, at a time covering the lunch hour. She remembers seeing the couple with their children as they had to pass the reception to leave the area. She next saw them head in the direction of the apartment where the witness believes they had lunch.

She believes that they left always between 12H30 and 13H00.

Around 14H00 the couple would return around 14H00, in fact, most of the couples would return their children to the crèche around this time. She does not know if the three McCann children were together given their different ages.

When questioned, the witness states that the parents would spend the majority of the time inside the Garden Club, in activities such as playing tennis, as they were a group of four couples (the reservation was always made for 9 adults). They would only all meet together for dinner.

The couple would only leave the Garden Club after the children’s tea, which was served by the nannies in that area around 17H00/18H00.

It was only after this period that they would leave with the children in the direction of their respective apartments.

Questioned, states that she was left with the notion that the four couples always took their children when they went out or that they (the children) never left the area without their parents.

Her normal working day was from 09.00 – 17.00 and therefore she was never present when the group was dining.

Her working day was normal that day and she did not see anything of interest to the investigation.

On this same day at around 17H30, she remembers that she left the reception to collect her earnings and she does not remember having seen Madeleine or her parents enter or in the interior of the TAPAS.

- saw MBM every lunchtime, worked Tue, Wed & Thurs - Confusing statement but claims this -On this same day at around 17H30, she remembers that she left the reception to collect her earnings and she does not remember having seen Madeleine or her parents enter or in the interior of the TAPAS.

Did she work at Millenium or Tapas?

5) - [size=130]Emma Wilding[/size] - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

When questioned she states that she knows Madelede’s (sic) parents because although Madeleine is not in her group, she frequently speaks to her parents, and finds their concerns and interests normal and typical of parents.

When questioned she states that there are parents that leave their respective children during the whole day and every day at the clubs, and that this is normal within British culture. With respect to Madeleine, she states that she spent most of her time at the Mini Club. The children began arriving at 0900 until 1230 when their respective parents collected them for lunch, and returned at 1430 until 1645 when the Infants’ teachers took the children to eat something appropriate for their age at the Tapas restaurant. Most of the parents met their respective children here, and the children then remained in their parents’ care.

When questioned she states that on May 3, 2007 it was the father that took Madeleine, as was customary, between 0900 and 0930; she remembers that she just said “hello” to him, because as Madelede (sic) did not belong to her group she did not talk to him very much.

She only noticed Madeleine and not her father,(?) and nothing seemed abnormal or unusual.

She is not sure whether during the morning Madeleine’s group had outdoor activities, mainly at the pool;( MINI SAIL?) she does remember that around 1230 Madelew’s (sic) father went to fetch her for lunch.

When questioned, she states that on Wednesday May 2, her group and Madeleine’s group went to the beach, but she is not sure if Madeleine was in the group or not, and does not remember having seen anybody specifically taking direct and close-up photographs of the children.

She remembers that during the afternoon of May 3 Madeleine was at the Mini Club, but she does not remember at what time she arrived, and if on that day Madeleine accompanied the other children at 1645 as was customary.

She is also not sure whether her parents joined her during the snack, as was customary.

During this period of time she did not notice anybody or anything out of the ordinary, as her attention was wholly focused on the children.

That night, at around 2200 she learned that Madeleine had disappeared, and together with her colleagues she helped look for her.

As regards Madeleine, she did not spent much time with her because she was not in her group; she did not know her well, but Madeleine appeared to be somewhat shy, this was noticeable the first days. Since she met her, she noticed nothing abnormal in any aspect that would point to Madeleine being a child that was out of the ordinary.

She only noticed Madeleine and not her father, and nothing seemed abnormal or unusual. ?

she does remember that around 1230 Madelew’s (sic) father went to fetch her for lunch. (Kate went with Fiona to pick her up)

When questioned, she states that on Wednesday May 2, her group and Madeleine’s group went to the beach, but she is not sure if Madeleine was in the group or not, (Olympics Grass time coloured beige on Activity sheet but no 'beach trip shown)

Was Emma mistaken about the trip to the beach on Wednesday Who accompanied Catriona on the mini sail?

Did they go on Thursday as the creche activity sheet suggested because of rain on Wednesday?

Why did she not remember seeing Madeleine?

Too many children or was Madeleine missing from the group?

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Questioned, she relates that she knew the McCann family as part of her work, since she gave them tennis lessons, as a couple, parents of the missing Madeleine, as well as the other couples who accompanied them.
She reports that the group iniciated contact with the tennis instructors on the 29 April, the day immediately after their arrival at the Ocean Club.
The deponent has the calendar of classes given by her and by her colleague DAN to the McCann couple.
She relates it was one of the preferred activities of the McCann couple in that they had several lessons throughout the days and up to the date of the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine, it being that the child also had a class, on Tuesday, 1 May (10-11h00), that class [in which] she was among a group of children was conducted by the deponent.
As for the parents, she relates that a first lesson of instruction was done in the morning of 29 April, it being that, on that day, they had no more lessons.
On the following days the parents of Madeleine, whom the deponent identified as Gerry and Kate McCann, scheduled 16 tennis classes, together and/or separately, at different times of the morning or afternoon, classes that were conducted by either her or by DAN depending on their booking calendar.
Questioned about the class times of G&K McCann on last Thursday, 3 May, she related that the mother of MBM had a group class at 09-10h00 conducted by herself; the father had a group class at 10-11h00 conducted by DAN.
Later, at 15-15h45, the couple had a private class, together, conducted by DAN - and finally, GM participated in the men's social tennis event at 18-19h00.
Questioned about whether she had also conducted tennis lessons for an individual called Jeremy Wilkins, who was commonly known as Jez, the deponent relates that that individual booked, and attended, some tennis lessons, but that all of those had been given by DAN.
She relates that, as they had group lessons together GM and Jez had had some conversations, but she thinks that it is only because they shared some classes and that those [conversations] will not have given rise to a firm friendship, but rather to a simple acquaintanceship as they both happened to be British on holiday in the same place, both had small children and they shared some tennis lessons.
Questioned about the couple and their behaviour, both between the family and with the other group members, the deponent relates that she never noted any issue between them, and that the behaviour of everyone was like any other group of tourists that take their holidays in the resort every day.
There never appeared any problem between them and other people.
It being asked of her, the deponent relates that the McCann couple and the remaining group members had often been together, not always all of them, but the majority of the people were sociable with each other.
She relates that they spent most of the day within the OC resort, in the pool, also they went to the beach but they did not use any of the OC activities there, and they centered their attention on the developed activities of the resort, it being that the couple preferred, unquestionably, tennis.
All four couples had children who were, for part of the day, under the care of the child care workers of the Ocean Club.
Questioned, she relates that she does not know where they usually ate lunch and that, at dinner time, the deponent was not at the Ocean Club, although she had heard that they dined, every night except the day they arrived, in the Tapas restaurant next to the swimming pool.
Also, she had been told that, at dinner, the group only comprised adults, since the children were in the apartments, but the deponent never witnessed it.

Did Georgina make this statement because she remembered Madeleine specifically from all the other children (some pretty in pink) or was it a generalised answer after having checked the registrations and seen that madeleine's group played tuesday morning.
it being that the child also had a class, on Tuesday, 1 May (10-11h00), that class [in which] she was among a group of children was conducted by the deponent
Does that statement CONFIRM that Madeleine was there or is it only that she presumes she was there because of the records?
I would say although she believes Madeleine played on Tuesday morning it does not confirm Madeleine was there (and alive.)

- gave MBM a tennis lesson with other children on Tue 1st May , 10-11am. - After being shown the younger picture, can it be taken for granted that she would remember Madeleine actually being in the group or did she 'presume' or did she respond 'among a group of children' because the records showed this was Madeleine's group?
7) - [size=130]Jeronimo Salcedes[/size] - Tapas Barman
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- He saw the missing Madelaine, for the last time, yesterday at 16.45h next to the restaurant; ?

In spite of having already observed many photos of Madeleine he claims that he could not state with any certainty that he had seen her at any moment, the same goes for whom he now knows to be her twin siblings. The specifics of his work do not leave him with much time to focus his attention on the children that were around, although as he has stated previously he worked with children of Madeleine’s approximate age for almost four years.

