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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Mm11

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Phoebe 30.05.18 23:01


Gerry McCann May 4th statement- "In this way, at about 21.05 the witness came to the Club, entered the room using his respective key, the door being locked, went to his children's bedroom and checked that the twins were fine, as was Madeleine"

Why would Gerry walk twice the distance in order to enter his apartment through the locked front door when the back door, (half the distance) was open! No surprise that the P.J. immediately realised they were being spun a tale!

Prior to giving the police their statements the McCanns had phoned family and friends at home. All these friends claimed to have been told by the McCanns the apartment had been broken into and Gerry's sister, Philomena, stated that all the doors had been locked. She had been told this by Gerry shortly after the disappearance and before he had been interviewed.  If the back door had been open why would anyone need to have "broken in" through the front windows which faced onto the main road.

Kate McCann has, on numerous occasions, stated that she knew IMMEDIATELY that Madeleine had been abducted. Try watching some of her many video clips where she reiterates this time and time again.

I say again. The man Jane allegedly saw has been dismissed by both the P.J. and Scotland Yard as having nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance. I fail to understand why you keep trying to make something of it. In simple English JANE TANNER DID NOT SEE AN ABDUCTOR!

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by stonesunturned 31.05.18 0:54

Well, I think I have the answer to my question: Did anyone (police, or anyone else) ever notice what I noticed? Has someone already run it down?

No, and no.

Thanks everyone. You've been a BIG help!

Don't bother pm'ing me, just email me.

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Verdi 31.05.18 1:44

Kate McCann's witness statement - 4th May 2007

At around 10pm, the interviewee went to check on the children. She went into the apartment by the side door, which was closed but not locked, as she said before. She noticed that the door to her children's bedroom was completely open, the window was also open, the shutters raised and the curtains open, while she was certain of having closed them all as she always did.

Gerry McCann's witness statement - 4th May 2007

At about 22.00 it was his wife Kate who went to check on the children. She entered the apartment by the door using the key and saw immediately that the door to the children's bedroom was completely open, the window was also open, the blinds were raised and the curtains were drawn open.
The side door leading to the living room was closed, which as previously stated, was never left locked.

So, going along with the claim that both Gerry and Kate McCann thought Madeleine had most likely wandered off .... are we to conclude that the parents thought Madeleine wandered off after drawing back the curtain, opening the bedroom window, raising the shutter and climbing through to the outside world.  If Madeleine had disappeared on the night of 3rd May, she had a whole week to get used to how the family entered and left the apartment - why would she leave through a window?


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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Verdi 31.05.18 2:00

stonesunturned wrote:Well, I think I have the answer to my question: Did anyone (police, or anyone else) ever notice what I noticed? Has someone already run it down?

No, and no.

Thanks everyone. You've been a BIG help!

Don't bother PMing me. Just email me [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I thought you joined CMoMM for help with factual information for use in a pending podcast.  So far you've only ignored all the assistance freely given and ridiculed members into the bargain.   Now we are subjected to yet another claim of 'I know something you don't know'.

Your presence here is tedious.   I implore you - either get your act together and do/say something constructive or go find another audience.

The only thing you've achieved is a distraction by monopolizing the forum for a few days - I hope that's not the true reason for your being here.

Your promo video claims experience in 'hacking' - on that note, I strongly advise anyone against taking-up the offer of emailing tom.horan.

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Basil with a brush 31.05.18 2:16

...flogging a dead horse?

I think you've aaaaaaaalllll been more than patient with the professor.

I'm with Aquila.

The lying didn't end it. The insult to my intelligence did.
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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Verdi 31.05.18 3:23

Jez Wilkins - the fly in the ointment.

Routine policing dictates that the PJ, in addition to searching the area, would have carried out door to door inquiries for any information that might assist the investigation. Naturally it follows that if people questioned informally can't assist with any useful information, they will not be officially recorded. Jeremy Wilkins and his partner being but two.

It's very unlikely that Jez Wilkins was aware of the content of the McCanns statements taken on 4th May, so no reason for him to think himself an important witness, nor for the PJ to connect a passing comment made during the McCann interviews with a potential key witness. The Wilkins being just another number at that early stage. From the very beginning the GNR/PJ realised there had been no break-in at apartment 5a, nor any evidence to suggest an abduction - despite the McCanns and their friends emphasis on abduction, fabricating stories of open windows/shutters etc. Stories they spread abroad to the media, family and friends back in the UK.

Why then did he, Jeremy Wilkins, present himself before Leicestershire police to make a statement, one day after his return from Portugal, detailing his alleged encounter with Gerry McCann on the night of 3rd May and tales of a suspicious character?

I've always had doubts about Jeremy Wilkins and his partner's connection with this case but have no tangible evidence to present other than their professional connection with the UK media and Bridget O'Donnell's fabricated article featured in the Guardian in December 2007. Jeremy Wilkins made excuses for not attending the scheduled PJ reconstruction and claims to have been harassed by persons connected with the McCann faction. Your guess is as good as mine.

