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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Mm11

Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Regist10
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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Mm11

Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Regist10

Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by jeanmonroe 30.04.17 15:15

French radio broadcast about Maddie :"L'heure du crime" with G.Moréas and Anne Guedes.27/04/17.Summary..

BIG thx to frencheuropean

Today at 1:11 pm

."l'Heure du Crime" - Jacques Pradel's radio RTL program; April 27, 2017 (2-3 pm)

"10 years ago, the disappearance of Maddie McCann"

Summary and Translation by Frencheuropean and Anne Guedes

This summary focuses on the participants' statements and leaves out archival materials that do not provide anything new.

This program is broadcast in collaboration with "Le Parisien"

J.Pradel introduces his guests:

- Timothée Boutry, a "Le Parisien" journalist who has been following the case for a long time (he was twice in Praia da Luz) and

- Georges Moréas, Honorary Commissioner, former Head of the OCRB (Office central de lutte contre le crime organisé, a sort of French equivalent of SOCA, Serious Organised Crime Agency), currently a lawyer at the Paris Bar, novelist, scriptwriter and author of columns about the Maddie McCann case on his blog POLICEtcetera.

-Anne Guedes, Professor of French in the Lisbon University Luis de Camoes, who devoted a lot ot time to this particular case. All that is related to it is exhaustively recorded in her blog, Madeleine etc.


J.Pradel says he will aks AG why she is so interested in this case, apart from the fact that it happened in Portugal where she lives.

Timothée Boutry brings to mind a short retrospective of the Scotland Yard review of the case, decided by David Cameron in 2011. He talks of a recent SY release (note: Martin Brunt's interview with the assistant commissionner Mark Rowley on April 25) alluding to a critic lead among others but remaining blurred, as always since the beginning of Operation Grange.

Jacques Pradel points out that SY never questioned the McCann family.

Georges Moréas, who read the alluded interview, finds it amazing that the commissionner seems very embarrassed and does not actually answer the journalist who has to repeat questions several times. GM reckons that SY definitively ruled out the thesis of an accident, of a sedative overdose ... an hypothesis also plausible. In France, there are similar cases of children who are reported "abducted" by their parents whereas they died accidentally. He refers to the alleged "kidnapping" in 2008 of little Antoine Brugerolle (note : he has never been found) whose mother has recently been arrested with her partner because according to the latter's fellow prisoner the child died of an accidental ingestion of drug when he was alone at home.

In England, the police adopted a political position, it was considered at once that the parents were victims and that the Portuguese police had not done the job.

J.Pradel recalls that Gonçalo Amaral's book sums up his thesis and that he finally and definitively won at the High Court the lawsuit against him, hence will not have to pay the half million euros to the McCanns.

G.Moréas emphasises that the High Court judges’ ruling reminds that the parents had not been cleared (by the filing order of July 2008), even if there was not enough evidence to charge them. The case was dismissed and the McCanns came out neither guilty nor innocent.

T.Boutry speaks about the layout of the premises in PDL. The apartment was accessible from the outside, on the ground floor.

J.Pradel : The room was on the ground floor which would have allowed to go in through the window, but there was no evidence of breaking and entering and it seems that the mother said she had closed the shutters ... another unanswered question.

T.Boutry : According to him, the parents, in the restaurant, were not far away, visual contact was possible from the restaurant ... the parents were criticized for leaving the children alone .. but people are free to have their own opinion. He talks about the Algarve.

J.Pradel, after having highlighted that Robert Murat (note : the first formal suspect) had been cleared, speaks of the concrete elements of suspicion against the parents, in particular the "cadaver" dog and the "blood" dog.

G.Moréas talks about the alerts of the dogs in the McCann apartment and the car, mentions swabs collected in the car related with Madeleine's DNA. He recalls that the samples were sent to the UK (note : FFS of Birmingham) , the results were said to be inconclusive as (components of more than two contributors) were mixed. Then strangely the samples disappeared and the counter-expertise was impossible.

