Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™ :: Social Media :: Brenda Leyland: Gerry McCann called for example to be made of 'trolls'
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Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
It was probably two years ago tonight (3 October) that Brenda Leyland sadly ended her life. Lest we forget, here are a few observations in respectful remembrance.
This was surely a case of a vulnerable woman, living alone, abused and overpowered by the all-conquering mainstream media. SKY News hounded her to her death, for had she not been mercilessly exposed in regular broadcasts by SKY, every 15 minutes, for most of the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, 1 October, of her being door-stepped, she would surely still be with us.
But who else was responsible for triggering her death? Quite a few people, as it turns out. There was someone – we don’t yet know who – who decided to collate a dossier of nasty anti-McCann tweeters. Then there were those who contributed to this dossier, presumably by copying-and-pasting Facebook messages and tweets and the like. Then someone else, again we don’t know who, was responsible for handing over that dossier to the Metropolitan Police. By the way Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Metroplitan Police Commissioner, put it on a radio ’phone-in, it may have been handled to him personally.
And what happened after that? Did that dossier disclose any criminal offences? It appears that it did not. There were no threats of any kind. Later, the Met quietly conceded that none of the tweets - from anyone – amounted in law to a crime.
And so the next question we must ask is: How did SKY News get to hear about this dossier? How did they know that Scotland Yard were looking at it? Who told them?
On Tuesday 30 September, Martin Brunt door-stepped Brenda Leyland – took her completely by surprise.
Moreover, as we know from the video record, he said: “Are you aware that your tweets are contained in a dossier that has been passed to Scotland Yard?” The implication was very clear: You are being investigated, not just by the local police, but by Scotland Yard, on suspicion of committing a criminal offence. It would put real fear into anyone. And was probably calculated to do so.
Later that afternoon, he had a further chat with her. We don’t know what was said in that conversation. But we do have Martin Brunt’s admission that she had already (after her lunch date with a friend) been contemplating suicide.
One must assume that Brunt reported this to his producers and editor. What possessed them to go ahead? Well, it would be good telly for their viewers. It also may have been aired in the way it was because very important public figures, like Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe and Gerry McCann, were demanding action. It does look like several powerful people collaborated behind the scenes to bring about this public humiliation of Brenda Leyland.
And indeed the very next day (2 October) Gerry McCann spoke to the media, and on 3 October – on the evening of which Brenda Leyland probably took her life – we read this in the mainstream press:
The father of Madeleine McCann has called for an example to be made of “vile” internet trolls who have been targeting the family.
Gerry McCann said he had grave concerns about letting his nine-year-old twins use the internet after receiving threats of violence and kidnapping.
The comments, in an interview with the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, came after it emerged that police were looking at a dossier of abuse posted on Twitter, Facebook and chat forums.
McCann, whose daughter Madeleine went missing in Praia da Luz in Portugal in 2007, said he and his wife Kate did not read such material because it was too upsetting.
He also blamed the press for inciting trolls, renewing his calls for the new industry-backed regulator IPSO to be scrapped and replaced by an official body established by royal charter.
And so it was that – as far as we have been told - Brenda Leyland bought some helium canisters, apparently off the internet – and gassed herself to death.
Some think she might have been killed by the state, I don’t personally think so. Surely no-one would be quite so wicked as to do that?
All the same, the inquest into her death was a very muted, short affair. A police officer said he’d been called to the Marriott Hotel – less than a mile from Leicestershire Police headquarters at Enderby – and found her dead, with helium canisters on the floor and her laptop showing that she’d consulted ‘suicide sites’.
One might think that the Coroner, under such circumstances, would have questioned the SKY News team intently and said something about that in her summing-up. But no, nothing at all. One of Europes’s most powerful media organisations had been allowed to (a) doorstep her – when she had not committed any crime, (b) show an interview of her repeatedly – may be up to over 30 times, and (c) proceed with doing so only after Brenda has said she was feeling suicidal.
That was cruelty. It was oppression. It was the exercise of naked power over a depressed, suicidal, single woman.
The media, who rarely criticise each other, barely reported her death or the inquest. OFCOM, the TV media watchdog, did nothing. No MP spoke up in the House of Commons about the conduct of SKY News.
This is how the Guardian – correctly – headlined their report on the inquest:
Woman killed herself after being doorstepped over McCann trolling
Sky News offers condolences to family of Brenda Leyland, who was found dead in a Leicester hotel two days after channel broadcast footage of her
Martin Brunt is important enough to have his own Wikipedia entry. It records this:
"In October 2014, Brunt was the journalist involved in revealing the identity of Brenda Leyland, who had posted comments concerning the McCann investigation on social media. Following the revelation and a report to Leicestershire Police, Brunt and a camera crew confronted Leyland at her home. Following the confrontation Leyland was later found dead in a hotel, leading to calls on social media for Brunt to be sacked".
We might note in passing that Brunt had two very strange conversations, recorded by the Portuguese Police, with Robert Murat. In one of them, he offered Murat legal help from SKY News's legal department .That was curious conduct to say the very least. Later, he said on SKY News that DNA samples of body fluids from the McCanns' holiday apartment in Praia da Luz were a '100% match' with Madeleine's DNA.
A couple of media journalists were brave enough at least to begin questioning what had taken place in the lead-up to Brenda's suicide.
