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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Hobs 08.11.18 19:52

sar wrote:..what does This doctor is subject to revalidation mean?

It means before she can renew her license to practice she has  to be examined and reviewed by another  more experienced doctor to show she is current with all applicable requirements for her job, is current with new medicines and treatments and she would also likely be observed treating patients etc.
She cannot return to her job as a GP until she has been revalidated.

Since she had not been practicing for 10 years plus, she would not be revalidated.
She would not be current with  practices nor treatments.

Her career as a GP is long over, if she wanted to return she would likely have to go back to medical school and start from scratch.
Considering she spent so much time studying to become a doctor, a job she would have continued till she retired, she has lost it all.
Her working in medicine could be anything. We know she is not in contact with the public as it would have been common knowledge within days by those she saw.
This means she is working behind the scenes with no contact with the public.
Likely this would be as a secretary perhaps to the fragrant gerry?
Kate's medical career is over.
Gerry's is over as he is now a university professor and extremely disliked by his students according to the very nice girl i got chatting to, one of his student.
Will the university keep him on i wonder?

Time will tell.

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by sar 09.11.18 18:22

Phoebe wrote:
Get'emGonçalo wrote:
sharonl wrote:
Get'emGonçalo wrote:Did Gerry have a title in 2007?
Why did Kate need to have one?

I don't think that Gerry had a title but he did make that comment about Kate.

I am beginning to wonder why she gave up her job so quickly.  I used to think that it was because her employers could not confirm that she and Cuddle Cat tended to 6  corpses before the holiday, now I'm not so sure.  Did this charity have big plans already in place for her?

I remember Kate saying "This is my job now. I can see this becoming my full-time career, with this whole issue of child welfare and opposing paedophiles'."

Opposing paedophiles instead of having strawberry daquiri's and banoffee pies with them.
I suspect this was the plan but it has been thwarted by that stubborn Portuguese cop and those pesky trolls who rained on Kate's parade and would not allow the pall of suspicion that hung about her to dissipate. I remember reading ( I think on the 3As) some time ago a comment that Kate hadn't "been approached yet" but she was obviously hopeful of a high-profile role. I believe it's claimed she's back in some branch of medicine now - boohoo, those bloody interfering trolls!!!!
[Scooby Doo Archetypal "Bad Guy" Voice] "...and we'd have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for that pesky sardine munching disgraced Cop!"  

[Shaggy]: Yikes Scooby! Do you mean it was the p*****s all along???  

[Scooby Doo (with Hana Barbera Trade Mark snickering)]: Shaggy!!!

Aw shucks till next time you crazy kids!!!

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Liz Eagles 10.11.18 13:53

This hitherto almost bankrupt charity trundled into town like a freight train piggy backing on a juggernaut.

This charity has absorbed every charity in its wake and is openly supported by UK police and masonic endorsemen.t

Over several years I have pleaded with the UK media to allocate investigative reporters.

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by sharonl 23.05.19 22:06

Madeleine McCann's mum urging people to join 'Tweetathon' to help find missing kids

Kate McCann, 51, wants people to get involved in Missing People's annual Twitter event, which coincides with International Missing Children’s Day

ByMartin Fricker
20:19, 23 MAY 2019UPDATED20:49, 23 MAY 2019

It's an important event for the McCann family (Image: PA)

Madeleine McCann’s mum is urging the public to join in a “Big Tweet” to help find other missing youngsters.

Kate McCann, 51, is an ambassador for Missing People – the charity behind the annual tweetathon. Each year it ­dedicates a day to tweeting appeals to help find children who are missing across the globe.

It coincides with International Missing Children’s Day, which this year is Saturday.

The Big Tweet for Missing Children is taking place today in the run-up to the day.

Kate McCann and Gerry McCann have always pledged never to give up the search for their daughter (Image: Getty Images)

Madeleine McCann detective says case will be solved by a confession ‘within my lifetime’

Twitter users are being urged to retweet each appeal on the
@missingpeople account.

Kate, of Rothley, Leics, said: “The more of us who take part, the greater the chance a child can be found.”

Earlier this month she prayed for Madeleine’s safe return home on the 12th anniversary of her disappearance.

