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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Mm11

The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Regist10
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Mm11

The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Regist10

The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by Tony Bennett 14.06.16 22:07

pennylane wrote:
Plebgate I totally agree.  I think there was more than one complaint

REPLY: Is there any evidence at all for that?

and the McCanns were trying to minimize the fall out for neglect by trying to consolidate them, and take control. 

REPLY: I am afraid that amidst all the mix-ups about whether the crying incident occurred the night before, or two nights before, and whether it was Madeleine who heard the twins crying, or Sean, or Madeleine and Sean, or Amelie on the Wednesday, etc., and with all the multiple doubts surrounding the timing and content of Mrs Fenn's statement and the newspaper reports that preceded it, I am at present quite unable to accept that there ever was a crying incident. These multiple contradictions in my experience clearly point to a fabricated claim 

It's also entirely possible the McCanns were witnessed elsewhere on the 1st

REPLY: You say 'possible', but apart from the very dubious evidence of the hairdresser, what other evidence exists that they were 'witnessed elsewhere' on the night of the 1st?

when the lengthy crying was heard and that was why they were paranoid about it.  They would have no idea what the PJ is about to find out, and they will be extremely uptight about anything that could hang them out to dry, so damage limitations was foremost in their minds (imo).

Also there was no need for Kate to 'prove' Madeleine was alive on 3rd (as some claim), as the nanny Catriona Baker was with her (imo), and gave detailed information to the PJ of her time spent with Maddie during that day. 

REPLY: As you know, HideHo, Richard Hall and others have analysed so many contradictions about this alleged high tea with Madeleine on 3 May, as between the statements of Baker, Pennington and the Drs McCann that IMO it is not possible to say that this high tea took place as claimed

Hence I don't believe that was behind the Mc's 'mummy why didn't you come' statement.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by plebgate 14.06.16 22:14

It could well be Mrs. Murat was rung (local gossip) about the incident and Murat told the newspaper they had rung him as he had answered the phone.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by Tony Bennett 14.06.16 22:36

plebgate wrote:aw Tony, not criticisms of you but debate to try and work this puzzle out.

If Murat was "working" for TM and Mrs. Fenn was primed beforehand but forgot,

REPLY: It is possible that she was 'primed' but when questioned by police immediately following Madeleine's reported disappearance simply decided to tell them nothing

it seems to me a rather odd that Murat should then be pointed out by Tanner and wasn't Mrs. reported as saying she believed Murat might know something or words to that effect?

REPLY: Very true, and as I've pointed out many a time, the McCann Team made a concerted effort to 'frame' Murat, including not only the points you've made, but also of course Fiona Payne, Russell O'Brien and Rachael Oldfield all rushing off to the police the moment Murat was arrested and claiming they'd seen Murat hovering around the Ocean Club on the evening of 3rd May. Behind the scenes, the British police and secret services were also briefing Amaral and his team that Murat fitted the profile of the likely abductor '90%' and then of course Clarence Mitchell's media pal Lori Campbell was also pointing a media finger at Murat. I say this was a concerted 'plot' to frame Murat - and I've repeated that for many years.

Two explanations could fit the known facts IMO:

1. Murat was not only hired by the McCann Team to translate the PJ interviews, and maybe get up to other things on 1st ,2nd and 3rd May, but also to act as the 'Fall Guy', and take suspicion away from the McCanns.


2. He was hired to do some work before the alarm was raised, hired to do the PJ translations, but was then double-crossed. If that hypothesis is correct, that would in turn provide Martin Smith, who certainly knew Murat, with a rational explanation for his suddenly producing 'Smithman' the day after Murat was made a suspect. It would also explain the high-level 'summit meeting' at the Eveleighs' villa on 13 November 2007 when the Murat Team and the McCann Team confronted each other  

Why bring Mrs Glyn into it?  I know this has not been confirmed but I believe Mrs. Fenn did phone her as she had no way of knowing whether the police would confirm this was true or not.

REPLY: We have no corroboration whatsoever about any Mrs Edna Glyn. Who exactly was she? Was she really 'phoned? At 11pm at night? - well after most elderly people have gone to bed? Did she say just 'I am not surprised?' Nothing else? Were both women willing to do nothing about a child sobbing relentlessly for 75 solid minutes? Where did Mrs Glyn live? In Praia da Luz? Or England?

edited to add - there seem a heck of a lot of reports of crying if no such event took place.  What a puzzle indeed.