An article by Claire Hardaker in the Guardian said this:
Was Brenda Leyland really a troll?
Accused of trolling the McCanns, Leyland didn’t conform to our stereotyped idea of a troll – but those stereotypes quickly fail.
[PIC[ ‘The McCanns have faced a barrage of online abuse, including threats of violence, murder and abduction of their other children.’ Photograph: Lefteris Pitarakis/AP
One of those individuals was Brenda Leyland. A well-spoken, middle-class, 63-year-old mother of two, who lived in a picturesque village. Leyland regularly took to Twitter to draw attention to what she felt was an appalling miscarriage of justice. Last week, she found herself revealed to the nation by a television news team who exposed her as a “troll”. But was she really a troll?
The first problem is the use of the word. It has become a by-word for everything from minor disagreements through to annoying incivility through to criminal behaviour such as death threats. When we think of trolls, the stereotype is of angry, unemployed, disenfranchised young men who exist in a miserable, hermit-like darkness that is void of compassion or loving relationships – young men like John Nimmo, for instance, who was jailed for sending abusive messages to feminist campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez.
We assume stupidity, alcohol abuse, and social issues. We like to think that they must be so obviously damaged that we would spot them in the street. However, when we look at cases that have resulted in convictions, the stereotype quickly fails: Peter Nunn was a 33-year-old father; Isabella Sorley was a 23-year-old university graduate; Frank Zimmerman was 60.
Even if we could create a troll stereotype from these cases, about the only common theme is that those who get caught are likely to be less than savvy about keeping themselves unfindable online.
Alternatively, they may be so impassioned about a “cause” that they cannot see how their behaviour has escalated out of control. Both convictions and the data show that stereotypes mislead us dangerously because they encourage us to focus only on those who fit the bill, when in reality, the genteel elderly man who moved to let you sit next to him on the train could be sending vile rape threats to his employer via his smartphone. Those who troll can be any age, any gender, anyone at all, and so it begins to look as though the label would fit Leyland too.
The second problem is that the word “troll” has become shorthand for describing any behaviour online that may cause offence. It conjures up strong feelings of repulsion and disgust, and doubtless some watching a bewildered Leyland trying to escape the TV news team last week will have felt a grim satisfaction, and thought to themselves: “She shouldn’t dish out what she can’t take.”
But what was she actually dishing out? Looking over the 5,000-plus tweets from her @ sweepyface account, there is clearly a fixation – even an unsettling obsession - with the McCanns. She describes them as neglectful parents, objects to their ongoing media appearances, and complains that they are profiting from their daughter’s disappearance. And when people challenge her, she calls them unpleasant names, disputes their evidence and blocks them. In short, her conduct would aggravate some and deeply offend others – but much the same could be said of select comedians, journalists and celebrities who can reach millions. Leyland’s account had a mere 182 followers by the time it suddenly vanished. The crucial question is: did she incite others to harm the McCanns? Or threaten to abduct the McCanns’ other children? Or pose any clear menace?
On Twitter at least it doesn’t seem so. She regularly tweeted the Metropolitan police and Crimewatch, demanding they do more. She would highlight what she felt were untruths in the stories of major press outlets such as the Daily Mail. She railed at media outlets such as LBC for not airing what she felt was the other side of the story. And at the same time, she ensconced herself within a small network of other Twitter users who supported her, agreed with her, and perhaps gave her a sense of identity and importance as a figurehead campaigning for what she believed was justice for Madeleine.
Ultimately, individuals who troll or become obsessed with conspiracy theories can be driven by many factors – boredom, loneliness, a need for validation – and we cannot discount the possibility of mental health problems. At times, their behaviour may border on loathsome, but a news team with a high-profile journalist at the helm is not the way to bring about justice.
I will finish with a reminder of an assortment of Brenda’s final tweets:
516694464455528448|Mon Sep 29 21:02:14 +0000 2014|#mccann Just noticed @ skymartinbrunt is following me, why Martin won't you investigate some of these facts and show neutrality?
516686111918530561|Mon Sep 29 20:29:03 +0000 2014|#mccann Block function is used against Shills, however this Tierney business has huge relevance to the investigation
516612962053013504|Mon Sep 29 15:38:23 +0000 2014|@ anotherviv @ xklamation #mccann I agree, all we are bound together in, is to find justice for Madeleine, not to mud sling
516663733024985088|Mon Sep 29 19:00:07 +0000 2014|#mccann "Men in suits want me to stop " but not until I have told every body about their presence
516510225466392576|Mon Sep 29 08:50:08 +0000 2014|#mccann I recall the glee with which they outed poor guy they thought was me, imagine how shocked he must have been
500166020162945024|Fri Aug 15 06:24:06 +0000 2014|#mccann We see Isabelle & Richard Hall, prepared to use real names, not once will any Shill dare to go public
516680065917403136|Mon Sep 29 20:05:01 +0000 2014|Amy Tierney 1) Has more of a relationship with #mccann s than witness should, appears 2 have been rewarded for testimony, tweets @ work
516355932910288897|Sun Sep 28 22:37:02 +0000 2014|@ veniviedivici @ BigPhiIIyStyle @ basilandmanuel #mccann No doubt about it in my mind Winters and Goose [Summers & Swan] are up to necks in this
516344768306368512|Sun Sep 28 21:52:40 +0000 2014|@PORTUGALONLINE #mccann Coincidence that a fat temp nannying suddenly lands a top job after dealings with Gerry ? NO NO NO.
