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Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Mm11

Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Regist10
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Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Mm11

Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Regist10

Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple

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Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Empty Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple

Post by sallypelt 09.05.15 13:40

I can't find the thread that refers to Jenny Murat's claim that on the night of 3 May 2007 she saw a woman on the road near the McCann's apartment. I recall that Jenny Murat said the woman was wearing a "plum" garment?  Jeremy Wilkins also states that:
"he believes he saw her, when he left home between 8:15/8:30 pm, May3, 2007 – she was standing in the street, just in front of the apartment of one of the McCann friends, doesn't know if it was her own apartment. He remembers that she was using a purple colour dress. At the time, he knew that she was one of McCann friends, but didn't knew her name".

J Wilkins would have seen the "woman in purple" around the time that Jenny Murat said that she saw a woman in "plum" Jenny Murat didn't know who the woman was, but J Wilkins was aware that she was a friend of the McCann's but didn't know her name.

So, no need to look for  "a female tourist". According to JW it was Jane Tanner

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Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Empty Re: Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple

Post by Richard IV 09.05.15 13:56

It was in the thread entitled `Maddie Libel Detective .... etc and was from an article by James Murray in the Sunday Express last week.

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Might as well paste the relevant bit here

"Jenny Murat, 78, the mother of wrongly accused Robert Murat, has potentially breakthrough evidence but no one has spoken to her. At 8pm on May 3, 2007, she went to a supermarket and then drove past Apartment 5a and saw a woman hanging around. Her notes from the time say: “There was a woman standing on the corner under a lamp post.

“I don’t remember much of her other than she was of slight build and was wearing a plum coloured jacket. She moved around the lamp post as if trying not to be noticed.”

As she turned into the driveway of her home, Casa Liliana, she was nearly hit by a car going the wrong way. “When I stopped to open the gates I could not see the car but the woman was in the road looking in my direction.”

After her son was wrongly made an arguido (Portuguese for suspect), she contacted Hugo Swire, a Tory MP in Devon, and Leicestershire police about her sighting but, astonishingly, she has not been interviewed to this day.

Speaking at home this week, she told the Sunday Express: “I am happy to speak to Scotland Yard. This woman was just outside Apartment 5a and it didn’t look right. It could be relevant.”

After 12 years she has put Casa Liliana up for sale. “It is very sad but the place has become a tourist attraction for all the wrong reasons,” she said. “I get people banging on my gate and someone broke in once. I don’t feel safe. Robert’s life has been badly damaged by lies. It never goes away, it never ends. It gets you down.” 

She will live with her daughter, Sammy, in Devon, but Robert, wife Michaela and their four-year-old son will remain on the Algarve.

“I might buy a small flat in Luz but we will see,” said Jenny. “It is not the same place.”
Richard IV
Richard IV

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Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Empty Re: Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple

Post by sallypelt 09.05.15 14:21

Richard IV wrote:It was in the thread entitled `Maddie Libel Detective .... etc and was from an article by James Murray in the Sunday Express last week.

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Might as well paste the relevant bit here

"Jenny Murat, 78, the mother of wrongly accused Robert Murat, has potentially breakthrough evidence but no one has spoken to her. At 8pm on May 3, 2007, she went to a supermarket and then drove past Apartment 5a and saw a woman hanging around. Her notes from the time say: “There was a woman standing on the corner under a lamp post.

“I don’t remember much of her other than she was of slight build and was wearing a plum coloured jacket. She moved around the lamp post as if trying not to be noticed.”

As she turned into the driveway of her home, Casa Liliana, she was nearly hit by a car going the wrong way. “When I stopped to open the gates I could not see the car but the woman was in the road looking in my direction.”

After her son was wrongly made an arguido (Portuguese for suspect), she contacted Hugo Swire, a Tory MP in Devon, and Leicestershire police about her sighting but, astonishingly, she has not been interviewed to this day.

Speaking at home this week, she told the Sunday Express: “I am happy to speak to Scotland Yard. This woman was just outside Apartment 5a and it didn’t look right. It could be relevant.”

After 12 years she has put Casa Liliana up for sale. “It is very sad but the place has become a tourist attraction for all the wrong reasons,” she said. “I get people banging on my gate and someone broke in once. I don’t feel safe. Robert’s life has been badly damaged by lies. It never goes away, it never ends. It gets you down.” 

She will live with her daughter, Sammy, in Devon, but Robert, wife Michaela and their four-year-old son will remain on the Algarve.

“I might buy a small flat in Luz but we will see,” said Jenny. “It is not the same place.”
Thank you, Richard. I tried a few search words but couldn't come up with the original thread. If admins want to merge my post with the Maddie Libel Detective, then feel free to do so.

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Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Empty Re: Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple

Post by TheTruthWillOut 09.05.15 15:14

Compare the Express article and the statements: 

Jenny Murat Statement wrote:About 19h50 she went to the "Batista" supermarket to buy bread. Then she went back to the house where she arrived more or less at the same time as Robert.

Robert Murat wrote:He said farewell to them in the VW and headed for his residence, where he arrived between 19.15 and 19.30. He parked the VW in front of the house and entered. He does not know if his mother was at home, but thinks so because it was late for her to walk the dogs, as they usually leave at 17:00 and return at 19.00. After entering, he may have taken some tea and turned on the TV or it was already on. He may also have read a newspaper. He talked with the mother, who if she was not there had arrived shortly afterwards, about Romigen.

No mention of driving a car or seeing a suspicious women by Mrs Murat or Robert mentioning his mother taking the VW to the shops. Arriving back from Batista at a similar time as Robert who was using the only vehicle they had at that time. Their Skoda Fabia was in a garage for repairs named Autojoteca from 26/27th April>.

