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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Mm11

NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Regist10
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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Mm11

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by HiDeHo 08.09.16 18:11

NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Currently only available on desktop and laptop... Working on it to make available on mobiles...

TO VIEW ON MOBILE: Click on link, at the top of the video it says YouTube. Click on the dots at the side then click on desktop and from there you will be able to view the video


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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by whatsupdoc 08.09.16 19:00

Thanks HiDeHo.

Here is the link for HiDeHo's video on YouTube...

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...and the link for the BANNED video mentioned...51.04 in duration in Portuguese with English subtitles...

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YouTube links are easy to pass on to others and also easy to record...

1 click for  Mozilla Firefox and Windows     [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Clipgrab or youtube-dl in linux.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 08.09.16 19:21

David Payne has a lot of questions to answer.

Is he the weak link?

Is this the pressure point?

If enough people saw this video would something have to be done?

Show it to your friends.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by MayMuse 08.09.16 19:57

BlueBag wrote:David Payne has a lot of questions to answer.

Is he the weak link?

Is this the pressure point?

If enough people saw this video would something have to be done?

Show it to your friends
Extremely troubling why this has not been investigated; strange how the McCanns or David Payne have not "sued" anyone for the "allegation" or even challenged or counteracted with one of their somewhat  ridiculous excuses.
Speaks volumes in my opinion!

“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by HiDeHo 08.09.16 23:59

In 9 years I have always avoided this subject, hoping it didn't have any credibility, but after adding the translations to two of Goncalo Amaral's video and seeing his comments on it as well as how he describes the initial forensic report that no longer exists I felt it was time to focus on some of the topics that have been hidden by the UK

Was the Gaspar statements and/or the 'lost' forensic report part of the reason that he questioned about the UK police and was subsequently removed?

This video needed to be done as well as the other issues that we know are hidden...

Took a while to find a song...but knew when I came across 'Crime of the Century' by Supertramp, that it was the right one :)

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by HiDeHo 09.09.16 0:26

Investigation information (CMTV)

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Presenter (P): 

A British tourist who was near Praia da Luz when the child disappeared, happened to work in England for the Child Protection Services. This woman, seemed to have recognized David Payne (the McCanns’ close friend) as a man who appeared in some report (to the Child Protection Services) in connection with inappropriate behaviour towards children.

(Reconstruction re-starts)

(VO): The day following Maddie’s disappearance, a British tourist in Algarve switches on her TV on an English channel. The news, in direct from the Ocean Club, travel around the world. The woman is moved by the suffering of the couple and decides to try and help these shattered parents.

The woman who rushes to the village of Luz is Yvonne Martin . She is not an ordinary tourist. She works in England for the Child Protection Services. She is conscious of her duty to give all assistance she can to this couple, who are living through the pain of their child’s disappearance (but) she is not welcome by the McCanns (…)

The English social worker tries to find out if the parents need help. She wishes to know the circumstances in which the children were left alone, and expresses interest in knowing details of their scheme (regime) of vigilance (checking) but, Kate and Gerry response thwarts her initiative.

Kate seemed much tenser than the others. Yvonne tries to talk to her alone, but Kate, brusquely, puts a stop to their conversation. Desolated, Yvonne Martin abandons the Ocean Club.

During the brief minutes she was with the McCanns’, she fixed (remembered) the face of a man who was always around them. This man was not introduced to her. They simply told her he was a “close friend” of the family but, Yvonne knew that face (it rang a bell).

She (thought) she had seen that friend of the McCann’s before. Then, she seemed to remember the name and where she knew him from. (As) it transpired later, David Payne had been reported in England as suspect of inappropriate behaviour towards children!

The case that involved David Payne, occurred during a (period) of holidays in the island of Mallorca in September 2005. Towards the end of that Summer, the McCanns’ went on a holiday with some friends – three other couples; among them David and Fionna Payne. The group rented a spacious villa (in Mallorca).