516340933018013696|Sun Sep 28 21:37:26 +0000 2014|@ PORTUGALONLINE @ siamesey @ RothleyPillow #mccann So she goes from nobody nanny to Govt worker, so she has been hushed up, stinks
515948487226445824|Sat Sep 27 19:37:59 +0000 2014|@ Nigel_Farage @ MarkReckless Well done Mark, a brave move and the right one [joiing UKIP]. The existing 2 major parties are a spent force.
515400503640227841|Fri Sep 26 07:20:30 +0000 2014|@ TeddyShepherd @ ThomasBadenRies #mccann A clumsy attempt by them at a "sting operation" edited to show "haters" as Bigots and worse
What if it turns out that Brenda Leyland was right to question the McCanns?
It was probably two years ago tonight (3 October) that Brenda Leyland sadly ended her life. Lest we forget, here are a few observations in respectful remembrance.
This was surely a case of a vulnerable woman, living alone, abused and overpowered by the all-conquering mainstream media. SKY News hounded her to her death, for had she not been mercilessly exposed in regular broadcasts by SKY, every 15 minutes, for most of the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, 1 October, of her being door-stepped, she would surely still be with us.
But who else was responsible for triggering her death? Quite a few people, as it turns out. There was someone – we don’t yet know who – who decided to collate a dossier of nasty anti-McCann tweeters. Then there were those who contributed to this dossier, presumably by copying-and-pasting Facebook messages and tweets and the like. Then someone else, again we don’t know who, was responsible for handing over that dossier to the Metropolitan Police. By the way Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Metroplitan Police Commissioner, put it on a radio ’phone-in, it may have been handled to him personally.
And what happened after that? Did that dossier disclose any criminal offences? It appears that it did not. There were no threats of any kind. Later, the Met quietly conceded that none of the tweets - from anyone – amounted in law to a crime.
And so the next question we must ask is: How did SKY News get to hear about this dossier? How did they know that Scotland Yard were looking at it? Who told them?
On Tuesday 30 September, Martin Brunt door-stepped Brenda Leyland – took her completely by surprise.
Moreover, as we know from the video record, he said: “Are you aware that your tweets are contained in a dossier that has been passed to Scotland Yard?” The implication was very clear: You are being investigated, not just by the local police, but by Scotland Yard, on suspicion of committing a criminal offence. It would put real fear into anyone. And was probably calculated to do so.
Later that afternoon, he had a further chat with her. We don’t know what was said in that conversation. But we do have Martin Brunt’s admission that she had already (after her lunch date with a friend) been contemplating suicide.
One must assume that Brunt reported this to his producers and editor. What possessed them to go ahead? Well, it would be good telly for their viewers. It also may have been aired in the way it was because very important public figures, like Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe and Gerry McCann, were demanding action. It does look like several powerful people collaborated behind the scenes to bring about this public humiliation of Brenda Leyland.
And indeed the very next day (2 October) Gerry McCann spoke to the media, and on 3 October – on the evening of which Brenda Leyland probably took her life – we read this in the mainstream press:
The father of Madeleine McCann has called for an example to be made of “vile” internet trolls who have been targeting the family.
Gerry McCann said he had grave concerns about letting his nine-year-old twins use the internet after receiving threats of violence and kidnapping.
The comments, in an interview with the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, came after it emerged that police were looking at a dossier of abuse posted on Twitter, Facebook and chat forums.
McCann, whose daughter Madeleine went missing in Praia da Luz in Portugal in 2007, said he and his wife Kate did not read such material because it was too upsetting.
He also blamed the press for inciting trolls, renewing his calls for the new industry-backed regulator IPSO to be scrapped and replaced by an official body established by royal charter.
And so it was that – as far as we have been told - Brenda Leyland bought some helium canisters, apparently off the internet – and gassed herself to death.
Some think she might have been killed by the state, I don’t personally think so. Surely no-one would be quite so wicked as to do that?
All the same, the inquest into her death was a very muted, short affair. A police officer said he’d been called to the Marriott Hotel – less than a mile from Leicestershire Police headquarters at Enderby – and found her dead, with helium canisters on the floor and her laptop showing that she’d consulted ‘suicide sites’.
One might think that the Coroner, under such circumstances, would have questioned the SKY News team intently and said something about that in her summing-up. But no, nothing at all. One of Europes’s most powerful media organisations had been allowed to (a) doorstep her – when she had not committed any crime, (b) show an interview of her repeatedly – may be up to over 30 times, and (c) proceed with doing so only after Brenda has said she was feeling suicidal.
That was cruelty. It was oppression. It was the exercise of naked power over a depressed, suicidal, single woman.
The media, who rarely criticise each other, barely reported her death or the inquest. OFCOM, the TV media watchdog, did nothing. No MP spoke up in the House of Commons about the conduct of SKY News.