Since Madeleine’s disappearance, I have seen her picture many times in the media, but I cannot honestly affirm that I remember seeing her in person before the disappearance from the Ocean Club. There were many children and I never paid much attention to any of them.

8) - [size=130]Maria M A Jose[/size] - Tapas Cook [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

after seeing pictures of the missing child on television, that she realised who the girl was, referring to her as Madeleine (the name used by the journalists) remembering only at that moment that she had seen her during the meals provided to the children at the crèche, and which take place at the restaurant where she works and during arrivals at the crèche where Madeleine spent the day, located immediately next to the restaurant.the last time she saw Madeleine was at approximately 16.30 on 3rd May 2007 when she was having dinner with the other children in their part of the restaurant, as she did each day of that week

Another example of mistakenly thinking that one of the other tapas children was Madeleine?

She claims the child went to the creche next to the tapas, Madeleine's creche was near Millenium

- saw MBM 4.30pm on 3rd May, having tea at the restaurant. - Was probably mistaken and may have seen Lilly at the creche next to the Tapas Madeleine went to the creche by reception 10 minutes away.
9) - [size=130]Paula Cristina da Costa Vieira[/size] (Cleaning Staff- Millenium)
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The witness states that she has worked at the OC resort for about a month from this date, exercising her functions in cleaning around the pool and in the reception of this hotel establishment.
Her normal working hours are from 09H00 and 19H00, with about 30 minutes for lunch, between 13H30 and 14H00.
She adds that her days off are Fridays and Saturdays.
That, as she mainly cleans in the above mentioned areas, her contact with the guests is limited to perhaps observing them in the reception or when using the pools. She adds that she does not understand the English language well.
Further adds that she is the only employee who cleans the reception and that there are two other people who help clean the other areas.
When questioned she states that she has no direct knowledge of the facts of the current investigation.
In fact, she adds that she only became aware of the situation on 04.05.07, Friday, at around 11H00 as she was told by the club receptionist whom she knows only as Monica.
This happened because on Thursday the 3rd of May she finished work at her normal time.
This being the case, she left the OC on Thursday the 3rd of May around 19H00 and went towards her residence indicated above. The next day she was off duty.
She further informs that on this same day, Thursday, she had no information from the news.
When asked, she adds that she knows nothing of the details of the disappearance of the child or any other details of the situation other than those gathered from her colleagues and from the news on Friday.
With respect to the child in question, Madeleine, and her family, the witness adds when she did hear about what happened, she was not able to associate the name with the person in question.
When she saw her photograph, and saw the images of the parents, she did remember having seen them, about two times—the child in question and her family when they were leaving the Millenium Club breakfast (around 9h30/10H00) and only because this was her time to the clean the reception of the establishment.
From these fortuitous encounters, the witness adds that they appeared a perfectly normal family.
She reaffirms that she never had any other contact with the family of the missing child or with the child in question.
10) -[size=130]Fátima María Serafim da Silva Espada[/size] (Cleaner) - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

She states that this took place on Sunday 29th April, just before she finished her morning work shift (13.30) as she had the afternoon off that day. At about 13.15 she went to help her mother, who was cleaning apartment I of the same block (5) situated on the first floor. She clearly remembers seeing the girl accompanied by her siblings and mother leave their apartment (5 A) and walk to the stairs leading to the floor above. She was very close to them at a distance of about 1 metre, observing their movements for a few moments because she was charmed by them. Madeleine led the way with a plate (perhaps plastic) in her hand bearing a piece of bread. As regards the clothes she was wearing she only remembers a skirt but cannot recall its description. She noted, because she thought them nice, the type of shoes she was wearing, tennis shoes, light in colour she thinks, which had little lights along the soles, which lit up each time she stepped on the ground. Her siblings followed behind her, wearing the same king of shoes and each holding a piece of bread in their hands, their mother followed behind them without holding their hands. She seems to remember that the mother was also carrying a plate. Moments afterwards, perhaps the time it took to close the apartment door, the father came out and also headed to the apartment upstairs. When asked, she does not remember whether the father pulled the door closed or locked it with a key.

After she chatted to her mother about there being many children in the apartments, she had the idea that the family in 5H were friends of Madeleine’s family who were staying in 5 A.

She never cleaned any of these apartments referred to as they were allocated to her mother. Her mother never mentioned anything strange to her, either before or after the girl’s disappearance that could be related to the disappearance. The only comment she remembered concerned the clutter in the apartments, mainly clothing which was left all around the place. She thinks that her mother cleaned the apartments in that block on Monday and Wednesday (02-05).

In my opinion this is a really credible sighting of Madeleine. On Sunday afternoon as they were leaving the apartment to join the Paynes for lunch with bread in her hands and shoes that lit up

11) - [size=130]Luisa Ana de Noronha de Azevedo Coutinho[/size] ( Receptionist)

She remembers that on Sunday 29th April one of the elements of the group arrived with the child Madeleine McCann, she does not know his name and can only say that he was male and tall and thin and that he approached her to request a booking for the whole group, for the whole week and always at 20.30.

When questioned, she confirms that the man was not the father of the girl but one of the members of the group whom was often seen in his company.

The man justified his request by saying that the group had many small children whom they would leave alone when they went to dine. She said that at intervals some two parents would go to the apartments to see if everything was OK.

The deponent made some comments about the request, saying that the Tapas received many requests and that MW only had a quota of 20 per day, but upon the insistence of the guest she managed to make the bookings requested.

She confirms that it was possible to see the apartment from the restaurant, including the window of the sitting room.

ROB made arrangements on Sunday. Could this have been his daughter Ella, who is similar in appearance to Madeleine and was not (apparently) at the creche on Sunday morning when the booking should have been made.?


Other Witnesses - they gave no specifics

[size=130]Bridget O'Donnell[/size] - alluded to Madeleine being in the tennis 'all pink and pretty' but was no Madeleine's mini tennis group
[size=130]Jeremy (Jes/Jez) Wilkins[/size]
[size=130]Stephen Carpenter[/size]
[size=130]Daniel Stuk[/size]

Not in Files
[size=130]Miguel Matias,[/size] manager of the beach-side Paraíso restaurant - Was mistaken and saw one of the other tapas children damcing with her dady pven by th the CCTV footage.
[size=130]Alice Stanley & Chris Unsworth[/size] - Took children sailing May 3rd - Apparently no statements from them
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NOTE: Most of the rest of this posting re Georgina Louise Jackson also appears at No. 6 above, but I've left it in as HiDiHo's conclusions at the end are more detailed - T.B.

Questioned, she relates that she knew the McCann family as part of her work, since she gave them tennis lessons, as a couple, parents of the missing Madeleine, as well as the other couples who accompanied them.
She reports that the group iniciated contact with the tennis instructors on the 29 April, the day immediately after their arrival at the Ocean Club.
The deponent has the calendar of classes given by her and by her colleague DAN to the McCann couple.
She relates it was one of the preferred activities of the McCann couple in that they had several lessons throughout the days and up to the date of the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine, it being that the child also had a class, on Tuesday, 1 May (10-11h00), that class [in which] she was among a group of children was conducted by the deponent.
As for the parents, she relates that a first lesson of instruction was done in the morning of 29 April, it being that, on that day, they had no more lessons.
On the following days the parents of Madeleine, whom the deponent identified as Gerry and Kate McCann, scheduled 16 tennis classes, together and/or separately, at different times of the morning or afternoon, classes that were conducted by either her or by DAN depending on their booking calendar.
Questioned about the class times of G&K McCann on last Thursday, 3 May, she related that the mother of MBM had a group class at 09-10h00 conducted by herself; the father had a group class at 10-11h00 conducted by DAN.
Later, at 15-15h45, the couple had a private class, together, conducted by DAN - and finally, GM participated in the men's social tennis event at 18-19h00.
Questioned about whether she had also conducted tennis lessons for an individual called Jeremy Wilkins, who was commonly known as Jez, the deponent relates that that individual booked, and attended, some tennis lessons, but that all of those had been given by DAN.
She relates that, as they had group lessons together GM and Jez had had some conversations, but she thinks that it is only because they shared some classes and that those [conversations] will not have given rise to a firm friendship, but rather to a simple acquaintanceship as they both happened to be British on holiday in the same place, both had small children and they shared some tennis lessons.
Questioned about the couple and their behaviour, both between the family and with the other group members, the deponent relates that she never noted any issue between them, and that the behaviour of everyone was like any other group of tourists that take their holidays in the resort every day.
There never appeared any problem between them and other people.
It being asked of her, the deponent relates that the McCann couple and the remaining group members had often been together, not always all of them, but the majority of the people were sociable with each other.
She relates that they spent most of the day within the OC resort, in the pool, also they went to the beach but they did not use any of the OC activities there, and they centered their attention on the developed activities of the resort, it being that the couple preferred, unquestionably, tennis.
All four couples had children who were, for part of the day, under the care of the child care workers of the Ocean Club.
Questioned, she relates that she does not know where they usually ate lunch and that, at dinner time, the deponent was not at the Ocean Club, although she had heard that they dined, every night except the day they arrived, in the Tapas restaurant next to the swimming pool.
Also, she had been told that, at dinner, the group only comprised adults, since the children were in the apartments, but the deponent never witnessed it.

