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Maddie: Yard will hunt missing clues Mm11

Maddie: Yard will hunt missing clues Regist10
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Maddie: Yard will hunt missing clues Mm11

Maddie: Yard will hunt missing clues Regist10

Maddie: Yard will hunt missing clues

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Maddie: Yard will hunt missing clues Empty Maddie: Yard will hunt missing clues

Post by Guest 14.05.11 5:52

THE Metropolitan Police was last night setting up its special squad to review the Madeleine McCann case - as a former top cop said: "If something's been missed they will find it."
A team from the Homicide and Serious Crime Command is being assembled under a senior investigating officer expected to be appointed today.
Initially around ten officers will work on the review - rising dramatically if new evidence is found.

Support ... John O'Connor
It is expected a scenes-of-crime officer and a forensic scientist will be among them.
The team will review witness statements, make a fresh appeal for information and carefully re-check alibis given after three-year-old Madeleine was abducted on holiday in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May 3, 2007.
John O'Connor, former Commander of the Flying Squad at New Scotland Yard, said: "They will be looking for something that has been overlooked or not developed which could lead to a fresh line of enquiry.
"A sighting, a tip-off, something that didn't ring bells at the time but could be vital.

Missing ... Madeleine McCann
"It is not inconceivable that something major could have been missed in an investigation of this size and complexity.
"I firmly believe that if there is something to be found this Scotland Yard review will uncover it."
Portuguese police have pledged to co-operate after lobbying by Joanna Kuenssberg O'Sullivan, Chargé d'Affaires at the British Embassy in capital Lisbon.
The ball started rolling after Madeleine's parents Kate and Gerry wrote a heartfelt open letter to PM David Cameron in Thursday's Sun to request a review of the case.

Request ... Theresa May
It prompted Mr Cameron and Home Secretary Theresa May to ask Met Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson to use his force's expertise on the case.
The team will meet Kate, 43, and Gerry, 42, from Rothley, Leics.
A senior Met source said: "They'll be gently told not to raise their hopes too much - four years have elapsed since she vanished and the trail has long gone cold. But the team will promise them they will do all they can to move things on."
The team will then visit officers in Leicestershire - the UK liaison force in the hunt - before flying to Portugal next week. The source said: "Our role will be to assist the Portuguese police. They'll take the lead because Madeleine disappeared there."

Chief ... Sir Paul Stephenson
Mr O'Connor added: "It's imperative the two sides work well together. Attending the crime scene and re-examining forensic exhibits will be a delicate task to be handled with diplomacy.
"They cannot afford to give the impression they are showing the Portuguese how it should be done - that could be catastrophic."
He added: "One can sense the relief in the McCanns that something positive is happening at last.
"There can be no closure for them until they know exactly what happened. Please God this will put an end to their ordeal."
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Blast for peer who says

Met review is 'a waste'
By TOM NEWTON DUNN, Political Editor

A LABOUR peer sparked fury yesterday - by branding the Met case review a waste of money.
Lord Harris also said David Cameron's request was political interference with police business.

Rapped ... Lord Harris
He said: "What we are looking at is a case where the Met has no direct responsibility. There is clearly an issue about the resources being used."
Harris, a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, added: "It's not just a question of direct costs - it's a question of opportunity costs too.
"Our detective capacity is limited as it is."
No10 hit back at the claim the PM was interfering in police business.
His official spokesman said he made "a request, not a direction" for a review.
Asked why other families with missing children were not offered the same treatment, he replied: "It's quite an exceptional case. It's been going on for some time and there's a huge amount of public interest.
"The Prime Minister has been very clear that he wants to do everything we can to support the family."
The Met confirmed Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson was asked, not told, "to provide expertise".
A spokesman said: "He took the decision it was the right thing to do."
There were suggestions yesterday that the review could take millions away from fighting crime.
But Home Secretary Theresa May has agreed to foot the bill from her department's excess budget.
Labour yesterday insisted Lord Harris's opinion was not shared by the party.
Leader Ed Miliband's spokesman said: "Lord Harris does not represent the party's view."
Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper added: "We fully back Kate and Gerry McCann's request for information to be reviewed. Any overlooked piece of this jigsaw could be important."

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Maddie: Yard will hunt missing clues Empty Re: Maddie: Yard will hunt missing clues

Post by lj 14.05.11 5:58

It's almost funny how sociopaths always seem to create chaos around them, never anything constructive always chaos and negativity, classic.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Maddie: Yard will hunt missing clues Empty Opportunity costs

Post by Cheshire Cat 14.05.11 7:10

Lord Harris
He said: "What we are looking at is a case where the Met has no direct responsibility. There is clearly an issue about the resources being used."
Harris, a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, added: "It's not just a question of direct costs - it's a question of opportunity costs too.

What Harris means by "Opportunity costs" are all of the other benefits/opportunities that are now lost because those resources have been allocated to the McCanns.

For example millions that COULD have been spent on child protection, saving lives, purchasing desperately needed equipment for hospitals, keeping members of the armed forces in their jobs etc. Instead the money has been diverted to search for a child who is deceased and whose parents were suspects in her disappearance!

I see Ben Needhams mother is asking for the same treatment for ALL missing children. The McCanns have already had CEOP helping - the video appeal is still there although out of date.

I have given this topic a thread of its own.
Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
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