This is how the Guardian – correctly – headlined their report on the inquest:
Woman killed herself after being doorstepped over McCann trolling
Sky News offers condolences to family of Brenda Leyland, who was found dead in a Leicester hotel two days after channel broadcast footage of her
Martin Brunt is important enough to have his own Wikipedia entry. It records this:
"In October 2014, Brunt was the journalist involved in revealing the identity of Brenda Leyland, who had posted comments concerning the McCann investigation on social media. Following the revelation and a report to Leicestershire Police, Brunt and a camera crew confronted Leyland at her home. Following the confrontation Leyland was later found dead in a hotel, leading to calls on social media for Brunt to be sacked".
We might note in passing that Brunt had two very strange conversations, recorded by the Portuguese Police, with Robert Murat. In one of them, he offered Murat legal help from SKY News's legal department .That was curious conduct to say the very least. Later, he said on SKY News that DNA samples of body fluids from the McCanns' holiday apartment in Praia da Luz were a '100% match' with Madeleine's DNA.
A couple of media journalists were brave enough at least to begin questioning what had taken place in the lead-up to Brenda's suicide.
An article by Claire Hardaker in the Guardian said this:
Was Brenda Leyland really a troll?
Accused of trolling the McCanns, Leyland didn’t conform to our stereotyped idea of a troll – but those stereotypes quickly fail.
[PIC[ ‘The McCanns have faced a barrage of online abuse, including threats of violence, murder and abduction of their other children.’ Photograph: Lefteris Pitarakis/AP
One of those individuals was Brenda Leyland. A well-spoken, middle-class, 63-year-old mother of two, who lived in a picturesque village. Leyland regularly took to Twitter to draw attention to what she felt was an appalling miscarriage of justice. Last week, she found herself revealed to the nation by a television news team who exposed her as a “troll”. But was she really a troll?
The first problem is the use of the word. It has become a by-word for everything from minor disagreements through to annoying incivility through to criminal behaviour such as death threats. When we think of trolls, the stereotype is of angry, unemployed, disenfranchised young men who exist in a miserable, hermit-like darkness that is void of compassion or loving relationships – young men like John Nimmo, for instance, who was jailed for sending abusive messages to feminist campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez.
We assume stupidity, alcohol abuse, and social issues. We like to think that they must be so obviously damaged that we would spot them in the street. However, when we look at cases that have resulted in convictions, the stereotype quickly fails: Peter Nunn was a 33-year-old father; Isabella Sorley was a 23-year-old university graduate; Frank Zimmerman was 60.
Even if we could create a troll stereotype from these cases, about the only common theme is that those who get caught are likely to be less than savvy about keeping themselves unfindable online.
Alternatively, they may be so impassioned about a “cause” that they cannot see how their behaviour has escalated out of control. Both convictions and the data show that stereotypes mislead us dangerously because they encourage us to focus only on those who fit the bill, when in reality, the genteel elderly man who moved to let you sit next to him on the train could be sending vile rape threats to his employer via his smartphone. Those who troll can be any age, any gender, anyone at all, and so it begins to look as though the label would fit Leyland too.
The second problem is that the word “troll” has become shorthand for describing any behaviour online that may cause offence. It conjures up strong feelings of repulsion and disgust, and doubtless some watching a bewildered Leyland trying to escape the TV news team last week will have felt a grim satisfaction, and thought to themselves: “She shouldn’t dish out what she can’t take.”
But what was she actually dishing out? Looking over the 5,000-plus tweets from her @ sweepyface account, there is clearly a fixation – even an unsettling obsession - with the McCanns. She describes them as neglectful parents, objects to their ongoing media appearances, and complains that they are profiting from their daughter’s disappearance. And when people challenge her, she calls them unpleasant names, disputes their evidence and blocks them. In short, her conduct would aggravate some and deeply offend others – but much the same could be said of select comedians, journalists and celebrities who can reach millions. Leyland’s account had a mere 182 followers by the time it suddenly vanished. The crucial question is: did she incite others to harm the McCanns? Or threaten to abduct the McCanns’ other children? Or pose any clear menace?
On Twitter at least it doesn’t seem so. She regularly tweeted the Metropolitan police and Crimewatch, demanding they do more. She would highlight what she felt were untruths in the stories of major press outlets such as the Daily Mail. She railed at media outlets such as LBC for not airing what she felt was the other side of the story. And at the same time, she ensconced herself within a small network of other Twitter users who supported her, agreed with her, and perhaps gave her a sense of identity and importance as a figurehead campaigning for what she believed was justice for Madeleine.
Ultimately, individuals who troll or become obsessed with conspiracy theories can be driven by many factors – boredom, loneliness, a need for validation – and we cannot discount the possibility of mental health problems. At times, their behaviour may border on loathsome, but a news team with a high-profile journalist at the helm is not the way to bring about justice.
I will finish with a reminder of an assortment of Brenda’s final tweets:
516694464455528448|Mon Sep 29 21:02:14 +0000 2014|#mccann Just noticed @ skymartinbrunt is following me, why Martin won't you investigate some of these facts and show neutrality?
