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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Mm11

TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Regist10
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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Mm11

TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Regist10

TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by Keitei 27.09.17 9:43

Sunday Night (Australia)

‘Madeleine’s out there’: Why the McCann’s believe their daughter is still alive – and needs them to find her.

On Sunday at 8pm on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], after [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty Re: TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by Amy Dean 27.09.17 11:03

I think that this could be a repeat of the dire programme in April where Pat Brown appeared and old footage of the McCanns was used.
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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty Re: TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by Keitei 27.09.17 11:40

Amy Dean wrote:I think that this could be a repeat of the dire programme in April where Pat Brown appeared and old footage of the McCanns was used.

You could be right, I don't know.  What I do know is that people are posting some very negative comments.  

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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty Re: TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by Verdi 27.09.17 12:21

Breaking update?  Do they know Andy Redwood retired nearly three years ago?

More like broken and seriously outdated.

Note to 'Sunday Night' Australia TV - look listen and learn..

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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty Re: TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by sharonl 27.09.17 22:05

I just love the way they say that the McCanns "believe" that their daughter is still alive.  Have they forgotten what happened to her?
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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty Re: TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by sammyc 28.09.17 21:05

sharonl wrote:I just love the way they say that the McCanns "believe" that their daughter is still alive.  Have they forgotten what happened to her?
I agree Sharon.  Considering they know Madeleine was abducted from her bed by a paedophile and have shouted this one and only scenario from the rooftops from day one I still can't understand why the parents, family or friends have never appealed to the abductor or offered a huge reward from the Fund for the 'missing piece of the jigsaw'.   It's even more astounding they haven't even made any kind of message publicly to Madeleine herself to tell her 'we will find you and bring you home sweetheart'. So very, very sad.

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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty Re: TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by MayMuse 01.10.17 1:17

The McCanns made a TV appeal the first Christmas directly to Madeleine telling her they love her etc...( no mention of a reward though) can't seem to find it at the moment, but it was on YouTube..( unless it's been whooshed as many have) .as far as I'm aware that was the only one! 
I recall it as I found it quite disturbing that KM's voice seemed very childlike....has anyone else noticed that from the early days and how as time has passed her voice has "matured" ...?

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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty Re: TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by sharonl 01.10.17 10:38

MayMuse wrote:The McCanns made a TV appeal the first Christmas directly to Madeleine telling her they love her etc...( no mention of a reward though) can't seem to find it at the moment, but it was on YouTube..( unless it's been whooshed as many have) .as far as I'm aware that was the only one! 
I recall it as I found it quite disturbing that KM's voice seemed very childlike....has anyone else noticed that from the early days and how as time has passed her voice has "matured" ...?

Festive manipulation, playing on public sympathy at a time when the public are most charitable.  This of course, would take charity away from other causes. It's disgusting.
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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty Re: TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by Jill Havern 01.10.17 16:32

Searching for Madeleine: The shocking information Portuguese police didn’t make public

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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty Re: TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by Philo Beddoe 01.10.17 20:42

Re-hash of several media attacks on the PJ and Goncalo all combined into one verminous piece of garbage.
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TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia Empty Re: TV Programme - "Sunday Night" Australia

Post by lemonbutter 02.10.17 11:01

Philo Beddoe wrote:Re-hash of several media attacks on the PJ and Goncalo all combined into one verminous piece of garbage.

Eddie and Keela were shown alerting in the apartment, but of course these "sniffer" dogs will alert to all sorts of material. No mention that one of them was a cadaver dog.

What kind of McUniverse do they think we all live in??

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