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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Ladyinred 25.05.24 14:37

Jill Havern wrote:
Ladyinred wrote:I think the parents are still together. 
nah apparently not.

Like Maddie, he moved on.
Within the past two years, I reckon.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Cake Lover 25.05.24 14:46

I'd like to know that, as well. The lack of action since this press conference was released is surprising. But there must be a lot of panic within the McCann faction. We may hear from Clarence before long. I can't see any other spokesman wanting to associate with them now.
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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Jill Havern 25.05.24 15:28

Ladyinred wrote:
Jill Havern wrote:
Ladyinred wrote:I think the parents are still together. 
nah apparently not.

Like Maddie, he moved on.
Within the past two years, I reckon.
Whoever he's allegedly with now will likely move on aswell once the dam shows signs of breaking.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by crusader 25.05.24 15:30

If the McCann's are not still together, (how do we know this is true)? Kate will feel very vulnerable on her own and may start the fall of the pack of cards.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Ladyinred 25.05.24 15:30

I don't  want to take this thread off topic, but when did the forum start discussing an earlier death.  Was it Peter and TB's work that concluded it didn't happen on 3rd May.  If I remember correctly, it was because of no reliable, consistent sightings of Madeleine during the week. And, of course, the analysis and discussion of the poolside photo, and creche records.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by crusader 25.05.24 15:33

I thought it was Richard D Hall who started it, but I'm not 100% sure.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Jill Havern 25.05.24 15:33

As I recall it was mainly Peter, Tony and HiDeHo who all came at the case from different angles and met in the middle with the same date.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Ladyinred 25.05.24 15:36


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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Jill Havern 25.05.24 15:36

crusader wrote:If the McCann's are not still together, (how do we know this is true)? Kate will feel very vulnerable on her own and may start the fall of the pack of cards.
Especially if she thinks Gerry might throw her to the wolves to save his own skin and career as he seems to be climbing the ladder whilst leaving her behind.

They were both in this together, but who knows what'll happen now.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Bluebagthepirate 26.05.24 7:41

What is the promise about putting the pictures online?

I'm still feeling "too good to be true" vibes.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Jill Havern 26.05.24 7:56

Jill Havern wrote:I need to go back and read the last piece of the investigation again because at the moment I feel it ended abruptly (it probably didn't) and went on to other things to tie up the 'story'.
I re-read the last bit of the investigation, which is Chapter 79...just thought I'd mention that in case anyone else got the same vibe. He does tie it up, but because there was still a lot of book left to read (another 4 chapters), I just assumed there was more. From Chapter 80 he goes on to discuss what he's been doing about it since.

Bluebagthepirate wrote:What is the promise about putting the pictures online?

I'm still feeling "too good to be true" vibes.
He's got numerous videos to show us, which obviously can't go in a book.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Jill Havern 26.05.24 8:32

P.S.  There's 836 pages of writing and Peter and I have had to cut the book into 3 volumes to be able to comfortably handle it to be able to read it - because of how thick it is it wouldn't stay open and I was constantly fighting with it before I caved in and chopped it up. It is very heavy, it is a 'brick' as Bernt himself described it.

Bernt has got hundreds of photos and videos taken over 7 years - can you imagine how big the book would be if he included anything else? This is why there's going to be a website.

He has included a few pictures and diagrams at the back, but he does ask that you don't cheat and look at them until the end...

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Cake Lover 26.05.24 8:45

It hasn't been ridiculed, which could mean that people haven't finished reading it yet, or that it has some panicking (the McCann's and friends). The silence is puzzling.
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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Silentscope 26.05.24 8:55

The McCanns silence is not puzzling really.

They have been well and truly Infiltrated and Manipulated.

Beaten at their own Game perhaps?


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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Cake Lover 26.05.24 9:05

You're right about those two, I think that not by raising a fuss, and threatening law suits, they are rattled. But nobody at all has mentioned the book and that surprises me. I hope it's the beginning of the end, but I'm not totally convinced. The F.D. is probably waiting for a certain number of book sales before the websites are released, otherwise the books wouldn't sell.
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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Jill Havern 26.05.24 9:19

Some people may look at the size of the book and think 'I'm not reading all that'.