(One evening) at the dinner table, one of the women of the group (Katherina Gaspar), also a medical doctor, overhears a (bizarre) comment David Payne makes to Gerry McCann.

Obviously referring to Maddie, David asks Gerry if she “would do this” – (demonstrating what he meant by “this”) by sucking one finger and sliding it in and out of his mouth. While demonstrating this with one hand, he makes circles in the region of his nipples with the fingers the other hand (…)

On another occasion, the same witness, saw David Payne repeat the same gestures as he spoke about his own daughter.

Until the end of their holidays in Mallorca, this doctor and her husband, never again allowed David Payne to come close to their one and half year old daughter.

After Maddie’s disappearance the couple, once again, denunciate (report) the suspect behaviour of David Payne to the English police but, the English authorities (for some strange reason) do not disclose this (to the Portuguese police investigators) until much later.

(Program returns to the studio and the conversation resumes)

(P): So, these allegations which were reported to the police in England, were never taken into account in the investigation …

(GA): Hmm, this is very interesting. No (they were never taken into account) and I will explain (why) …

(P): (interrupts) This was never investigated !?

(GA): I am going to elaborate on it if I may, for your benefit, and for those who are watching the programme.

From May (2007) onwards, we became aware of information (coming in) from our British colleagues about something (very odd) that had happened within that group during a holiday (in Mallorca). They never told us specifically what . (We knew) it was something to do with Madeleine but, they (British) never gave us any details.

Some time later – and by then I had already been removed from the investigation and reassigned to Faro (police headquarters) – and for no specific reason, except it reminded me of the “we can’t tell you attitude” (of the British); a fax (from the UK police) arrived in Portimão (PJ headquarters) ostensibly about some other matter – and this, by the way, is all (clearly stated) in the process; this is all clearly stated in the investigation process files - and, attached to this fax, (which was conspicuously about some other subject) were the statements of Dr. Katherina Gaspar and her husband – which had been made to the British Police (months before)!

(Oddly enough) these statements (Gaspars’) were not referred to in the main communication (either in the heading or the text of the fax).

(I could well take an educated guess and say) the Gaspars’ statements entered the process by the grace of a (British) colleague who was probably fed-up of hiding what he had been told to conceal …

And it is very strange not to see anyone on behalf of the family – I mean the family of the missing child – showing any concern, any interest in these allegations ! And I don’t see anyone from Scotland Yard preoccupied in clarifying these, either!

Recently, they were talking about paedophile networks in Albufeira (Algarve) and I ask: What if there was a paedophile in the very middle of it (of this group)?

I do not know if the Gaspars’ denunciation is relevant! I have no idea if the gentleman in question is a paedophile or not , but if we ask if his behaviour was very odd, we have to admit it was!

Now concerning the British senior social assistant (Yvonne Martin) what she said was, that the person she saw in Praia da Luz (when trying to assist the McCanns’) had already passed through her hands (been seen by her in some files) either as a witness or a suspect. She recognized him afterwards from a photo (shown to her by the police).

In spite of this, when the British police was questioned by the PJ about David Payne, they replied (insisted) this gentleman had no records (on their files).

The fact is, this gentleman was the one who organized the group’s trip (to Praia da Luz); it was he who, for years, had been bathing the children, (including) the little girls of the other couples and – as is contained in the investigation files – had gone to the (McCanns’) apartment that afternoon, to see if Kate needed help with the children. Furthermore, it was he who that (very same) afternoon, (helped to) gave bath to his own daughters, while his wife went for a jog on the beach (…)

(In summary), he is the one who, over the years, had the preoccupation about bathing the children of the other couples (…) I do not know if this is normal, if it is part of British culture or not, but I do not think it is.

The gestures he made in Mallorca were (potentially) very serious (leads) particularly since these gestures related to Madeleine!

