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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Mm11

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Mm11

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by tigger 01.03.12 20:18

Badboys wrote:Naylor is/was linked to landsbanki

I expect Nick Clegg was there at the time? Not that he's got anything to do with this - but his dad got him a job there? Recipe for disaster...
There was at least another Landsbanki connection at PdL?
I'm still fixated on the microchipping - would have been a lot of money for a lot of people just as financial meltdown started to kick in.

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by Badboys 01.03.12 20:41

tigger wrote:
Badboys wrote:Naylor is/was linked to landsbanki

I expect Nick Clegg was there at the time? Not that he's got anything to do with this - but his dad got him a job there? Recipe for disaster...
There was at least another Landsbanki connection at PdL?
I'm still fixated on the microchipping - would have been a lot of money for a lot of people just as financial meltdown started to kick in.

It was at postibankki,nick clegg was at in 1989(finnish bank)

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by uppatoffee 29.03.12 19:47

Interesting development from Channel 4 news, which had a report on cleansing of police records tonight.

@jonsnowC4: Shocking revelation C4 News tonight:Private investigators and bent cops have been accessing police computer system and erasing/changing data

@jonsnowC4: Serious and Organised Crime Agency report has been in Home Office for three years: no action taken despite evidence of nmassive corruption

Link to report here

The former head of anti-corruption at the Met Police, Bob Quick, told Channel 4 News: "There were occasions where cases involved officers removing evidence, destroying evidence.
"This was infrequent but when it occurred it was serious. There were indications that that relationships existed with private investigators and ex-police officers who were suspected of corruption."


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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by listener 29.03.12 20:06

uppatoffee wrote:Interesting development from Channel 4 news, which had a report on cleansing of police records tonight.

@jonsnowC4: Shocking revelation C4 News tonight:Private investigators and bent cops have been accessing police computer system and erasing/changing data

@jonsnowC4: Serious and Organised Crime Agency report has been in Home Office for three years: no action taken despite evidence of nmassive corruption

Link to report here

The former head of anti-corruption at the Met Police, Bob Quick, told Channel 4 News: "There were occasions where cases involved officers removing evidence, destroying evidence.
"This was infrequent but when it occurred it was serious. There were indications that that relationships existed with private investigators and ex-police officers who were suspected of corruption."

I too found that excellent C4 investigation 'interesting' !

In particular, I wonder if there is a connection regarding the lack of information on GM's CATS file. Can anyone point me to where it was discussed that GM had a file - but it was blank. IIRC

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty C4 item on Leveson dossier

Post by flaxyard 30.03.12 13:06

Took me ages to find the right thread but someone beat me to it! This is very worrying and potentially explosive news. As mentioned above, it really makes me question: A - The blank CATS file reference for GM & B - The complete backdown and disposal of forensic evidence by FSS. I am seriously beginning for the first time in my life to worry about my and my childrens future in this country.

Where will this leave Op Grange and Portugese police?

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty CATS Child Abuse Register

Post by jimuck 12.06.12 20:48

bobbin wrote:Does anyone have a date for when the CATS file was opened for G McCann ? Was it before or after 3rd May, 2007.

Kate MaCann also has a file on the CATS child abuse register.

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by Guest 12.06.12 21:28

jimuck wrote:
bobbin wrote:Does anyone have a date for when the CATS file was opened for G McCann ? Was it before or after 3rd May, 2007.

Kate MaCann also has a file on the CATS child abuse register.
Do you have a source, please?

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by jimuck 12.06.12 22:27

Châtelaine wrote:
jimuck wrote:
bobbin wrote:Does anyone have a date for when the CATS file was opened for G McCann ? Was it before or after 3rd May, 2007.

Kate MaCann also has a file on the CATS child abuse register.
Do you have a source, please?


Leicestershire Police Force

From: DC443 J.N. HUGHES
To: SIO, Operation Task
Department: Main Criminal Unit
Date: 16th May 2008

Ref: Background Information– Kate McCann

Dear Sirs,

In response to your letter of request, I can provide the following information regarding the above-mentioned subject.

Kate McCann was born on March 5, 1968 in Merseyside.
Her maiden name is Healy, which she still uses in her clinical practice.
She is the bearer of British passport number **************.

She lives with her husband and children at ****************. The house is subject to a mortgage for the amount of *******with the Northern Rock bank.