Jeremy Wilkins deposition - 7th May 2007

Leicestershire Police Constabulary

The doorbell woke us up at about 1 am. It was the resort manager who I learnt to be John and one of Jerry's friends. I think his name was Matt. He is white, slim, and tall with greying hair. From previous conversations I learnt him to be a diabetics specialist. We met him o the way to the destination. Matt said XXXXX to the effect that Jerry's daughter had been abducted, and that Jerry said that he had met me and wanted to know if I had seen anything. I said 'You're joking'. I offered help but they said there was nothing that could be done at that stage. We remained at the apartment but could see people around the pool and at the front with torches. I also saw the police arriving. We then went to bed.

The following day there was a sombre atmosphere around the complex. I last saw Jerry and Kate on Saturday, 5th May 2007 about 4 pm or 5 pm.

Gerry McCann's witness statement - 4th May 2007

"He then went to the WC" where he remained for a few moments, left, and bumped into a person he had played tennis with and who had a child's push chair, he was also British, he had a short conversation with him, "returning after that to the restaurant."

Kate McCann's witness statement - 4th May 2007

Thus, at around 9pm, her husband went to the apartment to make sure the twins, as well as Madeleine, were OK, then he went back to the restaurant. Her husband said that the children were doing well and that he had bumped into the person with whom he had played tennis, a person who has two children.

At that stage of the proceedings, i.e. Friday 4th May, Jane Tanner's alleged sighting hadn't blossomed in so far as timing, location etc. hadn't been divulged. It was only as time progressed that the phantom abductor evolved into a time, place and description.

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Guest 31.05.18 7:17

stonesunturned wrote:NOBODY called police until 10:40. The resort staff certainly all behaved as though they were simply looking for a lost child. AFTER 30 mins and no sign of Maddie, THEN everyone started thinking "possible kidnapping." THEN Jane realized...
This is so IGNORANT of the case it defies belief.

"They've taken her".

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by nglfi 31.05.18 7:49

Stonesunturned, you're deliberately ignoring important facts to fit a theory you've clearly developed. You're doing exactly what you've accused others of doing. I've seen you mention Gerry's controlling personality, evidence the disappearance had been very carefully planned, and that the McCanns only started shouting abduction later on. I'm not sure what this theory of yours is but it doesn't fit the facts. It initially did sound intriguing. It seems like you're going off down the path of
'The parents went out to eat every night, Madeleine then woke and wandered at some point. They came back to find her gone and hoped that she would turn up, so started looking for her. When it was obvious she wasn't coming back they started shouting abductor'. Sorry but this just doesn't fit any of the facts. And what's most infuriating is that you're now going to go and do a podcast, put more misinformation out there and completely mislead people about the facts of the case.

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Guest 31.05.18 8:02

Dear Prof Horan,

Have you contacted or been contacted by the McCanns, the Tapas 9, their friends, relatives or representatives for the podcast?

I hope you understand why this is an important question.

Please don't say "none of your business" again.

This is very much our business as YOU have involved us.

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Julie R 31.05.18 8:39

Prof Horan.

It seriously worries me that you keep getting so many "facts" wrong given that you are to be producing a podcast for the public. What kind of journalist doesn't even thoroughly read the files available before coming up with theories? I suggest you go away and study PJ files for yourself instead of people on here who have researched the case having to keep correcting you. If you value your work then research. Simples.

Jose Maria Batista Roque: “He found the parents to be nervous and anxious, he did not see any tears from either of them although they produced noises identical to crying."
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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Jill Havern 31.05.18 8:47

He's not a journalist, he's (quote) "a professor, author, part-time private investigator/consultant, and executive producer.

He has (quote) "experience reviewing police investigations for insurance companies and other interested parties, as well as conducting investigations, into everything from fraud and cybercrime to homicide."


(my bold)

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by sandancer 31.05.18 11:33

Private Investigators haven't made a great name for themselves , or indeed done much in the search for Madeleine ( anyone looked in " the lawless hills " yet ? ) 

In fact many of them ended up in prison !

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Liz Eagles 31.05.18 11:36

It is akin to experiencing the Sergei saga....arrive on the forum, post impressive credentials, insult the PJ and forum members, refuse to answer questions, promote something that may or may not happen....need I go on?

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Phoebe 31.05.18 12:12

Prof Horan seems to be insisting that the McCanns initially were convinced that Madeleine had wandered out of the apartment and, therefore, went looking for her before deciding she had been "abducted" I wonder then how he explains the fact that Kate did not immediately call into Jane's apartment to see if she was there or if they had heard or seen anything. Remember, Russel had been in the apartment two doors down before being "relieved" by Jane who was actually in situ when Kate allegedly noticed Madeleine's absence. In all their "searching" it never occurred to them to see if she had been taken in next door by their friend! Nonsense!

