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Alternative Theorizing

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 02.10.18 12:05

Jill Havern wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], I moved aishiii's post to this section, as she had posted it at the top of the forum amongst our 'Letters to Portugal'
Aha, I see!  On reflection, the Members Lounge is probably the only place to stick it - that or the garbage.

If I'd seen it heading the 'Letters to Portugal' forum, then it would've confirmed mischief aforethought spam .

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Jonal 02.10.18 12:33

My thanks to Jill for providing this resource as I've said before, and to Verdi for moderating.

Just to take the heat out, I'm guessing - perhaps the IP would show - that 'aishiii' is from Japan? (In which case, いらっしゃいませ!)  It's just that to a Japanese person Gerry and Gary would be pronounced about the same.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Jill Havern 02.10.18 12:48

No, aishiii is from the UK.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty imari

Post by Imari 23.10.18 8:12

The Donegal Easter photo which was, I believe, posted by G Mccann himself, on his blog, appears to show an older Madeleine, five or so, with older twins and cousin. That may be a clear example of Mccanns muddying the waters, because either it is photoshopped, or it is real, both cases damning. They say it is from before the PDL holiday, but looking at the twins it just can't be, and it wasn't published anywhere until 2008. It supports the idea that they want the frenzy of interest to continue, but seems a bizarre move on Gerry's part. It makes the whole Maddie case even weirder, as if she was a borrowed cousin. I can't see how it helps them at all, but it does add to the mystery. There is a page on this site about it for anyone interested.


I don't know where you are going or where you want to go with this post.  Whatever, it has nothing to do the controversial subject of Smithman nor any FOI requests.

Topic moved.  Mod

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Ritualistic

Post by Guest 29.10.18 8:19

I know it's an old post but I'm just now discovering what pedophilia in the context of satanic rituals are, how disseminated it is, and I was (again) thinking why would they hide her, what were they afraid to be discovered?

- I don't doubt that the parents know what happened to her. I was watching an Armchair detective video called "dogs don't lie", where the guy who confessed to have killed his wife and children after lying, had the same attitude as the parents, specially the father, Gerry, had.  Abnormally cold and rational for the highly emotional situation.
- Then I remembered again the fact that they were airing the rented car because of a death scent (because of some meat they bought...sure).
- So with no doubt in my mind that the parents at least know exactly what happened, and that means they took part in it, I just couldn't think of why would they hide the body. What have they done so bad, to need to hide her? If it were an accident, they would call the police. Even after being negligent. Healthy innocent people don't think of the outcome specially in a situation like this: your own daughter is gone. 
I know you also say in the petition that you believe pedophilia is involved but I couldn't see how it could happen. I know they are surrounded by pedophiles and that one of the friends is very suspicious, and very well connected so they would be covered and protect - as they are. He organized the meetings, they all were all close to another shady neighbor...But I had no idea how this could take place.
I mean...did that David go to the apartment and raped her in the afternoon where they were all in white? Did the parents offered her? Are the other friends involved?
To a normal person, none of it makes sense. But now that I'm aware of how this rituals happen and how common they are...yes, it's very likely, isn't it?

It makes sense. Why did they have the church keys?? Priest Haynes Hubbard, right?, gave them the keys. Don't these things happen in churches?
She may have been killed in the church, and there's a theory about her being taken inside an old woman's coffin. Right?


Topic moved.  Mod

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Liz Eagles 29.10.18 18:42

You missed out the debate on bougainvillea. Keep trying though. Lots of people join this forum and go for the shock factor.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Guest 29.10.18 18:59

What? Shock factor?
I was answering to the first post on the first page by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] on 22.10.14...
I don't understand your answer...but nevermind. I'm out. Deleting my account.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Liz Eagles 29.10.18 19:09

CantIgnore wrote:What? Shock factor?
I was answering to the first post on the first page by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] on 22.10.14...
I don't understand your answer...but nevermind. I'm out. Deleting my account.