There is no report or statement of bank credit cards listed in the research carried out. However I was alerted to the fact that if an individual maintains an account open with the same bank or credit card accounts for a long period of time, these details do not appear in this kind of search.

She works for the local NHS as a GP in Latham House, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. She is currently on maternity leave.

Her phone number is ******* and she has a T mobile phone number ********.
There is no record of either of her surnames on the National Police Computer.

The search reference is NE84/0053/4.

A check of the location of the crime and information system is negative.

Inquiries made of local social services are negative.

Searches made of the local section of child abuse investigation shows a registration number 19309 in CATS (system of action location). A consultation with the DC Soand from the department in question confirms that this is just a file reference, but as a complement to Operation Task system for the purpose of reference, if any investigation should be necessary by the department. No work has been done on the basis of this file.

Have deleted address etc. Although in the files, I don't think it should be on this forum.

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by jimuck 12.06.12 22:50

And never ever forget Yvonne Warren Martin and her statement where she gives 3 options where she may have come in contact with David Payne

Option 1/ Work colleague

Option 2/ Witness in child abuse

Option 3/ Suspect in child abuse

Then throw in this peice from her statement.... then tell me which option would you go for and which one did she (YWM)

"She(Yvonne Warren Martin)further states that one of her main aims when she wrote the anonymous letter was for the British police to check the paedophile or child abusers registers to see if David Payne is on that list"

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by uppatoffee 12.06.12 23:21

Do Kate and Gerry have the same CATS registration number? Or are they consecutive?

I only ask as normal databases would allocate a reference number to each person involved in a case. So parents, child, siblings etc would all appear on the system with a different number. It seems like in this instance they are all linked on one file number.

Although CATS is supposed to be a paperless system there would be an audit trail. Even if all the police paper copies have disappeared there would undoubtedly be copies held by Social Services, who must have been asked to investigate. My feeling is that this was created post disappearance. There would have been a meeting between the police and social services to determine what action they would take, or maybe even could take, given that it was outside their jurisdiction.

I have seen the mention of there being a crime from 2002 that related to this CATS number, from Koassis? Does anyone know if there is any evidence to suggest where this information came from? It also says he is still on the sex offenders register today. Well, that is a long time to be on the sex offenders register. Quite often offenders will be on for a few years. To be on for more than 5 years suggests something pretty serious.

Interesting article from 2007 in the telegraph. Doctors who are on the sex offenders register are not automatically disqualified from practicing

Also just found this in the Metro about the Police/Social Services joint agency investigation.

Madeleine McCann's parents faced fresh anguish today as social services and police met to discuss the family.
It is understood the Leicestershire authorities were meeting this afternoon to discuss how they should now respond to the Rothley youngster's disappearance and the naming of her parents, Kate and Gerry, both 39, as formal suspects.
The couple, both doctors, have two other children, two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie.
The family returned to Britain over the weekend but can be recalled to Portugal with just five days notice.
Meanwhile, papers outlining the case against the parents of missing Madeleine McCann are expected to be passed to the public prosecutor today, Portuguese police said.
The Portimao-based prosecutor, Jose Cunha de Magalhaes e Meneses, will then decide whether to bring charges against Kate and Gerry McCann.
Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa, spokesman for the Portuguese police inquiry, said: "At the moment the inquiry is being prepared to be handed to the prosecutor in charge of the case.
"He will analyse it and after this he will make his decision."
Asked when the papers would be handed over, he said: "Probably during today."
It comes as the parents of Madeleine McCann made the heartbreaking return to the family home without their missing daughter.
The couple arrived home with their two other children, twins Sean and Amelie, insisting they played no part in the four-year-old's disappearance.
But how long they will remain in Britain is unclear as police have told them they could be recalled to Portugal for further questioning at any time.
Kate McCann looked frail and tired while her husband, Gerry, his voice cracking, said: 'Whilst it is heartbreaking to return to the UK without Madeleine, it does not mean we are giving up our search.'
Previously, the couple had said they would not return to Britain without their daughter, who went missing in May while the family were on holiday in Praia da Luz.
But, on Saturday, the McCanns were named as formal suspects or 'arguidos' by Portuguese police.
During an 11-hour interview with Mrs McCann, officers said traces of Madeleine's blood had been found in the family's hire car.
They suggested Mrs McCann killed Madeleine accidentally and tried to cover up what had happened.
The McCanns, both 39, left Portugal aboard an easyJet flight from Faro. The front two rows of the plane were reserved for the family.
The couple arrived at East Midlands Airport, each of them carrying one of the twins. On the runway, Mr McCann read a brief statement, saying: 'Despite there being so much we wish to say, we are unable to do so, except to say this: we played no part in the disappearance of our lovely daughter, Madeleine.'
The family then went to their home in Rothley, Leicestershire.
Outside the house, Mrs McCann's uncle, Brian Kennedy, said: 'It has been a very emotional experience.
'In one way they're happy to be back but they have a mix of feelings as you would expect.
'It has been the most trying three or four days of their lives. They are very tired – shattered, as anyone would be.'