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Liz Eagles 31.05.18 12:49

There are nasty people who attach themselves to this forum and invite good people to engage in bullshit.

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Prof Horan

Post by willowthewisp 31.05.18 13:12

Jill Havern wrote:He's not a journalist, he's (quote) "a professor, author, part-time private investigator/consultant, and executive producer.

He has (quote) "experience reviewing police investigations for insurance companies and other interested parties, as well as conducting investigations, into everything from fraud and cybercrime to homicide."


(my bold)
Hi Jill,perhaps Professor Horan could help investigate any irregular malpractices on the "Find Madeleine Fund",you know Professor Horan,the fund that was set up Eleven days after Madeleine McCann was reported as missing by her parents Kate,Gerry?

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Jill Havern 31.05.18 13:17

willowthewisp wrote:
Jill Havern wrote:He's not a journalist, he's (quote) "a professor, author, part-time private investigator/consultant, and executive producer.

He has (quote) "experience reviewing police investigations for insurance companies and other interested parties, as well as conducting investigations, into everything from fraud and cybercrime to homicide."


(my bold)
Hi Jill,perhaps Professor Horan could help investigate any irregular malpractices on the "Find Madeleine Fund",you know Professor Horan,the fund that was set up Eleven days after Madeleine McCann was reported as missing by her parents Kate,Gerry?
Good thinking Batman!  high5

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Verdi 31.05.18 13:31

willowthewisp wrote:
Jill Havern wrote:He's not a journalist, he's (quote) "a professor, author, part-time private investigator/consultant, and executive producer.

He has (quote) "experience reviewing police investigations for insurance companies and other interested parties, as well as conducting investigations, into everything from fraud and cybercrime to homicide."


(my bold)
Hi Jill,perhaps Professor Horan could help investigate any irregular malpractices on the "Find Madeleine Fund",you know Professor Horan,the fund that was set up Eleven days after Madeleine McCann was reported as missing by her parents Kate,Gerry?
Professor Horan is only interested in the first 24 hours, he says.  The establishment of 'The Fund' came after - only just but technically after.

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Mark Willis 31.05.18 13:41

aquila wrote:There are nasty people who attach themselves to this forum and invite good people to engage in bullshit.
Admin, Mods, do we really have to drag this farce out any longer?
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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Verdi 31.05.18 13:45

nglfi wrote:And what's most infuriating is that you're now going to go and do a podcast, put more misinformation out there and completely mislead people about the facts of the case.
Exactly!  Even more worrying, said podcast will be produced after Professor Horan's claimed purpose for registering with CMoMM, to get the facts of the case, sorry that should read 'missing person alert' - facts he prefers to ignore in favour of his own distorted vision.

As previously stated, I have no wish to be part of such subterfuge.

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by polyenne 31.05.18 13:48

What is everyone so afraid of, as regards Prof Horan, that there is a groundswell by some to have him banned ?

Just like (anti) social media, folk feel so empowered to trash others that don't entirely align themselves with their views.

Whilst I don't think it is helpful that Prof Horan is dangling the carrot of a supposed piece of information that has not been assessed before (and maybe he requires more research to confirm that it is so), maybe, just maybe, that small nugget is required to set other members thinking.

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Verdi 31.05.18 14:02

Maybe pigs might fly - I somehow doubt it though, unless propelled by some mechanical device.

Maybe some have again failed to read back over the past eight pages of this thread to get an idea of what's really going on here!  I doubt it though.

Maybe some fail to understand the purpose of this forum, fail to understand it's not an extension of twitter/facebook or whatever else.  I doubt it though.


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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Verdi 31.05.18 22:23

Jill Havern wrote:He's not a journalist, he's (quote) "a professor, author, part-time private investigator/consultant, and executive producer.

He has (quote) "experience reviewing police investigations for insurance companies and other interested parties, as well as conducting investigations, into everything from fraud and cybercrime to homicide."


(my bold)

On the internet you can be whatever or whomsoever you want to be.  

The requisite attributes for a successful internet career are lack of self esteem;  delusional;  confrontational;   wannab'ism;  the ability to deceive without shame and above all else a very vivid imagination.


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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Guest 01.06.18 7:42

Did Prof Horan answer the question yet about if he's had contact with the McCanns, friends, relatives or representatives?

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Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case - Page 8 Empty Re: Professor Horan: Ideas for a podcast about the McCann case

Post by Mark Willis 01.06.18 8:13

aquila wrote:It is akin to experiencing the Sergei saga....arrive on the forum, post impressive credentials, insult the PJ and forum members, refuse to answer questions, promote something that may or may not happen....need I go on?
Come on admin. Aquila is spot on. Enough of these games, already.  banned
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