516686111918530561|Mon Sep 29 20:29:03 +0000 2014|#mccann Block function is used against Shills, however this Tierney business has huge relevance to the investigation
516612962053013504|Mon Sep 29 15:38:23 +0000 2014|@ anotherviv @ xklamation #mccann I agree, all we are bound together in, is to find justice for Madeleine, not to mud sling
516663733024985088|Mon Sep 29 19:00:07 +0000 2014|#mccann "Men in suits want me to stop " but not until I have told every body about their presence
516510225466392576|Mon Sep 29 08:50:08 +0000 2014|#mccann I recall the glee with which they outed poor guy they thought was me, imagine how shocked he must have been
500166020162945024|Fri Aug 15 06:24:06 +0000 2014|#mccann We see Isabelle & Richard Hall, prepared to use real names, not once will any Shill dare to go public
516680065917403136|Mon Sep 29 20:05:01 +0000 2014|Amy Tierney 1) Has more of a relationship with #mccann s than witness should, appears 2 have been rewarded for testimony, tweets @ work
516355932910288897|Sun Sep 28 22:37:02 +0000 2014|@ veniviedivici @ BigPhiIIyStyle @ basilandmanuel #mccann No doubt about it in my mind Winters and Goose [Summers & Swan] are up to necks in this
516344768306368512|Sun Sep 28 21:52:40 +0000 2014|@PORTUGALONLINE #mccann Coincidence that a fat temp nannying suddenly lands a top job after dealings with Gerry ? NO NO NO.
516340933018013696|Sun Sep 28 21:37:26 +0000 2014|@ PORTUGALONLINE @ siamesey @ RothleyPillow #mccann So she goes from nobody nanny to Govt worker, so she has been hushed up, stinks
515948487226445824|Sat Sep 27 19:37:59 +0000 2014|@ Nigel_Farage @ MarkReckless Well done Mark, a brave move and the right one [joiing UKIP]. The existing 2 major parties are a spent force.
515400503640227841|Fri Sep 26 07:20:30 +0000 2014|@ TeddyShepherd @ ThomasBadenRies #mccann A clumsy attempt by them at a "sting operation" edited to show "haters" as Bigots and worse
What if it turns out that Brenda Leyland was right to question the McCanns?
Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"
Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".
Tony Bennett- Investigator
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Was Trollgate coordinated by #McCann PR?
October 02 2014 :: Thursday
(Were these articles based on a press release originating from Clarence Mitchell but embargoed until after Sky News Special Report was published? Was Sky News given first publication rights?)
October 02 2014 :: Thursday
(Were these articles based on a press release originating from Clarence Mitchell but embargoed until after Sky News Special Report was published? Was Sky News given first publication rights?)
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
I find it incredibly difficult to believe Jim Gamble was a Deputy Chief Constable. His behaviour on twitter is appalling.
Thank goodness PeterMac doesn't behave like that.
Thank goodness PeterMac doesn't behave like that.
Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Agreed, which is why he "deserves" a mentionGet'emGonçalo wrote:I find it incredibly difficult to believe Jim Gamble was a Deputy Chief Constable. His behaviour on twitter is appalling.
Thank goodness PeterMac doesn't behave like that.
Thank you to the forum for remembering Brenda, it is still as sad & horrific today as it was in 2014.
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Join date : 2016-04-15
Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
I need to know a lot more about Brenda Leyland before forming an opinion - so far the story is but media hype and internet frenzy.
Brenda Leyland had mental health issues, confirmed by her son and then carried by the media as bouts of deep depression and a past suicide attempt - clearly for whatever reason she was a troubled soul. Firstly, I would be interested to learn how anyone, be it the media or twitterers, discovered her true identity - name and address. If reports are to be believed, she had contact with Martin Brunt in addition to the televised encounter outside her home - why was that, what did they discuss? Amidst her hundreds of tweets on the subject of the McCanns, she all but predicted her own death by encouraging people to ask questions if she suddenly disappeared off the scene and that was before she was doorstepped by Sky News.
Above all else - why Brenda Leyland as opposed to the hundreds of other internet users who question the McCanns stance in the disappearance of their own daughter - some far more vocal (no names mentioned)?
I realise this is not what the majority want to hear - I haven't a clue what's going on but something just doesn't add up here.
Brenda Leyland had mental health issues, confirmed by her son and then carried by the media as bouts of deep depression and a past suicide attempt - clearly for whatever reason she was a troubled soul. Firstly, I would be interested to learn how anyone, be it the media or twitterers, discovered her true identity - name and address. If reports are to be believed, she had contact with Martin Brunt in addition to the televised encounter outside her home - why was that, what did they discuss? Amidst her hundreds of tweets on the subject of the McCanns, she all but predicted her own death by encouraging people to ask questions if she suddenly disappeared off the scene and that was before she was doorstepped by Sky News.
Above all else - why Brenda Leyland as opposed to the hundreds of other internet users who question the McCanns stance in the disappearance of their own daughter - some far more vocal (no names mentioned)?
I realise this is not what the majority want to hear - I haven't a clue what's going on but something just doesn't add up here.
Guest- Guest
Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
@verdi, have a read. No one is exactly sure who found out Brenda's real identity, but you can clearly see from this convo it was discussed.
I have further copies and information but have been reluctant to put it here. Brenda was a real person, a mum, a friend, a hard-worker. Whether you wish to say that she had mental issues ( as reported in the news) that can be disputed as Kate McCann said "Depression is overrated, over diagnosed" or words to that effect.
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Summers & Swans book is discussed here on the forum, you might like to read Chapter 25. It was launched the month prior to Brenda's death. Her name printed in full? Pages 299-300/303-306/307/8
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re; Mrs Brenda Leyland.
yes it is truly disturbing to find such a lot of distinguished names affiliated to Mrs Leyland's Death,now what people still ask after Two years since Mrs Leyland's demise,why was(Brenda) targeted so passionately by Sky News Corporation and Martin Brunt,Public Interest was stated by Sky News?