Read more:


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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by tigger 13.06.12 6:15

I read about a year ago - somewhere! - that the Cat file content was deleted by JG sometime before PdL. But sorry, can't remember where.

Staying in Portugal was, according to Dr. Ludke, a very a-typical thing to do. The instinct is to go home, where the presence of the lost one is stronger. To stay in a foreign country, whilst they were convinced she could be anywhere, makes no sense.

It's one of the things that's convinced me it was planned. They said they were going to learn Portuguese, Gerry told a journalist in June - when asked how long they'd stay - that the kids weren't due to start school for another three years and so on. Sightings in Belgium, Holland etc weren't broadcast as much as the Moroccon ones.

So, was there a reason they didn't want to go home?

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by Olympicana_Reloaded 21.01.13 12:46

Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit (CWASU), London Metropolitan University

"Incest should not be treated as a criminal matter - it breaks up the family and children feel responsible"

Raping and sexually assaulting children are criminal offences. Incest has historically been hidden behind closed doors and regarded as the family's 'own business'. Sometimes, authorities have worked to keep the family together rather than prosecuting the perpetrator. This has enabled perpetrators to continue to offend both within and outside the family. Such men often go on to abuse grandchildren if there are no sanctions against them.

Many children when they finally tell are angry and want justice. Others are fearful of legal processes and their father going to prison - but this invariably turns out to be the result of the abuser warning them that this will happen if they tell.

Children suffer most if abuse continues and they are not protected. They also are further hurt if they are blamed or held responsible for the split in the family. Children are best helped when the authorities take the decision to prosecute out of their hands and make it clear that adults are responsible for sorting out the situation and keeping children safe.

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by Olympicana_Reloaded 16.06.13 1:03

Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies (CATS)

Kingston University Centre for Research Excellence

About CATS

CATS is a Centre for Reseach Excellence at Kingston University. It brings together expertise from the Lifespan Research Group (formerly part of Health and Social Care Department, Royal Holloway, University of London) and Department of Criminology and Sociology at Kingston University. The Centre is led by Professor Antonia Bifulco and Professor Julia Davidson, with Christopher Hamerton acting as the director of CATS Legal Studies.
Centre directors have conducted a considerable amount of research, teaching and practitioner training on abuse issues, around offenders, victims, criminal justice and social services practitioners. This includes experience of physical abuse/domestic violence; psychological abuse and sexual abuse/sexual assaults in children, adolescents and adults. The Centre focuses upon high quality assessment and increased understanding of models around psychosocial causal factors accounting for victim vulnerability and perpetrator actions. It utilises a lifespan perspective in examining early life abuse and its impact on child, adolescent, adult and older age behaviour in both further victimisation and perpetration of abuse. Centre members retain a strong interest in government policy and legislative provision for both perpetrators and victims of abuse. The Centre aims to be a focus of expertise on issues related to abuse, whether in its investigation and research, its teaching and training to professionals or knowledge dissemination to related professions and the community.

Three two centre directors provide complementary areas of expertise, and have a wide range of networks and professional contacts to further the activities of the centre. The collaboration was initiated as part of the WestFocus Social Inclusion network. This provided funds for undertaking knowledge exchange in a consortium of seven universities in the West of London in relation to a range of social inclusion issues. In terms of the developing centre it funded joint work on child victims of sexual abuse in the police system and training for social workers in child abuse and attachment issues. The former was in response to a Metropolitan Police Child Abuse Investigation Command request to explore police and social work practice with young victims of sexual abuse and the effectiveness of inter-agency collaboration, investigative ABE (achieving best evidence) training of police officers and provision for women post release from custody.  The evaluative research undertaken led to both to reports for the police* and a publication** and to funding from the Metropolitan Police for further research work. The training for social workers in interview assessment methods is based on grants from voluntary and statutory agencies to aid in best practice in child and family services. The success of this collaboration has led to the decision to create the centre from the two universities. In addition to its directors, CATS is able to draw on a very wide range of expertise from the members of its Advisory Group.


