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Alternative Theorizing

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 17.07.18 21:53

Well, for a start there is absolutely no evidence to suggest Madeleine McCann was abducted - that simple fact was established within hours of Kate McCann's alert at approximately 22:00H on the night of 3rd May 2007.  

No abduction = no abductor.

Nor is there a scrap of evidence to suggest a dramatic getaway a la Steve McQueen!

Still nonsense to me.  Perhaps other members might join the discussion to put across their point of view.


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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Jean Moulin 17.07.18 22:07

kk so there was no abductor but I thought Gerry was supposed to be Smith Man or has that been debunked now
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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 18.07.18 0:03

Apologies, I didn't initially make myself clear, I meant commentary from you as to the reason for bringing the video to the forum.

Secondly, you mention the video being a helpful insight into the mind of a Smithman and what Madeleine may have seen.  The Smithman has already been covered but on the secondary point, there is strong evidence by way of the dog alerts that Madeleine was no longer alive when she 'disappeared'.

The Smithman saga stems from the witness Martin Smith who contacted the police in September 2007, some days after (such was the urgency) seeing television footage of Gerry and Kate McCann descending the aircraft stairs on their return to the UK.  According to Martin Smith he was 60-80% (no mean difference) sure it was Gerry McCann he and his family witnessed on the night of 3rd May - this deduced by the way Gerry McCann was carrying his child.

Believe that you'll believe anything but you need to follow the trail of evidence to understand how Martin Smith connects with the bigger picture.

In addition, there can be no doubt that Gerry McCann was around and about on the night of 3rd/4th May, so no opportunity for him to be 'mission impossiblying' around Praia da Luz on a set of wheels.

In the infamous words of Clarence Mitchell - ludicrous!

Forgive me for asking, the video you came here to  promote  was up-loaded on YouTube only a week ago - are you responsible for the video or are you representing whoever is responsible?  As I said originally, I'm at a loss to understand your purpose as the video doesn't appear to have any relevance.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Jean Moulin 18.07.18 8:04

I hear you Verdi and agreed it is a ludicrous video if you believe SmithMan was made up. 

Sorry yeah I see your point i will try to explain. 
Regarding the videos relevance, I watch all the videos and saw this one and the purpose was to put it up for debate as I didnt realise the 'alleged' Smithman sighting was so close and only 4 minutes away and not sure if others knew this cos I heard it was 8 or 10. 

It makes a small enough window to be around on the night but still have the opportunity to be SmithMan and go to the beach or church etc before the GNR arrived.

And regarding the integrity of the sighting, although I do not know him (as nobody does who suggests he is a fraud) I have been offered no definitive reason to doubt Martin Smiths character. But If you 100% believe Martin Smith and his family wanted all this attention and made all this up to take the focus away from Robert Murat whom he knew 'by sight', then of course SmithMan is irrelevant in this case.
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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 18.07.18 12:05

The video is worthless in it's own right, irrespective of whatever sighting it's supposed to relate to.  On the surface it would appear to be someone having a bit of fun - not what CMoMM is all about, there really is nothing to discuss.

As an aside, my thoughts on Martin Smith and/or his family are inconsequential as regards the video you uploaded.  I Will however take the opportunity to point out, in the interest of clarity, the Smith family claim to have witnessed a stranger carrying a child and walking in the opposite direction at approximately 22:00H.  Walking!

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty psychics

Post by scratchy 27.08.18 10:53

Hi all, I have a thing about psychics and that ilk. 
To me their tricking folk and exploiting the dead. In this case Madeline McCann and it doesn't sit well with me. In my personal research I reckon there is a fair few Security Services type 
within all this too.

With all that in mind this is a video of a woman named Amanda Ellis 

who channels spirits.

In this case its ahem,  "the Archangel Metatron" which sounds like a 
transformer who's going through hormonal therapy..

Stay with me, 

Briefly Meta-tron is seemingly from ancient Judaism, kabbalistic times. Hes a "divider and fixer of boundaries". also called the "Chancellor of Heaven".  Yay, he sounds Lovely.