PJfiles wrote:The Auto Joteca was located, the workshop where there was news about Robert M.'s Skoda being repaired. The vehicle, Skoda Fabia 9.-..-.E, metallic grey, was still there. The owner of the firm, Carlos Guerreiro, informed us that the VW Transporter 4.-..-.D was taken there for repair on 16 April, and it was ready on 24 April 2007. On 26 or 27 April he himself delivered the VW to Praia da Luz, to Robert's mother, and took the Skoda for repair. 
That since that day up to today the Skoda had never left the workshop. He delivered to us the repair orders proving these facts. It was determined, also, that on 2 or 3 May 2007 MW and RM were there, but at the time the vehicle was still not repaired. The owner was not present, it being that they were attended to by employee Miguel J.G. Fernandes. 
Being impossible, they were not formally questioned.

Confused much!?

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Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Empty Re: Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple

Post by sallypelt 09.05.15 15:22

TheTruthWillOut wrote:Compare the Express article and the statements: 

Jenny Murat Statement wrote:About 19h50 she went to the "Batista" supermarket to buy bread. Then she went back to the house where she arrived more or less at the same time as Robert.

Robert Murat wrote:He said farewell to them in the VW and headed for his residence, where he arrived between 19.15 and 19.30. He parked the VW in front of the house and entered. He does not know if his mother was at home, but thinks so because it was late for her to walk the dogs, as they usually leave at 17:00 and return at 19.00. After entering, he may have taken some tea and turned on the TV or it was already on. He may also have read a newspaper. He talked with the mother, who if she was not there had arrived shortly afterwards, about Romigen.

No mention of driving a car or seeing a suspicious women by Mrs Murat or Robert mentioning his mother taking the VW to the shops. Arriving back from Batista at a similar time as Robert who was using the only vehicle they had at that time. Their Skoda Fabia was in a garage for repairs named Autojoteca from 26/27th April>.

PJfiles wrote:The Auto Joteca was located, the workshop where there was news about Robert M.'s Skoda being repaired. The vehicle, Skoda Fabia 9.-..-.E, metallic grey, was still there. The owner of the firm, Carlos Guerreiro, informed us that the VW Transporter 4.-..-.D was taken there for repair on 16 April, and it was ready on 24 April 2007. On 26 or 27 April he himself delivered the VW to Praia da Luz, to Robert's mother, and took the Skoda for repair. 
That since that day up to today the Skoda had never left the workshop. He delivered to us the repair orders proving these facts. It was determined, also, that on 2 or 3 May 2007 MW and RM were there, but at the time the vehicle was still not repaired. The owner was not present, it being that they were attended to by employee Miguel J.G. Fernandes. 
Being impossible, they were not formally questioned.

Confused much!?
Jane Tanner says in her statement of 4 May 2007, that she left for the Tapas bar at around 8:30. Her partner didn't leave with her as one of the children was ill. She continues, that when she got to the Tapas bar, Gerry and Kate were already there. So, when she was seen outside the McCann's apartment she couldn't have been waiting for the McCann's, because according to JT's statement, the McCann's had already gone to the Tapas bar.

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Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Empty Re: Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple

Post by jeanmonroe 09.05.15 15:50

Just a 'quickie' on this

J Murat dosen't mention' 'seeing' the rather large (6' 4") JW, pushing a buggy, does she?

At the same time they both 'saw' woman in 'purple/plumb'

Perhaps 'tiny' JW and his buggy, was 'obscured' from her 'sight',................... 'hidden' behind a MATCHSTICK!

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Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple Empty Re: Both Jenny Murat and J Wilkins saw woman in purple

Post by cockerspaniel 09.05.15 17:15

TheTruthWillOut wrote:Compare the Express article and the statements: 

Jenny Murat Statement wrote:About 19h50 she went to the "Batista" supermarket to buy bread. Then she went back to the house where she arrived more or less at the same time as Robert.

Robert Murat wrote:He said farewell to them in the VW and headed for his residence, where he arrived between 19.15 and 19.30. He parked the VW in front of the house and entered. He does not know if his mother was at home, but thinks so because it was late for her to walk the dogs, as they usually leave at 17:00 and return at 19.00. After entering, he may have taken some tea and turned on the TV or it was already on. He may also have read a newspaper. He talked with the mother, who if she was not there had arrived shortly afterwards, about Romigen.

No mention of driving a car or seeing a suspicious women by Mrs Murat or Robert mentioning his mother taking the VW to the shops. Arriving back from Batista at a similar time as Robert who was using the only vehicle they had at that time. Their Skoda Fabia was in a garage for repairs named Autojoteca from 26/27th April>.

PJfiles wrote:The Auto Joteca was located, the workshop where there was news about Robert M.'s Skoda being repaired. The vehicle, Skoda Fabia 9.-..-.E, metallic grey, was still there. The owner of the firm, Carlos Guerreiro, informed us that the VW Transporter 4.-..-.D was taken there for repair on 16 April, and it was ready on 24 April 2007. On 26 or 27 April he himself delivered the VW to Praia da Luz, to Robert's mother, and took the Skoda for repair. 
That since that day up to today the Skoda had never left the workshop. He delivered to us the repair orders proving these facts. It was determined, also, that on 2 or 3 May 2007 MW and RM were there, but at the time the vehicle was still not repaired. The owner was not present, it being that they were attended to by employee Miguel J.G. Fernandes. 
Being impossible, they were not formally questioned.

Confused much!?
confused lol...about the only thing that is NOT confusing is that EVERYONE involved in this sorry affair appears to be lying !!!  I guess that this is what happens when a whole load of people with broken moral compasses convene in one place and then have the good fortune to be dealt with by the UK government and police. Dont forget, people getting away with crime in the UK is a normal everyday occurance whether you like it or not.

Heracltus  say  You could not step twice into the same river.

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