The event is taking place on Saturday (Image: PA)

Claims Madeleine McCann 'taken by paedo who knew family' not probed says ex-cop

The youngster was just three when she vanished from her parents’ holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal. Portuguese media reports recently said detectives are close to solving the case.

This month the Met Police called for more funding to follow up on leads.

Scotland Yard insisted it had “active lines of inquiries” in the investigation, which has so far cost £11.75million
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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Liz Eagles 23.05.19 22:15

How many alerts have been issued by Missing People?

These alerts can only be issued with the authority of UK Police.

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by worriedmum 23.05.19 22:36

aquila wrote:How many alerts have been issued by Missing People?

These alerts can only be issued with the authority of UK Police.

Not only how many, but also where are these alerts issued?  I don't think a 'report' on a website counts as an alert. Has anyone ever seen one?

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by PeterMac 24.05.19 15:39

"The Paedo** who knew the family" . is a bizarre thing for anyone to say.
It now throws the Burden of Proof back on the McCanns,
who have to come up with a list of Paedo***s they knew

Clement Freud,  err,  err,  whatsisname  . . . and 

Who allowed the press to print that ?

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Doug D 25.05.19 8:10

So now that their ‘Big Tweet’ day is done, I wonder how many people they will claim were ‘found’ because of it (claimed 13 last year) and how much money was raised from the £3 appeal with every tweet to help pay for Jo Youle’s excessive salary?
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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Verdi 20.12.19 15:29

This again begs the question .... why is Kate McCann an ambassador for the Missing People Charity?

Missing People - Page 2 Scree383

Apart from anything else, the majority of missing people listed on their website are well over the age of three - with perhaps one exception dontgetit .

I wonder what she actually does for this charity .... hope not an advisor affraid .

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Guest 20.12.19 18:36

She is really the personification of the guilty one. 

Maybe it’s time to blur her eyes with a black bar.

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Verdi 21.12.19 12:02

'It isn't our job to fix anything, just to listen': Inside the Missing People helpline

Missing People - Page 2 TELEMMGLPICT000148479887_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqF17Eb5QVe68VMN2NfamVAJxWLfs5mAvkbXYQqrLnBas
Paul Joseph, helpline manager at Missing People Credit: Paul Grover/Telegraph

Guy Kelly

13 December 2017

In a quiet office in south London, above a bustling Waitrose and a not-quite bustling furniture store, a group of dedicated workers listen for the calls of Britain’s lost.

It is here where Missing People – a national organisation that offers assistance to the 250,000 or so individuals that run away or go missing every year, as well as support for their families – is headquartered, and where the charity’s free, confidential helpline is manned, day and night, all year round.

Every day, the 24/7, international (Britons missing abroad, such as Madeleine McCann, also fall under their remit) line at Missing People rings nearly 200 times. Of those calls, some come from the worried friends and family of an absent loved one; others might be from the police or social services following up on a particular case. But for the most part, the voice at the other end is that of a person already absent, or considering running away.

“It can be difficult, because people often don’t consider themselves ‘missing,’” says Paul Joseph, a gentle, bearded 40-year-old who has managed the helpline for six years. “For whatever reason, they might have simply decided to remove themselves from a particular situation, and haven’t alerted anyone.”

There are endless reasons why somebody could feel compelled to run away, but Missing People makes no judgement. Whether the caller is suffering an adolescent tantrum, severe depression, marital breakdown, escaping abuse or simply harbouring a desire to start again, the team must be ready for anything.

“We do see similarities between cases, but every person is treated entirely as an individual. Every situation has different factors involved,” Joseph says.

Calls to the helpline are steady, rather than in peaks and troughs, though slight upticks are experienced seasonally; since almost two thirds of missing people are under 25, for instance, the school holidays see a rise. As does this time of year.

“It’s very dark, which can definitely contribute to making people feel like they need support,” says Joseph. “Plus, people like to think of family at Christmas, whether they want to reach out to people they’ve lost touch with or get home themselves.”