Here's a brief 10min vid:

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So Amanda is apparently calling up Metatron and Madeleine McCann..

The reason for Amanda making the video is that apparently,
Amanda's family owned an apartment somewhere on the same block as where Maddie was apparently taken. (I don't claim to know where this apartment is)

Shes states this at the beginning. 

She was there in PDL  in 2006, the year before the whole incident. 

Obviously this has me interested

She took her toddlers there.  Maybe she got child care..? 

All in all Maddie turns up with a white horse and metatron & won't talk about her Parents. lol
This around 15mins in. She then pulls up tarot cards (off screen) and boldy pronounces at 22mins "Somebody must know something"..

Well there you have it then,  probably best to collapse all further investigationsas someone knows something!   
A lot of people are watching her youtube channel and shes not the only one who's pulling up maddie for profit and followers
the channel - Channelingerik - is another one.

Is it intentional?  100k views in 3 weeks.. Selling the Merch..!

She says at least twice in the video before her conclusion that it seems 
there was an accident and cover up. Very priming .

She was just back at Portugal, in PDL 2 weeks ago for "lions gate" something, 8/8/18.

That i find interesting too.   Shes living in Bournemouth. 

And just for mental kicks an anagram of Amanda Ellis is - Mandala Lies! .. Very fitting.

Her Maddie Vid:

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Her website:

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.. If this isn't useful please just delete.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 27.08.18 12:20

I have moved your post here scratchy thumbsup.

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Post by scratchy 27.08.18 12:46

Thank you that's no problem, I had no idea where to put it.  m1264 

It is unorthodox but to me she is interesting to look into in regards to her 'connection' to pdl.

As i find more,  do i just post it here?


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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 27.08.18 12:51

scratchy wrote:As i find more,  do i just post it here?
Yes, that'll do just fine yes .

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Photo of (animal) ‘grave’

Post by GGrasp 12.09.18 9:22

Hi. I don’t really have any interest in the McCann case, but I was in prai da luz on a surfing trip last year and found a ‘grave’ (I guess animal grave) on some scrubland near where I was staying on the edge of town. Im posting it together with the location (the area marked on the map, in front of AltaVista Adventure Lodge) so I can can clear it from my head. Apologies if this is irrelevant (I’m sure the area was thoroughly searched, and this was ten years later...)

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Take 2

Post by GGrasp 12.09.18 9:29

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Photo if they didn’t attach

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by garfy 12.09.18 10:21

Hi GGrasp ...I agree it looks odd.

But why do you think it was a grave.

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Post by GGrasp 12.09.18 10:31

Pretty sure it’s a grave from the way the rocks are placed. I guess I posted it as was imagining the (unlikely) possibility that they accidentally killed her (e.g. too much neurofen or something..), panicked and buried her but didn’t want to leave a completey unmarked grave out of guilt/respect for her

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by garfy 12.09.18 11:48

GGrasp wrote:Pretty sure it’s a grave from the way the rocks are placed. I guess I posted it as was imagining the (unlikely) possibility that they accidentally killed her (e.g. too much neurofen or something..), panicked and buried her but didn’t want to leave a completey unmarked grave out of guilt/respect for her

I would have thought more..the rocks would have been piled up on top of each other

It could be an animal grave ...but strange to put it on shrubland.

Well at least GGrasp have posted your concern .....and hope u feel better by doing so.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 12.09.18 12:19

welcome  GGrasp and thank you for sharing your experience.  Extraordinary to say the least.  

Topic moved to more appropriate thread.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty I think Madeleine died before Kate and Garry went to dinner

Post by aishiii 01.10.18 22:15

Found this site very good with facts [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

So I think Madeleine died before the 6.30 pm dinner and the parents and friends use the dinner while removing the body. There’s theories that’s the kids were drugged since they didn’t panic when alarm was raised that Madeleine was missing. Why no babysitter? Night before the kids awoke alone and cried a witness heard them cried for ages. Only a thing I trying to work out why would the McCanns friends help them how were they involved in this.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 02.10.18 1:05

Hello aishiii and welcome to the forum.