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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by missbeetle 28.04.14 6:30

Please excuse me if this has been covered before.  Why does Kate have a CATS number? Is it because Gerry has one and they live at the same address?


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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by sallypelt 28.04.14 11:05

WPC has been supporting CATS (Case Administration and Tracking System), owned by Nottinghamshire Police, since 2007.  The system currently consists of three modules - Child Protection, Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adult.
The CATS system was developed in the absence of a national database for Child Protection, and in light of the recommendation in Lord Laming's Report into the death of Victoria Climbie that Chief Constables must ensure that their police force has in use an effective  Child Protection database and IT management system.
The Domestic Abuse module was developed later to complement the Child Protection system.  Further development was carried out by WPC to integrate the two modules along with a third for recording incidents involving Vulnerable Adults.
System Benefits
• CATS gives a much clearer picture of the child or vulnerable person referred to them. The data collected in CATS can be used to piece together vital information on family background of that individual, helping the user make more informed decisions.
• CATS may also be used to help identify previous accusations against suspects offering further lines of investigation and valuable information to help assess the safety of the vulnerable person.
• Incidents go through a managed process, from a new referral to a finalised incident. As a case is progressed, CATS validates the information collected and ensures the case has visibility to the relevant officers and staff members.
• Incident Reports can be generated for sharing of information between Police and Social Services.
• A full audit trail is available in CATS, which enables supervisors to monitor usage of the system.

When was GM given a CATS number?

These are the police forces that use CATS:
Customers who use CATS include:
Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 DyfedDyfed Powys Police
Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Leicstershire_79x79Leicestershire Police
Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 WarwickshireWarwickshire Police

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by Nina 28.04.14 11:30

sallypelt wrote:CATS
WPC has been supporting CATS (Case Administration and Tracking System), owned by Nottinghamshire Police, since 2007.  The system currently consists of three modules - Child Protection, Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adult.
The CATS system was developed in the absence of a national database for Child Protection, and in light of the recommendation in Lord Laming's Report into the death of Victoria Climbie that Chief Constables must ensure that their police force has in use an effective  Child Protection database and IT management system.
The Domestic Abuse module was developed later to complement the Child Protection system.  Further development was carried out by WPC to integrate the two modules along with a third for recording incidents involving Vulnerable Adults.
System Benefits
• CATS gives a much clearer picture of the child or vulnerable person referred to them. The data collected in CATS can be used to piece together vital information on family background of that individual, helping the user make more informed decisions.
• CATS may also be used to help identify previous accusations against suspects offering further lines of investigation and valuable information to help assess the safety of the vulnerable person.
• Incidents go through a managed process, from a new referral to a finalised incident. As a case is progressed, CATS validates the information collected and ensures the case has visibility to the relevant officers and staff members.
• Incident Reports can be generated for sharing of information between Police and Social Services.
• A full audit trail is available in CATS, which enables supervisors to monitor usage of the system.

When was GM given a CATS number?

These are the police forces that use CATS:
Customers who use CATS include:
Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 DyfedDyfed Powys Police
Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Leicstershire_79x79Leicestershire Police
Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 WarwickshireWarwickshire Police
Sallypelt, snipped from your post,

 CATS gives a much clearer picture of the child or vulnerable person referred to them. The data collected in CATS can be used to piece together vital information on family background of that individual, helping the user make more informed decisions.

Ok, I get that, great. So on Gerry and Kate's CAT file what was there about Madeleine, to make a clearer picture for the investigation, and also what information was there about the parents, vital or otherwise?

Zilch, an empty file.

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty CATS file questions...

Post by missbeetle 14.08.14 7:09

I'm hoping someone with a knowledge of these things might be able to help me out here :

Would Madeleine herself have had a CATS file, if possibly she was a child deemed to be at risk?