Bye bye, no doubt the forum will see you real soon.
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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Guest 29.10.18 19:10

What a hell is this? What answer is that? Am I offending you by answering to this post by KimHager???  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

"[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] on 22.10.14 20:47
I have been doing some back tracking today trying to fit more things together and I've had something nagging me and now i know what.
One ( of the MANY) things is the time Madeleine disappeared.Without knowing exact day, April 29 thru May 3...and with that is the cover up etc. and it hit me..Beltane.So I looked it up and this was the first link I,found.

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So after reading it I wondered if it fit with what we know about Madeleine's disappearance.Here is a few things that were red.flags for me.If anyone has anything to add i might have missed please add on!
1..Timing..and the odd feeling with in me that her death happened before may 3.
2.Gerry and his.F#*% off comment..not there for fun eh?
3.Cover up. Some higher up ppl have given support to TM and it dont add up.
4.The blood, concealing a body,all of the lengths i feel they went too so nobody would ever know the truth.
5.why were they all on holiday together? Could it be a coven? Not saying it is..just curious?
6.In the bewk Kate says she saw Maddy lying on the grey slab....that one has me puzzled but feel she really saw this..and the genital comment.
.p129 should be banned!!
7.via the book....kate mentions pedos etc..definately.feel something sexual happened.Also sex is pretty big in rituals .
8.The priest said TM misled him. Also calling for the priest, when ma Healy said they.weren't very religious.
9.what were they doing in their bedroom wailing and the PJ thought something was off with them.
10. The marked page in KM's Bible.

If anyone can think of more? Or perhaps why it isn't or couldn't've beem some type of ritualistic thing.I was shocked at how many children vanished and are used for these sick evil purposes..."

I'm sorry!! We can't answer, mr. Aquila gets offended.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Liz Eagles 29.10.18 19:24

No-one can offend aquila. The only person on this forum who can be offended is Madeleine.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Guest 29.10.18 19:52

I joined this forum a long time ago for the reason i already explained in another post. I read pages and pages of the Polícia Judiciária's files, I've studied the testimonies, the inconsistencies, I read and watched many articles, documentaries and videos about this case, I read Gonçalo Amaral's book, watched Richard Hall's series, Armchair detective, Jill Haven, Truth for Madeleine, or whatever it's called.
As I said, it never made sense to me any of the theories about how she died. An accident? Doesn't make a parent hide the body of their own child in a bag and pretend it never happened. Afraid of being accused of negligence? Everyone knows they left the kids alone and they were never charged for that. Sexual abuse? Yes, that would make them want to hide the truth. But how? It seems to be a group thing. I don't think all the tapas are involved, I think the majority of them completely ignored what was happening.
But now I see that many things could point to a pedophile ritual or something alike. I know the campaign on this forum believes there is sexual abuse involved too.
All I said was that only now I'm learning about pedophile ritualistic stuff and since I found this post by Kim I answered her that it would make sense and added the church keys which is consistent to ritualistic child abuse. 
You were simply rude and arrogant. I don't think it's the first time, but I've been ignoring it so far. I rarely post because the tension and arrogance here is evident.
Don't be so cocky. 12 years have gone, Madeleine is now basically dust. Your amazing intelligence didn't help, but "keep trying though".
I won't come back. I'm just waiting for the reply to my email asking to delete my account. Useless forum.
Also, citing André Ventura? He's a xenophobe. So more than time to leave


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You can delete your account here..

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It's better you do it yourself to avoid any confusion.


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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Hi all just given myself a bit of a hop

Post by mutley 04.11.18 4:53

spin Hi all.   I was busy when the MM case was all over the press so I was sucked in.  A couple of months back I did some reading and watching nd very quickly felt differently! Anyway I  was searching for definitive timelines then realised there's nothing concrete. Then I found this by Peter James Cullen and he's a legend!! 
I'm sure I saw it here. Obviously hadn't planned to go down a conspiracy route, I just loved the read. Anyway this got me onto the bits below.....

I've just figured that DC Ivor Messiah made sexual gestures to juror on the 29th April 2010.  In a similar way to those Gaspars statement refers to. 29/4 being the day I thought was probably the last true confirmed sighting.

