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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by palm tree 24.10.14 17:04

Poppyfox wrote:I also think Satanism as well as paedophilia is connected in this case. It is horrible to think the unthinkable but this could be why there's such a big cover up, some politicians,judges,VIPS etc are currently being investigated for child sex abuse. The occultists sacrifice small children especially ones with disabilities, read somewhere they especially love downs syndrome children. There is lots of money to be made if the abuse and sacrifice is recorded into a snuff film. These people are seriously sick and truly believe in what they are practising. IMHO of course.
Sometimes I think this is why this case has not been solved. It's so horrible, I find when my thoughts try to question it, my heart draws a blank and I move onto another thread.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by kimHager 24.10.14 17:11

It is horrible and heart breaks over and over to think humanity has sunken so low.


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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Unorthodox Theorizing

Post by JP67 24.05.18 9:30

Hi all, I joined the forum a little while ago but neglected to announce it. Better late than never eh? I stumbled across the site via the Jimmy Savile NHS connection, I still think the NHS bears much responsibility for the cover up, despite the “hero” status of its staff that it’s pushing, as with certain other public services. My latest theory is quite new (to me) and controversial. Fatima and the shrine is one of the key components for me, the Pope, Rome, and Sunni Islam, coming together to “convert” Northern Europe. it’s too conspiratorial to be said out loud. Our media is ramming down our throats “Look at Israel, it’s awful” all the while ignoring the dictatorial hellholes created by Sunni Islam. I hope my theory is wrong, but The Freemasons are a cover story for something much more sinister in my opinion. A good excuse for Jew bashing, IMO.
I welcome feedback and don’t expect it to be pretty, and it is just a theory but the more I look, the more I find.
The truth will out, someone once said, and it’s as true for poor little Maddie, maybe just not in our lifetimes.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Liz Eagles 24.05.18 11:03

Welcome to the forum. What scattered thoughts you appear to have/not have/declare yourself unable to say/invite hostile comment etc.

May I suggest beginning with Gerry's blog and offering your opinion on the media travesty straight from the horse's mouth.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Thanks for the welcome

Post by JP67 24.05.18 11:40

Thanks Aquila, 
yes, a bit random, this case goes round and round in circles, doesn’t it. I’ve been round the forum catching up with it for several months, and am familiar with Pamalam etc. Thanks again, ontopic note to self.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Unorthodox Theorizing

Post by Verdi 24.05.18 13:54

A place for member's to present and discuss alternative thinking.

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Post by JP67 24.05.18 14:06

I appear to have overstepped the mark, and am truly sorry to have upset Aquila. I’ll try not to do it again.


Back on topic please people.


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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Liz Eagles 24.05.18 17:18

You haven't upset aquila at all.

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Sir Winston Churchill: “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Guest 24.05.18 19:28

Theories should be based on evidence.

Expect people to scrutinize theories and challenge them.

This is not the David Icke forum.

End of message.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by JP67 24.05.18 20:55

No, you’re right, David Icke is also waving a flag shouting look at Israel. It is an unorthodox idea but I’ve purported it now. Keep an eye out for Fatima/Mary though, she might reappear. And I have a great deal of respect for people who use religion as a force for good in the world. I don’t detect much good at the moment and it isn’t helping lay Madeleine’s little soul to rest.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Ladyinred 24.05.18 21:05

Welcome [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. What do you think happened to Madeleine?

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by JP67 24.05.18 21:50

Honestly, I think she either died, was mortally injured, or was deliberately killed 29th or 30th April2007. Who by or why is as much as a mystery to me as everyone else who’s been chasing their own tail for as long as they smelled a rat. 
In case you all think I’m a troll, I’ve told my children if I’m killed in a car crash, it’s not an accident. The body count keeps going up.
Just one last thing before you get bored, why would 2 devout Catholics pray like Arabs in an ostentatious manner and visit the Pope and a shrine popular with both Muslim and Christian pilgrims? There’s more to all this than I think we can even imagine.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].  I get the impression you are not taking this case seriously.  Please be mindful of what you write or you will no longer be welcome on the forum.

Thank you.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by JP67 27.05.18 16:56

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If you think this is appropriate, I would be grateful if you could put it in the new topics forum under the heading Fatima. If not, I’m obviously completely way off the mark and apologise for wasting all your time.


