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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Verdi 01.01.21 15:26

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Verdi 18.01.21 23:56

Undated but very old, from the official Find Madeleine Co Ltd website..

Missing Children: Kate's Message

It is only since Madeleine was taken from us, that Gerry and myself have become aware of just how many children go missing each year from all around the world. The scale of the problem is huge. In fact, it is terrifying. I have asked myself many times "why did I not know about this? Am I that naive or is it the fact that the problem itself is not well publicised for whatever reason?"

It is impossible to give a number for the amount of children that go missing but suffice to say it is hundreds of thousands. This includes ‘runaway’ children, parental/family abductions and ‘stranger’ abductions such as in Madeleine's case. The reason for the lack of precision with regards to number of cases, appears to be that there is as yet (in the UK and many countries throughout Europe at least), no standard method for collecting, recording and categorising data. Without this, it is not possible to implement strategies to tackle the problem - recover children and reunite them with their families as soon as possible. PACT (Parents and Abducted Children Together) is one of the organisations in the UK trying to propose/request such national policies be brought in to place by the Government. Surely our children deserve this?

Madeleine's abduction itself was quite unusual, in that it was the abduction of a ‘foreign national’. This introduced unique difficulties, not least a language barrier. Given that people and families travel quite extensively nowadays particularly within a ‘borderless’ Europe, we believe that a Europe-wide response to the problem is mandatory. I would think that not an unreasonable request of countries belonging to a ‘European Union’?

It is fair to say that the USA is probably at least 20 years ahead when it comes to dealing with the problem of missing and abducted children. NCMEC (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) was founded in 1984 by John and Reve Walsh after they sadly experienced the frustration and lack of effective response available, when their own son, Adam, was abducted and subsequently found murdered in Florida in 1981. NCMEC now offers a vast range of invaluable resources to law enforcement agencies, helping to investigate cases of missing children and child exploitation cases as well as training and education. These resources along with the AMBER Alert system which operates in the USA (a nationwide effort between police departments and the media to blanket local airwaves immediately with information and photograghs when a child is abducted) have led to the safe recovery of many children. Needless to say, the Americans have a great deal of experience and knowledge to offer, and we need to learn from them if we wish to make Europe and the rest of the world a safer place for our children. In recent years, similar ‘Child Rescue Alert’ systems have been introduced in certain European countries- Belgium, France, UK and Greece but we have a long, long way to go.

Gerry and I have been criticised at times for publicising Madeleine's disappearance. We did what we felt was best at that time, obviously having no experience of such ordeals. Thankfully NCMEC has assured us that this was the right thing to do. People have asked (usually in a critical manner) “why has Madeleine received such attention when there are thousands of missing children around the world?” My feeling is that the publicity surrounding Madeleine's abduction was not inappropriate- Every child in such a situation should receive this same amount of attention, but it shouldn't be down to the family to instigate it. The public awareness of Madeleine's plight has at the very least, highlighted cases of other missing children and the extent of the problem as a whole, and from that we can take a small bit of comfort.

All missing children are vulnerable to exploitation including sexual exploitation, with this being the motive in many of those cases of stranger abductions where a motive can be determined. Child sexual exploitation and child pornography in particular, is sadly and shockingly extensive worldwide. It is a multi-billion dollar industry aided by the use of the Internet with the ‘thirst’ for younger victims growing. Once again, my ‘bubble’ of a life burst as I began to discover the facts relating to this now global crisis. As we travelled through Europe in an attempt to raise awareness of Madeleine's abduction and appeal for help, we were repeatedly made aware of the unbelievable existence of such a horrifying activity and its vastness in our so called civilised and ‘child-loving’ society. How can such ‘businesses’ be condoned or tolerated by us all? What are the benefits for our children of being in a European Union where several member countries offer child pornography as a LEGAL past time? The most vulnerable members of our society are our children and they deserve better than this. Lack of sex offender registers, lack of reliable tracking systems for known offenders and no CRB check requirements , not even for those working with children are other major areas of concern within many parts of Europe. My eyes have certainly been opened to a whole new world out there - a very worrying one.

As a parent of an abducted child, I can tell you that it is the most painful and agonising experience you could ever imagine. My thoughts of the fear, confusion and loss of love and security that my precious daughter has had to endure are unbearable - crippling. And yet I am not the victim, Madeleine is. No child should EVER have to experience something so terrible.

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Guest 19.01.21 10:15

The 'painful and agonising experience' didn't hinder their lives in any way, did it?

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by PeterMac 19.01.21 10:48

My thoughts of the fear, confusion and loss of love and security that my precious daughter has had to endure are unbearable - crippling.

She clearly did suffer all of those things. The fear, confusion, loss of love and security which led her to climb up the back of the sofa to see if she could locate her parents who had mildly sedated and abandoned the three children to their fate in a locked apartment on the second night of a holiday in a foreign country.

