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Here comes the ScUM...........again. Mm11

Here comes the ScUM...........again. Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Here comes the ScUM...........again. Mm11

Here comes the ScUM...........again. Regist10

Here comes the ScUM...........again.

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Here comes the ScUM...........again. Empty Here comes the ScUM...........again.

Post by jeanmonroe 03.05.17 16:10

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WHO WERE THEY? Mystery couple ‘seen clambering over wall and fence directly behind apartment where Madeleine McCann was sleeping on night she vanished’
Brit police probed key witnesses about the information

By Charles Yates and Sam Christie
3rd May 2017, 2:02 pm  Updated: 3rd May 2017, 3:24 pm

A MYSTERY couple were seen clambering over a wall and fence directly behind the apartment where Madeleine McCann was sleeping just moments before she went missing, it has been claimed.
The news was revealed by British police to key witnesses as they questioned them in 2015 over Maddie’s disappearance.
Paul and Susan Moyes had an apartment above the McCanns and were out on their balcony when Maddie is thought to have gone missing
Madeleine McCann vanished without a trace on May 3, 2007
British holidaymakers Paul and Susan Moyes told the Sun Online how officers asked them about a mystery man and woman while questioning them about what they remembered from the night Maddie went missing on May 3, 2007.
Paul, 68, said officers asked them about the potentially explosive information two years ago – after swabbing both he and his wife for their DNA.
The retired accountant said: “The Met police came here about two years ago and both times they came into our house.
“The first time they interviewed us in separate rooms and took our DNA and that visit lasted more than an hour.
“The second visit was about three months later and lasted more than an hour and that was to pursue a lead and to make sure we were convinced on our timeline.
“The lead was that a couple had climbed over the fence and the back garden wall and they asked if that was us. It wasn’t.”
Kate and Gerry McCann have never stopped trying to find out what happened to their daughter
Cops grilled two witnesses about a man and woman seen climbing over a fence and wall behind the apartment where Maddie was sleeping
The couple said they had no idea who the mystery couple were but the information was “a few times removed” and had been spoken about in restaurants in the area.
The news comes after the Sun Online revealed how police are currently looking for a mysterious woman in purple seen by one witness hanging outside the apartment in the hours before Maddie went missing.
Paul and Susan, who still have the same apartment in the complex, also revealed to The Sun that despite having a prime view of both the tapas bar where Kate and Gerry McCann were with friends and the apartment where Maddie and her siblings were sleeping, they were never questioned by Goncalo Amaral – the cop who who lead the initial hunt for the three-year-old.
AC Mark Rowley says there are 'significant leads' in Madeleine McCann enquiry
The now retired detective was removed as head of the investigation after criticising British detectives.
In July 2008, Amaral released a book called “The Truth of the Lie” which claims the McCanns faked the abduction.
Paul said: "It was not long afterwards (Maddie went missing) that the Portuguese police came into the apartment with a sniffer dog. They went round the apartment and we were not asked too many questions.
"They asked to see our passports and my thoughts at the time was that this was purely for elimination purposes."
The couple still regularly holiday in Praia du Luz, though they are currently selling their 200,000-plus Euros apartment.
The pair purchased a villa in the resort in 2014.
Mr Moyes described Praia du Luz as idyllic and safe and his wife added: “It is paradise.”

Mr Moyes described Praia du Luz as idyllic and safe and his wife added: “It is paradise.”

So, the 'nannies' got it all 'wrong' then!

Unless, of course, Mr Moyes has 'forgotten' to tell us his wife 'ALWAYS carries a rape alarm' because PDL is a 'haven for 'paedos/gypsies/ner-do-wells/bogus charity conmen/inept burglators/invisible child abductors/etc', so we've been 'told'!

Oh, hang on, Mr Moyes SAYS PDL is 'idyllic and SAFE' and Mrs Moyes SAYS 'IT IS PARADISE'

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Here comes the ScUM...........again. Empty Re: Here comes the ScUM...........again.

Post by Doug D 03.05.17 17:03

No witness statements to be found in the released files, but Textusa pulled press articles about the Moyes', who were in the flat above Mrs Fenn, together in this blog from 2011.
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The ‘safe’, ‘idyllic’ and ‘paradise’ stuff looks to have been pulled from 2007, no doubt like much of the rest of the article.
Bring back the wall-climbing, garden-creeping, burglarising, soothing couple! 

Things seem to be getting pretty desperate  now.
Doug D

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