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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Mm11

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Mm11

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How credible is that organisation CEOP?

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by sharonl 20.09.14 7:38

Hundreds of British paedophiles ignored by police despite tip-off list from Canadian cops

The newly formed National Crime Agency admitted no arrests had been made despite Toronto detectives handing over the list, feared to include teachers, priests and foster carers


How credible is that organisation CEOP? Map
World swoop: Police held 341 in Project Spade - but none in the UK  
Crime fighters last night said hundreds of suspected British paedophiles remain free to abuse children, 18 months after they were named by Canadian police.
The newly formed National Crime Agency admitted no arrests had been made despite Toronto detectives handing over the list, feared to include teachers, priests and foster carers.
Worldwide, police probing the international sex ring in Project Spade have held 341 suspects and freed nearly 400 child sex slaves.
The Brits were allegedly customers of a Canadian firm that sold sick online videos of children as young as five to perverts in 94 countries.
Toronto detective Paul Krawczyk said his team passed “hundreds of names” to the UK 18 months ago.

Britain’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, part of the NCA, is believed to have been handed names, addresses, IP addresses and credit card details of most of the UK “target individuals”.
But last night an NCA spokeswoman admitted all the suspects remain free.
She said: “In 2012 CEOP received information from the Toronto Police. It receives around 19,000 such referrals every year. The NCA is using the information for intelligence purposes and continues to develop it. There have been no arrests to date.”
Normal protocol would be for CEOP to prioritise suspects with access to children and then alert local police.

Scotland Yard confirmed they had not been made aware of the information.
More than 100 suspects were held in Canada, 76 in the US and 164 in other countries. They included doctors, teachers and foster carers
A child protection source said last night: “There’s no excuse for this. What if a sex offender on this list is continuing to abuse children?”
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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Myles Bradbury: CEOP 'failed to alert abuse doctor to police'

Post by sharonl 20.09.14 7:56

Myles Bradbury: CEOP 'failed to alert abuse doctor to police'
By Sally Chidzoy and David Keller BBC News
How credible is that organisation CEOP? _77645635_hi023910204 CEOP knew Myles Bradbury was buying potentially harmful videos in 2012, it is revealed
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Authorities failed to alert police of suspicions about a paedophile doctor more than a year before his arrest in December 2013, it has emerged.
Myles Bradbury, of Addenbrooke's Hospital, admitted offences against boys he was treating for cancer.
Child abuse investigators CEOP were told in July 2012 Bradbury bought suspect movies online, but did not act.
The National Crime Agency (NCA), which took over CEOP, said a case review took place and action was taken.
It said CEOP's delay in disseminating the information was "unacceptable".
Bradbury, 41, a paediatric haematologist from Herringswell, Suffolk, pleaded guilty on Monday at Cambridge Crown Court, to 25 offences including sexual assault and the making of more than 16,000 indecent images.
The offences were committed at the Cambridge hospital against 18 victims, some as young as eight, who were in his care between 2009 and 2013. He has yet to be sentenced.
The NCA tackles serious organised crime and took over the running of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), a non-departmental public body, last year.

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Marilyn Hawes, who runs Enough Abuse UK, says British authorities did not react fast enough when told by Canadian police of their suspicions about a Cambridgeshire doctor.

It said CEOP received information from Toronto Police, via Interpol, of up to 2,345 UK individuals, including Bradbury, in July 2012.
This was part of the Canadian force's Project Spade investigating child pornography across the world.
The NCA said the material provided to CEOP included "details" of online purchasers of potentially harmful DVDs and videos.
It added the material was assessed by CEOP at the time and the screenshots were classified as Level 1 on the Copine scale, the least harmful grade.
'Serious failing'
Sixteen months later in November 2013, a few weeks after the agency took over CEOP, the NCA said its deputy director general Phil Gormley became aware the material had not been disseminated to UK police forces and took immediate steps to do so.
It said the data on Myles Bradbury was shared with Suffolk Police a few days later on 27 November, which, by coincidence, was the same day a grandparent of a victim at the hospital made a complaint about the doctor.
How credible is that organisation CEOP? _77597412_hi023909126 Dr Myles Bradbury admitted a total of 25 offences
Suffolk Police arrested Bradbury on 18 December. Cambridgeshire Police made a further arrest 12 days later.
The NCA said Mr Gormley ordered an independent review of CEOP's handling in 2012, stating that it was clear that all steps "which should have been completed at the time did not take place".
It said the review has now finished and action has been taken, but the details are not yet known.
Cambridge MP Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat, said: "This is an incredibly serious failing. Even if just one child was abused then that's a huge problem, but in this case it was worse than that.
"There's no excuse for sitting on this. All of us want to stop child abuse images. What's needed is not more powers for the police, it's for them to look at the information they've been given.
"This could have been avoided from almost two years ago."
He added Bradbury's victims had the right to be "furious", but he had been assured by ministers after previously raising the issue in parliament about the 2,345 suspect perpetrators and whether measures had been taken to ensure it would not happen again.
Dr Keith McNeil, chief executive of Addenbrooke's Hospital, said: "These reports that Myles Bradbury was known to the authorities in 2012 will be deeply distressing for patients and families.
"CUH [Cambridge University Hospitals] took immediate action when concerns were first raised with us in November 2013.
"If we had been alerted earlier, we would have taken action earlier."
It previously said it had contacted 800 families of the children it was aware of that Dr Bradbury saw and set up a specialist helpline for anyone affected by the case.
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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by joyce1938 20.09.14 9:21