J.Pradel : There were 15 markers matching MMC's DNA profile, it is at least disturbing (note : it means that 15/19 components of MMC’s DNA profile were also in the reference sample) .

G.Moréas : In France 15 markers would have sufficed for a parents' indictment.

T.Boutry : The Mccanns put forward the thesis of the kidnapping which imposed itself in U.K, they overplayed it, even if they are probably innocent. SY might have evidence, may be we'll know it some day.

G.Moréas : At first the apartment was not considered as a crime scene, there was no test made to begin with. It is a pity but it also happens sometimes in France because the first concern is to find the child.

T.Boutry reports that G. Amaral told him he regretted that the crime scene was not preserved (the police was called only at 22h41) and moreover not to have being able to make a re-enactment that would have allowed to assess the parents' (statements') inconsistencies.

J.Pradel asks GM's opinion about the updated e-fits of missing children.

G.Moréas says that it can be eventually useful for adults but that e-fits have never proved to help in the case off missing children.

J.Pradel asks GM what, as a policeman, has disconcerted him in this case.

G.Moréas : The behaviour of the parents was disturbing. They opposed the re-enactment demanded by Amaral and erased all the sms of their cell phones which is rather typical of criminals attempting to escape the police and not the first reaction of parents who are searching for their three-year-old child. This suggests that they wanted to hide something about the recipients of their calls. The police could not go further because the McCanns refused to answer the questions as soon as they became relevant and as they refused to take part in the re-enactment (note : actually being arguidos they couldn't refuse, but their friends and acquaintances could and that was enough) , their contradictions could not be examined.

J.Pradel : If it had happened in France, what would have outcome ?

G.Moréas : With the evidence gathered by the police, the parents would have been taken into custody, a judge would have ordered the re-enactment and they could not have countered it. But in Portugal, the system of justice protects more individual freedoms.

J.Pradel is now on the phone with Anne Guedes :" Why did you get so passionate about this case that of course takes place in Portugal, but you have been doing an incredible job that one can see on your blog " Madeleine etc." and for a long time ?"

A.Guedes says the media circus could not be ignored and she had a neutral position, living in Lisbon, neither Portuguese nor British but at ease in these two languages. Besides she was gobsmacked by the way the tabloids treated the Portuguese police and the Portuguese people, even going so far as to ask the ambassador of Portugal in England to "just keep his stupid, sardine-munching mouth shut".

There was a lot of contempt and also misunderstanding right from the start. This is clearly highlighted in the recent interview with the commissioner Mark Rowley. Scotland Yard's primary mission was to review the case, and a review must start from the very beginning and question the main protagonists, here the parents and their friends or acquaintances. This was not done because the British assumed that the Portuguese had cleared the parents. In fact they probably only read the last page of the Public Ministry filing order of July 2008 which says that the McCann's status as arguidos (formal suspects) are lifted.. (note: it was wrongly taken for granted that it was a certificate of innocence) .

J.Pradel asks AG if she believes like Amaral that the abduction covered up an accident.

A.Guedes refers to her blog about her opinion on that matter. She thinks that "this little girl no longer exists". There is no indication of kidnapping, it seems unlikely where it (the disappearance) occurred, the parents did not answer the questions asked by the police (note : the mother, not the father), refused a re-enactment, a behaviour that didn't make sense, even for some tabloids' editors.

J.Pradel : Question from listeners : Concealing the body was difficult since they did not know the area.

A.Guedes firmly disagrees but does not want to exhibit her thought on the phone, on the air. She thinks the McCanns took a terrible and wrong decision and soon could not go backwards anymore. Asked, she says she thinks the friends were not aware of what happened, she does not believe there was any complicity.

J.Pradel asks whether it was "behind closed doors" and AG answers yes, that's what she thinks it was.

A.Guedes : The Mccanns made a bad choice and it would have stopped there, had they not told incredible tales like for instance the abduction through the open window without trace of break-in, etc.

