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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Mm11

Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Regist10
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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Mm11

Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Regist10

Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Verdi 12.03.18 1:22

Dear Metropolitan Police Service (MPS),

Will you please inform me if Operation Grange will be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeline Mccann when present funding runs out in March also the total sum.that has been spent so far of taxpayers money in this search
Yours faithfully,
S******  K******

Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)   10 February 2018

Dear Ms K*******

Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2018010000845

I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 19/01/2018.  I note you seek
access to the following information:

* Will you please inform me if Operation Grange will be requesting more
money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding
runs out in March

* Also the total sum that has been spent so far of taxpayers money in
this search


The Metropolitan Police Service can neither confirm nor deny whether it
holds the information that you requested as the duty in Section 1(1)(a) of
the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) does not apply by virtue of
the following exemptions:

* Section 30 - Investigations
Please see the legal annex for further information on the exemptions
applied in respect of your request.


The investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is ongoing
and as with any ongoing investigation we need to ensure that any
information provided under the Freedom of Information Act does not impact
on the police operation.  In this instance the MPS have decided to apply a
neither confirm nor deny (NCND) response to the first part of your
request.  This is because the MPS are not prepared to say whether we have
or have not approached the Home Office in respect of the continuation of
Operation Grange.
As you would expect the MPS will not provide a running commentary on live
investigations.  Any response which confirms whether or not additional
funding is being sought would also be likely to confirm whether or not
there are any outstanding lines of enquiry that the Operation Grange team
feel should be explored.
The MPS provide updates to the public by way of press releases and blogs
which are carefully timed and prepared in order to ensure we keep the
public informed without compromising the ongoing investigation.  An
example of such an update can be found at the following link:

The MPS appreciate that the funding for Operation Grange is of high public
interest however as explained confirmation of whether or not the requested
information is held would give an insight in to the investigation itself.

Clearly information concerning an ongoing investigation must be protected
in order to ensure that any response issued does not disrupt the
investigation or assist offenders.
To clarify, any response which outlines whether or not there are further
enquiries to be made concerning a criminal investigation could not be
placed in the public domain as this would be highly valuable information
to the individuals who are responsible for offences.  Such individuals may
subsequently decide to take additional measures to avoid detection or
apprehension.  Conversely offenders would also benefit should the MPS
response indicate that our enquiries have concluded or are near
At this point, I would like to explain that all FOI disclosures are
published on our website as the information, once disclosed, is considered
to be available to all members of the public.
We must protect the integrity of our investigation, however we are also
keenly aware of the public's interest in the cost of this investigation
and how it is funded.  A careful balance is needed to show that we are
both accountable for our decisions and transparent regarding the cost to
the public purse.

The exemption provide under section 30 of the Act is qualified and
therefore I am required to provide you with a public interest test which
you can find in the legal annex below.

Please note this response should not be taken to as an indication of
whether the information requested under part one of your request is or is
not held.


The MPS have decided to disclosure the cost of Operation Grange to date to
you in full.
The cost of Operation Grange is as follows:
* 2011/12 - £1.9m
* 2012/13 - £2.8m
* 2013/14 - £2.6m
* 2014/15 - £2.4m
* 2015/16 - £1.1m
* 2016/17 - £332,994

In addition the cost for the first three quarters of financial year
2017/18 (April - December 2017) is £217,411.  As this is not a full year
this data cannot be compared to other years.

Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
contact me on 0207 161 3583 or via email at [email address],
quoting the reference number above.

Yours sincerely



Simple enough question - wouldn't a simple answer suffice?  The UK establishment will never ever reveal information if they have reason not to - there will always be a get out clause.

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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Mark Willis 12.03.18 7:14

Certainly no sanity clause.
I would imagine, the direction of the matter is more like this:
"We Home Sec top bods, way above your pay grade, o officers of Op Grange, will be issuing a statement suggesting that you have requested more money, to suggest that you are asking us when it is us telling you what to say".

Bit of a Textusa sentence there but I hope you get the gist.
The security services dictate whatever is most politically expedient, given the Mc case is political, and apparently, a matter of national security.