Did Georgina make this statement because she remembered Madeleine specifically from all the other children (some pretty in pink) or was it a generalised answer after having checked the registrations and seen that madeleine's group played tuesday morning.
it being that the child also had a class, on Tuesday, 1 May (10-11h00), that class [in which] she was among a group of children was conducted by the deponent

NOTE: The witness statements do not prove she WASN'T there but they do not prove she WAS!
Does that statement CONFIRM that Madeleine was there or is it only that she presumes she was there because of the records?
I would say although she believes Madeleine played on Tuesday morning it does not confirm Madeleine was there (and alive.)
eg. If she had made any type of comment like...
I remember Madeleine playing on Tuesday with her group wearing her little shoes that lit up would have been enough for me to confirm her being there.
Something like: I remember Madeleine playing on Tuesday. Many of her group and her mum was there watching her. They took pictures
Her hat kept falling off - I remember her telling me to call her Maddieetc etc
Anything except 'she was among a group of children'.
Doesn't prove she was there (or alive) imo.
Another one off the list of confirmed sighting of Madeleine.
NOTE: The witness statements do not prove she WASN'T there, but they do not prove she WAS!
Big difference!

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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by Jill Havern 10.11.17 10:57

[size=24]Jane Tanner

“And how would you describe Madeleine?”
Reply “Very, she was very lively, a very lively, happy, a happy little girl really. Because,
probably a bit of,
we were almost a bit worried how Exxxx and Madeleine would get
on, because Exxxx’s quite shy and sensitive and Madeleine’s very, erm, I don’t know
whether you can call a child vivacious, but, you know, sort of very, erm, outgoing

and. But, I mean, they did, they got on and they had a whale of a time. But, yeah,
very, very lively, chatty, a chatty little girl. I mean, to be honest, I know Madeleine
probably less well than I know Kate and Gerry, because often, with Kate and Gerry,
we saw them, it was like at fortieth birthday parties and that sort of thing. So,
Madeleine herself, I wouldn’t say as, I didn’t know her as a little girl, whereas, you
know, the other children, Millie and the other ones, you know, I saw very regularly”.

4078 “So your impressions of Madeleine is that she is confident, happy?”
Reply “Umm”.
4078 “Intelligent?”
Reply “Yeah, very, yeah, you know, very”.
4078 “And
is there anything about her that would make her stand out from the rest of the
children in that group?”
Reply “I think just the fact
she is very outgoing, you know. As I say, Exxxx, in her nature, is a
bit more, you know, quiet and, erm, a bit more probably reserved. Well, again, I
don’t know whether you’d call a child reserved, but more, you know, not quite so”.
4078 “Hangs back and sees what is going on?”

Reply “Yeah, she’s, yeah, whereas, I think Madeleine would be, she would always be in the
centre, anything that was going on she would be, I don’t mean to say the ring-leader,
but she would be at the centre of it, so”.
02.45 4078 “I don’t want to put words in your mouth and I don’t want to ask inappropriate
questions either”.
Reply “No, just ask”.
4078 “How you described Madeleine, up to what point was she sort of the leader, if you
like, was she verging on the, because some children can be downright annoying”.
Reply “Yeah”.
4078 “When they’re over confident?”
Reply “No, again, I think this is what I was almost wondering, whether, with
Exxxx being sort
of the stand-back type,
whether, but, no, she wasn’t like that at all, she was just”.
4078 “In a nice way?”
Reply “Just happy. In a nice way, yeah. No, she wasn’t, erm, she wasn’t a brat, no, I mean,
that’s you could describe, she wasn’t, no, bratty or sort of, I can’t remember the word
I’m trying to look for, precocious”.
4078 “Yeah”.
Reply “No, she was just very, and she was obviously, you know, they were enjoying
themselves, they were running around screaming, you know, sort of chasing them
round the play area, you know.
That’s my main memory of Madeleine from the
holiday, is in the play area, you know, we were sort of chasing them around and, you
know, just being, just running around, quite happy”.
4078 “Just fun?”
Reply “Yeah, yeah”.


Amy notes that Madeleine was timid but very intelligent for her age and would play with the older children;

Stacey Portz
From what she was able to observe, Madeleine was an active and sociable child and that when with her siblings [at collection time] she was excited and happy to see them

Catriona Treasa Sisile Baker
Childcare Worker
Time/Date: 18H36 2007/05/06

She replies that since that date and until Thursday, the 03rd of May, 2007, she was with Madeleine every day, but is unable to specify if she was present on the Sunday morning.
Since the beginning, when she received the little girl, it appeared to her that her parents were affable and showed their interest in her well being, as they cared to inquire what Madeleine did and even accompanied some of the child’s outdoors activities.
--Concerning the little girl, she states that she was a quite active and sociable child, who nevertheless paid most of her attention to the children of her own group (Lobster Team).
--Refers that only on the first day she was more reluctant to remain in that [word is missing]
--She further refers that during the time lapse that Madeleine remained under her care, at no time did the little girl seem sad or unsatisfied, having produced no comments whatsoever about being angry, sad about anyone or discontented at anything.
--She equally refers that Madeleine was an extremely obedient child, who never left the group. She was not a child that would speak to strangers.

There was one occasion, on Thursday, 3rd of May 2007, around 10h30 in the morning, when she cried on board of the speed boat that would take them out to the yellow boats in the sea where all the children in the group were going to sail. She was scared and a bit fearful and sat on my lap, crying “I am scared, I am scared.” We only use the speed boats to carry the children out to the small yellow boats. When we arrived at the other yellow boat she was already happy again. She sailed in the small boat and even though some children had the opportunity to return to the port, she stayed for a second ride as she appeared to be having a good time. Jane Tanner’s daughter E*** was also in my group and they both played together and shared some intimacy. Despite from being a happy child at the club, she always seemed very content when she saw her parents. Madeleine was not as worried anymore on the speed boat, when we returned to land.

Madeleine never mentioned that she had cried in the absence of her parents nor did she tell me anything significant about feeling sad or anything relevant that might give me cause for concern.

Charlotte Elizabeth Anne Pennington
Date/Time: 2007/05/07 14H30

• Witness states that as she was an intelligent child, timid at first contact, and who later felt more comfortable, was a child who conversed normally for her age, and was of a calm demeanour. She adds that it was usual for Madeleine to be called “Maddy”, as this is how she [Madeleine] presented herself to the witness;

Date: 2007/05/07
Witness Statement
Lynne Rhiannon Fretter
When questioned, she replies that the little girl was discreet and shy. She says that she was a very pretty girl, however she did not stand out because of this.

Emma Louise Wilding 2007.05.07
She is not sure whether during the morning Madeleine’s group had outdoor activities, mainly at the pool; she does remember that around 1230 Madelew’s (sic) father went to fetch her for lunch.