J.Pradel : "Do you think that the body of the child will be found one day ?"

A.Guedes : The answer is no. I think that Madeleine has stopped existing materially for a very long time".

As J.Pradel encourages everyone to go and have a look at her blog, AG points out that this blog mainly establishes facts so that people, after reading, will be able to make their own opinion. There were many fake news in this story.

And so it ended.

Note from Anne Guedes : Jacques Pradel's program generated thousands of hits on Madeleine etc., mainly from francophone countries and particularly from France, in the hours that followed the broadcast.


J.Pradel : "If it had happened in France, what would have outcome?"

G.Moréas : "With the evidence gathered by the police, the parents would have been taken into custody, a judge would have ordered the re-enactment and they could not have countered it."

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by sandancer 30.04.17 15:59

Well done France​ , congratulations​ . A balanced researched production​ that​ talks about the dogs , the samples ,inconsistencies in​ statements , lack of questions​ to the McCanns by the Met Police . 

All the things that Uk media​ ignore .

Thanks for this​ , the​ sickening sob fest here is doing my head in !

Be humble for you​ are made​ of earth . Be noble for you​ are made of stars .

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by jeanmonroe 30.04.17 16:11

G.Moréas : "With the evidence gathered by the police, the parents would have been taken into custody, a judge would have ordered the re-enactment and they could not have countered it."

Imo, the 'parents' AND their 'friends' (T7) WOULD have been taken into 'custody' and 'ordered' to do a 're-enactment', if it were not for UK, erm, 'authorities' INTERVENING/INTERFERING within 'hours' of the 'crime'!

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by suzyjohnson 30.04.17 16:53

So France has re-enactments within their police procedures also? If that's usual across Europe, any appeal to the ECHR isn't going to go down very well is it? If it ever was.



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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Was Anne Guedes right to excuse the Tapas 7 from complicity?

Post by Tony Bennett 30.04.17 23:25

jeanmonroe wrote:A.Guedes firmly disagrees but does not want to exhibit her thought on the phone, on the air. She thinks the McCanns took a terrible and wrong decision and soon could not go backwards anymore. Asked, she says she thinks the friends were not aware of what happened, she does not believe there was any complicity.

So, according to Anne Guedes, the entire Tapas 7 had no indication that anything was wrong with Madeleine until Kate McCann raised the alarm around 10.00pm on Thursday 3 May?

I wonder, then, how she explains the 20 or more contradictions there were between the accounts of David Payne and Kate McCann about an alleged visit of his to the McCanns' apartment between 6.30pm to 7.00pm on 3rd May?

Or how she explains the notorious 'Pact of Silence'?

Or Jane Tanner lying about an alleged abductor?

And how she explains so much else?



Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by Crida 30.10.17 18:59

I'm a little bit shocked!
but anyway, thanks for sharing

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by Guest 30.10.17 19:37

Yes it would have been distressing, but surely, if you knew it was to jolt peoples memories that may help find their daughter wouldn't you do absolutely anything? Including the painful process of a re-enactment?
It shouldn't have to get to the point of being taken in to custody and ordered to do so, it should have just been something they knew they had to do for the sake of their daughter. 
Thank you for sharing this, very interesting!

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by TonyMorgan 29.03.18 11:21

I absolutely agree

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by G-Unit 30.03.18 11:49

Tony Bennett wrote:
jeanmonroe wrote:A.Guedes firmly disagrees but does not want to exhibit her thought on the phone, on the air. She thinks the McCanns took a terrible and wrong decision and soon could not go backwards anymore. Asked, she says she thinks the friends were not aware of what happened, she does not believe there was any complicity.

So, according to Anne Guedes, the entire Tapas 7 had no indication that anything was wrong with Madeleine until Kate McCann raised the alarm around 10.00pm on Thursday 3 May?