REPLY: Yes, we now have

* Mrs Fenn saying she heard crying and 'phoned Mrs Glyn - 1 May
* McCanns talking to Fiona and Jane about the crying incident on 3 May
* Both McCanns making sure the police knew about the crying incident on 4 May
* 'It was the twins'
* 'It was Madeleine'
* 'It was Madeleine and Sean'
* 'It was Amelie on Wednesday'  
* 'It was Amelie on Wednesday and Madeleine and Sean on Thursday'
* Murat 'phoning a GNR officer saying 'a foreign woman rang me up about a crying incident' (or foreign women as per 'skyrocket')
* The press on 18 August saying Mrs Fenn was going to give a statement about a crying incident
* Mrs Fenn making a statement on 20 August...

...but then...

...but then, after all this, Mrs Fenn telling the world on camera: "It's all rubbish...please ignore it" 


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by Tony Bennett 14.06.16 22:39

plebgate wrote:It could well be Mrs. Murat was rung (local gossip) about the incident and Murat told the newspaper they had rung him as he had answered the phone.
No, he didn't tell 'the newspaper'. He told a GNR officer at their Lagos HQ


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by Tony Bennett 14.06.16 22:47

dottyaussie wrote:Tony do you know if Murat was asked about this when he was spoken to by the PJ or if he mentioned it to anyone other than the GNR ?
AFAIK there in nothing apart from what we know from this GNR statement.

I want to know where Murat got this 'crying incident' from.

NOT from the McCanns' police witness statements.

I suggest he got this information about the 'foreign woman' verbally either from the McCanns or others associated with them, or verbally from Mrs Fenn after the (alleged) event, or maybe from both.

I don't think for one moment that Mrs Fenn 'phoned Murat on the night of Tuesday 1 May and, besides that, Mrs Fenn does not mention 'phoning Murat in her statementm and neither does Murat mention any foreign woman ringing him up about a crying incident, either in his first statement on 15 May (which was full of outright lies anyway) nor in his second statement (10 & 11 July)


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by pennylane 14.06.16 22:52

Tony Bennett wrote:
pennylane wrote:
Plebgate I totally agree.  I think there was more than one complaint

REPLY: Is there any evidence at all for that?

and the McCanns were trying to minimize the fall out for neglect by trying to consolidate them, and take control. 

REPLY: I am afraid that amidst all the mix-ups about whether the crying incident occurred the night before, or two nights before, and whether it was Madeleine who heard the twins crying, or Sean, or Madeleine and Sean, or Amelie on the Wednesday, etc., and with all the multiple doubts surrounding the timing and content of Mrs Fenn's statement and the newspaper reports that preceded it, I am at present quite unable to accept that there ever was a crying incident. These multiple contradictions in my experience clearly point to a fabricated claim 

It's also entirely possible the McCanns were witnessed elsewhere on the 1st

REPLY: You say 'possible', but apart from the very dubious evidence of the hairdresser, what other evidence exists that they were 'witnessed elsewhere' on the night of the 1st?

when the lengthy crying was heard and that was why they were paranoid about it.  They would have no idea what the PJ is about to find out, and they will be extremely uptight about anything that could hang them out to dry, so damage limitations was foremost in their minds (imo).

Also there was no need for Kate to 'prove' Madeleine was alive on 3rd (as some claim), as the nanny Catriona Baker was with her (imo), and gave detailed information to the PJ of her time spent with Maddie during that day. 

REPLY: As you know, HideHo, Richard Hall and others have analysed so many contradictions about this alleged high tea with Madeleine on 3 May, as between the statements of Baker, Pennington and the Drs McCann that IMO it is not possible to say that this high tea took place as claimed

Hence I don't believe that was behind the Mc's 'mummy why didn't you come' statement.
Hi Tony,

There are no mix ups about the crying incident in Pamela Fenn's statement to the police, only in the rubbish reporting and the McCanns attempt to alter it.  I absolutely believe Pamela Fenn told the truth, not the McCanns, not Mitchell, and not the media who were like a big feeding frenzy of misinformation throughout those months.

Re Catriona Baker, she was with Madeleine during the day of 3rd May 2007 (imo) precisely as she claimed in her statement to the police, and I don't believe she is lying about that. High Tea may have a simple answer, but since we cannot ask direct questions we are unable to precisely know where Maddie was at that time.

