The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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5 YEARS OF CMOMM: - 2. A look back at some of the forum's opinion polls Mm11

5 YEARS OF CMOMM: - 2. A look back at some of the forum's opinion polls Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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5 YEARS OF CMOMM: - 2. A look back at some of the forum's opinion polls Mm11

5 YEARS OF CMOMM: - 2. A look back at some of the forum's opinion polls Regist10

5 YEARS OF CMOMM: - 2. A look back at some of the forum's opinion polls

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5 YEARS OF CMOMM: - 2. A look back at some of the forum's opinion polls Empty 5 YEARS OF CMOMM: - 2. A look back at some of the forum's opinion polls

Post by Tony Bennett 25.11.14 21:49

To help celebrate CMOMM's 5th birthday today...

A brief history of opinion polls on CMOMM

This history lists some of the most popular opinion polls over the last 5 years (and some others) since the forum was set up, and gives the results

209 votes – 26 Oct 2013

Justice or a Whitewash

118 votes - Justice

91 votes - Whitewash

[The same poll was repeated one year later:]

56 votes - 2 Oct 2014

Justice or a Whitewash – 2

53 votes - A cover-up and a whitewash

3 votes - A genuine search for the truth

115 votes – 25 Oct 2013

Why are there 17 similarities between Tannerman and Smithman?

73 votes - Some other reason (what?)

31 votes - Both Jane Tanner and Martin Smith were working to a script and neither actually saw anyone

6 votes - Crecheman and Smithman are one and the same - he had to walk a very long way back home from the crèche.

5 votes - There were two virtually identical men with virtually identical clothes each taking their virtually identical children somewhere - just one of those amazing coincidences

112 votes – 3 Oct 2013

This latest news from Scotland Yard [OPERATION GRANGE says there's now 41 persons of interest, and they're trying with the help of Interpol to track mobile 'phones linked to 31 countries worldwide]…

63 votes - …beggars belief

43 votes - …makes me wonder what on earth Scotland yard is doing

6 votes - …gives me real hope at last that Madeleine may be found

85 votes – 18 Oct 2013

Maddie found in Greece – The Star – Is this the most cynical use so far of Madeleine’s name?

59 votes - Yes – I can’t think or a worse one

26 votes - No – There have been dozens more just as bad or worse

65 votes – 26 Sep 2014

Having looked at the various contradictions [regarding the Smith sightings]...

31 votes - I remain of the view that the Smiths are reliable, honest witnesses whose words can be trusted

27 votes - I think there are grounds for viewing what they say about this sighting wtih suspicion

7 votes – I can't really say one way or the other / Don't know

60 votes - 14 Sep 2014

The two e-fit images produced by DCI Redwood

36 votes - I tend to think that these are of the same man

24 votes - I tend to think that these are of two different individuals

53 votes – 9 May 2014

Those ExclusivePix photos of Operation Grange in Portugal…

47 votes - Pathetic - they should be getting on with the job of finding out who 'disappeared' Maddie, instead of briefing photographers about where and when to snap them 

6 votes - Great - the Met have thought of everything, it's good to see them making sure we can see them all hard at work on the job

44 votes – 5 Jun 2014

My best explanation of the two e-ftit shown by DCI Redwood on Crimewatch is…

20 votes - They were drawn up by the Smith family and are the best they can remember of the man they saw at 10pm on 3 May 2007. They are of the same man

11 votes - They are nothing to do with the Smith family. They must have come from another witness or witnesses. I think they are two different men

10 votes - They are nothing to do with the Smith family. They must have come from another witness or witnesses. I think they are two different men

3 votes - They are nothing to do with the Smith family. They must have come from another witness or witnesses. I think they are two different men

35 votes – 17 Sep 14

My view of Operation Grange is…

28 votes - They never intended to get to the truth from the start, and never will - it's all just for show

3 votes - It's a sincere, wholehearted attempt to get to the truth about what really happened to Madeleine

3 votes - Neither of the above

1 vote - Don't know

35 votes – 4 Dec 13

The People’s Voice TV interviewing Stephen Birch for 35 minutes was…

26 votes - A bad idea

9 votes - A good idea

12 votes – 19 Sep 12

Who is telling the truth about the PJ identity parade on 13 May 2007?

12 votes Goncalo Amaral and his fellow-detectives

0 votes - Jane Tanner & Kate McCann

0 votes - It's hard to be sure


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett

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5 YEARS OF CMOMM: - 2. A look back at some of the forum's opinion polls Empty Re: 5 YEARS OF CMOMM: - 2. A look back at some of the forum's opinion polls

Post by Smokeandmirrors 25.11.14 21:54

Happy Birthday CMOMM Mrs

The truth will out.

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