I wonder, then, how she explains the 20 or more contradictions there were between the accounts of David Payne and Kate McCann about an alleged visit of his to the McCanns' apartment between 6.30pm to 7.00pm on 3rd May?

Or how she explains the notorious 'Pact of Silence'?

Or Jane Tanner lying about an alleged abductor?

And how she explains so much else?

Is there any evidence of a pact of silence other than reports in the media? Because it was denied in the media also. 

"We wish to state that there is categorically no ‘pact of silence’ or indeed anything secretive between us......"From day one, the police in Portugal told us not to discuss our statements. "It is incredibly frustrating for us that the fact we have done as we were asked to by the Portuguese police is still being looked upon as suspicious.

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Anne Guedes

Post by willowthewisp 30.03.18 17:14

G-Unit wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:
jeanmonroe wrote:A.Guedes firmly disagrees but does not want to exhibit her thought on the phone, on the air. She thinks the McCanns took a terrible and wrong decision and soon could not go backwards anymore. Asked, she says she thinks the friends were not aware of what happened, she does not believe there was any complicity.

So, according to Anne Guedes, the entire Tapas 7 had no indication that anything was wrong with Madeleine until Kate McCann raised the alarm around 10.00pm on Thursday 3 May?

I wonder, then, how she explains the 20 or more contradictions there were between the accounts of David Payne and Kate McCann about an alleged visit of his to the McCanns' apartment between 6.30pm to 7.00pm on 3rd May?

Or how she explains the notorious 'Pact of Silence'?

Or Jane Tanner lying about an alleged abductor?

And how she explains so much else?

Is there any evidence of a pact of silence other than reports in the media? Because it was denied in the media also. 

"We wish to state that there is categorically no ‘pact of silence’ or indeed anything secretive between us......"From day one, the police in Portugal told us not to discuss our statements. "It is incredibly frustrating for us that the fact we have done as we were asked to by the Portuguese police is still being looked upon as suspicious.
Hi G-Unit,I for one would rule out the daily Telegraph article as it has connections to a"Family friend" Clarence Mitchell,listen to his lies from the Australia Comm-Conn Tour video?
If you Trust what comes out of this person's Mouth(CM) as the "truth",Carlos Anjous states,"He lies with as many teeth he has in his Head"speaks volumes for me,that this manufactured Mouth piece,PR with connections to Two Former UK Prime Ministers is just a  fraud in Madeleine's case to deceive from the Truth.
PS,Clarence Mitchell was paid for by Brian Kennedy,He(CM)quit his job to take up a role in"Helping the McCann's"for the past Eleven years,notice any connections,to Government Organisations,Metropolitan Police Operation Grange,Mark Rowley,family spokesperson?

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by G-Unit 01.04.18 7:44

Hello. I was wondering where the 'Pact of Silence' story came from. Do you know please?

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by polyenne 01.04.18 11:20


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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by G-Unit 01.04.18 14:33

Thank you. So a story from Sol is believed but a story in a UK newspaper isn't?

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by Verdi 20.06.18 11:43

The enemies of truth: By Anne Guedes

The enemies of truth

It is too late for Madeleine. Today it has likely been too late for eleven years. Everyone will agree time has gone by, even those who believe or hope that this young person is alive somewhere, almost 15 years old, resilient hence bound to be fine.

Seven years ago, Operation Grange was commissioned to search for her, a task which entailed a review of the whole of the investigation. DCI Andy Redwood claimed there was a good chance she was alive and could be found. What then sounded like wishful thinking (at least for those who found the PJ had done a good job), today sounds like an obsolete dream, like looking for comfort instead of looking for truth. OG’s lofty goal might be falling apart. However desisting wouldn’t be acceptable, as too many expectations have been created and kept alive through the recurrent mention of a last but decisive lead.

OG perhaps would better set another goal, certainly not less worthy, which would allow restoring the confidence of the public in the reputation and integrity of an institution that has been considered as the best of the planet, the Yard.