You provide no indication of the content of the link, many people including myself, do not open unfamiliar links.

As you request the initiation of a topic under the heading Fatima, it's best left here where it belongs.


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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by JP67 28.05.18 9:51

Have just revisited this, the name Ivor Messiah has long troubled me. Did anyone else notice the date this incident is supposed to have happened? 29th April no less. Significant date in the Satanic calendar and, as we think we know, the last day Maddie was seen.


Topic moved.  Mod

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty DC Ivor Messiah

Post by willowthewisp 28.05.18 10:44

JP67 wrote:Have just revisited this, the name Ivor Messiah has long troubled me. Did anyone else notice the date this incident is supposed to have happened? 29th April no less. Significant date in the Satanic calendar and, as we think we know, the last day Maddie was seen.
Hi JP67,I understand what is being implicated to Mr Messiah on his conduct in court and the missing Madeleine McCann interview,Doctor Payne,as for"Satanic influences" they are not facts to be able to be proved right or wrong,which is what evidence needed in a Court Trail!

What proof do you have of "Satanic Calendar" and missing Madeleine McCann?

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by JP67 28.05.18 11:38

No proof of Madeleine being seen after 29th April, surely? Other members have speculated about Satanic influences and there’s a Spring sacrifice thread, too. I’m going to shut up now, there’s clearly only one line of enquiry allowed to be followed here.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty DC Ivor Messaih

Post by willowthewisp 28.05.18 11:58

JP67 wrote:No proof of Madeleine being seen after 29th April, surely? Other members have speculated about Satanic influences and there’s a Spring sacrifice thread, too. I’m going to shut up now, there’s clearly only one line of enquiry allowed to be followed here.
Hi JP67,there is no one single line to follow in regard to the missing Girl Madeleine McCann,anyone can have a "thesis" ask Doctor Gerry,now if you want to know about silencing people,Kate,Gerry,Carter Ruck and One Clarence Mitchell will be able to gladly assist you about how to deceive,manipulate,confusion is good right,eh Gerry!

Take a long look at who was involved in "Silencing" Mrs Brenda Leyland,Martin Brunt,big Jim Gamble,Gerry McCann family dossier handed to our very friendly Sir Bernard Hogan Howe,Metropolitan Police Commissioner! 

Care to comment on these "Loyal stalwarts" involvement in Madeleine's case over the past Eleven years?

Its about Justice for a  Three year old child who"Allegedly disappeared" from her holiday Home apartment,where 7/9 Special friends have had a "Pact Of Silence! ask Doctor Payne,he should be able to confirm this?

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by JP67 28.05.18 14:34

I merely noted the date, and could find no other message that anyone else had spotted it. The trail has gone cold on the other people you mention, and they are obviously too well protected to get near, or dead. Perhaps the man known as Ivor Messiah is actually someone else with an alias, his line of “questioning” during the rogatory interviews demonstrated no curiosity. Seeing the behaviour of some of the Police and Judiciary over Tommy Robinson this weekend, it wouldn’t surprise me if  Ivor Messiah was connected to Team Mccann other than as interviewer. Back to April 29th, does anyone else see any significance in seeing someone trying to disrupt a murder trial with gestures similar to those witnessed by the Gaspar doctors in 2005? Could it have been a different kind of sacrifice, not being a Satanist myself, I’m not sure how many different kinds there are, but there must more than child murder. Maybe it really is just me................

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty DC Ivor Messaih

Post by willowthewisp 28.05.18 15:53

JP67 wrote:I merely noted the date, and could find no other message that anyone else had spotted it. The trail has gone cold on the other people you mention, and they are obviously too well protected to get near, or dead. Perhaps the man known as Ivor Messiah is actually someone else with an alias, his line of “questioning” during the rogatory interviews demonstrated no curiosity. Seeing the behaviour of some of the Police and Judiciary over Tommy Robinson this weekend, it wouldn’t surprise me if  Ivor Messiah was connected to Team Mccann other than as interviewer. Back to April 29th, does anyone else see any significance in seeing someone trying to disrupt a murder trial with gestures similar to those witnessed by the Gaspar doctors in 2005? Could it have been a different kind of sacrifice, not being a Satanist myself, I’m not sure how many different kinds there are, but there must more than child murder. Maybe it really is just me................
HI JP67, If you have any "Evidence" of a child murder,please submit it to the relevant authorities and if it is in regard to the missing child case from May 2007 in Portugal, i suggest contacting the UK Police,as they will be able to help you in that regard.

