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Misconduct in Public Office Mm11

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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Misconduct in Public Office Mm11

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Misconduct in Public Office

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Misconduct in Public Office Empty Misconduct in Public Office

Post by Jill Havern 19.03.18 11:12

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Johnson has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing over the scheme, insisting it would have been a success had it not been cancelled by his successor, Sadiq Khan, who was concerned at rising costs and a lack of funds raised by the Garden Bridge Trust.
Last month, a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that if Johnson was found to have pushed through decisions that led to a significant increase in the losses, he could face a potential investigation for misconduct in public office.

OR... now let us imagine this - - -

Last month, a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that if DCI Redwood and DCI Wall and their Senior line managers were found to have pushed through decisions that led to a significant increase in the wasted expenditure, they could face a potential investigation for misconduct in public office.

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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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Misconduct in Public Office Empty Misconduct in public office

Post by willowthewisp 19.03.18 17:35

Get'emGonçalo wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Johnson has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing over the scheme, insisting it would have been a success had it not been cancelled by his successor, Sadiq Khan, who was concerned at rising costs and a lack of funds raised by the Garden Bridge Trust.
Last month, a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that if Johnson was found to have pushed through decisions that led to a significant increase in the losses, he could face a potential investigation for misconduct in public office.

OR... now let us imagine this - - -

Last month, a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that if DCI Redwood and DCI Wall and their Senior line managers were found to have pushed through decisions that led to a significant increase in the wasted expenditure, they could face a potential investigation for misconduct in public office.
Hi GoGetemGoncalo,Buffon,bumbling Boris openly admitted on the Andrew Marr Show,Sunday 18 March 2018,that the Conservative Party had accepted £160,000 for a"Tennis Match"that Boris had played in,then MOD Boss Gavin Williamson has also accepted£30,000 towards the Parties coffers,apparently the Conservatives have accepted over £820,000 from Russian Oligarchs 2017/18,but No misconduct in Public Office for these fine Government Ministers,No wonder the UK is a laughing stock with these hypocrites? 
The Conservative have openly objected to investigate Mr Litvienko's Murder 2006 on top of all the other mysterious Russian deaths,yet still do not wish to impose recent legislation to stop money Laundering schemes in and around London?  
Anyone doubting these influences should watch a programme from the"Together production team" a spiders Web,this will reveal their True motives in Public Office.

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Misconduct in Public Office Empty Re: Misconduct in Public Office

Post by sar 20.03.18 12:07

Get'emGonçalo wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Johnson has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing over the scheme, insisting it would have been a success had it not been cancelled by his successor, Sadiq Khan, who was concerned at rising costs and a lack of funds raised by the Garden Bridge Trust.
Last month, a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that if Johnson was found to have pushed through decisions that led to a significant increase in the losses, he could face a potential investigation for misconduct in public office.

OR... now let us imagine this - - -

Last month, a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that if DCI Redwood and DCI Wall and their Senior line managers were found to have pushed through decisions that led to a significant increase in the wasted expenditure, they could face a potential investigation for misconduct in public office.
+1 Get'emGoncalo

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Misconduct in Public Office Empty Misconduct in public Office.

Post by willowthewisp 20.03.18 17:06

sar wrote:
Get'emGonçalo wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Johnson has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing over the scheme, insisting it would have been a success had it not been cancelled by his successor, Sadiq Khan, who was concerned at rising costs and a lack of funds raised by the Garden Bridge Trust.
Last month, a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that if Johnson was found to have pushed through decisions that led to a significant increase in the losses, he could face a potential investigation for misconduct in public office.

OR... now let us imagine this - - -

Last month, a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that if DCI Redwood and DCI Wall and their Senior line managers were found to have pushed through decisions that led to a significant increase in the wasted expenditure, they could face a potential investigation for misconduct in public office.
+1 Get'emGoncalo
Hi sar,Boris Johnson,DCI Redwood,DCI Wall, a pocket full of posers,atissue,tissue,we all fall down?
These parasites do not care whose funds they are spending or from which department as long as it doesn't come out of their"Peel an Orange Pockets"?
Its called lets fleece the plebs,whilst they watch the wonderful TV programmes made by our friends,Benefits Britain,Benefits street,Can't Pay we'll Take It away,give the upper echelons something to snigger at, at their Tea parties,"did you see the Under class"robbing from the Super Market Stores,then selling it at reduced prices to their friends,a big wedge of cheese for a couple of pounds,to fund their Drug taking addictions!
Then when "White Dee"was offered a lucrative contract to appear in American TV show,the researches suddenly found a Criminal conviction,bringing an end to  White Dee's Fame for compassion to a fellow Human being.

We cannot let these Urchins from the Streets to become more popular than us,"We'er supposed to be castigating them" not making them into stars?

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