Now whatever you may believe,the Inquest left an awful lot of unanswered questions and CMMoM know about the disgusting messages sent to Sweepyface@ account,but the Metropolitan Police Service and it's loyal leader failed to reprimand any person's who sent the texts to Brenda,but Brunty could find,"Her(Sweepface@ is not a secret anymore Address,shown live on Sky News,on at least Thirty occasions?
The"Truth" shall prevail,Rest In Peace the Soul of Mrs Brenda Leyland,who did not deserve the"Public Hounding"do you think they will broadcast a certain couple if they are found to have been less than economical with the Truth?
Now whatever you may believe,the Inquest left an awful lot of unanswered questions and CMMoM know about the disgusting messages sent to Sweepyface@ account,but the Metropolitan Police Service and it's loyal leader failed to reprimand any person's who sent the texts to Brenda,but Brunty could find,"Her(Sweepface@ is not a secret anymore Address,shown live on Sky News,on at least Thirty occasions?
The"Truth" shall prevail,Rest In Peace the Soul of Mrs Brenda Leyland,who did not deserve the"Public Hounding"do you think they will broadcast a certain couple if they are found to have been less than economical with the Truth?
willowthewisp- Posts : 3392
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Notes taken by well-wishers at the Coroner's inquest into the death of Brenda Leyland, have previously been posted-up on this forum. I take the liberty of repeating extracts..MayMuse wrote: Whether you wish to say that she had mental issues ( as reported in the news) that can be disputed as Kate McCann said "Depression is overrated, over diagnosed" or words to that effect.
Ben Leyland (son) written evidence presented before the Coroners inquest. He wasn't present at the inquest..
She had tried previously ( a long time ago) to commit suicide.
She was Proud, Very happy, Was quiet as a younger person. She failed to sustain relationships. Was a depressive.
She had previously been to a clinic for depression. She was a depressive throughout her life.
She had untreatable health issues.
It was said she had attempted suicide before, a number of years ago.
His report continues saying she was very happy in the village however she had struggled with depression over the years and had alienated people in the past. She had difficulty connecting with people.
She was undergoing therapy, with medication for anxiety and extreme bouts of depression.
She had struggled with health conditions, and had physical, untreatable health issues.
Dr Z - Consultant Psychiatrist (he was not treating Brenda at the time of her death, but had seen her as a patient many years ago)
Brenda did have a mental health condition of recurrent depression and certain unstable emotional personality traits. He understood they were lifelong conditions. It would not be obvious to others that she had a mental health condition. She was a very private person with complex psychological endowment. She had very contrasting emotions and conversations.
Coroner asked - did she always have full insight into her conversations?
Dr Z - yes, she would understand consequences of her actions. In discussions I think she flirted with talk of suicide.
He said he was not aware she had tried to take her own life in the past.
I've noted "suicidal tendencies".
Coroner - "But the risk of serious harm is always there?"
I've noted "not aware of any actions; risk of serious self-harm".
Dr Z - yes. He described her as an extremely intelligent lady. Her reaction, could not have been expected by others. And with his knowledge it couldn't have been foreseen.
Coroner - her personality would be to trigger such events?
ETA: Thanks for taking the trouble to dig out a load of tweets but I'm not looking for confirmation that her identity was known (I already know that), I'm querying how her identity was known. Martin Brunt's 'information source' means nothing to me until he reveals what source.
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
of course Brenda had the right to ask questions without being hounded for doing so.
The gen public were asked to send money to Maddies parents in order to help search for Maddie. Once that happened people were going to ask questions .
Same with Crimewatch prog. gen public asked to help giving any info but certain peeps didnt care for the questions which were asked following the programme - such as why was it not shown in portugal and why no mention of the Paynes?
Whoever handed the dossier in to the police is a disgrace..What gives them the right to say what questions can be asked? What gave brunt and sky the right to do what they did when they earn their living from questioning?
It was decided that nothing in that dossier showed any crime had been commited. Therefore imo anyone in that dossier has a right to know who collated the dossier and who handed it in. Had its existence been kept solely with the police then maybe not but this must come under Human rights law surely?
I have not watched Sky since and never will.
An absolute disgrace - hounding Brenda and calling for questioners to be dealt with severely.
Well done Jill, PeterM, Tony and researchers for continuing to be brave enough to question publicly and for being prepared to go to the highest in the land with those questions. well done indeed. Bravo.
The gen public were asked to send money to Maddies parents in order to help search for Maddie. Once that happened people were going to ask questions .
Same with Crimewatch prog. gen public asked to help giving any info but certain peeps didnt care for the questions which were asked following the programme - such as why was it not shown in portugal and why no mention of the Paynes?
Whoever handed the dossier in to the police is a disgrace..What gives them the right to say what questions can be asked? What gave brunt and sky the right to do what they did when they earn their living from questioning?
It was decided that nothing in that dossier showed any crime had been commited. Therefore imo anyone in that dossier has a right to know who collated the dossier and who handed it in. Had its existence been kept solely with the police then maybe not but this must come under Human rights law surely?
I have not watched Sky since and never will.
An absolute disgrace - hounding Brenda and calling for questioners to be dealt with severely.