I'm not sure why you've created a general discussion thread in the Members Lounge as your first post, only to link to a blog.  As I'm sure you noticed when perusing the forum, there is a space for new members to post their first comments.  I can move this if you feel you were mistaken.

As a new member, what do you think of the wealth of information contained on this forum, CMoMM?  The particular questions you raise have been discussed extensively hereon.  

Excuse the presumption but is your reason for joining because you find CMoMM good with facts?  Or to put in bluntly - did you register here only to promote a blog or do you see a parallel between the two worthy of disucssion?  Forgive me, I'm a trifle perplexed.

Whatever, the Members Lounge is more of a place to 'chill-out' - not for general case discussion.  There are no secrets here.

NB: Just for the record, the name is Gerry McCann not Gary McCann.

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Sundance 02.10.18 8:47

Verdi wrote:Hello aishiii and welcome to the forum.

I'm not sure why you've created a general discussion thread in the Members Lounge as your first post, only to link to a blog.  As I'm sure you noticed when perusing the forum, there is a space for new members to post their first comments.  I can move this if you feel you were mistaken.

As a new member, what do you think of the wealth of information contained on this forum, CMoMM?  The particular questions you raise have been discussed extensively hereon.  

Excuse the presumption but is your reason for joining because you find CMoMM good with facts?  Or to put in bluntly - did you register here only to promote a blog or do you see a parallel between the two worthy of disucssion?  Forgive me, I'm a trifle perplexed.

Whatever, the Members Lounge is more of a place to 'chill-out' - not for general case discussion.  There are no secrets here.

NB:  Just for the record, the name is Gerry McCann not Gary McCann.

The usual warm welcome from the forum pedant.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Jill Havern 02.10.18 9:02

Sundance, shut it.

Verdi has a job to do, voluntarily, and he does it well.

Don't you dare come to this forum and, within a month, start complaining about my moderator, ok? Consider this your first warning.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], I moved aishiii's post to this section, as she had posted it at the top of the forum amongst our 'Letters to Portugal', and because I will not tolerate people promoting Ben Thompson's blog when he is under a police investigation for death threats to a member of this forum.

I hope I've made myself understood.

Thank you.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Sundance 02.10.18 9:04

Jill Havern wrote:Sundance, shut it.

Verdi has a job to do, voluntarily, and he does it well.

Don't you dare come to this forum and, within a month, start complaining about my moderator, ok? Consider this your first warning.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], I moved aishiii's post to this section, as she had posted it at the top of the forum amongst our 'Letters to Portugal', and because I will not tolerate people promoting Ben Thompson's blog when he is under a police investigation for death threats to a member of this forum.

I hope I've made myself understood.

Thank you.
It's my second warning actually, and I never complained about anything.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Jill Havern 02.10.18 9:06

It's your first warning from me.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Sundance 02.10.18 9:07

Jill Havern wrote:It's your first warning from me.
Duly noted. Thanks.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Jill Havern 02.10.18 9:15

Good. And that goes for anyone else.

This is a research forum and I have spent the best part of nine years designing, maintaining and PAYING for this forum and I'm sorry but I will not tolerate people abusing the hard work of members of this forum with snide remarks about CMOMM's volunteer staff.

It's disheartening when the work here is done ONLY on behalf of Maddie. Everyone needs to keep that in mind please.

If people don't like it here, or the way it's run, then there's always twitter.

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Post by Guest 02.10.18 11:14

Jill Haven, your tireless work presenting this forum over the years is massively appreciated, along with the hardwork the Mods do as well.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 3 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by sar 02.10.18 11:34

Jill Havern wrote:Good. And that goes for anyone else.

This is a research forum and I have spent the best part of nine years designing, maintaining and PAYING for this forum and I'm sorry but I will not tolerate people abusing the hard work of members of this forum with snide remarks about CMOMM's volunteer staff.

It's disheartening when the work here is done ONLY on behalf of Maddie. Everyone needs to keep that in mind please.

If people don't like it here, or the way it's run, then there's always twitter.
+1 Jill

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