When questioned, she states that on Wednesday May 2, her group and Madeleine’s group went to the beach, but she is not sure if Madeleine was in the group or not, and does not remember having seen anybody specifically taking direct and close-up photographs of the children.

She remembers that during the afternoon of May 3 Madeleine was at the Mini Club, but she does not remember at what time she arrived, and if on that day Madeleine accompanied the other children at 1645 as was customary.

She is also not sure whether her parents joined her during the snack, as was customary.

Emma Louise Wilding 2007.05.07

As regards Madeleine, she did not spent much time with her because she was not in her group; she did not know her well, but Madeleine appeared to be somewhat shy, this was noticeable the first days. Since she met her, she noticed nothing abnormal in any aspect that would point to Madeleine being a child that was out of the ordinary.

Kirsty Louise Maryan
Questioned, she states that the minor in questions appeared to her a calm child, happy, but quiet. States that Maddie was a very pretty child, notwithstanding, she did not stick out for this fact. However, she furthers that the same child, from what she saw, was a child who did stick out, precisely as she was calmer and shier that the others;

Cecilia Paula Dias Firmino do Carmo
Madeleine appeared to be very attached to her father and was always clinging on to him. Given her public relations function she was always very nice to the guests and would get involved with the children, saying that Madeleine was very shy and did not respond to her.

"There was one occasion, on Thursday, 3rd of May 2007, around 10H30 in the morning, where she cried at the launch of the yellow safety boat in the ocean where all the children were sailing. She was scared and fearful and cried on my lap "I am scared, I am scared." We only used the launches to transport the children to the small yellow boats. When we returned to the other boat she was happy again. She sailed in the small boat and even though some children had the opportunity to return to the port, she stayed for a second time as she appeared to be having a good time. Jane Tanner's daughter also took part in my group and together they would play. Apart from being a happy child in the club, she always seemed very content when she saw her parents. Madeleine did not demonstrate any fear with the return launch to land."
- OC nanny Catriona Baker in a statement to the Leicestershire Police, 14/4/2008


JH (Jane Hill): And what sort of activities does Madeleine like doing? Does she get in and muck around with all the other children, that sort of thing?

GM: She's a complete, errm... she might look like Kate but in terms of personality she's much more of a McCann. She's very extroverted and lively, you know, vivacious, she's...

KM: She likes running, she played tennis, as well, didn't she?

GM: She's very funny and, errr... she's often a little, kind of, ringleader in nursery and with her other friends and cousins and things, as well, you know.

KM: She's very sociable.
- Kate and Gerry McCann, BBC interview, 25/5/07

Q: "Tell me about Madeleine. I know her picture, we all know her picture so well and she's a gorgeous, little, smiling image but she is, to us, an image; to you she's a real little girl. Tell us about Madeleine."

KM: "Well, she's got bags of character, that's for sure. Errm... She's very loving, caring, she's very funny, very chatty, very engaging. Errm... She has her moments, like all children do, errm... but I do think she's pretty special."

GM: "What I'd like to say is that she looks like Kate but she's got a McCann personality and if you've seen the rest of my family..."

KM: "She's loud."

GM: "Yeah, she's loud and she's a real extrovert and, errr... for one so young, errm... she can express herself so well and, you know, she tends to be the ringleader with the younger kids and, errm... and during the holidays she was the oldest of the eight children here and, errrr... and she just loved every minute of it; every waking minute she was having a ball and that is certainly the image that I keep in my head."
- Kate and Gerry McCann, ITV interview, 25 May 2007

Mr McCann smiled as he described Madeleine's personality saying that she was a "ringleader" and had enjoyed her holiday tiring her parents out with a game in which she would shout "Be a monster, be a monster".

Mrs McCann said, smiling: "She likes talking, she really likes role play."

Mr McCann joined in saying: "She's very good at that actually for someone so young, she really can talk...considering that she was not even four.

"She likes activity and sport, she's very active, even at home when we are going for a jog she says 'Can I come jogging with you mummy'?"

The couple looked relaxed as they spoke about Madeleine's love of swimming, going swimming on Saturdays and of her favourite television programme - Dr Who as well as films such as Shrek and Finding Nemo.
- Gerry and Kate McCann, Daily Express 26/5/07

Kate: "We had a super week. We came with a group of friends who themselves have children. Ours had more small friends. There was this club for children with lots of activities. They spent there great moments."

Gerry: "Madeleine, in particular, has a lot of fun. One day, she even did sailing with the club."

Kate: "She played tennis."

Gerry: "In the evening, adults stood together and the children were on their side. It was fun sometimes to hide and they were pursuing us."

Paris Match: "How was Madeleine during these holidays?"

Kate: "She is very intelligent, very sociable and engaging. She loves to talk, she is funny, she has a lot of energy."

Gerry: "She is still very active, she loves to organise everything, she is very good in the role-playing. At the day nursery of the hotel, she loved to organise things… For her age, her vocabulary is very good, better than mine! She understands a lot of stuff, she twigs quickly, she is very perspicacious."- Kate and Gerry McCann, Paris Match, September 2007


Kate may 4
Concerning the child's personality, she was extrovert, very active, talkative, smart and related to other children with great ease. But she would never go with a stranger.

"Madeleine has the first three Harry Potter books and first three DVDs. Like most other children the world over, she loves the stories."
- Kate McCann, BBC News 16/7/07

She says: "As I put her to bed, she smiled at me and said, 'Mummy I've had the best day ever. I'm having lots and lots of fun'."

Kate reveals Madeleine had been practising a dance at the club which she was looking forward to showing her mum the following day - "but I never got to see it".

(..) Kate now wears a silver locket round her neck with a picture of Madeleine inside and the words "Tower of Strength" engraved on it. She says a friend gave it to her because "that's what Madeleine was to us, a tower of strength".

(..) Conscious to speak of her in the present tense, she adds: "Despite her small size she just has this huge presence. She brings a lot of joy."
- Kate McCann, Sunday Mirror, 5/8/07

She revealed that as she tucked Madeleine into bed that night, the little girl said: "Mummy, I've had the best day ever. I'm having lots and lots of fun."
- Kate McCann, Daily Express 5/8/07

In her interview Mrs McCann paints a vivid picture of her daughter as a sociable and funny child.

She said: "She has a lot of personality and her name actually means 'tower of strength'. But she hated it when we called her Maddie - she'd say, 'My name is Madeleine', with an indignant look on her face. I bet she's giving whoever she's with her tuppence worth."- Kate McCann, Daily Express 13/8/07, quoting from the 'Woman's hour' interview

Missing Madeleine would run around 'screaming...shouting for my attention', the mother-of-three said.

In an interview given to a Portuguese magazine before she was named as a suspect in the case of the four-year-old's disappearance, Kate also said the first six months of Madeleine's life were "very difficult" and that the girl had suffered from colic.

Speaking about Madeleine's upbringing, Kate, a 39-year-old GP, told Portugal's Flash! magazine: "She cried practically for 18 hours a day. I had to permanently carry her around."

This period explained "the strong bond between mother and daughter", she said.

Although the arrival of the twins Sean and Amelie shook up Madeleine's life, she accepted them very well, said Kate.

"She managed to deal perfectly with this new reality, although she herself at the time was still a baby.

"The worst thing is that she started to demand lots of attention, especially when I was breast-feeding them.

"She would run up and down screaming in the background, shouting for my attention."
- Kate McCann, Daily Mail 17/9/07, quoting Portugese magazine Flash

Kate McCann complains frequently that her children are "hysterical" and says that Madeleine is a hyperactive child who tires her out to the point of despair.- First Post, quoting Correio de Manha 14/9/07

"As Madeleine's mummy I feel in my heart that she is there. I don't know how anyone could harm anyone as beautiful as Madeleine. I don't mean her appearance. I mean as a beautiful person."

The mother of three, who has spoken of her desire to be involved in childcare, became emotional towards the end of the questioning, recorded yesterday, as she talked personally about her eldest child.