Set up from a bedroom by Mary Asprey and Janet Newman after the disappearance of Suzy Lamplugh in 1986, the Missing People helpline is built on trust and confidentiality. In phoning the free number, absentees know that they aren’t speaking to a member of an authority who will attempt to retrieve them, and they do not have to disclose personal information like their name or location. If they do wish to speak to the police or their families, however, they are put through by the helpline staff, thus removing traceability. Three-way calls, when Missing People stay on the line as a liaison between the individual and an authority, another charity or a family member, are common.

“It isn’t our job to fix anything here, but just to listen to that person and get involved only when they ask us to,” Joseph says. “They might have seen themselves on a poster and just want us to inform the police that they’re not in danger. Or they might want a chat. Or they’ll want our help in getting back in touch with the right people. It’s always their decision.”

In addition to the helpline, it’s possible to reach the office by email and text, while there’s also a live chat service, launched in the past year and overseen by 25-year-old Adwoa Duncan. “For a lot of young people these days, especially if they are in trouble, they might not be comfortable speaking on the phone to a stranger. We’re only in the early stages [of the chat], but it’s very popular, and we know we need to digitise to keep up,” she says.

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Liz Eagles 23.12.19 14:51

Here is a challenge for people in distress. Call Missing People and request help. See what you get in terms of immediate attention. See if you can get past the phone kiosk marketing and get very real help.

Here is a challenge for our government and police to acknowledge this futile abdication of duty.

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Liz Eagles 23.12.19 15:11

Here is another challenge.

Explain why Kate McCann is an ambassador for Missing People and has yet to physically search for her own daughter.

Explain why Kate and Gerry were photographed doing 'fun runs' to raise funds, have been endowed with millions of pounds worth of 'detective' work by Scotland Yard who have produced nothing.

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Liz Eagles 03.06.20 13:05

How many Amber  Alerts have happened since the great launch?

How many lunches have been enjoyed by overpaid spearheads?

How many times does the word 'donate' appear on the Missing People website?

It's almost Biblical.... In the beginning..... Donate.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
Sir Winston Churchill: “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”
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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by PeterMac 03.12.20 9:23

And now they plumb the depths.

Missing People - Page 2 4515

Person with full Arctic survival equipment, fur lined hooded anorak, mittens, hat, backpack, waterproof trousers or overtrousers . . .

Is s/he simply going for a walk in the middle of the road ?

And bear in mind that many of the young people who go missing at Christmas are avoiding the domestic violence they will see every year; are avoiding confrontations with their step-father or uncle who always molests them at this time of year in the full knowledge that no one will believe the victim.

But didn't a highly paid private detective agency promise – for money – to bring another little girl "home by Christmas" some years ago ?
Have they all conveniently forgotten that gross squandering of donated money ?
HaysMcintyre and BatesWellsBraithwaite clearly did, and got very shirty when it was pointed out to them.  (Shirty was a typo, sorry )

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by PeterMac 14.12.20 14:47

I am told by a reliable source who knows about these things that this year, for the first time
Missing People has itself gone Missing
No Rock Choir, no art installations, no gallery exhibitions, no London Underground advertising, no bus stop advertising, no digital advertising outside major stores in major city centres. 

Has this so-called Charity been abandoned by the very people who relied on it for their own profiling ?

In the past we have seen it endorsed by a Chief Constable who was humiliated by attending a "High Profile" gathering which turned out be a group of about 30, all of whom had had to pay for their places.  (reported on a thread here on CMoMM)

There were tree plantings by selected desperate parents (parents who had to apply for a place and to be funded in order to attend) which was an exciting time for this so called charity, run by volunteers, but overseen by overpaid schmoozing rich folk, and middle income, half-witted people who kid themselves they are doing good.

Has the wheel fallen off the wagon ?
Has the trough been overturned ?

We know that PACT is no more and that Baroness MyHusbandTookTheChildrenAndWontGiveThemBack is having to buy her own Chanel and ermine.

Can we hope that this fantasy land 'charity' has ended as a patch of mud in a field somewhere like all Christmas Extravaganzas?