Those of a musical bent with know the term Da Capo al Coda which means go back to the Capo (start point) and repeat again.....
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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Jill Havern 12.03.18 9:42

"any response which outlines whether or not there are further
enquiries to be made concerning a criminal investigation could not be
placed in the public domain as this would be highly valuable information
to the individuals who are responsible for offences.
 Such individuals may
subsequently decide to take additional measures to avoid detection or

What about when they released the info to the press that they were scouring Europe looking for purplewoman? Wouldn't that give such individual the opportunity to avoid detection or apprehension?

"Oooh 'eck, Britain's finest cops are coming after me in Europe I'd better change the purple sweater I've been wearing for ten years and hotfoot it to Mexico without further ado."


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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Liz Eagles 12.03.18 11:07

Britain's finest police has used and usurped its employees. Displaying  soon to be retired senior officers hasn't worked, especially for a three year old girl who is most probably dead. Britain's finest police crapped on Nichola Wall and have more than likely moved her on.

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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Jill Havern 12.03.18 11:12

aquila wrote:Britain's finest police has used and usurped its employees. Displaying  soon to be retired senior officers hasn't worked, especially for a three year old girl who is most probably dead. Britain's finest police crapped on Nichola Wall and have more than likely moved her on.
It'll be interesting to see if Tony gets a reply to his latest FOI request where he asks for the name and rank of the current Investigation Co-Ordinator/Senior Investigation Officer

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Liz Eagles 12.03.18 11:40

Scotland Yard trotted out senior police, humiliated them and plonked Redwood in a helicopter on a photo shoot. 

What price a pension

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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Verdi 12.03.18 12:26

aquila wrote:Britain's finest police has used and usurped its employees. Displaying  soon to be retired senior officers hasn't worked, especially for a three year old girl who is most probably dead. Britain's finest police crapped on Nichola Wall and have more than likely moved her on.
DCI Nicola 'I nick 'em before they know they're nicked' Wall crapped on herself - no doubt in the interest of career progression.

No sympathy there from me!

ETA:  Redwood humiliated himself..

Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Andy+Redwood+Police+Begin+New+Search+Madeline+oUDjAeipGcml

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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Liz Eagles 12.03.18 13:15

Verdi, I do have sympathy for senior officers, most especially Gonçalo Amaral, whose career was destroyed.

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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Mark Willis 12.03.18 13:39

I have no sympathy for Redwood, Rowley, Wall, Dick or Sutton. All of them know what they were/are doing.
Tough call, eh? Guaranteed monster-pension or solving the most infamous alleged manslaughter/fraud case by actually doing their jobs.
Mark Willis
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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Operation Grange

Post by willowthewisp 12.03.18 17:27

Mark Willis wrote:I have no sympathy for Redwood, Rowley, Wall, Dick or Sutton. All of them know what they were/are doing.
Tough call, eh? Guaranteed monster-pension or solving the most infamous alleged manslaughter/fraud case by actually doing their jobs.
Hi Mark Willis,you missed a vital Commissioner out One Sir Bernard Hogan Howe and the Dossier, Three Stooges Jim Gamble,Martin Brunt and Our Gerry,the T's need to be exposed,wasn't that the phrase used?

"Oh what a tangled web they weave in Order to deceive" You''ll notice Our Bernard clearing his throat on many LBC Broadcasts,before espousing flabber about the amount of cases, Operation Grange,oh the "Murdered" er missing child Madeleine McCann?

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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Mark Willis 12.03.18 19:44

willowthewisp wrote:
Mark Willis wrote:I have no sympathy for Redwood, Rowley, Wall, Dick or Sutton. All of them know what they were/are doing.
Tough call, eh? Guaranteed monster-pension or solving the most infamous alleged manslaughter/fraud case by actually doing their jobs.
Hi Mark Willis,you missed a vital Commissioner out One Sir Bernard Hogan Howe and the Dossier, Three Stooges Jim Gamble,Martin Brunt and Our Gerry,the T's need to be exposed,wasn't that the phrase used?
It was. Utter swine they are. Yes, Sir Bernard, forgot about him. Quite a list isn't it?