The gestures – according to the report of Dr. Katherina Gaspar , who (by the way) is herself a medical doctor so… if in this case we have to show reverence to the couple and their friends because they are doctors (least we are found guilty of lèse majesté), then we should remember she is a medical doctor as well – and her husband too!

The gestures (made by David Payne) were aimed at Madeleine, and Dr. Katherina Gaspar was shocked when she witnessed them – it was not just the gestures, but the very question he (David Payne) poses to the father (Gerry McCann) right in his presence!

This evidence (the Gaspars denunciation ) has never been denied by anyone, anywhere – not least by any of those concerned. It is as if it never happened

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 09.09.16 0:35

HiDeHo wrote:

After Maddie’s disappearance the couple, once again, denunciate (report) the suspect behaviour of David Payne to the English police but, the English authorities (for some strange reason) do not disclose this (to the Portuguese police investigators) until much later.

From May (2007) onwards, we became aware of information (coming in) from our British colleagues about something (very odd) that had happened within that group during a holiday (in Mallorca). They never told us specifically what . (We knew) it was something to do with Madeleine but, they (British) never gave us any details.

These quotes caught my eye too - well done highlighting them! :)

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by HiDeHo 09.09.16 0:36

Goncalo Amaral
Of course, one may assume this was because the parents were doctors (and it may have been perceived as if the British medical establishment was on trial) but I would still ask – why all this governmental interference ?

I do question myself and, I must stress, the reason may not have anything to do with it (the disappearance) as such. I often question myself about what exactly went on and what is still going on (..). 

I will put it to you very directly – and yet after careful consideration. They (the English and Portuguese Police) are now looking for a paedophile outside of that group (the McCanns’ and their friends) – but what if there was a paedophile within that group? Now, someone might wish to argue I am calling him a paedophile, but I am not. Not at all.

The fact remains, there was a very serious denunciation (two witness statements) to the police (English), which contained very serious accusations against someone (Payne); (a report) and that eventually reached Portugal “through doors and crossways” (suggesting the English purposefully delayed them). I could explain it to you in all detail but …

(P): We also have that story prepared …

(GA): I ask my self what is going on in here. I find it all rather enigmatic, particularly since those people (Drs. Katherina and Arul Gaspar) were not interviewed despite being listed in the “rogatory letter”.

Translators’ note: “rogatory letter”: a request by the Portuguese Justice Minister to the British Home Secretary for the Police to interview certain witnesses. The Portuguese authorities submitted their names (Gaspars) and tried to have them re-interviewed in England…

But that person (Dr. Katherina Gaspar) was not questioned because she was not present at the police headquarters when the questioning took place. Rather conveniently, she only arrived (or was made to arrive) after the Portuguese police had already left the premises (…)

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by HiDeHo 09.09.16 3:25

David Payne did not want to reveal about the weeks timeline....

DP Rogatory..

 1360 x err's 
1750 x you know's 
about 60 x mm's
ZERO x Monday
ZERO x Tuesday
2 x Wednesday 


His early statement barely reveal anything about his weeks timeline...

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 09.09.16 8:10

HiDeHo wrote:

(GA): I ask my self what is going on in here. I find it all rather enigmatic, particularly since those people (Drs. Katherina and Arul Gaspar) were not interviewed despite being listed in the “rogatory letter”.

Translators’ note: “rogatory letter”: a request by the Portuguese Justice Minister to the British Home Secretary for the Police to interview certain witnesses. The Portuguese authorities submitted their names (Gaspars) and tried to have them re-interviewed in England…

But that person (Dr. Katherina Gaspar) was not questioned because she was not present at the police headquarters when the questioning took place. Rather conveniently, she only arrived (or was made to arrive) after the Portuguese police had already left the premises (…)

This is mind-boggling.

What is that Sherlock Holmes thing...? 

The dog that didn't bark.

Is it possible to ask Operation Grange about this?

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 10.09.16 20:47

S.O.S. Hobs !!!

