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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Mm11

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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Mm11

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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos

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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Empty Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos

Post by ufercoffy 01.07.10 8:40

FOUR years ago, a national agency was set up to rescue children from abuse and arrest sex offenders.

The Child Exploitation And Online Protection Centre includes police, child safety experts plus charity, Government and industry people.

Today, on the tenth anniversary of eight-year-old Sarah Payne's abduction by Roy Whiting CEOP announce their latest results - with more perverts than ever being caught.

Here, CEOP chief exec Jim Gamble talks about his work.

ON the anniversary of Sarah Payne's disappearance, it is appropriate to pay tribute to her mother Sara who has campaigned so hard for work in this area.
Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Payne180_1059760a Tragic ... Sarah Payne

Without her, and people like her, we simply couldn't do what we do.
My heartfelt condolences go out to Sara and her family. We have been lucky to have campaigners like her who, despite all the horrors she has been through, tirelessly lobby and help us improve.
She understands the real hurt and pain victims go through.
Today CEOP can announce that between April 2009 and March 2010 we were directly involved in instigating and supporting investigations that safeguarded 278 children - double the number from the previous year.
That brings the total number of children safeguarded from abuse since the organisation was launched to 624.

What that means is when we arrest a suspected sex offender, we find out if they have access to other children we may not have known about.
Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Jimgambleembed_180_1076709a 'We get kids safety and the help they need' ... Jim Gamble

Sometimes we're lucky and the children haven't been abused yet. Sometimes it's too late but we get them safety and the help they need.

We set up CEOP at a time when people were more worried about their children being abused than they were about terrorism. A decision was made to create a centre that consolidated the expertise of many different groups.

Every year our results are better. When we started, we had an eight per cent success rate in locating high-risk offenders. Today, it's 80 per cent. Before, we were playing catch-up. Now we are ahead of criminals and often catch them before they hurt a child.
Our Image Analysis And Victim Identification team is, I believe, leading the world in its work.
This team does an incredibly difficult job analysing indecent images to identify child victims, locate them and rescue them. This year, we rescued 47 children in this way.
We also work with teams around the world.
Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos SNN0105WHIT-180_1055220a Paedo ... Roy Whiting

In the last fortnight, we sent a team to Cambodia to apprehend a British suspect. We want to show that, no matter where they are - here or abroad, online or offline - the long arm of the law can reach them.
We are now also to take responsibility for missing children.
So if a child like Madeleine McCann went missing now, I can't say whether we could find her but I have no doubt we could act faster to alert the authorities here and improve the response of authorities abroad.
And we work with businesses. I can honestly say I have learnt more from them than from law enforcement agencies, simply because they know how to deliver more for less.
We operate on just £12.5million and have to rely on public and private investors in addition to government money.

Our 46,000 volunteers and 125 paid staff get the message across to children, parents and schools about how to protect themselves from predators. We are low cost and high impact.

I'm a dad myself. There is nothing more precious than your kids.
I was in charge of the anti-terrorist intelligence unit in Belfast and deputy director general of the National Crime Squad but I have never had a job more challenging, more frustrating but ultimately more rewarding than this one.
This is the work I want to be remembered for.
On certain days you go home with the weight of the world on your shoulders. Other days you are walking on air, there isn't a feeling like it.
I am more satisfied with what I have done here than anything in my career.
There is still some way to go but this team works very hard, in very difficult circumstances, and we are catching more paedophiles than ever before.

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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos

Post by ufercoffy 01.07.10 8:44

Police unit saves 278 from abusers

(UKPA) – 5 hours ago
A record number of children were rescued from paedophiles prowling the internet last year, a specialist police unit has said.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) said it safeguarded 278 youngsters over the past 12 months.
The number was double those helped in the previous period by the unit and the most in one year since it was established in 2006.
Of the children, 47 were identified and found as a result of analysis of images and videos posted online by paedophiles.
Meanwhile 417 suspected child sex offenders were arrested for offences from possessing indecent images to rape.
Jim Gamble, who leads Ceop, said the unit also disrupted the activities of 96 networks sharing images of child abuse.
He said: "Ceop brings together cross-sector expertise and then delivers bespoke frontline services to a whole network of practitioners.
"That is real economy of scale and our results year on year show the very lasting and significant impact we are making."
Home Office crime prevention minister James Brokenshire said: "The Government is committed to protecting children and Ceop plays a vital role which means more children are safeguarded, more offenders are apprehended and more professionals are trained."
The unit's annual review said work continued to build a virtual warehouse housing every child abuse image collected by Ceop.

Copyright © 2010 The Press Association. All rights reserved.