I also believe the Smith family saw a child (imo Maddie) being carried by a man.  

It seems, therefore, we will have to agree to disagree on these issues.

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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by plebgate 14.06.16 23:03

Tony Bennett wrote:
plebgate wrote:aw Tony, not criticisms of you but debate to try and work this puzzle out.

If Murat was "working" for TM and Mrs. Fenn was primed beforehand but forgot,

REPLY: It is possible that she was 'primed' but when questioned by police immediately following Madeleine's reported disappearance simply decided to tell them nothing

When would she have been primed and wouldn't that have made her part of some "plot".  Why would she agree to become involved in any "plot" involving the disappearance of a little girl?

it seems to me a rather odd that Murat should then be pointed out by Tanner and wasn't Mrs. reported as saying she believed Murat might know something or words to that effect?

REPLY: Very true, and as I've pointed out many a time, the McCann Team made a concerted effort to 'frame' Murat, including not only the points you've made, but also of course Fiona Payne, Russell O'Brien and Rachael Oldfield all rushing off to the police the moment Murat was arrested and claiming they'd seen Murat hovering around the Ocean Club on the evening of 3rd May. Behind the scenes, the British police and secret services were also briefing Amaral and his team that Murat fitted the profile of the likely abductor '90%' and then of course Clarence Mitchell's media pal Lori Campbell was also pointing a media finger at Murat. I say this was a concerted 'plot' to frame Murat - and I've repeated that for many years.

Two explanations could fit the known facts IMO:

1. Murat was not only hired by the McCann Team to translate the PJ interviews, and maybe get up to other things on 1st ,2nd and 3rd May, but also to act as the 'Fall Guy', and take suspicion away from the McCanns.

Possible but very risky business why would he do that and how would he know that Mrs. Fenn wouldn't blab that she had been asked to become involved in some sort of plot


2. He was hired to do some work before the alarm was raised, hired to do the PJ translations, but was then double-crossed. If that hypothesis is correct, that would in turn provide Martin Smith, who certainly knew Murat, with a rational explanation for his suddenly producing 'Smithman' the day after Murat was made a suspect. It would also explain the high-level 'summit meeting' at the Eveleighs' villa on 13 November 2007 when the Murat Team and the McCann Team confronted each other  

Again possible but who was paying him?  We have been told Mr. & Mrs. had no money and double crossing him would have been very risky as  they would not have known he wouldn't tell the whole story of being hired and bringing Mrs. Fenn into the plot as well.

Why bring Mrs Glyn into it?  I know this has not been confirmed but I believe Mrs. Fenn did phone her as she had no way of knowing whether the police would confirm this was true or not.

REPLY: We have no corroboration whatsoever about any Mrs Edna Glyn. Who exactly was she? Was she really 'phoned? At 11pm at night? - well after most elderly people have gone to bed? Did she say just 'I am not surprised?' Nothing else? Were both women willing to do nothing about a child sobbing relentlessly for 75 solid minutes? Where did Mrs Glyn live? In Praia da Luz? Or England?

We know nothing of Mrs. Glyn, but the police would have been able to contact her to confirm what Mrs. Fenn had said.   Would Mrs. Fenn really have taken such a risk and been questioned as to why she would say it happened when it had not?  Mrs. Fenn was up at 11pm so why wouldn't her friend be?

edited to add - there seem a heck of a lot of reports of crying if no such event took place.  What a puzzle indeed.

REPLY: Yes, we now have

* Mrs Fenn saying she heard crying and 'phoned Mrs Glyn - 1 May
* McCanns talking to Fiona and Jane about the crying incident on 3 May
* Both McCanns making sure the police knew about the crying incident on 4 May
* 'It was the twins'
* 'It was Madeleine'
* 'It was Madeleine and Sean'
* 'It was Amelie on Wednesday'  
* 'It was Amelie on Wednesday and Madeleine and Sean on Thursday'
* Murat 'phoning a GNR officer saying 'a foreign woman rang me up about a crying incident' (or foreign women as per 'skyrocket')
* The press on 18 August saying Mrs Fenn was going to give a statement about a crying incident
* Mrs Fenn making a statement on 20 August...

...but then...