After reading about the doc and what he has done ,yet ceop informed from Canada in 2012, can there be any doubt at all now ,that we are living in such bad times for our kids ,not by stranger danger but by official danger where it seems big decisions have been taken to not allow us to know real facts ,what excuse can them that be ,have for with holing such information .it just sickens most of us I am certain. joyce1938 please admin just take out anything here if need be for good of site

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by Guest 20.09.14 9:40

joyce1938 wrote:After reading about the doc and what he has done ,yet ceop informed from Canada in 2012, can there be any doubt at all now ,that we are living in such bad times for our kids ,not by stranger danger but by official danger where it seems big decisions have been taken to not allow us to know real facts ,what excuse can them that be ,have for with holing such information .it just sickens most of us I am certain. joyce1938 please admin just take out anything here if need be for good of site

You haven't said anything wrong Joyce roses

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by Woofer 20.09.14 9:40

joyce1938 wrote:After reading about the doc and what he has done ,yet ceop informed from Canada in 2012, can there be any doubt at all now ,that we are living in such bad times for our kids ,not by stranger danger but by official danger where it seems big decisions have been taken to not allow us to know real facts ,what excuse can them that be ,have for with holing such information .it just sickens most of us I am certain. joyce1938 please admin just take out anything here if need be for good of site

Just what I`ve been thinking Joyce.  One could easily become paranoid about everyone in authority these days.

Jim G***** left CEOP in 2010 I believe because he was in a strop about CEOP being merged into the NCA but it looks as if he only employed staff of his own ilk and who still remain there to this day.  Its the sort of job that would draw types of a certain persuasion.  Just wondering.

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by Doug D 20.09.14 9:55

Timeline from above report:
‘It said CEOP received information from Toronto Police, via Interpol, of up to 2,345 UK individuals, including Bradbury, in July 2012.
This was part of the Canadian force's Project Spade investigating child pornography across the world.
The NCA said the material provided to CEOP included "details" of online purchasers of potentially harmful DVDs and videos.
It added the material was assessed by CEOP at the time and the screenshots were classified as Level 1 on the Copine scale, the least harmful grade.
'Serious failing'
Sixteen months later in November 2013, a few weeks after the agency took over CEOP, the NCA said its deputy director general Phil Gormley became aware the material had not been disseminated to UK police forces and took immediate steps to do so.’
So now JG gets in on the act:
19 September 2014 Last updated at 20:08
Myles Bradbury: Theresa May told to 'hold herself to account'
A former head of the UK's child protection unit CEOP has called on Home Secretary Theresa May to "reflect on her position" over the government's handling of the Myles Bradbury case.
It emerged CEOP failed to tell police about the Cambridge doctor, who abused children with cancer, for 16 months.
Jim Gamble, head of CEOP from 2006-2010, said the unit was overworked and Ms May should "hold herself to account".
The Home Office declined to comment.
Bradbury, a paediatric haematologist from Herringswell, Suffolk, admitted abusing 18 boys in his care at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, between 2009 and 2013.
He came to the attention of CEOP in July 2012 after being caught buying suspect videos online.
But the screen shots were graded as low risk and were not investigated further until his details were passed to Suffolk Police last November.
Jim Gamble says there is "far too much work" for CEOP since the merger with the National Crime Agency
By coincidence, the day Suffolk Police got the details, Addenbrooke's Hospital received its first complaint by a victim's grandmother about Bradbury and Cambridgeshire Police were notified.
Both forces arrested the 41-year-old in December. The court indictment shows he carried out much of his offending in the months CEOP had information on him.
Dr Myles Bradbury was one of 2,345 names given to CEOP
The National Crime Agency, which now runs CEOP, said it carried out a review of the delay and acted on those recommendations, but has since referred itself to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).
Mr Gamble resigned over the planned merger of NCA and CEOP.
"I am so sorry for the hardworking few in CEOP where there's simply far too much work for far too few people where they've lost expertise," he said.
"We've got to point the finger of blame where it belongs - and that is to this government and this home secretary who diverted CEOP from a path where it would consolidate child protection resources, to a place where it was being assimilated into a much larger organisation with a very different focus and culture.
"She should hold herself to account, as she asked Shaun Wright (South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner) to do, and reflect on her position, because it would be ridiculous for her not to apply the same standards to herself."
A Home Office spokesperson said: "It would be inappropriate to comment while the Independent Police Complaints Commission is investigating."
So ‘far too much work for CEOP since the merger with the National Crime Agency’, but this CEOP failing happened before the merger, and it was the NCA that brought the case up and took action.
Can’t have it both ways Jim!
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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by Woofer 20.09.14 10:33