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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos

Post by ufercoffy 01.07.10 8:45

Paedophiles 'increasingly access images from webcams'

Page last updated at 23:08 GMT, Wednesday, 30 June 2010 00:08 UK

By Katherine Sellgren
BBC News education reporter Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos _48217365_video_woods Ceop uses cartoons to teach children about online safety

Paedophiles are increasingly accessing indecent pictures of children from webcams, experts warn.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) says it has seen a "notable increase" in still and moving images captured on webcams.
Ceop warns some of these images may be self-taken, as a result of online grooming, and others are passed on via webcam streaming chat sites.
The centre is also cracking down on paedophiles travelling abroad.
In its annual review, Ceop said the volume of indecent images remained challenging and the rise in pictures captured via webcams was notable.
"These can be self-taken as a result of online grooming, for example, inciting a child to commit a sexual act and then using video capture software to record the video streams for later viewing and trading and/or use as blackmail to ensure further compliance by the child," the report said.
"Similarly, there is also a marked trend of the use of webcam streaming chat sites, enabling offenders to interact either through instant messages and/or webcam to share previously captured footage or live-time images of abuse of children in their care."Travelling abroad
The Ceop report said its overseas tracker team - which works to disrupt paedophiles travelling abroad to abuse children - had become "more proactive than ever before".
It said new ways of tracking offenders and better tactical intelligence gathering had seen 58 arrests, deportations or warrants issued.
Ceop's picture of travelling offenders was improving "at pace", it said.
The organisation said it had safeguarded 278 children from abuse between February 2009 and March 2010 - double the number it helped last year.
And Ceop said it had safeguarded a total of 624 children since its launch in 2006, delivering "significant results" in the fight against child sexual abuse.
The annual review also noted that nearly 5.7 million children had taken part in its "Thinkuknow" online safety programme.
Jim Gamble, chief executive of Ceop, said: "Ceop brings together cross-sector expertise and then delivers bespoke front line services to a whole network of practitioners.
"That is real economy of scale and our results year on year show the very lasting and significant impact we are making."
The Minister for Crime Prevention, James Brokenshire, said: "The government is committed to protecting children and Ceop plays a vital role which means more children are safeguarded, more offenders are apprehended and more professionals are trained."

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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos

Post by ufercoffy 01.07.10 8:48

2:05am UK, Thursday July 01, 2010

Tom Bonnett, Sky News Online
The number of children rescued from paedophiles prowling the internet has doubled to a record number in the past year, according to a specialist police unit.

Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos 15657377

Many of the children were identified from images gathered by paedophiles

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) said it safeguarded 278 young people over the past 12 months.
This was twice the amount protected in the previous period and the most in one year since Ceop was established in 2006.
Of the children, 47 were identified through analysis of photographs and videos posted online by paedophiles.
Meanwhile, 417 suspected child sex offenders were arrested for offences from possessing indecent images to rape.
Home Office crime prevention minister James Brokenshire said the Government was committed to protecting children and Ceop to achieving this.
"Ceop plays a vital role which means more children are safeguarded, more offenders are apprehended and more professionals are trained," he said.

The unit has seen some success in introducing a "panic button" for websites, despite a public spat with social networking site Facebook.
Investigators received more than 6,200 reports of suspicious activity online through the button, including grooming and fraud.
The unit has also set up a network of more than 46,000 volunteers to give internet safety lessons.


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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos

Post by Autumn 01.07.10 11:00

What on earth has the CEOP got to do with the abduction of Sarah Payne or the disappearance of Madeleine McCann? Gamble is shamelessly using high profile cases for his own self-serving purpose tearhairout

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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos

Post by Judge Mental 01.07.10 12:24

Autumn wrote:What on earth has the CEOP got to do with the abduction of Sarah Payne or the disappearance of Madeleine McCann? Gamble is shamelessly using high profile cases for his own self-serving purpose tearhairout

Somebody has to keep CEOP going. It would not be right and fitting for some information to get into the hands of local police officers. After all, what if a local MP was to be caught out downloading violent images depicting children? The story would spread like wild fire through communities. Although newspapers would not be allowed to print the information, there would still be gossip in the shops and pubs, and no doubt the information would find its way onto the internet. This would not do at all, because paedophile groups would have to scatter and disband, finding it even more difficult to go about committing their atrocities.

A well-run centralised unit will be able to ensure that all the cracks are rapidly papered over, meaning very few people would ever find out the truth.

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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos

Post by Guest 03.07.10 15:55

With all this boasting about how many paedophiles they have apprehended, I take it they have not checked the computers of those known paedophiles lurking around the corridors of Westminster (allegedly). Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos 234726

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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos

Post by Judge Mental 03.07.10 18:57

Nor have they dealt with the Operation Ore fiasco.
Judge Mental
Judge Mental

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Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos Empty Re: Jim Gamble: Thanks to Sara Payne we’ve saved 624 kids from paedos

Post by Guest 03.07.10 22:09

Nor the elite paedophile rings!

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