Let us hope that the branch will break, and that "down will come baby and cradle and all"

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by PeterMac 14.12.20 16:01

It is also noteworthy that Missing People has never, so far as we know, crowed over a successful Finding of a missing person.
We might be sure that they would, if it had ever happened and they had been anything to do with it.
Indeed it would be on their website in BIG LETTERS.
It isn't.  So they haven't

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by PeterMac 31.12.20 13:15

At this time of year I find myself with a spare £3, and thoughts turn to Charity. 
But to where should I address it ?   
Should it be to save a -
Polar bear.     WWF,   CEO Salary £750k.   250,000 donations needed
Guide Dog.    GDFB.  CEO Salary £90 k.   30,000 donations needed
Donkey.        Brook, CEO Salary £80k.    26,666 donations needed
Donkey sanctuary    CEO Salary £91k.   30.333 donations needed
Kittens.     RSPCA     CEO Salary £140k.   46.666 donations needed
A child.     Save the Ch.  CEO Salary £189k.   63,000 donations needed
Water.       Water Aid   CEO Salary £128k.   42,666 donations needed
Nurses.     MacMillan.  CEO Salary £170k.   56,666 donations needed

or perhaps to a Charity which claims to help Missing People, but has never, so far as we know actually ever found one

Missing People,  CEO Salary £100k.   33,333 donations needed
Total salary bill.  £2.9 MILLION

In the spirit of pure research, one of our number put herself in the position of someone in need of help and advice.
She accessed the website, and I let her take up the story.
"Since the shameful ad campaign of someone walking in snow, dressed in survival gear, I thought I would give Missing People a call this morning - around 4am this morning. [27th]
I went onto the website and scrolled down past the usual photos of the latest missing folk. 
I imagined myself as someone in desperate need and was given a freephone number which is open 24/7. 
I called it. 
"All our operators are busy" was the message while I waited. 
After five minutes and a few seconds my call was cut - by Missing People. "

If Madeleine had rung them, she could well have had the same response of course

These charities should be closed down

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by PeterMac 15.01.21 10:51

The egregious Missing People have now included the egregious "The Baroness MEYER" as one of thee Ambassadors.
Missing People - Page 2 Mp10

For those who do not remember,  Kate McCann lost one of her three children during a family holiday, did not search, and is therefore apparently eminently qualified to be an Ambassador for a Charity which claims to look for missing people.  

Catherine Irene Jacqueline Meyer (née Laylle, sometime Mrs Hans-Peter Volkmann, more recently Mrs Christopher Meyer, from whom she took the courtesy title Lady Meyer) lost both her children during a messy divorce when the father refused to return them after a holiday visit.
The children were NOT abducted, nor were they missing.
This was a simply case of Public International Law – also known as Conflict of Laws.

When the sons were adult, they 'made contact' with Meyer, but did not decide to live with their mother. They remain in Germany, of their own choice.

Quite what Meyer brings to Missing People is entirely unclear, since the boys were not missing and not abducted under any normal English usage of the word.

Those who have followed this extraordinary saga may wish to note that once again Harry Rodger Webb, otherwise known as Sir Cliff Richard
has been dropped form the list of Ambassadors.
For those who have not followed it, he was, then he wasn't then he was again, and now he isn't again.
It all depends on the tides  – – – of feeling for or against him in the endless saga of  the evidence of his sexual proclivities and activities

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by sharonl 15.01.21 12:32

PeterMac wrote:The egregious Missing People have now included the egregious "The Baroness MEYER" as one of thee Ambassadors.
Missing People - Page 2 Mp10

For those who do not remember,  Kate McCann lost one of her three children during a family holiday, did not search, and is therefore apparently eminently qualified to be an Ambassador for a Charity which claims to look for missing people.  

Catherine Irene Jacqueline Meyer (née Laylle, sometime Mrs Hans-Peter Volkmann, more recently Mrs Christopher Meyer, from whom she took the courtesy title Lady Meyer) lost both her children during a messy divorce when the father refused to return them after a holiday visit.
The children were NOT abducted, nor were they missing.
This was a simply case of Public International Law – also known as Conflict of Laws.

When the sons were adult, they 'made contact' with Meyer, but did not decide to live with their mother. They remain in Germany, of their own choice.

Quite what Meyer brings to Missing People is entirely unclear, since the boys were not missing and not abducted under any normal English usage of the word.

