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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Guest 16.04.13 19:04

A miscarriage of Justice may also be: no Justice meeted out to perps of a heinous crime

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Guest 16.04.13 19:16

I don't know to which comment you're reacting, Portia.
But, whatever, I do agree: miscarriage of justice = [equals] injustice, whatever the cause, reason, explanation or cover-up for it to be.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by aiyoyo 17.04.13 2:02

Then Big Brother should put their hands in their pockets and find their balls instead of playing with Mccanns' balls.
Peeping on people just to earn mccanns' silver is not doing their profession any favour.
Hey that's something for lowlife scumbag - any means to legally steal people's money.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by russiandoll 30.07.13 9:48

Deactivated my twitter account last night, after being there for approx. 6 months; am interested to read what is posted re the Maddie case [ as far as can be posted in 140 characters!] , but as it is one of only a few topics I post on and by far the one I am most interested in, I will continue to read posts by certain people.
  Not only has it been impossible to engage in debate with any " pros" there, it has now descended into childish abuse even between people who are on the same " side" in some cases!
 Last week there were personal details posted there about one of the so called rabid pros , photos, address, and it was claimed that the details belonged to another person, someone not posting on the Maddie case at all. A tit for tat developed where someone gave personal details about an "anti"  and there were threats of the police giving certain people a knock on the door. Also boasts that media are being sent anything detrimental to the parents. Threats and abuse galore, not interesting reading.
 Last night I saw so many vile posts on the #McCann tag and also on my timeline, that I blocked people I normally converse with and then had to go to the help page as all sorts of non #McCann related stuff was on my timeline, some full of obscenities. It is easy enough to go to that person's page and block them, but you still get to read the porn stuff.
 I am saddened to see people debating #McCann turning on one another, like playground taunting and name-calling. I understand the strong emotions generated by the case, and given the 140 characters and repeated tweets needed to get more than a brief point across, I have decided after experimenting with twitter not to contribute any longer, does not seem very productive, but will read what I find interesting there.


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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Guest 30.07.13 10:24

re twitter I block the pros cos impossible to debate with them, I have been perfectly polite when debating with them, not abusive, not name calling, not making personal remarks but all I get back is abuse etc.

Appears some antis turning on each other, also on facebook, no idea what all this is about, have tried to find out but got no answers, apparently some antis paying others to get info on antis!! What on earth is going on, seems to be more like a kids playground, also antis being accused of being trolls by antis!!  Seems like if you are an established anti poster and one who is listened to by others you get attacked but worrying now that people getting attacked by those who are all supposed to be working towards a common purpose of finding out what happened to Madeleine. Sadly with all the game playing and tit for tat sometimes the real cause seems to have been forgotten.  

The best way is not to resort to the level of the pros, I can understand why people fight back after years and years of abuse, stalking, harassment etc., but it is just stooping to their level, better to ignore, block the lot of the pros and post facts from the files and factual info from the case.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by tiny 30.07.13 10:28

russiandoll wrote:Deactivated my twitter account last night, after being there for approx. 6 months; am interested to read what is posted re the Maddie case [ as far as can be posted in 140 characters!] , but as it is one of only a few topics I post on and by far the one I am most interested in, I will continue to read posts by certain people.
  Not only has it been impossible to engage in debate with any " pros" there, it has now descended into childish abuse even between people who are on the same " side" in some cases!
 Last week there were personal details posted there about one of the so called rabid pros , photos, address, and it was claimed that the details belonged to another person, someone not posting on the Maddie case at all. A tit for tat developed where someone gave personal details about an "anti"  and there were threats of the police giving certain people a knock on the door. Also boasts that media are being sent anything detrimental to the parents. Threats and abuse galore, not interesting reading.
 Last night I saw so many vile posts on the #McCann tag and also on my timeline, that I blocked people I normally converse with and then had to go to the help page as all sorts of non #McCann related stuff was on my timeline, some full of obscenities. It is easy enough to go to that person's page and block them, but you still get to read the porn stuff.
 I am saddened to see people debating #McCann turning on one another, like playground taunting and name-calling. I understand the strong emotions generated by the case, and given the 140 characters and repeated tweets needed to get more than a brief point across, I have decided after experimenting with twitter not to contribute any longer, does not seem very productive, but will read what I find interesting there.

that's a shame you have given up twitter,but I agree you cant debate with any pro on there, all they do is abuse and they only do that because they cant come up with any evidence of an abduction but I guess that's what the pro's want,all who do not believe the mccanns abduction must be targeted.(no I am not on twitter but I follow most of madeleine supporters on there)

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Guest 30.07.13 11:08

I like to keep an eye on twitter.

I don't look at what is being posted, I look at which side is posting. Usually it just ticks along but there have been times that the pros have all vanished and other times when they have swamped it. Either extreme usually means something is happening.

I don't bother with facebook. I did used to look at that other forum (you know which one I mean) but I got embarrassed for them. They are just a handful of social inadequates with nothing to say and who seem to think that hundreds of laughing emoticons is the height of sophisticated satire.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Lostfridge 30.07.13 11:23

Twitter is where the dregs of debate reside. A place where unfortunately both sides are as bad as each other

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by jay2001 30.07.13 17:07

There are some decent posters on mcann # but there are also some dreadful ones.  There are more people seeming to be aware of the facts of the case so I do think it's important to keep tweeting, but not get involved with the disruptors.