Checking out Yvonne Martin's witness statement with a view to posting on this thread along with Kate McCann's version taken from her novel 'madeleine' for comparison, the description she gives of David Payne I thought to be a bit peculiar.  From your personal encounter with Dr. David Payne, would you say this accurately describes his appearance - did you notice a scar on his face?

Witness statement Yvonne Martin - 13th June 2007

She describes him as tall man, height about 1,80 m, about 35 years old, of normal physical complexion, with short, dark hair, with a round face and with a scar on the left side of his face running from the eyebrow to the check [cheek]. He uses graduated glasses of small dimension with rectangular lenses. He spoke with a southern English accent and was wearing cream coloured trousers and a dark polo shirt.

Bearing in mind Robert Murat lost sight in one eye in an accident, I would think it more likely he would be scared as described by Yvonne Martin.  I know she later identified David Payne when shown photographs of members of the Tapas group by an officer of the PJ but I've not noticed anything that could be likened to a scar in any Payne photographs nor do I agree with her description of his hair and spectacles - again more like Robert Murat..

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Robert Murat v. David Payne


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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Cmaryholmes 11.09.16 8:13

When describing David Payne, how could you not mention his distinctive hairline?

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 11.09.16 12:08

Cmaryholmes wrote:When describing David Payne, how could you not mention his distinctive hairline?
It should of course read 'scarred' not 'scared' big grin - oh, I don't know though..

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David Payne

Exactly, I wouldn't describe him as having just short dark hair - I would certainly mention a prominent receding hairline.

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Robert Murat

More in line with Yvonne Martin's description - short dark hair, rectangular spectacle lenses and marked complexion (if not scared scarred :)

I'm very much hoping Hobs can verify.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by bobbin 11.09.16 14:13

Verdi wrote:S.O.S. Hobs !!!

Checking out Yvonne Martin's witness statement with a view to posting on this thread along with Kate McCann's version taken from her novel 'madeleine' for comparison, the description she gives of David Payne I thought to be a bit peculiar.  From your personal encounter with Dr. David Payne, would you say this accurately describes his appearance - did you notice a scar on his face?

Witness statement Yvonne Martin - 13th June 2007

She describes him as tall man, height about 1,80 m, about 35 years old, of normal physical complexion, with short, dark hair, with a round face and with a scar on the left side of his face running from the eyebrow to the check [cheek]. He uses graduated glasses of small dimension with rectangular lenses. He spoke with a southern English accent and was wearing cream coloured trousers and a dark polo shirt.

Bearing in mind Robert Murat lost sight in one eye in an accident, I would think it more likely he would be scared as described by Yvonne Martin.  I know she later identified David Payne when shown photographs of members of the Tapas group by an officer of the PJ but I've not noticed anything that could be likened to a scar in any Payne photographs nor do I agree with her description of his hair and spectacles - again more like Robert Murat..

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Robert Murat v. David Payne

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from Pamalam's site, photos of Murat show a scar on his left cheek. I can't see one on Payne's face. Was Yvonne also talking of Murat as well as Payne. Does anyone have her statements to hand to clarify.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by MayMuse 11.09.16 15:13

Statement here... She says scar above eyebrow and on cheek 

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“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.” [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 11.09.16 15:26

MayMuse wrote:Statement here... She says scar above eyebrow and on cheek 

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During this time, she saw the third individual two more times. Firstly, when he was accompanying an older woman and the McCann twins, demonstrating in this way, the trust that the couple had in him by letting him take care of their two children. 

This wan't Murat.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 11.09.16 15:37

I see no scar from left eyebrow to cheek.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 11.09.16 20:18

BlueBag wrote:I see no scar from left eyebrow to cheek.

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Easy mistake to make when facing someone or an image, the right side is on your left or vice-versa.

Whatever, I didn't intend to kick off a marathon cluedo - as I said in my original post, I thought it a peculiar description of David Payne and hoped that Hobs, having met Dr. David Payne, might be able to say whether or not he has a scar on his visage.