Could the CATS files held by Kate and Gerry have been related to domestic spousal abuse?

Would an open adoption situation warrant a CATS file, or does it need something sinister to trigger one?

Many thanks.

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty CEOP Knew about this, but did nothing.

Post by PeterMac 18.09.14 8:50
Myles Bradbury: CEOP 'failed to alert abuse doctor to police'
By Sally Chidzoy and David Keller
BBC News

CEOP knew Myles Bradbury was buying potentially harmful videos in 2012, it is revealed

Broken trust of child abuse doctor
Doctor abused child cancer patients
Doctor 'abused children with cancer'
Authorities failed to alert police of suspicions about a paedophile doctor more than a year before his arrest in December 2013, it has emerged.
Myles Bradbury, of Addenbrooke's Hospital, admitted offences against boys he was treating for cancer.
Child abuse investigators CEOP were told in July 2012 Bradbury bought suspect movies online, but did not act.
The National Crime Agency (NCA), which took over CEOP, said a case review took place and action was taken.
It said CEOP's delay in disseminating the information was "unacceptable".

Bradbury, 41, a paediatric haematologist from Herringswell, Suffolk, pleaded guilty on Monday at Cambridge Crown Court, to 25 offences including sexual assault and the making of more than 16,000 indecent images.
The offences were committed at the Cambridge hospital against 18 victims, some as young as eight, who were in his care between 2009 and 2013. He has yet to be sentenced.
The NCA tackles serious organised crime and took over the running of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), a non-departmental public body, last year.
It said CEOP received information from Toronto Police, via Interpol, of up to 2,345 UK individuals, including Bradbury, in July 2012.
The hospital said it was "sickened" by the abuse
This was part of the Canadian force's Project Spade investigating child pornography across the world.
The NCA said the material provided to CEOP included "details" of online purchasers of potentially harmful DVDs and videos.
It added the material was assessed by CEOP at the time and the screenshots were classified as Level 1 on the Copine scale, the least harmful grade.

'Serious failing'
Sixteen months later in November 2013, a few weeks after the agency took over CEOP, the NCA said its deputy director general Phil Gormley became aware the material had not been disseminated to UK police forces and took immediate steps to do so.

It said the data on Myles Bradbury was shared with Suffolk Police a few days later on 27 November, which, by coincidence, was the same day a grandparent of a victim at the hospital made a complaint about the doctor.
Dr Myles Bradbury admitted a total of 25 offences
Suffolk Police arrested Bradbury on 18 December. Cambridgeshire Police made a further arrest 12 days later.
The NCA said Mr Gormley ordered an independent review of CEOP's handling in 2012, stating that it was clear that all steps "which should have been completed at the time did not take place".
It said the review has now finished and action has been taken, but the details are not yet known.
Cambridge MP Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat, said: "This is an incredibly serious failing. Even if just one child was abused then that's a huge problem, but in this case it was worse than that.
"There's no excuse for sitting on this. All of us want to stop child abuse images. What's needed is not more powers for the police, it's for them to look at the information they've been given.
"This could have been avoided from almost two years ago."
He added Bradbury's victims had the right to be "furious", but he had been assured by ministers after previously raising the issue about the 2,345 suspect perpetrators in parliament that measures had been taken to ensure it would not happen again.
Dr Keith McNeil, chief executive of Addenbrooke's Hospital, said: "These reports that Myles Bradbury was known to the authorities in 2012 will be deeply distressing for patients and families.
"CUH [Cambridge University Hospitals] took immediate action when concerns were first raised with us in November 2013.
"If we had been alerted earlier, we would have taken action earlier."
It previously said it had contacted 800 families of the children it was aware of that Dr Bradbury saw and set up a specialist helpline for anyone affected by the case.

Not surprising CEOP was shut down and Gamble SACKED.

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by Liz Eagles 18.09.14 8:58

Quango Jim. If it weren't so awful it would beg a limerick.
Liz Eagles
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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by sallypelt 18.09.14 9:23

Jim Gamble is usually very vocal on Twitter when it comes to child abuse allegations . How strange that he has hardly given Myles Bradbury a mention, if he's mentioned him at all. I have gone over JG timeline on Twitter but can't find any reference to this case. Have I missed something?

