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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Mm11

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Mm11

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Where Is Brunt?

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by bobbin 06.11.14 8:27

PeterMac wrote:
Doug D wrote:
I understand that Paul Rees from the 'Controversy' FB site has already compiled a dossier and sent it to the Coroners Court.

So long as someone has. The pro McCann filth cannot be allowed to go unnoticed.
I wonder if it would be worth asking Paul Rees if he would send it to anyone here, to see if there is anything we could/would add ?

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Snifferdog 06.11.14 8:51

Hicks wrote:Interesting read from martin brunt, 2009. Especially the bit about a British Naval Yacht in the Algarve at the time Madeleine went missing. And a senior Yard Cop (different middle name apparently). Umm.... Who could that be?

Martin Brunt writes.....

" Intriguingly, I've been sent a port document which appears to show that a British Naval Yacht was docked in the Algarve at the time Madeleine vanished in May, 2007. 
Among those sailors listed on board is a name of a very senior Yard officer. Of course, the Yachtsman's recorded middle name is not the same as the top cop, but that hasn't stopped a frenzy of excitement among those Madeleine -watchers who continue to look for establishment cover- up".

There must have been a reason why someone would bother to send this port document to Brunt. 

Reading the above it came to mind about the witnesses who saw the jetski, and the black package, going out to an 'official looking boat. A grey boat. If you Google 'British Naval Yachts, you could describe some as being grey in colour.

Makes you wonder doesn't it! 

Hello Hicks, I posted some time ago an article taken from I think it was this blog you referred to, but I may be wrong, about a certain Individual docking in the area around the time of Ms disappearance, but it was removed by Candyfloss who considered it too libelous, the particular person referred to is actually untouchable by law as is the family, and the family business, being elevated to a god like status where it is believed for some strange reason that this family and its associates are immune to all sin, corruption or any possible misdemeanors which in most peoples minds are exclusively pleb faults and failings.
Hence the big fat cover up imo of course!

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Guest 06.11.14 8:56

Both links in the above post have been whooshed

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Guest 06.11.14 9:02

For curiosity's sake: what is a Royal British yacht?

We all realize that mentioning the presence of this particular yacht would only be relevant if it was carrying someone who was in PdL from 28th-3rd, AND was somehow involved in the disappearance of our girl?

If not, then not


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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Smokeandmirrors 06.11.14 9:10

jeanmonroe wrote:Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Threat10

'posted' yesterday on #McCann or a FB thingy.

'sounds' like a life threatening 'threat' to Hideho to me!

I'd tweet it to Gamble , but i don't know how....... sad

Oooppps, i can 'hear' him 'cheering' from here!

Where did you get this from? Do you know whose FB page? I don't mind forwarding it to the police

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by aiyoyo 06.11.14 9:33

@ Doug D.

Thanks for that. Good to know someone (Paul Rees) is proactive for the late Brenda Leyland behalf.

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by ultimaThule 06.11.14 10:32

Smokeandmirrors wrote:
jeanmonroe wrote:Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Threat10

'posted' yesterday on #McCann or a FB thingy.

'sounds' like a life threatening 'threat' to Hideho to me!

I'd tweet it to Gamble , but i don't know how....... sad

Oooppps, i can 'hear' him 'cheering' from here!

Where did you get this from? Do you know whose FB page? I don't mind forwarding it to the police

Scroll down to locate it under Ben Thompson ‏@Justice4MM Nov 3, Sandm.

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Smokeandmirrors 06.11.14 10:40

Thank you UT

The truth will out.

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 06.11.14 11:03

Martin Brunt, you're such a big brave boy without daddy Murdoch.

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by wjk 10.11.14 15:23

Brunt on Sky just now, live with Burley.

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by plebgate 10.11.14 15:47

What did he have to say?

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by wjk 10.11.14 16:09

I didn't catch most of it but it was about European Arrest Warrants.

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by plebgate 10.11.14 16:23

Thank you.    Haven't caught up with the news yet today.    It was on BBC very early this morning about it all, so will watch the news later.

Have boycotted Sky news ever since poor Brenda died.   roses

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by tiny 10.11.14 16:55

wjk wrote:Brunt on Sky just now, live with Burley.
Shame Brenda hasn't got a life to get on with.

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by plebgate 11.11.14 11:55

If  Brunt is back I wonder if this means he has been given the nod that he has done "nothing wrong" - no further action?

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by AlexBG 11.11.14 13:45

plebgate wrote:If  Brunt is back I wonder if this means he has been given the nod that he has done "nothing wrong" - no further action?
Looks that way to me. He's started tweeting again too. 
I think we can all guess what the coroner's verdict regarding Brenda's death is going to be now.

Just my opinion.

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Liz Eagles 11.11.14 13:49

AlexBG wrote:
plebgate wrote:If  Brunt is back I wonder if this means he has been given the nod that he has done "nothing wrong" - no further action?
Looks that way to me. He's started tweeting again too. 
I think we can all guess what the coroner's verdict regarding Brenda's death is going to be now.

Just my opinion.
I can't guess what the Coroner's verdict will be. What's your guess?
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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Lance De Boils 11.11.14 20:38

I stopped watching Sky after this appalling door-stepping stunt.
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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by PeterMac 11.11.14 22:09

aquila wrote:
I can't guess what the Coroner's verdict will be. What's your guess?

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty APOLOGIES ALL ROUND

Post by PeterMac 11.11.14 22:16

I try not to post stuff like this, although I do have a fairly juvenile sense of humour, and this appealed.

from Twitter #mccann

To be blunt
For his stunt
Martin Brunt is a c*nt,
With a nick nack
A journalistic farce,
Shove your dossier
Up your ar*e.


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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by aiyoyo 12.11.14 0:00

PeterMac wrote:I try not to post stuff like this, although I do have a fairly juvenile sense of humour, and this appealed.

from Twitter #mccann

To be blunt
For his stunt
Martin Brunt is a c*nt,
With a nick nack
A journalistic farce,
Shove your dossier
Up your ar*e.

Ha Ha....(I am stunt)!
Brunt will term this as coming from "hater" no doubt.
Maybe he will do a Gerry and call for twitter to be banned, and for trolls - particularly "Brunt Haters" -to be made examples of.  
Also, maybe he would even leak this to associated press fellows so that a reporter can be dispatched to doorstep this "Brunt Hater".

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Joss 12.11.14 2:27

PeterMac wrote:I try not to post stuff like this, although I do have a fairly juvenile sense of humour, and this appealed.

from Twitter #mccann

To be blunt
For his stunt
Martin Brunt is a c*nt,
With a nick nack
A journalistic farce,
Shove your dossier
Up your ar*e.

LOL, That's a good one, big grin

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by plebgate 12.11.14 12:05

Brunty has questioned Mr.& Mrs. in the past,  I am surprised the dossier compiler had any dealings with him.

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Jamming 12.11.14 12:53

plebgate wrote:Brunty has questioned Mr.& Mrs. in the past,  I am surprised the dossier compiler had any dealings with him.

True. But wasn't that before he was (take your pick) Got at/paid off/Pressured from above etc.

Or perhaps he is now privy to the, ahem, "real facts" and knows why the mountain of evidence that says "no abduction", "death", "parents involved", "cover up" should just all be ignored

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Where Is Brunt?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Where Is Brunt?

Post by Liz Eagles 12.11.14 12:58

When the McCanns last went to Lisbon to attend the compensation trial, Brunt was there to meet them in an exclusive (sorry, I can't find it on YouTube).

The following day there is an iconic photograph (which I also can't find on YouTube) of Brunty on his knees before the McCanns when they emerged from the Lisbon Court.
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