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"Detectives have taken at least 1,338 statements, collected 1,027 exhibits, considered 650 sex offenders, investigated more than 60 "persons of interest" and looked at 8,685 potential sightings of Madeleine around the world" [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Those numbers add up to 11760. 1+1+7+6+0 = 15. 2+9+4= 15 Any significance to 15??

Freemasons magic square each column adds up to 15. Date given as missing 3 5 7

Feel a bit unnerved so thought I'd let you guys have a look, hope that's ok.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty I'm not even sure she's dead anymore!!!!! Sure of 0 and 15

Post by mutley 04.11.18 7:02

Peter James Cullen is a legend!! I read his first here I think.  I might well have to look him up to see more, but to be honest I'm out. It's just too much for my little brain to compute.......

I've just figured that DC Ivor Messiah made sexual gestures to juror on the 29th April 2010.

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"Detectives have taken at least 1,338 statements, collected 1,027 exhibits, considered 650 sex offenders, investigated more than 60 "persons of interest" and looked at 8,685 potential sightings of Madeleine around the world" [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Those numbers add up to 11760. 1+1+7+6+0 = 15. 2+9+4= 15 Any significance to 15??

Freemasons magic square each column adds up to 15. Date given as missing 3 5 7

357k damages for her book

357 steps on the freemasons spiral stairway


Holyfk!! Frightened myself so much I came here to find solidarity.  Very relieved to find others had realised in an earlier post. Can't find the post again (newbie) so apologies but if you find this please come back! that picture of Madeleine to my right looks so different to me now. Ivor Messiah....OMG

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 04.11.18 12:39

Gooday mutley and welcome to the forum lol4 !

Sorry, I haven't the vaguest idea what you're talking about - fascinating subject I'm sure for like minded folk but if you'll excuse, I've moved your introductory posts to a more fitting location.

Many thanks you for your contribution to CMoMM.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by mutley 04.11.18 13:13

Hi Verdi, sorry not feeling comfortable on the forum at all and wish to unsubscribe. No luck in following above link. Can you let me know how, thks.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 04.11.18 13:41

mutley wrote:Hi Verdi, sorry not feeling comfortable on the forum at all and wish to unsubscribe. No luck in following above link. Can you let me know how, thks.
Follow this link, it only takes a minute or so..

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by mutley 04.11.18 13:54

Thanks Verdi, but as earlier link, it says I need to be here 7 days. Is that right?

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Jill Havern 04.11.18 16:24

Yes, 7 days, that's correct.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty MI5 / MI6

Post by Pete123 08.12.18 23:37

Hello fellow board members.

I thought I would add to the board by giving out a theory or two which I have been thinking about for a week or so. Maybe they have already been discussed.I recently watched the Armchair Detective video [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.],McCann's the Celtic years 1995/2000. Before watching this, I didn't know he even worked there, nor anything about the paedo problem associated to the club. This video linking him to Celtic, along with his choice of friends (specifically David Payne), and the fact they remained friends after making a comment like that (Gasper statement) about his Daughter, instead of instantly knocking him out cold, and the fact there is still no concrete proof in their involvement in Madeleine's disappearance, and many other things, could lead to a theory that MI5 could be involved. 
One theory is that Gerry could be an MI5 asset. There may well have been an investigation into the problems at Celtic FC going back over 20 years, to which Gerry was recruited and installed as the club doctor/consultant to be a set of eyes and ears on the inside. Not actually an MI5 agent, but more of an informer/operative. He would be well placed to make contacts, hear stories, look for physical evidence regarding youth team players, and report. This would not just be done just to investigate the club, but someone inside the football club may be able to uncover their contacts, and higher levels of a possible ring.  I believe Madeleine did die in 5A due to an accident. When this happened I am still open to ideas. Connections to MI5 would definitely explain why the authorities are no further forward than 11 years ago, why the immediate government assistance, why the PJ were only given certain details from the UK, and not other evidence that would have helped the investigation, possibly why Goncalo Amaral was taken off the case, because he looks like somebody who would not give up, and not bow down to pressure to turn a blind eye when told to. If Madeleine did accidently die in 5A, a call from Gerry to one of his contacts would certainly help him out, if he is a crucial informant in an investigation that has been going on for 20+ years. A possible reply to Gerry to get Madeleine to a certain place at a certain time and hand her over to an MI6 agent somewhere (maybe to a waiting boat at the beach) would take care of the main evidence. Covering up the accidental death of a child would be seen as a small problem to MI5 to avoid their asset going to jail, or getting a reduced term for telling the PJ his secrets, or spilling the beans while in jail.