Well done Jill, PeterM, Tony and researchers for continuing to be brave enough to question publicly and for being prepared to go to the highest in the land with those questions. well done indeed. Bravo.
Judge Judy to shifty witnesses - LOOK AT ME - Um is not an answer.
If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
plebgate- Posts : 6729
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Thanks for the above, I am not actually disputing that Brenda suffered with depression, I have read all the reports and may respond when I have some more time.
As previously said, we could ask the below as to how they initially knew of Brendas identity, they must have known prior to the launch as it would have taken some time to write the "book". Who gave them that information? Did they seek Brendas permission?
Summers & Swans book is discussed here on the forum, you might like to read Chapter 25. It was launched the month prior to Brenda's death. Her name printed in full? Pages 299-300/303-306/307/8
The tweets are important in my opinion as it shows dates.
A year (2013) before there was a tweet by gamble and someone else ( I can't remember who but may have it filed) )referring to prosecution etc.
If you look at JG tweet he tweeted on the 1st Oct with prior knowledge, so someone had informed him of Brunts visit before it was aired on the 2nd?
It is my belief that Brenda was targeted for quite some time, as she was "vulnerable" and lived in the area ( adds to the "shock value") it appears to be a planned "attack" with a very serious agenda. There is also a quiet belief that she was "outed" by an "anti" to save themselves? How true that is I do not know.
As to your following question.ETA: Thanks for taking the trouble to dig out a load of tweets but I'm not looking for confirmation that her identity was known (I already know that), I'm querying how her identity was known. Martin Brunt's 'information source' means nothing to me until he reveals what source.
The coroner initially said Martin Brunt had to reveal his source, she then said that he didn't?
Why the change?
It was a huge part of the reason Brenda died.
Edit. The "suicide" verdict appeared to be cut and dried, the real issue is that no one thoroughly investigated Brenda's death as a crime?
And a crime was committed by every single person who was involved in revealing Brenda's true identity, in my opinion!
Thanks for the above, I am not actually disputing that Brenda suffered with depression, I have read all the reports and may respond when I have some more time.
As previously said, we could ask the below as to how they initially knew of Brendas identity, they must have known prior to the launch as it would have taken some time to write the "book". Who gave them that information? Did they seek Brendas permission?
Summers & Swans book is discussed here on the forum, you might like to read Chapter 25. It was launched the month prior to Brenda's death. Her name printed in full? Pages 299-300/303-306/307/8
The tweets are important in my opinion as it shows dates.
A year (2013) before there was a tweet by gamble and someone else ( I can't remember who but may have it filed) )referring to prosecution etc.
If you look at JG tweet he tweeted on the 1st Oct with prior knowledge, so someone had informed him of Brunts visit before it was aired on the 2nd?
It is my belief that Brenda was targeted for quite some time, as she was "vulnerable" and lived in the area ( adds to the "shock value") it appears to be a planned "attack" with a very serious agenda. There is also a quiet belief that she was "outed" by an "anti" to save themselves? How true that is I do not know.
As to your following question.ETA: Thanks for taking the trouble to dig out a load of tweets but I'm not looking for confirmation that her identity was known (I already know that), I'm querying how her identity was known. Martin Brunt's 'information source' means nothing to me until he reveals what source.
The coroner initially said Martin Brunt had to reveal his source, she then said that he didn't?
Why the change?
It was a huge part of the reason Brenda died.
Edit. The "suicide" verdict appeared to be cut and dried, the real issue is that no one thoroughly investigated Brenda's death as a crime?
And a crime was committed by every single person who was involved in revealing Brenda's true identity, in my opinion!
“Basically, I’m just an ordinary, straightforward guy who’s the victim of the biggest f***-up on this planet – if you’ll excuse the language.”
Robert Murat talking to David Jones, Daily Mail, 02 June 2007
MayMuse- Posts : 2033
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Your original words I read and thus interpreted literally..MayMuse wrote:@verdi
Thanks for the above, I am not actually disputing that Brenda suffered with depression....
@MayMuse wrote:
Whether you wish to say that she had mental issues ( as reported in the news) that can be disputed as Kate McCann said "Depression is overrated, over diagnosed" or words to that effect.
I wished to make it clear that she was mentally ill but it was not me who said she was mentally ill - nor was/is the news my source of information as you suggest.
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Couldn't agree more but I have to say that social media, twitter in particular, has a lot to answer for. The dossier was underhand and cowardly but nonetheless, some of the tweets identified are beyond the pale - here I have to agree, no matter what one personally thinks about the McCanns culpability in their daughters disappearance, there is no excuse to openly abuse and/or threaten them on the internet, or any other medium for that matter. I am totally opposed to such behaviour.plebgate wrote:of course Brenda had the right to ask questions without being hounded for doing so.
I wish to make it clear that I'm not condoning the actions of people like Martin Brunt, Jim Gamble or any of the dossier anonymities but I am very suspicious about the whole Brenda Leyland affair. Above all else, I can't comprehend why Brenda Leyland in particular was the target, rather than any other twitterer, some of whom were quite disgusting!
Your praise of the forum seconded - at least members here behave in a respectable manner.
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
@verdi some were beyond the pale but did not break the law.
Some of the so called pro mccann tweeters have posted tweets which imo go beyond the pale. Why didn't the dossier person include those offensive tweets?