"I feel sad and I feel lonely and our life is not as happy without Madeleine," she said, adding: "I feel anxious she is not with us."

Asked about the last time she saw Madeleine, she said: "She was very happy and very loving and I know Madeleine was very happy with her life. She is special."
- Kate McCann, Daily Express 24/10/07, quoting from the Antena 3 interview

"She recalls: "She just very casually really said 'Where were you last night when me and Sean cried?' And we immediately looked and said, you know 'When was this Madeleine, was this when you were going to sleep?' and she didn't answer. "And then she just carried on playing, totally undistressed."
- Kate McCann quoting Madeleine in the Liverpool Echo, 30/4/08

"I know how much I love Madeleine and I have no doubt that Madeleine knows how much I love her."

Kate also speaks about the close bond she and Madeleine shared - more like best friends than mother and daughter.

She says: "I had days when I'd go to a cafe with Madeleine and we'd go shopping together and she'd just say 'Oh mummy I like that top' or 'Oh I love your earrings, mummy'."

Then, poignantly slipping into the present tense, Kate adds: "She's good company. She's like a little buddy to me. She's very loving...a very bright little girl."

Kate fights to maintain her composure as she describes how Madeleine stepped into the role of big sister when the twins were born. She says: "It was lovely seeing them together and that's one thing I struggle with, imagining how they'd be now."
- Kate McCann, One Year On documentary in Daily Mirror, 30/4/08

gerry may 4
Concerning the child's personality, she was extrovert, very active, talkative, smart and relates to other children with great ease. Still, the deponent said that she would never go with a stranger.
she is extrovert, hyper-active, good talker, smart and relates to other children with great ease. She would never go with a stranger.
- Gerry McCann in a statement to the Policia Judiciaria 4/5/07

"Today we should be celebrating the fourth birthday of our daughter Madeleine. Instead we have had to remember what a normal, beautiful, vivacious, funny, courageous and loving little girl that we are missing today."
- Gerry McCann, Daily Express 12/5/07

Mr McCann said his daughter had been so excited about the holiday that she had barely complained when she tripped and grazed her shin.
"She was really brave. She started crying but stopped almost immediately," he said. "When we got to the top of the steps I saw she had grazed her shin. It looked really sore - the step was just the right height for her leg.

"It was something that usually would have caused 10 minutes of crying rather than 10 seconds."
- Gerry McCann, The Herald 29/5/07

Mr McCann described the last time he saw her - at 9.05pm as he checked on his daughter as she lay sleeping - before returning to the tapas bar to carry on with his evening meal.

"I was the last to see her. I saw her and thought how beautiful she was and thought how lucky I was to be a father of three children," he said.
- Gerry McCann, Daily Express 24/10/07, quoting from the Antena 3 interview


DP may 4
He describes Madeleine as being a communicative girl, happy, obedient and very well behaved.

FP may 4
Knowing Madeleine well, the interviewee describes her as very intelligent, and totally incapable of going with a stranger without screaming or protesting strongly unless she was very tired or asleep.

MO May 4
That he doesn't know if Madeleine was suffering from any illness or if she was taking medication. That Madeleine is very lively, obedient, communicative and extrovert.

RMO may 4
Concerning Madeleine, she is a happy child, good natured and full of energy. She considers it impossible that a stranger could take her without her shouting or crying. She is a smart child who knows right from wrong.

The informant does not know Madeleine well, because she lives a long way from the McCanns, and she cannot say very much about Madeleine's personality. Nevertheless, she reports that Madeleine was calm but active and energetic and good mannered. She was a beautiful and attractive child.

"… she was happy, bubbly, errr... relatively headstrong on previous meetings. Actually she seemed to have mellowed a little bit when we went on holiday, you know a girl, you know a little girl full of, full of life, full of beans, and, errr... you know E**a and her, we hadn't seen much of each other, they were just having a wonderful time together you know they're so similar in age, errr... I think that's all I can say. She just appeared to be a... you know, that time of life is gorgeous isn't it? You know, they're, they're in, they're, you know they're, they've not been sullied by school and lots of other external influences you know they're still you know just in... they're speaking, they're developing personality and nothing about Madeleine would suggest, which I presume the implication here is, that she was having an unhappy life, that she was being neglected or that she was being you know brought up in a, in a, in a threatening or a dangerous environment, you know she was you know just a you know normal, happy four year, you know three year old girl."- Russell O'Brien in a statement to the Leicestershire Police, 10/4/08

"… she was, you know, a very bubbly little girl, errm... very cheery, errm... very sort of caring, she was very good with, errr... smaller children, errm... you know, I just remember Grace falling over and sort of Madeleine going to pick her up and help her, errm... you know, sort of full of fun, lots of energy, running around, sporty, errm... one game that sort of we used to play in the evenings, by the recreation area, was, you know, somebody would pretend to be a monster and they'd all sort of say, 'chase me, chase me' and Madeleine was always kind of the one who started that off, errm... sort of say, 'oh let's play monsters' and so you know it would be Matt or Dave or Russell sort of running around chasing all the kids, errm..."

(..) "Errm... a bright little girl, I think, errm... I mean, oh, her, I suppose I don't know her well enough to, to really comment on that but I mean, she was, you know she was sort of very together and certainly acted her age or sort of you know older than her age, she was very sort of self aware, errm..."
- Rachael Mampilly in a statement to the Leicestershire Police, 10/4/08

"Mmm..., errr... Madeleine's, errr... a very striking, errr... beautiful child, I'd almost - if I want a better phrase - call her doll-like, you know. She was very, you know, I think, you know, very unique looking child, errr... she'd got very pretty, you know blonde hair, errr... in a bob, she was quite a petite, errr... child and you know she was very bubbly, very, errr... you know, she was a very good child to, to interact with. She was very bright, you could have a lot of fun with Madeleine, errr... and you know she, she was, you know, Kate and Gerry's, you know, pride and joy. They'd had a lot of trouble conceiving, you know, with IVF and everything and, you know, Madeleine was their miracle. She was obviously very unique with the fact that she'd got the, you know, the iris defect, errr... but, you know, she was certainly a happy go lucky child, you know, she was, she would interact with the other children very well, as I said on the other, earlier recording, you know, she played very happily with L*** and you know indeed the other children. She was, you know, very... she is a very beautiful child and good fun."

(..)"You know, I, you know, a fact I've come across already you know she was a... she's a very bright child. you know, she wouldn't be the kind of mischievous child who, you know, and just try and get out of the flat and you know get up to mischief and that, you know, there's fun in all children but she certainly wasn't that kind of child. She was very bright."
- David Payne a statement to the Leicestershire Police, 10/4/08


"Maddy is gorgeous. She has white blonde hair. She is active and chatty and intelligent, not shy. She is four next week and starts school this year."
- Jill Renwick, Evening Standard 4/5/07

"She is an absolutely beautiful wee blonde girl with blue green eyes," said Mrs Cameron. "Her one distinguishing features is that one of her pupils runs down into the iris of her eye, her right eye."
- Trish Cameron, the Guardian, 5/5/07

"And I hope the wee devil is found safe and well. She should be celebrating her fourth birthday around now."
- Family friend Joe Peoples, Belfast Telegraph 8/5/07

"I love all my grandchildren, but Madeleine is extra special, bright, funny and has a personality all of her own – a great little girl."
- Sue Healy, Liverpool Daily Post 10/5/07

Susan, 61, said: "Please God she will be back to blow her birthday candles out. She loved to blow out candles."
- Sue Healy, The People, 13/5/07

"They are quite similar in looks. Kate was a quiet child, never liked to be centre of attention, very very gentle. Madeleine is quite exuberant. She's full of life and probably really relishes being the centre of attention. Lovely little girl, a funny character, too special to just disappear, far too special just not to be with us anymore. But as I say, almost a 'mini Kate' to look at. And Kate feels that way too. 'Mini me' she calls her. She's so close to Madeleine, it's hard to imagine how Kate must be feeling."
- Sue Healy, The Mayo News, 3/7/07

She said the strongest medicine they would ever have used was Calpol, and the strongest rebuke ever meted out to Madeleine was to make her sit on the "naughty step".
- Philomena McCann, Daily Express 11/9/07

"So beautiful, astonishingly bright, and I'd have to say very charismatic. She would shine out of a crowd," family friend Jon Corner says of the child. "So—God forgive me—maybe that's part of the problem. That special quality.
- Jon Corner, Vanity Fair, 10/1/08

"Wee Madeleine knows better than to wander away"
- Philomena McCann quoting Gerry McCann in Vanity Fair, 10/1/08

She would never have got up and gone off on her own, it just wasn't in her nature.