According to Chapter 3 of 'Truth of the Lie', Goncalo Amaral learned that the McCann's phones may have been tapped by MI5. If this is the case, then the McCann's may have not been agents, but instead being monitored as suspects in an ongoing investigation. I doubt two Doctors from Leicestershire would be the kingpins in an organised ring of criminals, but with Gerry's past employment and possible knowledge and contacts, they may have been able to lead MI5 to a higher level in the ring. Again, the covering up of an accidental death would be seen as a problem to the secret service, but not as bad as losing someone they may have been following for some time, possibly years. This would also result in Government help, but in more of a cover up than actual assistance, as they would not want to lose their valuable lead for the same reasons as before. Also, if it was an illegal tap by MI5, they may have also bugged the apartment, and also planted a camera or two also. No evidence from these would be admissible in court I suspect if it was not authorised, or maybe if the surveillance was only authorised in connection with one investigation (child abuse) then capturing another crime (fake abduction) is inadmissible. I don't know. But again, in this theory it would still be beneficial to MI5 to keep their suspect out of jail to lead them further in the ongoing investigation.

There may be holes in these theories, but at least they are not as bad as the one about Madeleine being abducted out of a small window. Whoever thought that one up takes the cake.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Hobs 09.12.18 0:21

Not just the cake but the whole frickken party

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 09.12.18 0:35

Pete123 wrote:Hello fellow board members.
Hello fellow Pete123 and welcome  to the forum. 

I have moved your post here because it is somewhat controversial but more importantly lacking any evidence to support the theory.  Still, leave no stone unturned - eh?

An interesting observation anyway, thank you for your contribution.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Pete123 09.12.18 3:37

Thank you Verdi. You are correct, no evidence, but even with all the evidence which is available, there are still no charges brought to anybody for anything in the case yet. i will carry on thinking and researching.

Nothing I write accuses anyone of anything. I am just purporting a theory.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Imari 09.12.18 5:09

Is it a true thing that the Podesta brothers were staying in C Freud's villa at that time?
It has been discovered that Marina Abramovic (of spirit cooking recent horrible fame) was staying in the Ayres Rock area at the time the 'dingoes ate my baby case' occurred Podestas and she are linked. Stories have many echoes with each other, with that missing baby's clothes showing that her throat had been cut A black and red outfit that she was given to wear (not that day) can be seen online.
I hesitate to put this up because the name Podesta seems to provoke hostile reactions, as if they are trivial in relation to the MBM case, but this page does seem to lead nearer to some kind of link between the two cases, at least worth some study, IF those men were there, at that time.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 09.12.18 12:09

Utter nonsense ^^^ The Podesta's had nothing to do with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, nor did Clement Freud.  I don't know where people get these ridiculous ideas from - an over active imagination or mischievousness.  Either way it's counter productive.

Show me the evidence and I might start to take notice.

Still Imari, you hit the target as to where to post your comment thumbsup.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 4 Empty Were they in PdL

Post by Imari 09.12.18 12:33

Verdi wrote:Utter nonsense ^^^ The Podesta's had nothing to do with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, nor did Clement Freud.  I don't know where people get these ridiculous ideas from - an over active imagination or mischievousness.  Either way it's counter productive.

Show me the evidence and I might start to take notice.

Hello Verdi,

IF they were there - (I thought I had made that IF very clear), then, might it be significant? That is why I asked the question, were they there at that time? I don't pretend to know or be any kind of expert, but hoping somebody who does know (whether they were there, I mean) may be able to answer that query.

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