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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Mm11

Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Mm11

Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Regist10

Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

Post by Liz Eagles 24.03.15 0:21

As a senior crime correspondent for Sky News, do you honestly believe what you did to Brenda Leyland to be just?
Liz Eagles
Liz Eagles

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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Re: Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

Post by Guest 24.03.15 8:03

How do you sleep?

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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Twitchy Mr Brunt...

Post by missbeetle 24.03.15 8:22

BlueBag wrote:How do you sleep?

Not very well, I'd imagine. 

That video of him outside the cobwebby Leicester Police sign -

(I can't find it, but this was something I'd noticed at the time)

- he really had the shakes going on in his hands. 

Warm-looking day and all.

I wondered early stage Parkinsons or a touch of the DTs...

...I put it down to too much coffee.

Martin Brunt's not a familiar face to me -

(I'm trying to think who his New Zealand equivalent'd be...?)

- so I don't know if he's always been a bit jittery.

My thoughts only - sorry for mildly off-topic.

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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Re: Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

Post by Gaggzy 24.03.15 10:08

Would you like to come and knock on MY door?

(come into the parlour, said the spider to the fly).

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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Re: Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

Post by jeanmonroe 24.03.15 11:59

How MANY 'other' people, mentioned in the 'dossier' have you 'contacted' personally?

Given that personally YOU said, on record, at the inquest of BL,

' that the intention was to contact others [mentioned] in the dossier.'

Have you 'contacted' PMac?

Have you 'contacted' Pat Brown?

If NOT, WHY not?

Could you please 'produce', undisputable, 'evidence' that BL 'called' you and confirm the things, you say, she said, 'about feeling suicidal' BEFORE your 'exclusive' Sky News broadcast?


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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Re: Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 24.03.15 13:01

Can me and a camera crew doorstep you?

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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Re: Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

Post by jeanmonroe 24.03.15 13:53

Why can't you spell your 'surname' correctly?

Martin Edward Brunt

Should be, M.E. (a) '*unt', surely?

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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Re: Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

Post by Guest 24.03.15 14:05

Did you or any of your crew follow Brenda after the doorstepping shown on TV?

Do you know of anyone else who did?

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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Re: Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

Post by Jamming 24.03.15 14:57

Was it your choice to align yourself with TM or was you under instructions?

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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Re: Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

Post by Ayniia 24.03.15 15:19

Have you ever though getting a decent hairdresser?
(Sorry couldn't help myself )

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Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt Empty Re: Questions You Would Like to Ask Martin Brunt

Post by MRNOODLES 24.03.15 17:48

Hi Runty, do you, Summers, Swann, Gamble and the McCanns all play 'hide the sausage' together?

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