Only the verb tense is wrong.
Had to endure. A perfect past tense, indicating finality
Not Has had to endure, which indicates continuity

And we can all agree that finding your first and most loved daughter dead and cold would be unbearable, and the thoughts crippling.
The clasping of the child's body and hugging and crying and covering herself and the favourite toy in blood and cadaverine are totally explicable and indeed normal.
Everyone can sympathise, some may indeed empathise, with Kate in her predicament.

Up to that point, but not beyond.

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Verdi 23.02.21 0:28

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The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Doug D 24.03.21 19:02

Still no sign of the 2020 accounts which are due by next week.

Why do they always hang it out until the last possible moment?

Everyone has been given a three month date extension 'coz of the 'bug', yet they still leave it until the last possible moment to file them.

What possible benefits do they achieve by playing the deadlines game?
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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Doug D 07.04.21 9:05

This has pinged up today. Probably an automated thing, as up till now they have always submitted the accounts right at the death, so they are quite likely in the pipeline to be processed and input over the coming week or so.

The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 No_sto10

I still don't understand the point or thinking behind this brinkmanship.
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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Fund

Post by Ladyinred 07.04.21 19:40

Because they can.

It's about time the Fund ceased to exist, IMO.  Nobody's searching.  Sadly, Madeleine is probably no longer alive.

She would have been 18 next month, time to close it. Perhaps create something in her memory.

Poor Madeleine.

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Doug D 14.04.21 18:09

Danger & excitement!!!!!

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by sharonl 14.04.21 18:45

Doug D wrote:Danger & excitement!!!!!

The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Accoun11

thinking Available in 10 days?  Most documents are filed online or using software and are available immediately.  These must have been posted to Companies House.  A deliberate delay? Why?
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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Doug D 14.04.21 19:30


A deliberate delay? Why?

No, its the same as usual. The accounts will show a 'received at Companies House' date stamp of the end of March, just in time. Companies House then 'process' them (whatever that actually means), the '10 day' message auto-generates and they will then appear on file in the next day or so. 
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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by sequested 14.04.21 19:45

What is the change to Kate’s status ?

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Doug D 15.04.21 7:59


What is the change to Kate’s status ?

Only a change of address to the accountants offices in Leicester.
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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Doug D 15.04.21 13:21

Accounts are up. Squeezed in just in time on 30th March.

Nothing much to see, as anticipated. Fixed assets have decreased in value by   about 80k following revaluation, cash in bank much the same at 235k.

No income & expenditure accounts published of course, although there wouldn't be much to see anyway, but £6.5k received from the book sales, £5.1k spent on search fees (!!!!!!!!!) and legal costs of £4.2k reimbursed to G & K in relation to 'ongoing libel action in Portugal'.

Insignificant, but I'm a bit intrigued as to what the 'recoverable debtor' figure of £8.9k relates to. It has increased this year by pretty much the figure for legal costs reimbursed to the couple, so I wonder if they are treating this as money they think they are going to get back on their expectation that they win the ECHR case?

Pretty boring really, but not at all unexpected and they've only got 9 months to file the next set of accounts as the 'bug' date extension has now finished.

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Two more pages to follow.
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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Doug D 15.04.21 13:22

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Accoun19
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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Verdi 04.05.21 17:05

I'm at a loss to understand why team McCann keep the 'official' website on the road. It's only ever unpdated high days and holidays and even that vapid attempt is running thin.

The latest update - since a very short update entry 2020 year end..

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Doug D 26.05.21 13:49

Pretty irrelevant I know, but just for the record, the Confirmation Statement (which never gives any information) dated 15th May, was filed with Companies House yesterday (25th).
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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Liz Eagles 26.05.21 14:51

Verdi wrote:I'm at a loss to understand why team McCann keep the 'official' website on the road.  It's only ever unpdated high days and holidays and even that vapid attempt is running thin.

The latest update - since a very short update entry 2020 year end..

The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Scre1591
When £40,000 of public funding has been used and payments made to a teenage relative to operate out of a garage set-up it might be a bit tricky to close.

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Verdi 26.05.21 16:05

What, do think the child protégé has lost the password big grin ?

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Liz Eagles 26.05.21 17:01

Verdi wrote:What, do think the child protégé has lost the password big grin ?
The website has dumped a lot of its content over the years and pared down to a clipped annual statement.

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Verdi 26.05.21 17:08

Dunno about that - it still features..

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Liz Eagles 26.05.21 17:13

Verdi wrote:Dunno about that - it still features..

The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Scree122
There was so much content dropped - all those logos and charity affiliation stuff. Keep up with script Verdi  big grin

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Verdi 05.06.21 1:08

Lest they forget err.. err.. or have they already forgotten..

Investigations Line +44 845 838 4699

Madeleine's Fund

About the Fund

Madeleine's Fund - 'Leaving No Stone Unturned' is a not-for-profit company which has been established to find Madeleine McCann, support her family and bring her abductors to justice. The Fund is following best practice governance procedures as set out in the Good Governance Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector. The directors of the company are Brian Kennedy, Michael Linnett, Edward Smethurst, Jon Corner, Kate McCann & Gerry McCann. They have appropriate legal, business and charitable experience. An experienced Fund Administrator has been appointed to ensure the highest standards of transparency and accountability. This should enable the Directors to maintain an appropriate governance distance in the day-to-day operations of the Fund.