...but then, after all this, Mrs Fenn telling the world on camera: "It's all rubbish...please ignore it
REf. red highlighting - this has already been covered in thread several times.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by plebgate 14.06.16 23:07

Tony Bennett wrote:
plebgate wrote:It could well be Mrs. Murat was rung (local gossip) about the incident and Murat told the newspaper they had rung him as he had answered the phone.
No, he didn't tell 'the newspaper'. He told a GNR officer at their Lagos HQ
Yes he rang the GNR officer maybe because it might look odd if it later came out that the foreign woman had told him/his mother and it had not been reported?

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by Verdi 14.06.16 23:50

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"Wasn't there a report of a couple seen going to the apartment to comfort a crying child ?"

I think you'll find this story was only rumour - I don't believe it's ever been verified.  Think about it logically, how could two total strangers enter an apartment to comfort a crying child, there's no reason to suppose they knew the patio door was unlocked or even the exact location of the crying.  Or is someone suggesting they comforted a crying child from the roadside?

"Good point about Evie, and why didn't they hear her being sick ?"

Jane Tanner took great pains during her rogatory interview to cast doubt on the efficiency of their baby monitor, further complicated by where it was and/or where it wasn't positioned in the Tapas restaurant.  I think it safe to conclude that a) they didn't use a monitor or b) it was out of range anyway.

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Post by Verdi 14.06.16 23:58

plebgate wrote:  Were they offered the babysitter service because of different reports of crying (not Mrs. Fenn)  and maybe it was mentioned in Mrs' 4th May statement because of this and not because of anything Mrs. Fenn may have reported on 4th May.

This subject was covered up-thread.  There is no evidence to suggest that the McCanns were offered the service of a babysitter at any stage of the week, other than the welcome meeting when they would have been told of all the Ocean Club services, along with all the other new guests.

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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by Verdi 15.06.16 0:03

plebgate wrote:
If Murat was "working" for TM and Mrs. Fenn was primed before hand but forgot, it seems to me a rather odd that Murat should then be pointed out by Tanner and wasn't Mrs. reported as saying she believed Murat might know something or words to that effect?

Why bring Mrs Glyn into it? 

A devious diversionary tactic maybe?

Who is Mrs Glyn (other than a claimed friend of Pamela Fenn) - does anyone know?

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by dottyaussie 15.06.16 0:59

The only Mrs Glyn I have been able to find with a connection to Portugal is a shipping record 

In 2nd Class travelling to Lisbon Portugal on 7 August 1954

Mr Mark Glyn Director Age 48
Mrs Edna Glyn Designer Age 29

Mr Glyn passed away 2005 Lancashire 
Mrs Glyn passed away 2015 Isle of Man Age 91

Mrs Fenn did say in her statement that Mrs Glyn also lived in Praia da Luz.

Maybe this is Mrs Glyn.

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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by plebgate 15.06.16 6:23

Verdi wrote:
plebgate wrote:  Were they offered the babysitter service because of different reports of crying (not Mrs. Fenn)  and maybe it was mentioned in Mrs' 4th May statement because of this and not because of anything Mrs. Fenn may have reported on 4th May.

This subject was covered up-thread.  There is no evidence to suggest that the McCanns were offered the service of a babysitter at any stage of the week, other than the welcome meeting when they would have been told of all the Ocean Club services, along with all the other new guests.
Thank you verdi I thought I had read that it was on the Tuesday night, so yes only rumours of the crying incident on 2nd May.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by plebgate 15.06.16 6:28

Verdi wrote:
plebgate wrote:
If Murat was "working" for TM and Mrs. Fenn was primed before hand but forgot, it seems to me a rather odd that Murat should then be pointed out by Tanner and wasn't Mrs. reported as saying she believed Murat might know something or words to that effect?

Why bring Mrs Glyn into it? 

A devious diversionary tactic maybe?

Who is Mrs Glyn (other than a claimed friend of Pamela Fenn) - does anyone know?
I am still not convinced that this could be a devious tactic.

we still have to wonder why Mrs. Fenn would agree to be coerced into giving a false statement to the police in a very serious matter of a child gone missing.   Then added to that she was coerced into making up a story that she rang a friend and even named the friend without any thought that the police might contact the friend to verify her story.

Can anyone come up with a reason why Mrs. Fenn woud agree to go along with such a plot?

Being a friend of Mrs. Murat for me would not warrant such a big deception and the risk of police action if her statement turned out to be untrue.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by plebgate 15.06.16 6:43

Regarding the post about Mrs. mentioning a crying incident on the Thursday at the table.