Some people have a "thesis" in regard to the Gasper statements and the person's appertaining to the statements given to the UK Police,once again the UK, Leicestershire Police actions should be taken into account on their outcome of the statements! 

As you have stated about satanic evidence,there is none so why keep mentioning something that isn't there?

Please do not try to mix Police Officers evidence from one case to a different case,Apples,Pears,Two different fruits!

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Liz Eagles 28.05.18 16:32

Why entertain wasting knowlegde and energy on someone who is blatantly on the forum to disrupt

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Ladyinred 28.05.18 16:44

JP67 wrote:I merely noted the date, and could find no other message that anyone else had spotted it. The trail has gone cold on the other people you mention, and they are obviously too well protected to get near, or dead. Perhaps the man known as Ivor Messiah is actually someone else with an alias, his line of “questioning” during the rogatory interviews demonstrated no curiosity. Seeing the behaviour of some of the Police and Judiciary over Tommy Robinson this weekend, it wouldn’t surprise me if  Ivor Messiah was connected to Team Mccann other than as interviewer. Back to April 29th, does anyone else see any significance in seeing someone trying to disrupt a murder trial with gestures similar to those witnessed by the Gaspar doctors in 2005? Could it have been a different kind of sacrifice, not being a Satanist myself, I’m not sure how many different kinds there are, but there must more than child murder. Maybe it really is just me................
...yes, it's just you.

Why revive an irrelevant seven year old topic?  No need to reply.

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Unorthodox Theorizing

Post by willowthewisp 28.05.18 16:50

aquila wrote:Why entertain wasting knowlegde and energy on someone who is blatantly on the forum to disrupt
Hi aquila,
I was trying to be tactful,but alas,tactfulness must be running short on CMoMM or perhaps they really are fed up of all the Bull shit being fed to the public on Madeleine's disappearance,on this very Political case,where we all know form where it began,Mr New World Order himself,Gordon Brown,perhaps Jill could write to him,to see if he is available to you know,sort of "Fill in the blanks"!

Politicians do not risk there own arses as Clarence Mitchell,hes one who needs time to convey on his thought analysis after the collapse of Cambridge Analytica,A Bridge Too Far for even Clarence to save,he must be slipping in his old age?

Perhaps JP 67 knows about Mr Nessling being close to officianados close to the Pro's,who first conveyed the idea of Paedophiles of whom Scotland Yard ruled out of being part of Gang in Madeleine McCann's disappearance,aka Jim Gamble 90% profile assessment on Robert?

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty SmithMan

Post by Jean Moulin 17.07.18 21:01

Was SmithMan anything to do with it. If he was then who was he and where was he going?

This might help, it's a link to a video tracing SmithMan's escape, puts you in his shoes and in his mind!

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Podesta red shoes - Alternative Theorizing - Page 2 Empty Re: Alternative Theorizing

Post by Verdi 17.07.18 21:29

Jean Moulin wrote:Was SmithMan anything to do with it. If he was then who was he and where was he going?

This might help, it's a link to a video tracing SmithMan's escape, puts you in his shoes and in his mind!

What is the purpose of this - would you please explain Jean Moulin?

Without some commentary, from where I'm standing this is just utter nonsense - I'd go so far as to say exasperating nonsense.

CMoMM is a serious forum with a prime objective, this doesn't allow for disruption or pranksters. Your help to clarify your position would be much appreciated

Thank you and welcome to the forum.

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Post by Jean Moulin 17.07.18 21:47

Hi Verdi
This is not nonsense. This is a reconstruction of the Smith Man journey he would have had to have taken if he indeed was involved. It is one of the most talked about scenarios in this case and I found this video very dramatic and intriguing and a helpful insight into the mind of SmithMan, to see it from the view of an abductor/or man in blind panic and what he was up against and what Madeleine may have seen if she was awake.

commentary would devalue it imo.

It is surely of huge interest to others interested in the case and I wanted to hear peoples thoughts on who, why and where SmithMan was going.

Thanks and glad to be here
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