If Hobs can't confirm one way or the other then end of subject.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 11.09.16 20:26

He does have what appears to be a small scar on his left cheek.

However it most certainly is not connected to "above his eyebrow".

Add too that Martin said he was looking after the children... something I don't believe the McCanns would let a stranger do the day after the incident.

Maybe it wasn't Payne or Murat.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by whodunit 11.09.16 20:39

I disagree that there is no scarring of Murat's left eyebrow/cheek area. Considering Murat had a motorcycle accident as a teen which cost him his left eye a lack of scarring in the area would be highly unusual. The scarring is a bit vague but that is to be expected after the passage of two decades. It is certainly visible in this photo and probably more so to a person viewing Murat in person in the morning daylight. The proximity of the scarring would certainly lead a person who is unwilling to stare at Murat to believe they are connected [sorry there are two images.]

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Edit: Are we sure he's a stranger? "Do you know Robert Murat?" GM: No comment.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 11.09.16 20:42

You can't see anything really.

What is his most distinguishing feature...? The barely  discernible scar or the face full of bumps and warts?

And there is no way Murat was looking after the twins on the 4th May.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by whodunit 11.09.16 20:48

BlueBag wrote:You can't see anything really.

What is his most distinguishing feature...? The barely  discernible scar or the face full of bumps and warts?

And there is no way Murat was looking after the twins on the 4th May.

I disagree you can't see anything. The scarring is quite clear to me, anyway.

In any case, I can't find any evidence of DP having a scar such as described by YM. Yet we know by virtue of the fact that Murat suffered an accident which cost him an eye that he MUST have scarring in the vicinity that Ms. Martin described and which is supported by this photo. Also, Murat is English and has lived in England. Might she have recognized HIM? I see no evidence, as of yet anyway, that YM ever identified DP as the person she saw that morning. I'm not sure her statement was ever followed up at all?


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EDIT: I doubt the original plan was to implicate Murat, thus explaining a possible early 'open' connection to the Mccs and GM's unwillingness to rule out knowing Murat-- in case YM came forward to contradict him.. I think Murat was a Patsy of convenience. EDIT again--I've found where YM identified DP but again--no scarring? And he looks so much like Murat? Why didn't her initial description include DP's hairline, so distinctive as to be crucially important in any case of this  magnitude?

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by plebgate 11.09.16 21:33

Dr. Gaspar certainly could tell the difference between Murat and Payne.

All SY have to do is quetion YM.   Easy.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by whodunit 11.09.16 22:14

plebgate wrote:Dr. Gaspar certainly could tell the difference between Murat and Payne.

All SY have to do is quetion YM.   Easy.

Indeed. I'm not trying to absolve DP of the Gaspar allegations. Both of the Drs. Gaspar knew exactly who they were dealing with.

EDIT: I have a question pertaining to this passage of the piece posted by HDH:

She (thought) she had seen that friend of the McCann’s before. Then, she seemed to remember the name and where she knew him from. (As) it transpired later, David Payne had been reported in England as suspect of inappropriate behaviour towards children!

The case that involved David Payne, occurred during a (period) of holidays in the island of Mallorca in September 2005. Towards the end of that Summer, the McCanns’ went on a holiday with some friends – three other couples; among them David and Fionna Payne. The group rented a spacious villa (in Mallorca).

The above snippet makes it sound as though YM recognized DP from the Gaspar allegations, which weren't made until 16 days after?

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 11.09.16 22:48

BlueBag wrote:He does have what appears to be a small scar on his left cheek.

However it most certainly is not connected to "above his eyebrow".

Add too that Martin said he was looking after the children... something I don't believe the McCanns would let a stranger do the day after the incident.

Maybe it wasn't Payne or Murat.
Come on Bluebag - not only did Kate McCann allegedly leave the twins in the unlocked apartment 5a when she went off to raise the alarm on the night of 3rd May but she dumped them back in the creche the next day big grin .