Yes it is quite possible that Mrs. got wind that Mrs. Fenn had spoken to the police about hearing crying on 1st May especially if Mrs. Fenn had had a knock on the door early morning of 4th May, 2007.

IIRC Mrs. gave her statement in the afternoon of 4th May, 2007 at 2.20pm.

Did anybody else mention in their 4th May 2007 statements about a crying incident being mentioned on the Thursday at the table?


I think it is also worth remembering that these are only theories being put forward on this thread to be knocked down and hopefully help toward making sense of it all.

Posting that there is no evidence of this that or the other is obvious as equally there is no evidence that Mrs. Fenn was coerced into anything but instead of stating the obvious posters are trying to come up with something that might make sense.

At the moment I haven't been convinced that Mrs. Fenn was coerced into anything especially since it would have been such a huge risk for her personally if it ever came out that this had been the case.

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by pennylane 15.06.16 8:10

plebgate wrote:Regarding the post about Mrs. mentioning a crying incident on the Thursday at the table.

Yes it is quite possible that Mrs. got wind that Mrs. Fenn had spoken to the police about hearing crying on 1st May especially if Mrs. Fenn had had a knock on the door early morning of 4th May, 2007.

IIRC Mrs. gave her statement in the afternoon of 4th May, 2007 at 2.20pm.

Did anybody else mention in their 4th May 2007 statements about a crying incident being mentioned on the Thursday at the table?


I think it is also worth remembering that these are only theories being put forward on this thread to be knocked down and hopefully help toward making sense of it all.

Posting that there is no evidence of this that or the other is obvious as equally there is no evidence that Mrs. Fenn was coerced into anything but instead of stating the obvious posters are trying to come up with something that might make sense.

At the moment I haven't been convinced that Mrs. Fenn was coerced into anything especially since it would have been such a huge risk for her personally if it ever came out that this had been the case.
Amen Plebgate!  

I don't believe Mrs Fenn was coerced either nah  , imo she gave the PJ an accurate account of the crying she heard on 1st May 2007 in the apartment directly beneath hers.

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The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.  - Page 36 Empty Re: The Possible Dry Run By The Alleged Abductor That Possibly Caused The Alleged Crying Incident.

Post by skyrocket 15.06.16 9:36

@TB - re: the 'unwittingly causing a diversion' comment from last night, regarding my point that the police statement actually says that Murat reported to da Costa of the GNR that:

'That some foreign women, who had already been interviewed by the police, phoned him, telling him that there was a child crying in an apartment near to them.'

There was no diversion intended, witting or otherwise, although I do genuinely appreciate your politeness. I'm as confused as everyone else appears to be about all these crying episodes and their significance but IMO if a statement is referred to it needs to be a completely accurate reference.

There's no getting away from the fact that the statement says women (both in the English translation and the Portuguese original). I personally don't take the statement to mean that Murat had numerous phone calls from several women. As it stands I take the words to mean that 2 (or, less likely, more) women heard a child crying in an apartment and phoned Murat to tell him. From there we have to conjecture that the women asked him to phone the police or he took it upon himself to do so. I also think that the crying event being reported sounds like it was after the disappearance. Why would they phone him (or Jenny Murat) before the disappearance? I feel the Murat report has to be genuine - he risked the police following up on it, whenever it was. Why though, didn't he report it to the PJ rather than the GNR (perhaps it was something to do with the time of night?). 

I have no idea where all this fits in with Amelie crying (and MBM staying in her parents room); Tuesday night crying; Wednesday night crying; Pamela Fenn; etc. I have steered clear of trying to work all this out. The problem is there is no safe base line to compare anything against - some truth; some half-truth; some blatant lies, all mixed to cause utter confusion. 

Two opposing points are driving me nutty:

Firstly, what factor would be so compelling to make an elderly, strong woman lie in the case of an innocent 3 year old child? Is there anything that would make you or me do it? 

Secondly, why would an elderly, strong woman not do something about a young child's increasingly distraught crying for 75 minutes? I don't believe that she would not have at least informed the OC main reception during the event. 

As has been expressed on the Clement Freud thread, along with paedophilia, there seems to be a theme of children crying in this case.