Putting himself in the firing line one year ago, AC Mark Rowley said too much or not enough. Notwithstanding that he stated they are happy that (the involvement of the parents) was all dealt with (by the Portuguese) and there is no reason whatsoever to reopen that, there is precisely a good reason to reopen that. What is alluded to here are just convictions and Nietzsche taught us that they are more dangerous enemies for truth than lies (Human, all too Human). Beliefs have had their day, like Thomas people need to be assured that those are not just words, words, words. Beyond the case itself, the issue is to repair the tear in the social fabric that misinformation and disinformation have created, thus a pretty serious issue.

It is too late for Madeleine. Instead of perpetuating the impossible mission of proving what happened, after attempting to find a plausible abductor, OG would turn the situation to its advantage by soberly exposing the basis of its conviction about what didn’t happen and why it didn’t. On this depends also the serenity of Madeleine's brother and sister on the threshold of adolescence.

When, because his request of reconstitution failed, the public prosecutor lamented the McCanns lost an opportunity to prove their innocence, he worried they might have swapped the embarrassment of a moment against a sword of Damocles, a delicate situation against the wrath of public opinion, a transitory embarrassment against an eternal doubt. All they could hope for was that time would gradually build indifference in the public, switching off the limelight, counting on ignorance to force facts into none-existence.

Oblivion nevertheless requires leaving the media scene on tiptoe. Apparently more thirsty for secular respectability than for timeless beatitude, or confident in their ability through praying to find some accommodation with heaven, Gerald and Kate McCann yearn above all, but without giving themselves the means, for the public recognition that they played no key role in the disappearance of their daughter.

It is in this sense that the establishment of Operation Grange has freed their shoulders from a huge burden. They were able to turn a noxious page that had brought them only disappointment and cost a lot to Madeleine’s Fund with no result. The public reckoned that this Ltd did not fulfil its promises, more concerned with reputation management than searching for Madeleine, as evidenced by the recruitment of various individuals essentially experts in filching, not even in magic tricks.

It is too late for Madeleine. The political decision to set up Operation Grange could possibly no longer stand firm against the lack of findings, therefore this official hint of innocence might not last for ever and the McCanns know it. While passing years seem to penalize the Met, perhaps entrapping itself, perhaps caught in the grip of unthought-of credulity, could those years serve the coveted conquest of dignity ?

The more the Met investigates Madeleine’s disappearance, the more her parents are provided with a feed back of respectability. Would the Home Office invest the taxpayers' money and the Met put his high-flying police officers in a case where the dice are loaded from the start ?

If the cause and the manner of the disappearance which occurred on May 3 2007 in Praia da Luz are far from being clear and risk to remain so, it should however be feasible to demonstrate positively, and not any more by default or thanks to conviction, that the parents played no part in their daughter's sad destiny. Not only those who, through compassion, took their word for it, supported their campaigns with donations and searched for their child, many wish to be sure that OG does a fair and unbiased investigation and that getting to the truth, whether dreadful or just dreary, is the real objective.

Here everyone would be a winner, starting with Madeleine's parents and relatives. Taxpayers wonder more and more, and reasonably, if OG's work is justified, if their money is not spent in vain and if they are not confronted to a modern version of the myth of Sisyphus, here condemned to turn the same stone until the end of time.

It is too late for Madeleine. The highest court of the country holding the jurisdiction over the case paved the way a year ago. The initiative of the lawsuit belonged to the McCanns, the judges couldn't but cast doubt on their narrative as did the Public Ministry in a filing order that unfortunately was spun in the media into a confirmation of innocence, hence into a presumption of kidnapping.

Sometimes judges must take a decision with a heavy heart, because what is at stake isn't the absolute truth, it is the judicial one. Thankfully the institutions of justice are placed under that seal in our democratic societies. The judges know well that the exact reality of human actions, their unfolding and their consequences escape perfect comprehension and understanding. They also have no doubt that truth is mysterious, fleeting and always to conquer.

Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth, said C.G. Jung, and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not.

