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FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas Mm11

FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas Regist10
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FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas Mm11

FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas Regist10

FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas

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FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas Empty FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas

Post by Guest Mon 09 Sep 2013, 4:49 pm

From: Susanne Cameron-Blackie aka Anna Raccoon

9 September 2013

Dear Sir or Madam,

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I seek the following

With reference to the sheer quantity of information that was placed
on HOLMES 2 following Operation Ore, I understand that it was
necessary to give several uniformed police officers temporary
status as Temporary Detective Constables in order to assist with
enquires to be actioned, including within Surrey Police.

1. Could you please confirm whether Mr Mark Williams-Thomas was one
of those uniformed officers.

2. Could you please inform me whether Mr Mark Williams-Thomas has
ever sat/passed the National Investigators Exam (NIE); completed an
Initial Crime Investigators Development Programme (ICIDP); PIP
Level 2 Portfolio; or otherwise be entitled to be referred to as
having attained the rank of Detective Constable without use of the
word 'Temporary' or 'Acting'. ('T.D.C. or A.D.C.')

3. Could you please confirm whether all those interviews, actioned
by HOLMES 2, if carried out by Mr Mark Williams-Thomas, were
formally and specifically requested by his supervising officer.

4. Was there any discrepancy between the formally requested number
of interviews assigned to Mr Williams-Thomas and the number of
interviews actually carried out by Mr Williams-Thomas? If so, could
you please inform me how many of the interviewees had already been
interviewed by other police officers.

5. If the answer to 4. is affirmative, could you please inform me
whether you had reason to carry out any preliminary or informal
disciplinary investigations with regard to additional interviews
conducted with alleged sexual offenders by Mr Williams-Thomas.

6. Would Mr Williams-Thomas have been eligible for promotion within
the Detective squad, Temporary, Acting or otherwise, had he not
chosen to resign?

7. Following Mr Williams-Thomas' arrest at Gatwick Airport Hotel
(not airport, so within your 'area') for alleged blackmail - a
matter I am aware has since been satisfactorily discharged by the
magistrates with NO stain on his character, could you please
confirm whether a separate investigation was carried out at the
same time by officers from the Surrey Police Force internal
investigation department, concerning other matters NOT connected
with the alleged Blackmail?

8. Can you please confirm whether any papers, notes, records,
photographs, digital electronic communications or equipment, which
identified names or action plans from HOLMES 2, were removed from
Mr Williams-Thomas' home or person for inspection during such
additional investigation.

9. Could you please tell me whether the outcome of such
investigation resulted in any report to The Child Exploitation and
Online Protection Centre (CEOP)?

10. Could you please tell me whether any subsequent internal report
was prepared by CEOP?

11. If the answer to 10. is affirmative, could I please have a copy
of such report?

12. Could you please give me copies of any advice subsequently
issued by CEOPS to the Portuguese Police in respect of Mr
Williams-Thomas' presence in Portugal on behalf of any British
television company.

13. Could you please give me copies of any such advice issued by
CEOPS to any British Police Force in respect of official press
conferences open to accredited British reporters.

14. Could you please tell me whether you have been required to
furnish any information concerning Mr Williams-Thomas activities
whilst a serving Police Officer within your force to the
investigating officers concerned with the charges laid against Mr
Max Clifford under Operation Yewtree.

14. Could you please advise me of the contents of any communication
you have had with the Portuguese authorities specifically
referencing Mr Williams-Thomas between July 1st 2013 and August
20th 2013.

I would prefer to receive this information electronically.

If the decision is made to withhold some of this information using
exemptions in the Data Protection Act, please inform me of that
fact and cite the exemptions used.

I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing by e-mail that
you have received this request and I look forward to hearing from
you within the 20-working day period.

Yours faithfully,

Susanne Cameron-Blackie aka Anna Raccoon

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FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas Empty Re: FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas

Post by Guest Mon 09 Sep 2013, 7:40 pm


She isn't the only one who would like answers about Mr Williams-Thomas.

I know that she used to be on a level with Bonnybraes when it came to the McCanns but she doesn't seem to be posting any more about them.

All praise to her for rumbling Anne Greig a lot sooner than I did!

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FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas Empty Re: FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas

Post by Guest Mon 09 Sep 2013, 7:59 pm

She was banned on JATYK ... We were both hilarious about it.
And, yes, she's been very much on top of the Holly Greig's case.
We fell out, when I asked her not to mention [the few times she did on her blog] Gonçalo Amaral as a "convicted perjurer". The rest is silence [sigh]. And I'm the only one to be banned on her blog. Well, it makes one special, doesn't it smilie 

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FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas Empty Re: FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas

Post by aiyoyo Tue 10 Sep 2013, 7:28 am

Kudos to her!

We shall see whether she gets the general standard (fo) reply letter,  or more than that?

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FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas Empty Re: FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas

Post by Guest Sun 15 Sep 2013, 6:49 pm

Shubob: this is for you.

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FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas Empty Re: FOI request by Anna Raccoon on Mark Williams-Thomas

Post by ShuBob Sun 15 Sep 2013, 7:36 pm

No Fate Worse Than De'Ath wrote:Shubob: this is for you.
Thanks a lot NFTWD roses 

I believe MWT has done some good work with his Savile investigation but he's let things get to his head. Bringing him down a peg or two may do him and some victims of abuse some good in the long run.

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