Kate's Auntie Janet Kennedy (she who sees herself as the 'substitute grandmother' - wonder how SH feels about that one) said the following in her rogatory regarding the Mc's view on crying:

'I had a conversation with Kate regarding care of the children in particular, leaving the children to cry until exhaustion and Kate and I both agreed that this was not correct and that the attention should be placed on calming them down. As parents, Kate and Gerry did not let their children cry'.

Re: the monitors, I'm not sure. The tapas waiters reported having seen them on the table. Whether they were there for the purpose described is another matter - they could have been used by a baby sitter to keep in contact with the table. I don't believe Evie was crying at 9.30pm on 3 May - the story changes in each statement. We don't even know for sure if she was in 5D at the time or even if Russell actually did a check. 

(I'm bracketing this as I appreciate it's a high ball - as I posted up thread, I think it is a reasonable possibility that the Payne's were in 5A and the Mc's in 5H, until a swap had to be made to make the abduction scenario workable. I gave some of my reasoning. If so, the crying incident could have involved Lily, who we are told was in a cot and unable to get out. Remember MBM was free to roam and was quite capable of opening the patio doors (as was Lily) - if she was still around on the 1 May, would she have stayed put for 75 minutes, or would she have got up, checked the apartment and set off to look for mum and dad?).

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Post by pennylane 15.06.16 10:07

'That some foreign women, who had already been interviewed by the police, phoned him, telling him that there was a child crying in an apartment near to them.'

@Skyrocket, I think this is very interesting indeed, particularly as it's plural!  I also don't believe Murat would describe Mrs Fenn as 'some foreign women' as his mother, ex wife, and child, are all British. As I said earlier, this could be related to the origins of the 'soothing couple' story, or perhaps further complaints about crying on 1st.  Wonder where the McCanns spent the evening of 1st May? Perhaps they wanted to move the crying incident to 2nd because they were at the tapas bar and could claim they were checking regularly?

The McCanns have revised the crying incident to within an inch of it's life, and it's obvious (imo) that they were thoroughly spooked at what may unfold or be revealed.

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Post by dottyaussie 15.06.16 10:08

As Skyrocket has pointed out

That some foreign women, who had already been interviewed by the police, had phoned him, telling him that there was a child crying in an apartment near to them.

I think we need to remember that Murat and his mother were proving to be very 'helpful' at the time. Murat was handing over his phone number to anyone that he could and his mother had her information stand. These women could have been given Murat's phone number by either of these ways. So they didn't necessarily know him.

These women had already been interviewed by the police and the GNR officers statement was 16/5/07. So both of these things happened 3 months before the Mrs Fenn stories were coming out in the Press.

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Post by dottyaussie 15.06.16 10:23

I really thought we had moved on from the crying incident being some sort of conspiracy. But the way things are going it will be Mrs Fenn, the hairdresser, Robert Murat, Jenny Murat, 'these women' and the GNR officer all being coerced !!

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Post by Tony Bennett 15.06.16 10:47

dottyaussie wrote:I really thought we had moved on from the crying incident being some sort of conspiracy. But the way things are going it will be Mrs Fenn, the hairdresser, Robert Murat, Jenny Murat, 'these women' and the GNR officer all being coerced !!

I'm surprised that anyone should even suggest that, in the light of the evidence of multiple problems with the various stories of the crying and burglary incidents.

Plus we now have claims of either Mrs Fenn (or multiple women as per skyrocket and pennylane) contacting Robert Murat about the crying incident on the very day he had just turned up again in Praia da Luz after a three-month absence in England. Look at sharonl's post upthread where she has set out six major questions about that. 

We can only 'move on' if you and others can satisfactorily explain all the above.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by pennylane 15.06.16 11:44

dottyaussie wrote:As Skyrocket has pointed out

That some foreign women, who had already been interviewed by the police, had phoned him, telling him that there was a child crying in an apartment near to them.

I think we need to remember that Murat and his mother were proving to be very 'helpful' at the time. Murat was handing over his phone number to anyone that he could and his mother had her information stand. These women could have been given Murat's phone number by either of these ways. So they didn't necessarily know him.

These women had already been interviewed by the police and the GNR officers statement was 16/5/07. So both of these things happened 3 months before the Mrs Fenn stories were coming out in the Press.
I agree with this dotty.

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Post by dottyaussie 15.06.16 12:09

Thank you Pennylane.