I don't recall reading that Rocky A complained to any police force about a certain comment in a certain bewk which imo was beyond the pale. Something along the lines of wanting him to feel fear.
Maybe the dossier person should have included that comment and I didn't see Brunt doorstepping anyone else but Brenda.
Disgraceful behaviour.
Brenda may have had some episodes of mental health problems but there is no evidence as far as I know that she had any such episode whilst tweeting. She was entitled to her opinion and did not break the law that is the main point to remember imo.
RIP Brenda.
Some of the so called pro mccann tweeters have posted tweets which imo go beyond the pale. Why didn't the dossier person include those offensive tweets?
I don't recall reading that Rocky A complained to any police force about a certain comment in a certain bewk which imo was beyond the pale. Something along the lines of wanting him to feel fear.
Maybe the dossier person should have included that comment and I didn't see Brunt doorstepping anyone else but Brenda.
Disgraceful behaviour.
Brenda may have had some episodes of mental health problems but there is no evidence as far as I know that she had any such episode whilst tweeting. She was entitled to her opinion and did not break the law that is the main point to remember imo.
RIP Brenda.
Judge Judy to shifty witnesses - LOOK AT ME - Um is not an answer.
If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
plebgate- Posts : 6729
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Yes, its tone and purpose have been set and established from the outset.Verdi wrote:Your praise of the forum seconded - at least members here behave in a respectable manner.
I can think of at least two members here who were expelled after they crossed a line and expressed hate towards the McCanns. Swearing and abuse are not allowed.
Those are among the reasons why CMOMM gets mentioned by folk like Summers and Swan ('Looking for Madeleine') and freelance journalist Jenny Kleeman - folk like that may think we're misguided, but they don't see hate here. Plus of course the statistics showing that far more people read news and views about Madeleine here than anywhere else.
When 'nasty anti-McCann trolls' are discussed and examples of their hate exposed in the press or on TV, it may be from Twitter, it may be from some Madeleine Facebook groups (no names!) - but never from CMOMM.
Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"
Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".
Tony Bennett- Investigator
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Amen to that - vive la CMoMM!Tony Bennett wrote:Yes, its tone and purpose have been set and established from the outset.Verdi wrote:Your praise of the forum seconded - at least members here behave in a respectable manner.
I can think of at least two members here who were expelled after they crossed a line and expressed hate towards the McCanns. Swearing and abuse are not allowed.
Those are among the reasons why CMOMM gets mentioned by folk like Summers and Swan ('Looking for Madeleine') and freelance journalist Jenny Kleeman - folk like that may think we're misguided, but they don't see hate here. Plus of course the statistics showing that far more people read news and views about Madeleine here than anywhere else.
When 'nasty anti-McCann trolls' are discussed and examples of their hate exposed in the press or on TV, it may be from Twitter, it may be from some Madeleine Facebook groups (no names!) - but never from CMOMM.
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
No hate.
Only a quest for the truth.
Only a quest for the truth.
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Dear @ VerdiVerdi wrote:
I know you meant well in displaying the Statue of Liberty. Your heart is IMO very much in the right place.
However, you're in grave danger of associating CMOMM with the Illuminati conspiracy and worldwide Freemasonry.
Before adopting the Statute of Liberty as the CMOMM official avatar or logo, have a good read of this!
Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"
Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".
Tony Bennett- Investigator
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Re: Brenda Leyland remembered - two years after men from SKY News, owned by the world’s most powerful media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, hounded her to death
Tony Bennett wrote:Dear @ VerdiVerdi wrote:
I know you meant well in displaying the Statue of Liberty. Your heart is IMO very much in the right place.
However, you're in grave danger of associating CMOMM with the Illuminati conspiracy and worldwide Freemasonry.
Before adopting the Statute of Liberty as the CMOMM official avatar or logo, have a good read of this!
It was intended to symbolize 'Ye Old Bailey' - London's central criminal court for England and Wales, as in justice .
I shall now disappear into a darkened room until further notice..
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Re;Brenda Leyland
Hi Mr Tony Bennett,thank you for the Article"Human's are Free",having read the article it certainly gives an entirely different meaning to what is espoused to the masses,that stands outside of Court buildings,Equality and freedom, but to be Governed by the Monarchs or Law makers,Not initial Freedom to do as you please?
If Summers & Swan,Gamble and Brunt is ever proved to be behind the "Orchestration"to have brought about the revealing of personal information/ Address of Mrs Leyland,along with whoever handed this Dossier to Sir Bernard Hogan Howe,they must have infringed upon Brenda's Human Rights at some stage!
The afore mentioned Five names are not innocent of any connection to Mrs Brenda Leyland,they are eponymous to her and for what (Brenda)aspired to,Truth,which was what they do not want to be heard!?
If Summers & Swan,Gamble and Brunt is ever proved to be behind the "Orchestration"to have brought about the revealing of personal information/ Address of Mrs Leyland,along with whoever handed this Dossier to Sir Bernard Hogan Howe,they must have infringed upon Brenda's Human Rights at some stage!
The afore mentioned Five names are not innocent of any connection to Mrs Brenda Leyland,they are eponymous to her and for what (Brenda)aspired to,Truth,which was what they do not want to be heard!?
willowthewisp- Posts : 3392
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