"She wouldn't have left the twins, she was like a wee mother figure to them.

"If someone lifted her out of bed Madeleine would have screamed the place down. That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to and she and the twins were quite shy about meeting new people."- Eileen McCann (Gerry McCann's mother, Sunday Mail, 27/4/08

Madeleine McCann was born 4 years ago. She has one brother Sean and a sister Amelie. She lives with her family in Rothley, Leicestershire. Her father comes from Glasgow and has 3 sisters, Patricia, Jacqueline and Phil, and a brother John. Madeleine's Grandmother, Eileen lives in Glasgow. Her other grandparents, Sue and Brian live in Liverpool.Both sides of the family are very close and all are working in different ways to try and help in the search for Madeleine.

Phil, who resides in Ullapool and is a teacher, has asked that the heartfelt thanks of the whole family be passed to everyone who has helped in the search so far. She said "There have been so many messages of support and prayers from people all over the world. We (the family) are overwhelmed with your assistance. The media people have been wonderful and so helpful in making everyone aware of our plight. Madeleine’s family are so grateful to you all. Please keep Madeleine in your thoughts and prayers. We pray that she will be returned to us safe and well."
- [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] first version May 2007

in Daily Mirror, 30/4/08

Madeleine was born in May 2003 – a long-awaited and very much longed for little girl. She lives in the village of Rothley in Leicester, with her mummy and daddy and little brother and sister, Sean and Amelie.

Madeleine is a very happy little girl with an outgoing personality. She has always been a very popular little person, appealing to both children and adults alike with her funny and engaging chatter. She has many friends who obviously miss her dearly. Despite her young age, it often felt like Madeleine had been on this earth before!

Like most girls her age, she likes dolls and dresses (and anything pink and sparkly) but with a definite taste for action-adventure too! She has an incredible amount of energy and even as a little baby, didn’t seem to need much rest. She enjoys running and swimming and is an Everton fan like her mum and granddad.

Madeleine has always been a wonderfully loving and caring big sister to Sean and Amelie. It was certainly not the quietest house on the planet with lots of giggling, singing and the inevitable odd bit of mischief! For Sean and Amelie, there is without doubt, a very important person missing in their life.

Madeleine is a warm, life-enriching little person and will never fail we're sure, to bring joy into the life of anyone she may encounter.
- [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] update 1/2/08

These days it was rare for Madeleine to wake up at all once she was in bed. If she did, she'd normally wander into her parents' bed, whether they were there or not. At home in Rothley, sometime earlier, they had begun a star chart for Madeleine staying in her own bed. The chart, still on display in the kitchen, was full of stars.
- David James Smith, Timesonline 16 December 2007

"Gerry paused over Madeleine, who – a typical doctor's observation, this – was lying almost in "the recovery position" with Cuddle Cat, the toy her godfather, John Corner, had bought her, and her comfort blanket up near her head, and Gerry thought how gorgeous, how lovely-looking she was and how lucky he was."
- David James Smith, Timesonline 16 December 2007

Thanks to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for some of the above statements

timid but very intelligent
active and sociable
extremely obedient
scared and a bit fearful
very content
intelligent child, timid at first
discreet and shy.
somewhat shy
calm child, happy, but quiet.
attached to her father and was always clinging on to him.
very shy

Kate & Gerry
very extroverted and lively, you know, vivacious,
very funny
she's got bags of character
she's got a McCann personality
she's loud and she's a real extrovert
she can express herself so well
She likes talking, she really likes role play
she really can talk
She is very intelligent, very sociable and engaging. She loves to talk, she is funny, she has a lot of energy."
"She is still very active, she loves to organise everything, she is very good in the role-playing
she loved to organise
She understands a lot of stuff, she twigs quickly, she is very perspicacious
extrovert, very active, talkative, smart
she just has this huge presence
Madeleine would run around 'screaming...shouting for my attention'
the first six months of Madeleine's life were "very difficult" and that the girl had suffered from colic.
She cried practically for 18 hours a day. I had to permanently carry her around."
she started to demand lots of attention, especially when I was breast-feeding them.
"She would run up and down screaming in the background, shouting for my attention."
her children are "hysterical
Madeleine is a hyperactive child who tires her out to the point of despair.-
She was very happy and very loving
more like best friends than mother and daughter.
She's like a little buddy to me. She's very loving...a very bright little girl."
extrovert, very active, talkative, smart and relates to other children with great ease.
normal, beautiful, vivacious, funny, courageous and loving
"She has a lot of personality and her name actually means 'tower of strength'. But she hated it when we called her Maddie - she'd say, 'My name is Madeleine', with an indignant look on her face. I bet she's giving whoever she's with her tuppence worth."-

DP-communicative girl, happy, obedient and very well behaved
FP-very intelligent
MO- very lively, obedient, communicative and extrovert
RMO- she is a happy child, good natured and full of energy -
smart child who knows right from wrong
bright little girl,
very together and certainly acted her age or sort of you know older than her age, she was very sort of self aware
DW-calm but active and energetic and good mannered
ROB-happy, bubbly, errr... relatively headstrong on previous meetings. Actually she seemed to have mellowed a little bit when we went on holiday, you know a girl, you know a little girl full of, full of life, full of beans,
very bubbly little girl, errm... very cheery, errm... very sort of caring
full of fun, lots of energy, running around, sporty,

DP-a very striking, errr... beautiful child, I'd almost - if I want a better phrase - call her doll-like, you know. She was very, you know, I think, you know, very unique looking child, errr... she'd got very pretty, you know blonde hair, errr... in a bob, she was quite a petite, errr... child and you know she was very bubbly, very, errr... you know, she was a very good child to, to interact with. She was very bright, you could have a lot of fun with Madeleine
she is a very beautiful child and good fun
she's a very bright child
happy go lucky child

Friends & Family
active and chatty and intelligent, not shy.
I hope the wee devil is found safe and well.
extra special, bright, funny and has a personality all of her own
She's full of life and probably really relishes being the centre of attention. Lovely little girl, a funny character
So beautiful, astonishingly bright, and I'd have to say very charismatic. She would shine out of a crowd
She wouldn't have left the twins, she was like a wee mother figure to them
That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to and she and the twins were quite shy about meeting new people
very happy little girl with an outgoing personality. She has always been a very popular little person, appealing to both children and adults alike with her funny and engaging chatter
an incredible amount of energy and even as a little baby, didn’t seem to need much rest. She enjoys running and swimming
wonderfully loving and caring big sister to Sean and Amelie
Madeleine is a warm, life-enriching little person and will never fail we're sure, to bring joy into the life of anyone she may encounter

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because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by Jill Havern 10.11.17 10:58

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Descriptions of Madeleine by others - all taken from police statements:

Father Paul Seddon: "A very adventurous girl"

Patricia Cameron: "Madeleine wouldn't do that kind of thing, she was not that kind of child" (referring to Madeleine wandering); "Happy, very self-assured, friendly, open, serene"; "was not the kind of child to disappear" (!)

Emma Wilding (OC Nanny): "Somewhat shy".

Fiona Payne: "Very intelligent and totally incapable of going with a stranger without screaming or protesting strongly"

David Payne: "Communicative, happy, obedient and well behaved".

Matthew Oldfield: "Lively, obedient, communicative, extrovert".

Rachel Oldfield: "Happy, good natured and full of energy. Smart who knows right from wrong".

Jane Tanner: Sensible, loving, active, intelligent.

Aunt Janet Kennedy: "Madeleine is a normal child who likes challenges. She is smart, active, required a lot of attention, participates, loves to play, and who had a wonderful imagination. She is a fantastic little girl.