Tony we have a statement from a GNR officer about some women contacting Robert Murat. It clearly states 'some women'.

And it wasn't necessarily on 'the very day he just turned up in Praia da Luz'. As you pointed out in a previous post it could have been any day between the 4th and the 16th.

And I gave an explantion as quoted in Pennylane's post.

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Post by HiDeHo 15.06.16 13:16

sharonl wrote:Regardless of whether or not the crying incident really did occur, and whether there was such a telephone call that night, Murat phoned the Lagos post and told them that a foreign woman had called him to tell him that a child was crying in an apartment near her.  This all allegedly took place late evening on the 1st or 2nd of May.

1.  Why would Mrs Fenn phone Robert Murat to say that a child was crying?
2.  Why Robert Murat? What could he possibly do about a crying child that he didn't know?
3.  Did Mrs Fenn already know Robert Murat?
4.  To call someone that late at night you would need to be well acquainted with them.
5.  If this is true, then Mrs Fenn must have been friendly enough with Murat to have had his telephone number
6.  If Mrs Fenn and Murat were such good friends, or so well acquainted prior to May 3rd, that also raises suspicion.

So Murat,  is really telling us that he and Mrs Fenn were known to each other prior to May 3rd, well enough for her to have his telephone number and to call him late at night to chat about a child crying.

I'm having trouble presuming it was Mrs Fenn...

She had two friends (at least) that (supposedly) knew about the crying... Edna Glyn and the friend that David Pilditch spoke to on August 17th (in preparation for his August 18th article when it was apparent that someone? (McCanns)  may be charged

Do we know the date of the phone call and the time?

Do we know the date of the crying?  Was it before or  after the disappearance or was it in progress during the call (doubtful)

'An apartment near to them' ?

Could it have been someone that called him as she knew he was the 'translator' and got his number from (who knows... a friend of Mrs Murat?)

I'm afraid although its easy to presume its Mrs Fenn there's nothing specific to say it couldn't have been one of her friends..and she knew he could translate and get the info to the police...which he did (apparently)

OR it could have been Mrs Fenn... 

Extract from the statement of GNR officer Paolo Jorge Carvaihosa da Costa

When asked he said that he never saw Robert Murat in all the times he visited the scene.

He does remember however, that on a day he cannot recall, an individual who identified himself as Robert, saying that he was in P da L as a translator helping the PJ, phoned the Lagos post saying:

That some foreign women, who had already been interviewed by the police, had phoned him, telling him that there was a child crying in an apartment near to them.

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Post by Verdi 15.06.16 14:02

It seems to me that rather than identifying concrete reasons for the alleged crying episodes and thus totally exonerating Pamela Fenn - all that's being put forward are hypothetical suggestions with absolutely no foundation and/or other trifling incidents with no particular impetus for moving this subject forward.

The witness statement of the GNR officer, Paolo Jorge Carvaihosa da Costa,  taken on 16th May 2007 ..

When asked he said that he never saw Robert Murat in all the times he visited the scene.

He does remember however, that on a day he cannot recall, an individual who identified himself as Robert, saying that he was in P da L as a translator helping the PJ, phoned the Lagos post saying:

That some foreign women, who had already been interviewed by the police, had phoned him, telling him that there was a child crying in an apartment near to them.

This is not a verbatim statement, it's been transcribed.  Some woman - some women - a woman - a women, wrongly recorded perhaps?  Think about it, 'Robert' would be more likely to say a/some woman phone him or he received calls from 1,2,3, 4 + women.  Some women had phoned him, implies a group of woman all speaking at the same time during one call.  Whichever, the fact remains that this is the only officially documented mention of a crying incident (outside of the Tapas group) prior to Pamela Fenn's witness statement taken in August 2007.  Irrespective of how many women (note the gender) there is a strong indication here that the primary objective of 'Robert' was to promote a crying incident - that's the important issue as I see it.

Hard facts..

a)  There is no official confirmation that Pamela Fenn reported the crying incident to the police until her witness statement in August 2007.

b)  There is no official confirmation that Pamela Fenn reported the attempted burglary incident to the police until her witness statement in August 2007.

c)  It's recorded in the witness statement of the GNR officer named above that 'Robert' telephone the Lagos post to tell of someone/s of female gender phoning him to tell of a crying incident.

In the words of Gerry McCann 'there is no evidence to prove...'  Never was a truer word spoken by the Doctor.

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