Those who have followed this extraordinary saga may wish to note that once again Harry Rodger Webb, otherwise known as Sir Cliff Richard
has been dropped form the list of Ambassadors.
For those who have not followed it, he was, then he wasn't then he was again, and now he isn't again.
It all depends on the tides  – – – of feeling for or against him in the endless saga of  the evidence of his sexual proclivities and activities

and we still have one ambassador who has been confirmed to remain a suspect in a missing persons case by the top judges in highest court in Portugal.
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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by sharonl 29.12.21 20:35

Missing People Ambassador in NFT Scandal

Art Wars Founder Ben Moore In NFT Scandal – Flipper: Inigo Philbrick Pleads Guilty To Art Fraud – LACMA’s Christine Y. Kim Appointed Tate Britton Family Curator-at-Large
23 November 2021 / Art Categories Art News, News / Art Tags Art Wars, Ben Moore, Christine Y. Kim, in court, Inigo Philbrick, Litagation, NFT / /

Art Wars founder and curator Ben Moore has been warned by lawyers representing several artists, including Anish Kapoor and David Bailey, to expect litigation after the charitable organisation produced NFTs of their painted ‘Stormtrooper’ helmets. The donated sculptures were initially executed for the ‘Missing People’ charity. However, the NFTs were allegedly created without the artist’s permission or knowledge.

Moore created the white Stormtrooper campaign as a force for making art

The partnership between Moore, US developers DeFi Network and photographer Bran Symondson has reportedly generated £5m worth of sales. However, some of the artists have claimed that they were not informed of the IP breach nor have been offered a royalty.

Moore created the white Stormtrooper campaign “as a force for making art”. An exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery in 2013 raised the profile of Art Wars, producing an ongoing exhibition of life-sized Stormtrooper helmets, which have become highly collectable pieces of art by some of the most talented artists in the world.

Since launching Art Wars, the initiative has garnered support from major international artists contributing their interpretations of the original ‘Helmuts’. These artists include Anish Kapoor, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Alison Jackson, Joana Vasconcelos, David Bailey, Bran Symondson, D*Face, Mr Brainwash, Anthony Micallef and Retna, Leeroy Thornhill (The Prodigy), James Kahn, Chemical X and Amy Karle.

Moore says on his website, These images from famous digital artists and inhouse artists will be made available as a collection of 1138 unique and individual ArtWar NFTs. These will be randomly assigned to buyers of the initial mint. However, Damien Hirst’s studio quickly requested the relevant works be removed prior to the sale.

Moore told TAN, “We regret that some of the artists were taken by surprise and have since expressed a preference not to be included; of course, we’ve respected those wishes. However, we really value the relationship we’ve built with them over that time. We’re still very excited about the NFT project as it has successfully raised £30,000 for the charity.” Moore adds that Art Wars plans to release further NFTs and all artists that remain involved will “receive royalties in the usual way.”

Inigo Philbrick Pleads Guilty To Art Fraud

Flipper: Inigo Philbrick Pleads Guilty To Art Fraud

The American born Mayfair based art dealer Inigo Philbrick, once the darling of postwar and contemporary art auctions, has pleaded guilty to fraudulently selling shares in art that he didn’t own. He was arrested by law enforcement agents on the Pacific island of Vanuatu and transported to Guam, a US territory.

The 34-year-old appeared at the District Court in Manhattan wearing ankle chains (not by Gucci) pleaded guilty to wire fraud, “acknowledging that he had duped people while conducting business as an art dealer in London, New York and other places”. He told judge Sidney H. Stein, “I knew that my actions were wrong and illegal, adding that he had been motivated by a desire for money.”

“Inigo Philbrick was a serial swindler who took advantage of the lack of transparency in the art market to defraud art collectors, investors and lenders of more than $86 million to finance his art business and his lifestyle,” said Damian Williams, the US attorney for the Southern District of New York.”

Philbrick had an A list of international collectors that he duped into investing in blue-chip artists such as Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Pablo Picasso, and Christopher Wool.