Silly man - its not advisable to make an enemy of the Home Secretary - she might begin to suspect your motives for protecting the McCanns.

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by Guest 20.09.14 10:43

joyce1938 wrote:After reading about the doc and what he has done ,yet ceop informed from Canada in 2012, can there be any doubt at all now ,that we are living in such bad times for our kids ,not by stranger danger but by official danger where it seems big decisions have been taken to not allow us to know real facts ,what excuse can them that be ,have for with holing such information .it just sickens most of us I am certain. joyce1938 please admin just take out anything here if need be for good of site

Precisely, Joyce. We see these 'failings' over and over again, coincidentally repeatedly in the area of child protection. How many times before it stops being coincidence, was it? (Kate?) When will the masses smell the coffee and start seeing these 'failings' for what they really are?

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Yet another one

Post by PeterMac 01.10.14 8:19

What was Gamble actually DOING ?
Was he actively aiding and abetting and protecting paed**** s ?
And what was he doing lurking round the McCanns ?
Pervert deputy head who secretly filmed boys could have been stopped two years before he was found hanged after trying to destroy evidence
Martin Goldberg taught at Thorpe Hall School in Great Wakering, Essex
Police found hundreds of images they believe came from his hidden camera
75 indecent images from school's male changing rooms were recovered
465 such images from local swimming pool and 38 from two other locations
Officers spoke to him at his home in Shoeburyness but he was not arrested
Next day police were alerted over concerns for him and he was found dead
Mr Goldberg, 46, was single and lived alone in a £360,000 detached house

A paedophile deputy headmaster who secretly filmed his pupils was left free to continue his abuse for more than two years after police failed to act on information that he could be a danger to children.
Martin Goldberg, who had worked at the £10,000-a-year private school for more than 20 years, was named to British authorities as a suspect in July 2012.
He was among 2,345 individuals suspected of having accessed child pornography whose names were handed to the UK’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) following a major inquiry in Canada.
But the CEOP failed to act on the information from Toronto Police’s Operation Spade – and it was only in November last year that Essex Police were told that Goldberg had been buying videos of naked boys from a vendor based in Canada.

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by Jamming 01.10.14 10:58

The more I hear of cases like this, that have clearly been ignored and/or not pursued for some 'reason', the more my jaw hits the floor. 

The two mentioned above in this thread are a cancer specialist who treated children and a teacher at a boys private school FFS

How many more of this type did Gamble and his team of Child Protection experts choose not to pursue ??????????? And why ???????????

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by aiyoyo 01.10.14 11:05

PeterMac wrote:What was Gamble actually DOING ?
Was he actively aiding and abetting and protecting paed**** s ?
And what was he doing lurking round the McCanns ?

Him lurking around the McCanns is a curious $million question.
Even now he's supporting them when he cooperated with S and S.
It would appear he has become friends (or friendly) with the McCanns.
Assuming his contact detail was given to S&S by MCs it must mean there was communication between Mcs and JG.
One side (Mcs) has to seek permission to give out his contact detail and also check whether he was willing to talk to authors, and the other side (JG) has to grant permission to both requests.
Ditto for BK.
It's clear who remain close to Mcs and willing to support them unconditionally.


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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by Hobs 01.10.14 20:19

I would love to have a little chatette  with him regarding pardophiles and his own behavior  non actiion and language which has and is, raising more than a few eyebrows.