Fund Objectives

The full objects of the Fund are:

To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2007;
To procure that Madeleine's abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice; and
To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family.
If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere.

Fund Raising

We thank you for your interest in fund raising to support Madeleine's fund. Many donations have resulted from a variety of fund raising events. These have included Car Boot sales, jumble sales, school cake sales, race nights, sponsored runs & cycle events, ‘dress down' days, auctions & ‘cheese & wine' nights.

These events have further highlighted Madeleine's plight as well as bringing many people together to have fun whilst working towards one common goal.

We would be grateful if you are considering fund raising that you do not refer to Madeleine's fund as a registered charity as it is not. If you are embarking on a type fund raising which may carry an element of risk you may wish to consider your position regarding insurance cover. If you require further information please refer to:


(1) Who are the main contributors to the fund?

Many members of the general public from across the world have kindly donated to Madeleine's Fund, either by personal donation or fund raising events. In addition to this, over £1 million pounds in libel damages and compensation awarded to Kate and Gerry McCann and their friends has been paid into Madeleine's Fund.

(2) What are the registered details of Madeleine's Fund?

Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, CRN 6248215. Registered office: 2-6 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6YH.

(3) Why is Madeleine's Fund not registered as a charity?

Because Madeleine's Fund is currently focussed on searching for one child only, Madeleine McCann it cannot register as a charity. However in the future, if the objects of the fund are fulfilled and subsequently changed to concentrate on multiple similar cases, it may then be possible to acquire charitable status.

(4) Can gift aid or tax relief be claimed on my donation to Madeleine's Fund?

No it cannot because these are only available to registered charities.

(5) If Madeleine's Fund isn't a charity who is regulating it?

The directors regulate Madeleine's Fund and they aspire to follow best practice policies and processes used by charities. The directors have reviewed its operation against “Good Governance: A Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector”. This sets out best practice requirements for charities.

The Fund also has:

a Financial Procedures Manual
job descriptions for directors, chair and treasurer
clearly laid out policies and processes for:
expense claims
risk management
whistle blowing
registering conflicts of interest
(6) Who are the directors of Madeleine's Fund?

There are six directors of the Fund. They are:

Brian Kennedy, a retired head teacher;
Edward Smethurst – A Commercial lawyer;
Jon Corner – Director of a media company;
Michael Linett- retired accountant
Kate McCann General Practitioner
Gerry McCann Consultant Cardiologist
(7) What is the money being spent on ?

The majority of the fund money has been and continues to be spent on investigative work to help find Madeleine. Additionally money continues to be spent on the wider 'Awareness Campaign' – reminding people that Madeleine is still missing and to remain vigilant. None of the directors have taken any money from the fund as remuneration.

Anyone who wishes further information with regards to the financial details of Madeleine's Fund and its professional advisors, please refer to the accounts filed at Companies House. Crown Way Maindy Cardiff CF14 3UZ

The official source

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Verdi 03.07.21 0:52

By way of Gerry McCann's blog, today my attention was drawn yet again to the McCanns European/North African road show.  Quite an extravaganza,  with little or no apparent purpose or positive effect - aside from a grand publicity stunt!

It got me thinking thinking  who or what paid for the entire escapade?

This is a breakdown of the Find Madeleine Fund accounts for year May 2007 to March 2008..

The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Madele22

Hotels, travel and subsistance, including visits to Morocco and US  £7,993.

Round that up to the nearest £ thousand = £8,000.  Seven quid short to be precise!

That doesn't sound so much when you consider all the thrills and frills that accompany diplomatic travel - all inclusive!  The billionaire high street retailer, Philip Green, allowed them the use of his private jet to travel to the Vatican to stand  with the audience at the Vatican and the billionaire entrepreneur 'jack of all trades' donated tickets for Gerry McCann to fly Virgin on his infamous trip to the USA (another story *snort*).

Apart from that and the possibility that the McCanns were accommodated and wined and dined courtesy of diplomatic hospitality (?), which of course would be public money - the tax payer - who and/or what financed the jaunt? I doubt very much His Royal Ambassador or His Paypalness coughed up anything from their private coffers.

Ignoring what we're led to believe by team McCann and the media, clearly the Met Police, under the guise of Operation Grange, are no longer 'investigating', if indeed they ever were.  What we have now is a point of contact for anyone with fresh evidence, no different from any other archived case.  A criminal case is never closed, only archived and can be resumed at any moment.

Why is the 'official' website still up and running showing debunked suspects (team McCann generated) and a donation button ever present!

I'm guessing it's all quasi-legal, otherwise The Fund would have disappeared long ago but it didn't - it's still there!

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The Find Madeleine Fund - Page 4 Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Verdi 01.11.21 14:58

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