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by sallypelt 18.09.14 14:14

BREAKING NEWS:National Crime Agency refers itself to police watchdog over handling of information about paedophile paedatrician Dr Myles Bradbury

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by Gillyspot 18.09.14 14:25

PeterMac wrote:
Myles Bradbury: CEOP 'failed to alert abuse doctor to police'
By Sally Chidzoy and David Keller
BBC News

CEOP knew Myles Bradbury was buying potentially harmful videos in 2012, it is revealed

Broken trust of child abuse doctor
Doctor abused child cancer patients
Doctor 'abused children with cancer'
Authorities failed to alert police of suspicions about a paedophile doctor more than a year before his arrest in December 2013, it has emerged.
Myles Bradbury, of Addenbrooke's Hospital, admitted offences against boys he was treating for cancer.
Child abuse investigators CEOP were told in July 2012 Bradbury bought suspect movies online, but did not act.
The National Crime Agency (NCA), which took over CEOP, said a case review took place and action was taken.
It said CEOP's delay in disseminating the information was "unacceptable".

Bradbury, 41, a paediatric haematologist from Herringswell, Suffolk, pleaded guilty on Monday at Cambridge Crown Court, to 25 offences including sexual assault and the making of more than 16,000 indecent images.
The offences were committed at the Cambridge hospital against 18 victims, some as young as eight, who were in his care between 2009 and 2013. He has yet to be sentenced.
The NCA tackles serious organised crime and took over the running of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), a non-departmental public body, last year.
It said CEOP received information from Toronto Police, via Interpol, of up to 2,345 UK individuals, including Bradbury, in July 2012.
The hospital said it was "sickened" by the abuse
This was part of the Canadian force's Project Spade investigating child pornography across the world.
The NCA said the material provided to CEOP included "details" of online purchasers of potentially harmful DVDs and videos.
It added the material was assessed by CEOP at the time and the screenshots were classified as Level 1 on the Copine scale, the least harmful grade.

'Serious failing'
Sixteen months later in November 2013, a few weeks after the agency took over CEOP, the NCA said its deputy director general Phil Gormley became aware the material had not been disseminated to UK police forces and took immediate steps to do so.

It said the data on Myles Bradbury was shared with Suffolk Police a few days later on 27 November, which, by coincidence, was the same day a grandparent of a victim at the hospital made a complaint about the doctor.
Dr Myles Bradbury admitted a total of 25 offences
Suffolk Police arrested Bradbury on 18 December. Cambridgeshire Police made a further arrest 12 days later.
The NCA said Mr Gormley ordered an independent review of CEOP's handling in 2012, stating that it was clear that all steps "which should have been completed at the time did not take place".
It said the review has now finished and action has been taken, but the details are not yet known.
Cambridge MP Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat, said: "This is an incredibly serious failing. Even if just one child was abused then that's a huge problem, but in this case it was worse than that.
"There's no excuse for sitting on this. All of us want to stop child abuse images. What's needed is not more powers for the police, it's for them to look at the information they've been given.
"This could have been avoided from almost two years ago."
He added Bradbury's victims had the right to be "furious", but he had been assured by ministers after previously raising the issue about the 2,345 suspect perpetrators in parliament that measures had been taken to ensure it would not happen again.
Dr Keith McNeil, chief executive of Addenbrooke's Hospital, said: "These reports that Myles Bradbury was known to the authorities in 2012 will be deeply distressing for patients and families.
"CUH [Cambridge University Hospitals] took immediate action when concerns were first raised with us in November 2013.
"If we had been alerted earlier, we would have taken action earlier."
It previously said it had contacted 800 families of the children it was aware of that Dr Bradbury saw and set up a specialist helpline for anyone affected by the case.

Not surprising CEOP was shut down and Gamble SACKED.
So this child abusing Dr was looked at & investigated by Operation Ore & was found not to be a danger(???). Wonder how many others were treated by CEOP in the same way and were able to carry on abusing children.

Jim Gamble should hang his head in SHAME!