Jim Gamble was very arrogant today and blocking people who question the Mcs left, right and centre.  People should be allowed to question the abduction as there are so many inconsistencies in what we've been told.

Direct people to this site, mccannfiles, Pamalam's site and then folks can make up their own minds, instead of PRopaganda fed by MSM

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Guest 30.07.13 20:38

Lostfridge wrote:Twitter is where the dregs of debate reside. A place where unfortunately both sides are as bad as each other
I have to disagree with you there, there are some antis who are retaliating against the pros and being abusive back but the vast majority of antis are perfectly polite, never abusive, never threatening, never intimidating, never harass the pros, never out any of the pros, never make disparaging remarks, never accuse pros of being people they aren't but are not afforded the same courtesy back but abused, intimidated, lied about, harassed, attacked, etc. etc., constantly just for not believing the abduction story and politely pointing out facts and discrepancies.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Cristobell 30.07.13 22:57

Twitter I think is the front line of this war, and I am starting to think that is what it is.  You certainly need the hind of a rhinoceros   There is a small but determined group of trolls manning tweetdecks dishing out stock insults. Amusing as they often forget who they are supposed to be, although, must be said, these days they don't seem to care.  

Personally, I go on there to refute the pro mccann rubbish. If we did not counter them, they would be bombarding the internet with calls for the saintly parents to be canonised.  I feel compelled to challenge their lies with the truth and I am delighted that it irks them.  Twitter is probably one of the first ports of call for breaking news and it is good to see stories unfold from different perspectives, I'm a huge fan.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Guest 30.07.13 23:10

they have been harassing someone tonight who had repeatedly asked them to stop - he has taken the matter
to the authorities. Everyone has seen it tonight with their own eyes what they have been up to.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Cristobell 30.07.13 23:38

Yes I saw that Cherry, it was appalling.  

I'm getting really cheesed off with this name calling, especially the most recent from a national newspaper.  Don't they realise that at least half the country do not believe the McCanns and they have the right to say that!

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Guest 31.07.13 0:17

what has been noticeable as well is that Mr. Gamble is often posting up stuff about anti bullying, saying it is disgraceful about mccanns being abused yet he is following some of the most prolific and abusive pros who have attacked people who have never ever attacked them simply for having a different opinion, Mr. Gamble is quick to comment and back up the pros but keeps silent about others being attacked. The sad thing is that he is supposed to be a responsible person and everyone on twitter can see him aligning himself with the most abusive nasty McCann supporters out there. Someone tonight has been repeatedly hounded by them, he has repeatedly asked them to stop and they continued, why did Mr. Gamble not step in then and comment.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Who?What?Where? 31.07.13 0:42

I cannot see how any of the Tapas 9 could be victim's of a miscarriage of Justice.

As far as I am aware, none of them have ever appeared in a Court of Law and had to testify, under oath, about what may have happened to Madeleine.

Some people who have had a different opinion to the Tapas 9, about what happened to Madeleine, definitely, seem to have had to defend themselve's, under oath, against the Tapas 9.

Maybe, that is where the miscarriage of Justice really is.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Over The Hill 19.11.13 10:53

Photo circulating on Twitter, allegedly taken at PdL but not Maddie

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Coincidence or hoax?
Over The Hill

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Guest 19.11.13 10:59

See [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by NickE 20.11.13 21:03

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
In case anyone hasn't seen it, here is the evidence that [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] signed for two girls in his own hand. Five times! [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by tiny 21.11.13 7:19

NickE wrote:[ltr]@kikoratton[/ltr]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
In case anyone hasn't seen it, here is the evidence that [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] signed for two girls in his own hand. Five times! [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
looks like the same hand writing to me,now I wonder why

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by twisted 21.11.13 7:34

Surely this is written by one of the nannies. Gerry Mc Cann would sign ´´Gerry Mc Cann´´ not Madeleine?

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by Smokeandmirrors 21.11.13 7:47

twisted wrote:Surely this is written by one of the nannies. Gerry Mc Cann would sign ´´Gerry Mc Cann´´ not Madeleine?
It's mans handwriting. The nannies were all young, late teens or twenty, the writ in is not a fit for them.

The truth will out.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by tiny 21.11.13 7:49

twisted wrote:Surely this is written by one of the nannies. Gerry Mc Cann would sign ´´Gerry Mc Cann´´ not Madeleine?
I think this is the signing in sheet and you write your own childs name in

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by twisted 21.11.13 8:11

Ok, thanks, got it now.

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by sallypelt 21.11.13 10:16

I saw on Twitter, earlier this morning, that the Madeleine Fund site is down. Anyone know what's happening?

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solved Re: Twitter (News and important information only please)

Post by worriedmum 21.11.13 10:26

sallypelt wrote:I saw on Twitter, earlier this morning, that the Madeleine Fund site is down. Anyone know what's happening?
Findmadeleine opens but pressing the 'donate' button  just gives a message that 'the online store is being updated'.

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