"Oh what a tangled web they weave in Order to deceive" You''ll notice Our Bernard clearing his throat on many LBC Broadcasts,before espousing flabber about the amount of cases, Operation Grange,oh the "Murdered" er missing child Madeleine McCann?
He knows, doesn't he? They all know. A matter of how their minds work. Some are better than others.
These people are ruthless but not exactly overflowing with intelligence. Probably why they got the job.
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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Operation Grange

Post by willowthewisp 13.03.18 17:06

Mark Willis wrote:
willowthewisp wrote:
Mark Willis wrote:I have no sympathy for Redwood, Rowley, Wall, Dick or Sutton. All of them know what they were/are doing.
Tough call, eh? Guaranteed monster-pension or solving the most infamous alleged manslaughter/fraud case by actually doing their jobs.
Hi Mark Willis,you missed a vital Commissioner out One Sir Bernard Hogan Howe and the Dossier, Three Stooges Jim Gamble,Martin Brunt and Our Gerry,the T's need to be exposed,wasn't that the phrase used?
It was. Utter swine they are. Yes, Sir Bernard, forgot about him. Quite a list isn't it?

"Oh what a tangled web they weave in Order to deceive" You''ll notice Our Bernard clearing his throat on many LBC Broadcasts,before espousing flabber about the amount of cases, Operation Grange,oh the "Murdered" er missing child Madeleine McCann?
He knows, doesn't he? They all know. A matter of how their minds work. Some are better than others.
These people are ruthless but not exactly overflowing with intelligence. Probably why they got the job.
Hi Mark Willis,Sir Bernard,intelligence,don't let the looks deceive you,sir Bernard has or his department are actually very proficient at losing pieces of evidence,if required to do so,as the Police logs have recorded. Police Officers guarding the Queen,Drugs and Property deception of FED Members, Mr Hogan Howe's Police Officers,sometimes undercover were following/Tapping her Phone, the Liberal Democrat Dame Jenny Jones,unbeknown to Miss Jones,Now our Bernard can just sit next to her in Regalia after being elected to serve the surfs ,as a Lord within the House Of Common's Chambers,more cost effective,hope the fine Dining and wines suit your pallet Sir Bernard,gargling on large brandy's to soothe the throat with those fine speeches?

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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Mark Willis 13.03.18 17:49

willowthewisp wrote:
Mark Willis wrote:
willowthewisp wrote:
Mark Willis wrote:I have no sympathy for Redwood, Rowley, Wall, Dick or Sutton. All of them know what they were/are doing.
Tough call, eh? Guaranteed monster-pension or solving the most infamous alleged manslaughter/fraud case by actually doing their jobs.
Hi Mark Willis,you missed a vital Commissioner out One Sir Bernard Hogan Howe and the Dossier, Three Stooges Jim Gamble,Martin Brunt and Our Gerry,the T's need to be exposed,wasn't that the phrase used?
It was. Utter swine they are. Yes, Sir Bernard, forgot about him. Quite a list isn't it?

"Oh what a tangled web they weave in Order to deceive" You''ll notice Our Bernard clearing his throat on many LBC Broadcasts,before espousing flabber about the amount of cases, Operation Grange,oh the "Murdered" er missing child Madeleine McCann?
He knows, doesn't he? They all know. A matter of how their minds work. Some are better than others.
These people are ruthless but not exactly overflowing with intelligence. Probably why they got the job.
Hi Mark Willis,Sir Bernard,intelligence,don't let the looks deceive you,sir Bernard has or his department are actually very proficient at losing pieces of evidence,if required to do so,as the Police logs have recorded. Police Officers guarding the Queen,Drugs and Property deception of FED Members, Mr Hogan Howe's Police Officers,sometimes undercover were following/Tapping her Phone, the Liberal Democrat Dame Jenny Jones,unbeknown to Miss Jones,Now our Bernard can just sit next to her in Regalia after being elected to serve the surfs ,as a Lord within the House Of Common's Chambers,more cost effective,hope the fine Dining and wines suit your pallet Sir Bernard,gargling on large brandy's to soothe the throat with those fine speeches?
Quite a soirée.  We have seen how evidence is eaten by the dog when it comes to paedophile victims testimonies, or anything pertaining to the illegal undertakings of our wonderful ruling elite.
They all dine at the same trough.
I could but scoff when you'd hear the entreaties, "If you have evidence then go to the police" given half the time it was the police committing the crime.
In that kind of world, this one, it keeps us as busy fools.
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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by willowthewisp 13.03.18 18:26