Just to clear up a few things of course such as why he is actively supporting parents who, by their own admission, actively and deliberately neglected 3 children with the result that one disappeared ( only if you buy into the checks story which i don't)

WWhy is he protecting the parents rather than protecting the children which i thought was what his job was all about.

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by Dr What 10.11.14 16:06

More information about Myles Bradbury on the BBC website today.

CEOP appears to have been utterly negligent in this matter.In the 16 months after CEOP was informed of Bradbury's appalling behaviour and chose to do nothing, he continued to abuse and film countless number of children.

It is my sincere hope that some of the parents of the children involved take out legal action/ joint compensation claim against this organisation.

CEOP has seriously let down vulnerable children.The staff there are paid to take action against known abusers.The National Crime Agency, of which CEOP is a part, should be held to account along with named individuals who sat on their hands and did nothing for 16 months.
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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by sharonl 10.11.14 20:02

You may wonder just how credible an organisation this is. Apart from this current news. we have the former head of CEOP making alarming comments about how paedophiles who view images online should get off lightly, and passing the organisations manuals to the suspect in a missing child case.  Then he goes off to Cambodia where he enters a child brothel and instead of attempting to close it down he comes back and lets everyone know where these kids are available.  What on earth is going on here?

Oh, and CEOP are also partners with Missing People charity.
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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty This doesn't sound right to me, either...

Post by missbeetle 12.11.14 8:23

How credible is that organisation CEOP? <a href=How credible is that organisation CEOP? Vool_zps2c051ba2
(the Guardian, 11th November 2014)

How credible is that organisation CEOP? <a href=How credible is that organisation CEOP? Vol_zps25310dd1
(snipped from the above article)

More bright ideas from Jim Gamble...

..."one of the country's leading sex crimes experts".

Working voluntarily down at the cop shop on police computers...?

I can't see many takers for that one.

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by Bishop Brennan 16.11.14 6:15

Jim Gamble hoping to inspire the creation of an online army of volunteer sex-offender hunters. This article appears to have been written just after the volunteer 'troll-hunters' (whom he also appeared to endorse on Twitter) caused the death of an innocent woman.

"Special Constables, uniformed citizen volunteers walk the streets of our towns and villages every week. Their presence deters offenders, makes people safer and critically makes them feel safer. There is no reason they cannot patrol the online spaces. The volunteer butcher, baker or candlestick maker can be trained to seek out these abusers, to identify, locate and lure them to a place where the police arrest them.

We sometimes see the very best of people in the worst of times. Communities across the UK are filled with good, in fact great decent people. People who care enough to make a difference. Now is the time to call up that citizen’s army, vet, train and equip them to support the police by mounting an offensive against this online army of sexual predators

Bishop Brennan
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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 26.11.14 13:26

CEOP openly receiving strong criticism in MSM today.

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by sallypelt 26.11.14 13:47

sharonl wrote:You may wonder just how credible an organisation this is. Apart from this current news. we have the former head of CEOP making alarming comments about how paedophiles who view images online should get off lightly, and passing the organisations manuals to the suspect in a missing child case.  Then he goes off to Cambodia where he enters a child brothel and instead of attempting to close it down he comes back and lets everyone know where these kids are available.  What on earth is going on here?

Oh, and CEOP are also partners with Missing People charity.
I would love to know what positive work CEOP did when J Gamble was there. As you say, Sharonl, going to Cambodia to let the world know what's happening there...what good did it do, other than what you've said, and that is to expose it to paedophiles, and show it to be a paedophiles' paradise.  These paedos must be in seventh heaven knowing about such "easy pickings".

So, can anyone tell me, what good the CEOP did under Gamble's watch?

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty East Cheam Doctor Jailed

Post by Grim 26.11.14 14:25

Yet another Doctor jailed for child sex crimes , I wonder if he figured in any sidelined list ? , and could any any of these victims have been spared ?

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty From Twitter

Post by PeterMac 01.12.14 14:44

Heartbreaking.   But the pros can't understand it.

How credible is that organisation CEOP? B3xi6RaCMAIvhbT

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How credible is that organisation CEOP? Empty Re: How credible is that organisation CEOP?

Post by joyce1938 01.12.14 15:18

The cancer doctor that abused and took photos of such  from a pen camera ,saw news today and be y all accounts ,he was one of many flagged up to our ceop. nothing was done and it should have prevented him getting the job in first place   what does that tell us ? No way can we rely on ceop or police it seems . joyce1938

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