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Credit Cards Intelligence Mm11

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Credit Cards Intelligence

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Credit Cards Intelligence Empty Credit Cards Intelligence

Post by Guest 21.06.14 8:26

This leapt out at me in the reconstruction thread:

Email to Stuart Prior from Paulo Rebelo concerning questions from the Tapas Seven, re: the proposed reconstruction 

15 April 2008

Table of Contents : Vol 16..(PDF page 57)..Page 4187

From : Paulo Fernando Gaspar Rebelo
Date : 15th April 2008
To : "Prior Stuart"
Subject : Witnesses' Questions

Dear Stuart,

As previously agreed, here I send the answers to the questions raised by the holidaying group and Jeremy Wilkins regarding the re-inactment.

I also inform you, about the matter of Gerald McCann's credit cards intelligence, that the Prosecutor is not available to make any more changes to the LOR.

Thank you very much, again, for your fantastic cooperation.

Best regards,
Paulo Rebelo.

So what happened about the "credit cards intelligence"?

My understanding is that the PJ were denied the information.

Is that still the case?

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Credit Cards Intelligence Empty Re: Credit Cards Intelligence

Post by Woofer 21.06.14 10:00

Yes, that jumped out at me too.
Wasn`t it the Portuguese Prosecutor that denied the PJ permission to seek information on GM`s credit cards?
Maybe its the interpretation from English to Portuguese and then back to English that it doesn`t make sense.
I interpret it as Stuart Prior at Leicester Police had sent a Letter of Request to Rebelo for information on GMs credit cards.  Rebelo is replying that their Prosecutor is not available to make any more changes to the LOR.
It sounds as if Stuart Prior had asked to make changes to the LOR.  But that doesn`t make sense.
Surely it should have been the Portuguese sending LORs to Leicester Police for information on GM`s credit cards, then the Portuguese Prosecutor said No.

P.S. That episode with the Portuguese Prosecutor denying the PJ the right to see GM`s credit card history indicates to me that the Portuguese Prosecutor had been got at - maybe GA is totally right.

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Credit Cards Intelligence Empty Re: Credit Cards Intelligence

Post by Doug D 21.06.14 11:03

I think your second take on it is the correct one, although without seeing the other half of the conversation that presumably occurred in Leicester it is never going to be 100% clear.
‘I also inform you, about the matter of Gerald McCann's credit cards intelligence, that the Prosecutor is not available to make any more changes to the LOR.’
My take is that the LOR from Portugal made some mention of bank accounts or credit cards but was not specific enough & gave Leicester Police a get out clause.
Rebelo is saying that the prosecutor is not available (absent maybe?) to amend the request or is it in the translation and means ‘not willing to?
Doug D

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Credit Cards Intelligence Empty Re: Credit Cards Intelligence

Post by tigger 21.06.14 13:36

This is the actual information from: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Gerry McCann used two credit cards

The father of Madeleine McCann used two MasterCad credit cards, according to an information from Detective Inspector Gary Watts, from Leicestershire Constabulary, to Frances Kennah, head of UK Central Authority, a Home Office department in charge of the cooperation with foreign police forces (…) A previous report about the financial situation of the McCann couple and their friends, produced by the Economic Crime Unit from Leicestershire Constabulary, found no records of credit cards or loans from Kate and Gerry McCann.”

Home Office refused information about Gerry's credit cards

A request sent by PJ to British authorities, asking for details about Gerry McCann credit cards transactions for a period of six months, starting on April 1, six weeks before Madeleine's disappearance, was considered disproportionate by Frances Kennah, the Head of UK Central Authority, a Home Office department.

More info in: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Credit Cards Intelligence Empty Re: Credit Cards Intelligence

Post by Guest 21.06.14 16:34

was considered disproportionate by Frances Kennah,

An outrage.

Who said they were not  protected?

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