The Goldsmiths’ graduate has agreed to forfeit $86 million and all interest in a 1998 painting by Wool and a 2018 painting by Wade Guyton. He is scheduled to be sentenced in March and faces a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

LACMA's Christine Y. Kim Appointed Tate Britton Family Curator-at-Large

LACMA’s Christine Y. Kim Appointed Tate Britton Family Curator-at-Large

Tate Modern has announced Christine Y. Kim in the newly created position of Britton Family Curator-at-Large (North American Art). Based in Los Angeles and New York, her role will develop North American art in Tate’s collection through new research and acquisitions. Kim will start in January 2022.

Since 2009 Kim has been a curator of Contemporary Art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), organising monographic exhibitions such as Julie Mehretu (2019-22), Isaac Julien: Playtime (2019), Diana Thater: The Sympathetic Imagination (2015-16), and James Turrell: A Retrospective (2013-14), along with group and permanent collection exhibitions. She recently curated Black American Portraits (2021-22), covering two centuries of African American portraiture, coinciding with The Obama Portraits Tour (2021-22). During her tenure, Kim has been instrumental in expanding and diversifying LACMA’s collection, exhibitions, and programmes and developing new models for equity and inclusion across the institution. She sits on boards of non-profits such as GYOPO, Denniston Hill, Los Angeles Nomadic Division (LAND), and Museums Moving Forward (MMF). Kim is a 2022 Center for Curatorial Leadership (CCL) Fellow.

Before joining LACMA, Kim worked at the Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, where she co-curated Freestyle (2001) with Thelma Golden, launching the groundbreaking “F” series of exhibitions. Black Belt (2003) included works of art by African American and Asian American artists such as David Diao, David Hammons, and Arthur Jafa in 1970s popular culture and martial arts. In addition, Kim is responsible for putting artists such as Wangechi Mutu, Mickalene Thomas, Kehinde Wiley, and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye in their first US museum exhibitions.

As Britton Family Curator-at-Large, Kim will play a significant role in acquiring North American works for the Tate collection. Supported by the Britton Family Foundation, this position will continue to broaden Tate’s approaches to modern and contemporary art, forge new relationships with artists, scholars, and curators in the region, and contribute to curating exhibitions and projects Tate. In addition, Kim will work closely with the Director of Collections (International Art), the Tate Americas Foundation and the North American Acquisitions Committee as part of Tate’s more comprehensive network of specialist Adjunct Curators based in other regions around the world.

Christine Y. Kim said: “After twelve incredible years at LACMA, I am thrilled to bring my expertise in collection-building, focusing on works of art by living artists of colour, to a national and Canadian scope, to share on an expanded, global scale at Tate.”

Top Photo: P C Robinson © Artlyst 2021
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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Jill Havern 21.01.22 11:40

Courtesy of Liz Eagles:

"As you know I have always kept a beady eye on Missing People, a bloody scandalous outfit imo which has imploded of late. 

Tonight I took a gander and it was the usual give us your money, get involved trip. 

The NCA has their own missing persons website now. It's a dot. gov and it has moved on from the Missing Persons Bureau which was relegated to finding the identities of unidentified dead people. 

Take a look."

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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Doug D 21.01.22 11:45

Good to see Liz Eagles (Aquila) is still around in the background. Any comment on the Jim Gamble thread to be made?

Always another of her favourites.
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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by sharonl 25.05.22 18:55

‘Promise I made’ Missing child expert helping families ‘going through same pain’ as McCann
A FORMER British police officer and National Crime Agency chief is today (Wednesday) launching an information hub for families of missing people "going through the same pain" as Madeleine McCann's relatives.
07:00, Wed, May 25, 2022

Charlie Hedges MBE, now a missing persons expert at Amber Alert, told that with decades of experience he knew how “so desperately difficult” it was for families looking for answers to find guidance. The launch coincides with International Missing Children’s Day, and comes just weeks after Kate and Gerry McCann marked 15 years since their daughter went missing.

As well as the information hub, the former lead for the NCA’s Child Rescue Alert is hoping to develop a charity that investigates cold cases and unidentified bodies.

And he said: “Following up on a promise I made to some of the family members”, he will be writing guidance for families navigating the “whole journey” of dealing with a missing person.

While there was “a lot of focus put on the McCanns”, Mr Hedges said there were “loads more [families] who you never see, going through the same pain, the same difficulty”.

