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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 36 Mm11

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 36 Mm11

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Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 36 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Ladyinred 22.06.24 16:35

What a farce.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 36 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Cake Lover 22.06.24 16:59

It is, and I can't get to grips with why they persist with it. It was a non starter when it first emerged, years ago.
Cake Lover
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 36 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 22.06.24 17:15

The Worlds MSM is portraying the Hard drive as being found under Brückners dead Dog, and not being supplied by an ex Girlfriend of Brückners in Portugal.

Who she is and why she gave a Laptop alledgedly belonging to Brückner with the Passwords conveniently taped underneath it to the German Police, instead of the Portuguese PJ in the Country where she is living needs explaining.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 36 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 23.06.24 9:41

And now BILD is reporting that H. Fülscher has submitted that the whole thing now be thrown out

Defence wants arrest warrant lifted
Will Maddie suspect Brückner (47) soon be released?

Kai Feldhaus
21.06.2024 - 7:47 pm

Big surprise in the trial against Christian Brückner (47): The defence lawyer for the man on trial at Braunschweig District Court for five sexual offences has applied to the court to lift the arrest warrant against the accused.

"For an arrest warrant to be upheld, there must be a strong suspicion of the offence," said defence lawyer Dr Friedrich Fülscher (40). "Since the essential evidence has been collected and it has not been established that any of the charges are true, the arrest warrant can no longer be upheld."

After almost 30 days of trial, almost all witnesses have been heard. Brückner, whom the Braunschweig public prosecutor's office also suspects of having abducted and murdered little Madeleine McCann (then 3) from her parents' flat in 2007, is accused of three rapes. The victims of two of the offences are still unknown.

Two witnesses claim to have seen the offences on stolen video tapes. In the third crime, Irish woman Hazel B. (40) claims to have recognised her tormentor by his eyes.
Another witness testified in court that Brückner was the man who molested her on a beach in the Algarve in 2007 and masturbated in front of her. Further witnesses claim that the accused masturbated in front of children at a festival in a playground in the Algarve in 2017. The defence claims that Brückner only wanted to urinate there.

The court must now decide whether the arrest warrant will be cancelled. "If this is the case, the defendant will be acquitted unless the public prosecutor pulls another rabbit out of the hat," says lawyer Fülscher. "Otherwise, we know where we have to start with further motions for evidence.”

Will the Maddie suspect now go free?
No. Brückner is still serving a seven-year prison sentence for the rape of an American woman (72 at the time) in Portugal.
He could be released in 2025 at the earliest.


Verteidigung will Haftbefehl aufheben lassen
Kommt Maddie-Verdächtiger Brückner (47) bald frei?
Kai Feldhaus
21.06.2024 - 19:47 Uhr
Dicke Überraschung im Prozess gegen Christian Brückner (47): Der Verteidiger des Mannes, der wegen fünf Sexualstraftaten vor dem Landgericht Braunschweig steht, hat bei Gericht beantragt, den Haftbefehl gegen den Angeklagten aufzuheben.

„Für die Aufrechterhaltung eines Haftbefehls ist ein dringender Tatverdacht erforderlich“, so Verteidiger Dr. Friedrich Fülscher (40). „Da die wesentlichen Beweise erhoben wurden und bezüglich keinem der Anklagevorwürfe festgestellt werden konnte, dass die Vorwürfe zutreffend sind, kann der Haftbefehl keinen Bestand mehr haben.“

Nach knapp 30 Prozesstagen sind fast alle Zeugen gehört. Brückner, den die Staatsanwaltschaft Braunschweig auch verdächtigt, 2007 die kleine Madeleine McCann (damals 3) aus dem Apartment ihrer Eltern entführt und ermordet zu haben, werden drei Vergewaltigungen vorgeworfen. Bei zwei der angeklagten Taten sind die Opfer bis heute unbekannt.

Zwei Zeugen wollen die Taten auf gestohlenen Videokassetten gesehen haben. Bei der dritten Tat will die Irin Hazel B. (40) ihren Peiniger an seinen Augen erkannt haben.
Eine weitere Zeugin sagte vor Gericht aus, Brückner sei der Mann, der sie 2007 an einem Strand an der Algarve belästigte und vor ihren Augen masturbierte. Weitere Zeugen behaupten, der Angeklagte habe 2017 bei einem Fest auf einem Spielplatz an der Algarve vor Kindern masturbiert. Die Verteidigung gibt an, Brückner habe dort nur urinieren wollen.