Hi Mark Willis,but it must **ss them off knowing not everyone is swallowing the sugar coated pills of what they are Not trying to uncover,Operation Grange-Farce!

I would hazard a guess that Prime Minister Theresa May could wash her hands of the deception involved in the Cover Up on what has happened to Madeleine McCann,but now after Ten years+ and the release of Portugal PJ files,certainly threw a Major spanner into the deception plans!
Hence all the quietness as they are clutching at shortening straws?

Mrs May and the Conservative Party along with the Labour Party know full well of how involved Rupert Murdoch has become embroiled in UK Politics,aka Unsolved Murder of Daniel Morgan 31 yrs+?
I'd do a Paddy Ashdown as to the main reason for No Leveson 2,they do not wish the public to know what they(MP's/Lords)have hidden from the public,involving Money transactions,corruption of Police Officers etc!

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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by willowthewisp 23.03.18 18:12

Hi Verdi,a person named Andy Wolf has posted via Twitter a passage,I obviously cannot vouch for its authenticity.

Embedded Team McCann spinster Clarence Mitchell boasted on stage at the Australia Comms-conn tour, "We have an ongoing relationship with Crime Watch which is the major criminal investigative program which works very closely with the Met in Britain and if the Met want to do something for"Operation Grange" then they will use Crime Watch as their vehicle of choice" 
Regarding the states of mental culpability I query which one of them applies to Scotland Yard people who are responsible for their Madeleine McCann Special in October 2013,considering the following analytical blogs on the program which highlight several discrepencies,textusa + other textusa lines.
They make interesting reading to say the least and heres a quote or Two from them. "Having had a chance for sheer brilliance,Scotland Yard blew it by linking its name and reputation to a series of pathetic misleading information"
"If the PJ is to Demystify truthfully the Bundleman/Creche Dad sighting,what won't be forgotten is that on October 14 2013 Scotland Yard was afraid to tell the truth about a couple of Doctors and their four Years old daughters Death.

I do not know if Andy Wolf is quoting directly from a Textusa article or the Tour of Australia where Clarence Mitchell was his usual self with lie after lie expunged from his quaint thin lips,which has by now been caught on video,to play back to him at some stage.

Is this passage a further reason to stop the farce in regard to Operation Grange,Cover Up March 2018?

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Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018  Empty Re: Will Operation Grange be requesting more money for the ongoing search for Madeleine McCann when present funding runs out in March 2018

Post by Mark Willis 23.03.18 18:23

willowthewisp wrote:Hi Mark Willis,but it must **ss them off knowing not everyone is swallowing the sugar coated pills of what they are Not trying to uncover,Operation Grange-Farce!
It would if they cared. They do look uncomfortable when asked to "lie to camera" but such is the remit.

I would hazard a guess that Prime Minister Theresa May could wash her hands of the deception involved in the Cover Up on what has happened to Madeleine McCann,but now after Ten years+ and the release of Portugal PJ files,certainly threw a Major spanner into the deception plans!
Hence all the quietness as they are clutching at shortening straws?
They have so many ways in which to continue. They, yes, just continue, shelve it, find a patsy, whatever.
They can and will do whatever they want, as long as they still get their pensions.

Mrs May and the Conservative Party along with the Labour Party know full well of how involved Rupert Murdoch has become embroiled in UK Politics,aka Unsolved Murder of Daniel Morgan 31 yrs+?
I'd do a Paddy Ashdown as to the main reason for No Leveson 2,they do not wish the public to know what they(MP's/Lords)have hidden from the public,involving Money transactions,corruption of Police Officers etc!
All in it together. It's a club. And we have never been invited.
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