I never noted that Madeleine was unhappy at home.... When the twins were born, it took her a while to adapt, but she surpassed this moment. She loves the twins and teaches them and shares with them. Madeleine is very wise for her age.

Relative to the allegation that Madeleine made regarding Sean’s crying, I do not have any idea what possessed Madeleine to make such an affirmation and also would state that Madeleine had a very fertile imagination.

(This last paragraph suggests to me that she thinks Madeleine made up the "why didn't you come story...")

Hayley Plummer, Nursery School Teacher in Leics: "Madeline was a very polite and affectionate girl, particularly in respect to the twins. At the nursery she was a very popular girl and it was a pleasure to have her near.

She seemed to be a very alert girl and she always adapted well.

She would show some shyness when she was left by her parents but she adapted rapidly so that they would leave after she finished her breakfast.

Madeleine never showed any problems or worry she might have had, or show any behaviour that would cause any worry. I do not consider Madeleine to be hyperactive, she was a healthy girl with normal development for her age. For me Madeleine is calm and easy to get on with."

Sharon Lewin, Teachers Asistant at Madeleine's nursery: "I always think of Madeleine as an alert and affectionate girl who liked to live. She was very advanced for her age and independent. She liked to dance and to dress up.

Madeleine was quite a healthy girl. She had a good appetite and ate well.

Madeleine was a very active child but I would not call her hyperactive. She never got over excited and always had good behaviour. Madeleine was easy to look after, a very independent girl but she never placed herself in dangerous situations, as far as I saw.

(Interesting that the teacher thought that Madeleine had normal development for her age, but her assistant thought she was advanced for her age! Neither considered her to be hyperactive as suggested by the McCann's. Worth noting that both of these teachers also often looked after madeleine out of school hours at the McCann's home)

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A friend of the couple, Jill Renwick, said: "This is the first time they have done this. They are very, very anxious parents and very careful."

She said Madeleine - known as Maddy - was 'gorgeous, active and chatty and intelligent, not shy. She is four next week and starts school this year.'

timid but very intelligent
active and sociable
extremely obedient
scared and a bit fearful
very content
intelligent child, timid at first
discreet and shy.
somewhat shy
calm child, happy, but quiet.
attached to her father and was always clinging on to him.
very shy

Kate & Gerry
very extroverted and lively, you know, vivacious,
very funny
she's got bags of character
she's got a McCann personality
she's loud and she's a real extrovert
she can express herself so well
She likes talking, she really likes role play
she really can talk
She is very intelligent, very sociable and engaging. She loves to talk, she is funny, she has a lot of energy."
"She is still very active, she loves to organise everything, she is very good in the role-playing
she loved to organise
She understands a lot of stuff, she twigs quickly, she is very perspicacious
extrovert, very active, talkative, smart
she just has this huge presence
Madeleine would run around 'screaming...shouting for my attention'
the first six months of Madeleine's life were "very difficult" and that the girl had suffered from colic.
She cried practically for 18 hours a day. I had to permanently carry her around."
she started to demand lots of attention, especially when I was breast-feeding them.
"She would run up and down screaming in the background, shouting for my attention."
her children are "hysterical
Madeleine is a hyperactive child who tires her out to the point of despair.-
She was very happy and very loving
more like best friends than mother and daughter.
She's like a little buddy to me. She's very loving...a very bright little girl."
extrovert, very active, talkative, smart and relates to other children with great ease.
normal, beautiful, vivacious, funny, courageous and loving
"She has a lot of personality and her name actually means 'tower of strength'. But she hated it when we called her Maddie - she'd say, 'My name is Madeleine', with an indignant look on her face. I bet she's giving whoever she's with her tuppence worth."-

DP-communicative girl, happy, obedient and very well behaved
FP-very intelligent
MO- very lively, obedient, communicative and extrovert
RMO- she is a happy child, good natured and full of energy -
smart child who knows right from wrong
bright little girl,
very together and certainly acted her age or sort of you know older than her age, she was very sort of self aware
DW-calm but active and energetic and good mannered
ROB-happy, bubbly, errr... relatively headstrong on previous meetings. Actually she seemed to have mellowed a little bit when we went on holiday, you know a girl, you know a little girl full of, full of life, full of beans,
very bubbly little girl, errm... very cheery, errm... very sort of caring

full of fun, lots of energy, running around, sporty,

DP-a very striking, errr... beautiful child, I'd almost - if I want a better phrase - call her doll-like, you know. She was very, you know, I think, you know, very unique looking child, errr... she'd got very pretty, you know blonde hair, errr... in a bob, she was quite a petite, errr... child and you know she was very bubbly, very, errr... you know, she was a very good child to, to interact with. She was very bright, you could have a lot of fun with Madeleine
she is a very beautiful child and good fun
she's a very bright child
happy go lucky child

Friends & Family
active and chatty and intelligent, not shy.
I hope the wee devil is found safe and well.
extra special, bright, funny and has a personality all of her own
She's full of life and probably really relishes being the centre of attention. Lovely little girl, a funny character
So beautiful, astonishingly bright, and I'd have to say very charismatic. She would shine out of a crowd
She wouldn't have left the twins, she was like a wee mother figure to them
That girl could throw a tantrum if she wanted to and she and the twins were quite shy about meeting new people
very happy little girl with an outgoing personality. She has always been a very popular little person, appealing to both children and adults alike with her funny and engaging chatter
an incredible amount of energy and even as a little baby, didn’t seem to need much rest. She enjoys running and swimming
wonderfully loving and caring big sister to Sean and Amelie
Madeleine is a warm, life-enriching little person and will never fail we're sure, to bring joy into the life of anyone she may encounter

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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by Liz Eagles 10.11.17 11:19

Snipped from GeG's post above is the most disturbing of all for me when taken in context of her disappearance and the use of the present tense. This campaign is sick to its core.

Madeleine is a warm, life-enriching little person and will never fail we're sure, to bring joy into the life of anyone she may encounter

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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by Jill Havern 10.11.17 11:27

aquila wrote:Snipped from GeG's post above is the most disturbing of all for me when taken in context of her disappearance and the use of the present tense. This campaign is sick to its core.

Madeleine is a warm, life-enriching little person and will never fail we're sure, to bring joy into the life of anyone she may encounter
Sick indeed aquila. I always thought it sounded as if they were giving her a reference for an employer...something to go on her c.v.

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by Liz Eagles 10.11.17 11:40

Get'emGonçalo wrote:
aquila wrote:Snipped from GeG's post above is the most disturbing of all for me when taken in context of her disappearance and the use of the present tense. This campaign is sick to its core.

Madeleine is a warm, life-enriching little person and will never fail we're sure, to bring joy into the life of anyone she may encounter
Sick indeed aquila. I always thought it sounded as if they were giving her a reference for an employer...something to go on her c.v.
...and there is now reportage of a senior school place being kept open for Madeleine, the school her siblings attend. Utterly shameless.
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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by Jill Havern 10.11.17 11:44

Will Leicester University also keep a place open for her aswell?

The possibilities are endless with this case...

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by Liz Eagles 10.11.17 12:13

Get'emGonçalo wrote:Will Leicester University also keep a place open for her aswell?

The possibilities are endless with this case...
Will Madeleine's siblings continue to be used to prop up civil litigation, to be exposed to the media as and when necessary to the campaign,  to not be able to experience a normal life in a senior school they attend because they are victims of a dirty campaign? Will these children always be tainted by the disappearance of their sister when they were 24 months old? What rights did these children have when they were being shown in staged photoshoots in PdL!

Will these children's lives continue to be used in an evil campaign and spend the rest of their days waiting for what's next to be published in the MSM by uncle Clarence and the likes? I can't imagine being Madeleine's siblings, not even being allowed to go to a school she didn't attend without it being on the front pages of newspapers. Bloody despicable.

Watching your mother speaking to Lorraine Kelly, divulging details that she allowed you to sit in the car whilst she paid for petrol in a small, local garage, having your names included in a very public civil suit which could have taken place behind closed doors (as Goncalo Amaral offered).