Das Gericht muss nun darüber entscheiden, ob der Haftbefehl aufgehoben wird. „Sollte dies der Fall sein, wird der Angeklagte freigesprochen werden, sofern die Staatsanwaltschaft nicht noch ein Kaninchen aus dem Hut zaubert“, so Anwalt Fülscher. „Andernfalls wissen wir, wo wir noch durch weitere Beweisanträge anzusetzen haben.“
Kommt der Maddie-Verdächtige jetzt frei?
Nein. Noch sitzt Brückner eine siebenjährige Haftstrafe wegen der Vergewaltigung einer Amerikanerin (damals 72) in Portugal ab.
Frühestens 2025 könnte er auf freien Fuß kommen

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 36 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 23.06.24 9:45

And we bear in mind that the conviction for the rape of the old lady was also 'wrongful' – in the sense that the particular detail of act did not take place, whatever else happened, but that Appeals have been refused.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 36 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 25.06.24 14:20

More than 20 trial days have now been completed since mid-February. Witnesses to all the alleged offences have been heard - in some cases at great expense with interpreters and via video link to Portugal. It seems more than difficult to take stock and many questions remain unanswered. What is certain is that none of the offences can be easily proven and therefore the credibility of the various statements is at the centre of attention. 

Important witnesses have raised doubts with contradictory statements. In some cases, they only corrected their statements after being insistently reminded of their duty to tell the truth. Many of those involved shared their knowledge with the media long before the trial and were often "compensated" for it. 

As expected, the court and the public prosecutor's office are not commenting on the current state of proceedings. The defence, however, did: "In our opinion, one problem that runs through all the cases is that the BKA's investigation was totally one-sided," lawyer Friedrich Fülscher told the news agency dpa. He criticised that obvious investigations, for example to clarify the credibility of witnesses, had been omitted. "Potentially exculpatory matters were not taken into account accordingly."

In order to demand an interim result from the criminal division, the defence has requested that the arrest warrant be revoked. "The further an evidentiary hearing has progressed, the stricter the requirements for the assumption of urgent suspicion of an offence must be," said Fülscher. According to the course of evidence taken so far, the arrest warrant can no longer be upheld. 

With regard to two rapes that two witnesses claim to have seen on video, Fülscher also speaks of "contradictory witness statements" that no court would probably base a guilty verdict on. "The quality is simply too poor for that," said the defence lawyer. The whereabouts of the videos are unclear and it has not yet been possible to identify any victims. 

In the case of an Irish woman who was raped in Portugal in 2004 and testified as a witness in the trial, the accused is excluded as the perpetrator due to physical characteristics such as a scar on his thigh, according to the defence. "We also believe that it is simply impossible to recognise him based solely on the colour of his blue eyes," said Fülscher. The witness had reported "piercing blue eyes" in court. "His eyes, I think this man is the attacker," she said. 

Despite the serious offences, for many observers the trial is also a kind of test procedure before a possible indictment in the Maddie case. If there is another trial against Christian B., important witnesses are likely to be heard again in Braunschweig. This is another reason why their credibility is already so much in focus in this trial and the pressure is clearly noticeable in the courtroom. In the sometimes very tense atmosphere, there are repeated heated exchanges between the criminal chamber, the public prosecution and the defence. 

The accused Christian B. will then only act as a silent observer in a trial with the serious allegations against him - and the Maddie complex behind the scenes. The trial will continue on Friday (28 June). Whether the criminal division will then comment on the requested cancellation of the arrest warrant remains unclear. The investigation into the disappearance of little Maddie more than 17 years ago is continuing in parallel.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 36 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Doug D 25.06.24 16:11

If this rubbish all gets thrown out, with most of the witnesses (many of whom seem to cross over into the MM accusations) discredited, surely the judge is not going to allow anything else to come to Court and waste even more time?

Is this not the ideal result for TM in that if nothing actually comes to Court, them and their friends do not have to get involved in any embarrassing testimony, which based on their previous statements would get torn to shreds by any decent councel, yet they can say "we now know what happened and who did it, but in view of the time that has elapsed, the evidence can't be satisfactorily substantiated, blah, blah, blah........'

Case closed?

Wind up the fund & run for the hills?
Not forgetting the Court costs which they (still?) owe, which I suspect will miraculously get paid out of the fund, in spite of all their previous assurances to the contrary.

And I'm sure KM could then pen another book 'My trials and tribulations since 2007 etc........'
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