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The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says Mm11

The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says Mm11

The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says Regist10

The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says

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The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says Empty The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says

Post by RosieandSam 27.04.17 10:38

Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says

Met Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley has said there are "significant investigative avenues" that are of "great interest"

By Lauren Fruen

27th April 2017, 12:32 am
Updated: 27th April 2017, 2:34 am

THE parents of missing Madeleine McCann have been given false hope by police who claim they are chasing critical leads, according to former detective.

Met Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said he is following up “critical” leads on the tenth anniversary of the tot’s disappearance.

But [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], 46, has since revealed his “concern” over claims, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] reports.
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Asked if police were any closer to solving the case than they were six years ago when the UK investigation was launched, Mr Rowley said: “I know we have a significant line of inquiry which is worth pursuing, and because it’s worth pursuing it could provide an answer, but until we’ve gone through it I won’t know whether we are going to get there or not.

“Ourselves and the Portuguese are doing a critical piece of work and we don’t want to spoil it by putting titbits of information out publicly.”

He declined to expand on the nature of the working theories or reveal whether any suspects were currently being considered, saying that disclosing further detail would not help the investigation.

Mr Rowley said: "We've got some critical lines of inquiry, those link to particular hypotheses, but I'm not going to discuss those because those are very much live investigation.

"We've got some thoughts on what we think the most likely explanations might be and we are pursuing those."

But Mr Williams-Thomas tweeted: “Met Police say have a ‘signifi cant line of inquiry that may give the answer’. Concern they are using such strong words [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

“At one stage the Met Police treated the burglary theory as ‘signifi cant line of inquiry’. Was never credible – now as good as ruled out.

“Very careful choice of words is always crucial – am not sure ‘credible & answer’ are best choice.”

Mr Williams-Thomas added: “Again the McCanns wake up to headlines of major developments – ‘signifi cant lead that may provide the answer.’ Met have to deliver this time.’’

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Maddie disappeared in May 2007 while on holiday with her family in Portugal.

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When Kate returned to check on the kids at around 10pm that evening, she discovered that Maddie was not in her bed and was missing.

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The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says Empty Re: The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says

Post by ChippyM 27.04.17 10:42

I thought he knew the answer though? That she wandered off. Why does't he share the details of his exclusive research?

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The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says Empty Re: The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says

Post by Jill Havern 27.04.17 11:03

It's hilarious how all these British coppers - ex-detective constables, ex-murder MET coppers, ex-DCI's, ex-Commissioners, Asst Commissioners - are all falling over themselves to contradict each other, whilst deliberately ignoring the British Police sniffer dogs, in full view of the world.


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The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says Empty Re: The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says

Post by pennylane 27.04.17 11:20

Get'emGonçalo wrote:It's hilarious how all these British coppers - ex-detective constables, ex-murder MET coppers, ex-DCI's, ex-Commissioners, Asst Commissioners - are all falling over themselves to contradict each other, whilst deliberately ignoring the British Police sniffer dogs, in full view of the world.

Yeah, what a keen eye they all have! duh

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The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says Empty Re: The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says

Post by sandancer 27.04.17 13:03

Out of all​ these " ex " whatever​s spouting their pet " theories​ " not one of them​ is an 

Ex police dog handler/trainer 

Have​ they​ been​ " wooshed " or warned like Martin Grime was​ not to speak on the case​ ?

How I would​ love​ it if the next " not​ spoken for 10 years " headline was from Martin​ Grime 
" Dogs don't Lie , the truth about Eddie and Keela " 

Ah well​ I can dream​ I suppose​      lol4

Be humble for you​ are made​ of earth . Be noble for you​ are made of stars .
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The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says Empty Re: The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says

Post by ChippyM 27.04.17 13:18

I thought Mr and Mrs where kept in the loop of what was going on with Op. Grange. So why would they be dismayed or given false hope by the Mark Rowley statement?

This opinion of course comes from M W.Thomas, so we can take it as the latest in waffle and guff from people who have nothing to do with the investigation ....then again his 'wandered off' theory suits the Mc's so maybe Thomas wants to detract from the 'one line of enquiry' angle.

  There's so much bluff, guff and spin, confusion is good as Gerry would say.

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