I only wanted to read it because of the investigation on the Hill and the field cameras catching the Golden Nuggets on film. Otherwise, I would have just thought it was yet another Madeleine book and there can't be much we haven't already discussed on this forum. 

But this one is is an undercover stake-out with military precision over the course of many years. It is the last piece of the jigsaw that we've all been waiting for for 17 years!

I wasn't disappointed. It is suspenseful, it is fascinating, it is educational, it is exciting, it is a page-turner...hence reading it in less than 2 days with the aid of painkillers, and despite squealing kids next door putting me off and making me miss the end of the bit I was waiting for, and having to go back and re-read it.

The McCanns and Tapas pals will want to read it, will need to read it, to see how deep in trouble they're going to be and to try to come up with a counter narrative.

But it's on film...soon to be on a website for global consumption. 

As it says on the book cover - "Caution Game Over"

The ball is firmly in the PJ's and Operation Grange's court.

Or private investigators who will only draw unwanted attention to the Hill anyway and will make residents wonder what the bejeezus is going on up there that they're not being told about.

Game on.


Another thing to bear in mind, as we wait impatiently, is that the book has only just been released - the PJ and Grange have to read it and decide what they're going to do about it. They're the ones who should go and do the digging and take the cadaver dogs.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Cake Lover 26.05.24 9:30

I'd like to know if the local police are going to dig up the suspected burial site. Perhaps it has already been roped off?
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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Jill Havern 26.05.24 9:34

I've just added a bit to my last post that I think answered your question.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Cake Lover 26.05.24 9:36

Yes, I hope they make a move soon.
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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Honesty 26.05.24 13:15

Didn't Mr Stellander, say near the end of the press conference, that an archaeology dog was to have from Sweden but the police wouldn't allow it. Sorry, I can't check the video at the moment.

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Silentscope 26.05.24 13:27

Yes, he did. I believe this is the Dog in Question?

The dog Fabel, or Thunder Dust’s Quento, which is his pedigree name, is probably the world’s only scientifically tested archeology dog. With 94 percent certainty he can distinguish human bones from animal bones, and signal where old graves are located.

Together with his owner and mistress, Sophie Vallulv, he has visited Silbojokk ninety kilometres northwest of Arjeplog, to look for human remains in the form of skeletons at the old cemetery.

Here archaeologists fight an uneven battle against time and water to save as much as possible of an important part of Swedish history.

Where the mountain stream of Silbojokk flows into the lake Sädvajaure, a community was built during the 1600s, when silver mining in Nasafjäll started. Here you could find a melting hut, mill, sawmill, homes, church and cemetery. The community was destroyed after just 24 years, when a Norwegian-Danish army came and burned down the buildings. The old burial sites, and with them also the story of the people who lived and died here, are now about to run out into the lake.

The challenges faced by the archaeologists are many, and to make the work easier they have taken help of the archeology dog ​​Fabel. But even for Fabel the area at Silbojokk represents a great challenge.



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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Honesty 26.05.24 13:48

Amazing. Bring on Fabel!

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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Silentscope 26.05.24 13:59

A lifetime supply of ‘Scooby Snax’ if he comes through!

Luckily for the McCanns Dogs are ‘notoriously unreliable!’

5.8% unreliable it seems…

23 June 2016
A year ago he was tested both in a laboratory and out in the field, and the results showed that he can distinguish between human and animal bones with a detection rate of 94.2 percent. He is Sweden's, and most likely also the world's first and so far only, scientifically tested archeology dog.


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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Cake Lover 26.05.24 14:33

What treat does he get after a success? He must be sick of bones.
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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case  - Page 8 Empty Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case

Post by Ladyinred 26.05.24 15:40

Just reading another old thread which shows a photo of Rocha Negra taken by Kate in her bewk.

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