It's sad. It's sickening. It's heartbreaking.

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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by Verdi 10.11.17 12:20

I don't think the differing opinions of Madeleine's disposition stand up to much scrutiny, especially as regards comparative strangers.  A child's mood can vary from minute to minute, so anyone not familiar with a child could easily misjudge a child's true character

However, those with personal knowledge of any particular child are open to scrutiny and deservedly so.

David Payne [rogatory interview April 2008]..

".... you know again I'd be playing with Madeleine you know in the, err the play area err you know during that week, you know lifting her up, twizzing her round and everything, I knew her that well, you know, to do that, and as I say err she'd definitely know who I was and certainly, as I say, just to reinforce that she looked very happy."

"Err you know, Madeleine's err, you know, was a very bright child .... "

"Mm, err Madeleine's err a very striking err beautiful child, I'd almost if I want a better phrase call her doll-like, you know she was very, you know I think, you know very unique looking child err, she'd got very pretty, you know blonde hair err in a bob, she was quite a petite err child and you know she was very bubbly, very err you know she was a very good child to, to interact with. She was very bright, you could have a lot of fun with Madeleine err ...."

" .... she was certainly a happy go lucky child you know she was, she would interact with the other children very well, as I said on the other, earlier recording, you know she played very happily with Lily and you know indeed the other children. She was, you know, very, she is a very beautiful child and good fun."

Jon Corner - long term friend of McCanns

"So beautiful, astonishingly bright, and I’d have to say very charismatic. She would shine out of a crowd. So - God forgive me - maybe that’s part of the problem. That special quality. Some ******* picked up on that."

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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by Liz Eagles 10.11.17 12:26

Verdi wrote:I don't think the differing opinions of Madeleine's disposition stand up to much scrutiny, especially as regards comparative strangers.  A child's mood can vary from minute to minute, so anyone not familiar with a child could easily misjudge a child's true character

However, those with personal knowledge of any particular child are open to scrutiny and deservedly so.

David Payne [rogatory interview April 2008]..

".... you know again I'd be playing with Madeleine you know in the, err the play area err you know during that week, you know lifting her up, twizzing her round and everything, I knew her that well, you know, to do that, and as I say err she'd definitely know who I was and certainly, as I say, just to reinforce that she looked very happy."

"Err you know, Madeleine's err, you know, was a very bright child .... "

"Mm, err Madeleine's err a very striking err beautiful child, I'd almost if I want a better phrase call her doll-like, you know she was very, you know I think, you know very unique looking child err, she'd got very pretty, you know blonde hair err in a bob, she was quite a petite err child and you know she was very bubbly, very err you know she was a very good child to, to interact with. She was very bright, you could have a lot of fun with Madeleine err ...."

" .... she was certainly a happy go lucky child you know she was, she would interact with the other children very well, as I said on the other, earlier recording, you know she played very happily with Lily and you know indeed the other children. She was, you know, very, she is a very beautiful child and good fun."

Jon Corner - long term friend of McCanns

"So beautiful, astonishingly bright, and I’d have to say very charismatic. She would shine out of a crowd. So - God forgive me - maybe that’s part of the problem. That special quality. Some ******* picked up on that."
I think Jon Corner was quite right but not as he'd hoped. Some ordinarry b***t*rds did pick up on the fact that all is not well in the state of McCann.
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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by HiDeHo 10.11.17 15:12

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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by Cammerigal 12.11.17 8:42

So a small shy quiet blond English girl went to breakfast and kids club
And Maddie was a small lively, blond English girl( who didn’t go to breakfast and kids club)

I think you have demonstrated another deception HideHo.

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Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her   Empty Re: Personality of Madeleine & Witnesses That 'Saw' Her

Post by HiDeHo 12.11.17 15:32

Cammerigal wrote:So a small shy quiet blond English girl went to breakfast and kids club
And Maddie was a small lively, blond English girl( who didn’t go to breakfast and kids club)

I think you have demonstrated another deception HideHo.

Thanks Camerigal

I will use this opportunity to explain my research that relies on what the files 'tell' me and therefore I cannot change my thoughts and conclusions, because I CANT CHANGE THE FILES!

It explains WHY I consider something happened to Maddie AFTER Sunday lunchtime and  BEFORE Tuesday morning

For the past 10 years, and at the time before the files were released, but using the info from SOL I came to the conclusion that something may had happened to Maddie during the week

(See this post from March 2008)

Title: What I Believe May Have Happened In STORY Form.
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CLICK spoiler to see the post

What I Believe May Have Happened in Story Form:

During 2009 and with the release of the files and those accessible to us in the early days, there were no files available that changed my mind.

I decided to scrutinise the files and make comparison tables to see whether all the statements supported each other (allowing for memory issues)


I started with Staff Statements and the ROTA so I had a better idea of who was working that night and through the week...

Category: Staff Rota and Statements
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Staff Rota and Statements:

I then continued with all the statements and compiled them into appropriate topics and putting them into tables, with the ability to see what was claimed for each hour or 15 minute intervals (ultimately over 300 tables and timelines)

Category: All Timetables
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What became apparent was the HUGE discrepancies that started to happen earlier in the week.

I asked myself what reason could there be for this and came to the conclusion that THEY WERE TRYING TO HIDE SOMETHING earlier in the week.  WHY?

Without knowing this was what I was going to find, it SUPPORTED my previous thoughts that there was something during the week they were trying to hide....

Everything continued to fit into place for something happening earlier....

I needed to find out WHICH day something may have happened and according to the discrepancies they started Tuesday morning but it wasn't until I was inspired by SNOWY (a pro), to check all the witness statements that I realised that it MAY help indicate which day she was last seen (with a reasonably credible statement)

Title: Who Saw Madeleine?- Credibility & Statement Highlights
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Once again I had NO idea what I would find, but if I found some relative 'proof' of her being seen on Wednesday (eg) or even Thursday, then my conclusions would be based on that timeline.

For the longest time I was looking at Tuesday (as per the mini tennis coach Georgina) as all the statements seemed to be non specific and many seem to be mistaken. It was not proof she WASNT seen, only that they did not give me enough 'proof' that she was seen!

The discrepancies started Tuesday morning, but how was that any indication of something happening to Maddie if the tennis coach saw her Tuesday?

When I scrutinised the statement I realised she didn't actually say specifically that she remembers Madeleine, only that she was one of a group of children (and was maybe looking at the records

At that point I realised that something could have happened earlier than Tuesday!

Fatima was the ONLY statement that I found DID something happen AFTER Fatima had seen her and BEFORE the discrepancies started on Tuesday morning?

During that time I had decided to compile a list of statement comments describing Maddie...

I was SHOCKED at the result!

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WHY do the OC staff describe a DIFFERENT child to what is 'known' about Maddie's personality?

I realised the possibility that the OC staff were getting mixed up with Jane Tanners daughter who was of similar appearance, similar colour hair, and only 3 months difference in age!

The recent graphics I have compiled (above on this thread) only CONFIRM how some of the staff could have been mistaken!

I have been 'targeted' by MANY people, 'anti' and 'pro' who seem to have never looked at my research but have made a blanket statement based on a guess.... 'Its impossible for so many people to have been wrong'......and more troublesome accusations claiming I accuse the OC staff of LYING... TOTALLY UNTRUE!

I don't believe ANY of them were lying.... only mistaken.

Cecilia has always been the person they tend to focus on claiming she DID see Maddie...well, I'm afraid I fail to see ANY indication it was Maddie she saw.  She describes ELLA in personality and something I only recently came across is this.....

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Now.... considering I have NEVER tried to make anything fit....  on the contrary I usually try to prove myself wrong... then WHAT A CO-INCIDENCE that Maddie is described as clinging to her fathers leg when it is clearly stated by Russell O'Brien that ELLA clings to his leg!

If nothing else, this shows that (with all good intentions from Cecilia) she was probably describing the WRONG child and her statement could NOT be considered proof that Maddie was seen!

As mentioned MANY times...

The statements do not prove Maddie WASNT seen but they do NOT prove she was!

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