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 11.09.16 22:55

Processos Vol XIII Page 3429

Photographic Recognition File

On 13th June, 2007 at the Portimao DIC, Yvonne Warren Martin appeared before me, José Monteiro, Inspector, in order to proceed with photographic recognition.

When asked, she described the suspect and she was shown photographs of various individuals who made up the McCann couple holiday group.

Upon visualising the photographs, she recognised David Anthony Payne, an individual who appeared in several photographs, as being the person she referred to in her statements and who she supposedly had known on another occasion.

The present document was drawn up and after being translated by the interpreter, will be signed.

Processos Vol XIII Pages 3430 - 3433 or pages 141-143


Places Worked:

1. Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
2. Southshields, Tyne & Wear
3. Newcastle, Tyne & Wear
4. York, North Yorkshire
5. Hull, Kingston Upon Hull
6. North Tyneside, Tyne & Wear
7. Plymouth, Devon

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


Just prior to May 3rd, Murat spent 10 days at his sister's home in Exeter, whilst he did some work on a property his mother owns in nearby Sidmouth. His sister's home is less than a mile from the house where Jane Tanner and Russell O'Brien live.

It has been speculated that there may be some connection as Tanner and O'Brien are neighbours of James and Charlotte Gorrod, who were also at the resort at the same time as the McCanns and friends.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 12.09.16 10:46

Well that's clear enough.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by whodunit 12.09.16 17:38

Still doesn't explain the fact that DP is completely without visible scarring of the left eye/cheek area which YM indisputably  describes in her statement.

So no, like most everything else about this case, YM's scarred family friend simply is not 'clear enough'.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by Guest 12.09.16 20:01

whodunit wrote:Still doesn't explain the fact that DP is completely without visible scarring of the left eye/cheek area which YM indisputably  describes in her statement.

So no, like most everything else about this case, YM's scarred family friend simply is not 'clear enough'.
Reply posted a few minutes ago deleted - wrong information.  Try again..

In Kate McCann's autobiographical novel 'madeleine', she places her first encounter with Robert Murat on the morning of 4th May immediately following her account of Yvonne Martin's intrusion.  She doesn't time the two incidents so it might be just coincidence.

It's quite feasible that Yvonne Martin saw both Robert Murat and David Payne on that occasion and confused her description - conversely I might be talking a load of rubbish.

I'm still hoping that Hobs might be able to settle the argument about David Payne's appearance in the flesh yes .


Yvonne Martin says in her witness statement that she met with the McCanns outside their apartment about 09:00 am on the morning of 4th May.

Robert Murat says in his arguido statement that he was breadfasting with his mother, Jennifer Murat at around 09:00 am when they heard the news about Madeleine's disappearance, they immediately went into the garden which is when he encountered Stephen Carpenter.  This places Murat at the Ocean Club around the same time as Yvonne Martin.

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NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century? Empty Re: NEW VIDEO: Gaspar Statements the most SHOCKING UK coverup in the Crime of the Century?

Post by whodunit 12.09.16 20:20

Verdi wrote:
whodunit wrote:Still doesn't explain the fact that DP is completely without visible scarring of the left eye/cheek area which YM indisputably  describes in her statement.

So no, like most everything else about this case, YM's scarred family friend simply is not 'clear enough'.
Reply posted a few minutes ago deleted - wrong information.  Try again..

In Kate McCann's autobiographical novel 'madeleine', she places her first encounter with Robert Murat on the morning of 4th May immediately following her account of Yvonne Martin's intrusion.  She doesn't time the two incidents so it might be just coincidence.

It's quite feasible that Yvonne Martin saw both Robert Murat and David Payne on that occasion and confused her description - conversely I might be talking a load of rubbish.

I'm still hoping that Hobs might be able to settle the argument about David Payne's appearance in the flesh yes .

But isn't it true that Ms. Martin's statement makes it clear that the guy with the scarring is the same guy she recognizes from the UK?

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