Kate McCann "I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other circumstances"

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by tiny 18.09.14 15:51

Wonder if jg has any skeletons in his cupboard that he would like to be kept  hidden thinking he seems to be one dodgy person:yes:

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by sar 18.09.14 15:57

Gillyspot wrote:
PeterMac wrote:
Myles Bradbury: CEOP 'failed to alert abuse doctor to police'
By Sally Chidzoy and David Keller
BBC News

CEOP knew Myles Bradbury was buying potentially harmful videos in 2012, it is revealed

Broken trust of child abuse doctor
Doctor abused child cancer patients
Doctor 'abused children with cancer'
Authorities failed to alert police of suspicions about a paedophile doctor more than a year before his arrest in December 2013, it has emerged.
Myles Bradbury, of Addenbrooke's Hospital, admitted offences against boys he was treating for cancer.
Child abuse investigators CEOP were told in July 2012 Bradbury bought suspect movies online, but did not act.
The National Crime Agency (NCA), which took over CEOP, said a case review took place and action was taken.
It said CEOP's delay in disseminating the information was "unacceptable".

Bradbury, 41, a paediatric haematologist from Herringswell, Suffolk, pleaded guilty on Monday at Cambridge Crown Court, to 25 offences including sexual assault and the making of more than 16,000 indecent images.
The offences were committed at the Cambridge hospital against 18 victims, some as young as eight, who were in his care between 2009 and 2013. He has yet to be sentenced.
The NCA tackles serious organised crime and took over the running of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), a non-departmental public body, last year.
It said CEOP received information from Toronto Police, via Interpol, of up to 2,345 UK individuals, including Bradbury, in July 2012.
The hospital said it was "sickened" by the abuse
This was part of the Canadian force's Project Spade investigating child pornography across the world.
The NCA said the material provided to CEOP included "details" of online purchasers of potentially harmful DVDs and videos.
It added the material was assessed by CEOP at the time and the screenshots were classified as Level 1 on the Copine scale, the least harmful grade.

'Serious failing'
Sixteen months later in November 2013, a few weeks after the agency took over CEOP, the NCA said its deputy director general Phil Gormley became aware the material had not been disseminated to UK police forces and took immediate steps to do so.

It said the data on Myles Bradbury was shared with Suffolk Police a few days later on 27 November, which, by coincidence, was the same day a grandparent of a victim at the hospital made a complaint about the doctor.
Dr Myles Bradbury admitted a total of 25 offences
Suffolk Police arrested Bradbury on 18 December. Cambridgeshire Police made a further arrest 12 days later.
The NCA said Mr Gormley ordered an independent review of CEOP's handling in 2012, stating that it was clear that all steps "which should have been completed at the time did not take place".
It said the review has now finished and action has been taken, but the details are not yet known.
Cambridge MP Julian Huppert, Liberal Democrat, said: "This is an incredibly serious failing. Even if just one child was abused then that's a huge problem, but in this case it was worse than that.
"There's no excuse for sitting on this. All of us want to stop child abuse images. What's needed is not more powers for the police, it's for them to look at the information they've been given.
"This could have been avoided from almost two years ago."
He added Bradbury's victims had the right to be "furious", but he had been assured by ministers after previously raising the issue about the 2,345 suspect perpetrators in parliament that measures had been taken to ensure it would not happen again.
Dr Keith McNeil, chief executive of Addenbrooke's Hospital, said: "These reports that Myles Bradbury was known to the authorities in 2012 will be deeply distressing for patients and families.
"CUH [Cambridge University Hospitals] took immediate action when concerns were first raised with us in November 2013.
"If we had been alerted earlier, we would have taken action earlier."
It previously said it had contacted 800 families of the children it was aware of that Dr Bradbury saw and set up a specialist helpline for anyone affected by the case.

Not surprising CEOP was shut down and Gamble SACKED.
So this child abusing Dr was looked at & investigated by Operation Ore & was found not to be a danger(???). Wonder how many others were treated by CEOP in the same way and were able to carry on abusing children.

Jim Gamble should hang his head in SHAME!
.....ooh yeah!   Because Operation Ore was "...such a witch hunt..." because so many "poor innocent men.." were wrongly tarred with the peado brush.  (Total Bullship!) Yeah right, reminds me of 'Machivelli', Now where have I heard that before?  [furrows brows] *innocent face*

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Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? - Page 2 Empty Re: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309?

Post by tiny 08.10.14 15:18

this from 2007,

www.theguardian.comNewsUK news

1 Jun 2007 - Police child protection chief says some paedophiles should be spared jailed and ... Jim Gamble says not all offenders should go to jail.

 WTF,let them off so as they kiddyfiddle some other poor child.this person is in the wrong job.

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