May 3, 2018

[Acknowledgement - pamalam @]

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by Tony Bennett 20.06.18 14:08

Verdi wrote:The enemies of truth: By Anne Guedes

The enemies of truth

Anne Guedes:  "Nietzsche taught us that they are more dangerous enemies for truth than lies...Beliefs have had their day, like Thomas people need to be assured that those are not just words, words, words".

REPLY: I'm not sure that Nietzsche taught us anything valuable. On the contrary, his ideas have caused great harm. He spent most of his life denouncing the idea that there could possibly be a personal Creator of the earth and the universe, to whom we are all responsible. His basic philosophy was that of 'nihilism' - nothing matters, all is pointless, life is not worth living, etc.

In his famous work Also Sprach Zarathustra ('Thus spoke Zarathustra'), he wrote: "The death of God must be followed by a long twilight of piety and nihilism".  

He saw suicide as a positive act, quote: "The man who does away with himself performs the most estimable of deeds" ('Twilight of the Idols).

He died of neurosyphilis, probably contracted by homosexual acts, a form of syphilis that caused his insanity. He died at the age of 56:

Anne Guedes was right, however, to mention the case of doubting Thomas. He had doubts about who Christ really was, and, reasonably, asked for more evidence. He got his proof in spades: the account is in John 20 vv 24-29).

Anne Guedes: "Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth", said C.G. Jung, "and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not".

REPLY: Carl Jung is not exactly a source of authority either. He was the cult leader of a group of academics and practitioners who followed him blindly. He was a highly charismatic leader, given to outright lies and deceit. He practised putting himself into trances where (he says) he communicated in an occult way with departed spirits, who instructed him in his theories:

Anne Guedes: "If the cause and the manner of the disappearance which occurred on May 3 2007 in Praia da Luz are far from being clear..."

May 3, 2018  [Acknowledgement - pamalam @]

REPLY:  Evidently Anne Guedes needs to come here and catch up with the latest evidence on the date of Madeleine's actual disappearance, and not remain stuck with the theories of Tavares de Almeida and Goncalo Amaral on this absolutely crucial evidential point.   


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by willowthewisp 20.06.18 14:28

Hi Mr Tony Bennett,Tavares de Almeida and Mr Goncalo Amaral had to come to their conclusions with the time allocated on Madeleine McCann's disappearance,alleged to be 3 May 2007 by her parents,who you know influenced Carter Ruck in your Court case in London?

The Portuguese Police, PJ were up against a mighty barage of protectionist elements from within the UK Government,cover up!
A person can be so wise after the event has happened?

The persons responsible for the amount of Government collusion are the Parents Kate,Gerry McCann and the Tapas 7/9 who have had a "Pact of silence" since the 3 May 2007 and as Doctor Payne reiterates,"It's Nobody else's Business",not even the UK Police,Scotland Yard?

Look at what Jeremy Thorpe managed to get away with,but of course you understand,"there has been No Cover Up" by the Establishment,Old Bean,dread the very thought of it Man!?

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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by Verdi 20.06.18 15:12

Whatever Anne Guedes' opinion of the case of missing Madeleine McCann, she should be recognized with high praise and gratitude for all the work she freely undertook in the name of Madeleine McCann and Gonçalo Amaral.

Let's not forget all the hours she spent at the Lisbon courts, later translating the proceeds of the court for our benefit.

bravo I say !!!

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes. Empty Re: Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.

Post by Liz Eagles 20.06.18 20:58

Verdi wrote:Whatever Anne Guedes' opinion of the case of missing Madeleine McCann, she should be recognized with high praise and gratitude for all the work she freely undertook in the name of Madeleine McCann and Gonçalo Amaral.

Let's not forget all the hours she spent at the Lisbon courts, later translating the proceeds of the court for our benefit.

bravo  I say !!!
No-one can deny the dedication of AG, however I stand with Tony on this matter.
Liz Eagles
Liz Eagles

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