He added: “You might lose a relative in a car crash or there might be some horrible crime. But at least you’ve got an outcome.

“With missing [persons cases], you never have that; you're left dangling and not knowing what's going on. So there are people out there trying to make a difference.”

Mr Hedges hopes people looking at the information hub will help “raise their interest” in missing persons cases – and though it doesn't provide help with individual cases, it is “associated” with his cold cases endeavours.

Previously, Aagje Ieven, secretary general of Missing Children Europe, told this website that since Madeleine disappeared in 2007, help for families dealing with missing relatives had improved massively. One such provision – a missing children’s hotline – was not operational when Maddie vanished, despite being reserved in February of that year.

As such, “whether we can highlight [Madeleine] McCann and say, well, actually, this is horrible. But there are some good news stories behind it, and some positive things are being developed to try and reduce the pain of this and make it easier when people do find themselves in this situation”, Mr Hedges said.

He added: “It’s a very sad case and one that we’d love to resolve. That same goes for lots of others. If you want a controversial line, I’d say: why the hell are we spending all those million pounds on one case when there’s thousands of others which could do with a little bit each?” Operation Grange, the Metropolitan Police investigation into Madeleine’s disappearance, is estimated to have cost £13million.

The “case that first got me involved in this 25 years ago” for Mr Hedges was when a 19-year-old boy disappeared at a licenced rave. His friends assumed he had gone home, but he never returned back.

His mother insisted he would have called if he were staying out somewhere, but Mr Hedges claimed the police brushed off the report believing he had met someone. His body was later found and suggested “difficult and challenging, but unexplainable” circumstances.

What opened Mr Hedge’s eyes, he said, was that though the boy’s death may not have been preventable, the “long period” of suffering the mother endured could have been by an earlier response from the authorities.

Around the same time, in 1996, Val Nettles’ son Damien went missing. He has never been found.

She said: “When your child is missing you are lost in time and space. The world continues its momentum, revolving around you whilst you are rooted to that spot in time.”

During her “overwhelming need to understand the complexities of ‘missing’”, she found a “myriad of disembodied articles” when she was “searching for this clarity”.

Ms Nettles met Mr Hedges in 2016, two decades after Damien disappeared, around the time the BBC released a documentary on the case. He helped her campaign for Damien’s Law – calling for a family member’s assertion that a missing episode being out of character to be taken seriously by the authorities.

Mr Hedges said of his motivation to start the information hub: “Going back through all my time of working with missing [persons], one of the problems is it's just so everything's so desperately difficult to find.

“Even after the years I've been doing it, still I find it challenging. So if you imagine what it's like for a family who are coming to it new, trying to find their way around, it is just horrendous.

He added that he wanted a “one-stop shop” for academics “trying to look for new areas that would be valuable to research”, professionals who may be able to help and families alike.

For families, Mr Hedges hopes to answer “what does it mean when someone talks about ‘you can't report something for 24 hours’? What does ‘the cold’ now mean? What does it mean when someone wants to come and search your house?

“Following up on a promise I made to some of the family members as well is that the next piece of work is to write a full guidance document for families taking through the whole journey of: how you deal with missing person? What role do the police pay? What role do other organisations play? […] How you deal with their affairs, and deal with the loss?”

The information hub is already host to the University of Portsmouth Centre for the Study of Missing Persons research archive. Dr Karen Shalev Greene, director of the centre, said it would be “a crucial single point of reference”.

For Assistant Chief Constable Catherine Hankinson, missing persons lead for the National Police Chiefs Council, the hub will help “identify what support is out there for people affected during a time of crisis”.
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Missing People - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing People

Post by Liz Eagles 17.06.22 13:34

For around ten years I have read the Missing People website. I doubt Charlie Hedges has scrutinised with any rigour the growth of this once failing, so-called charity, the juggernaut that trundled into town and absorbed every other missing people charity in its wake.

Charlie Hedges seems to have not noticed that Missing People has already positioned itself as the author of anything and everything to do with missing person legislation.

I have no doubt he is well meaning. I just hope for a little more than the use of Madeleine McCann's name to create a post retirement career.

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