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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Mm11

Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Regist10
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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Mm11

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by aiyoyo 09.06.14 10:00

MaybeMaybenot wrote:Don't forget that the McCanns were also chauffeured home by Special Branch on their return

Which special branch ?

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by ChippyM 09.06.14 10:01

nomendelta wrote:It all hinges on where the information Amaral repeats is coming from as we all know how well-oiled and slippery the McCann PR team can be. SY could well be releasing absolutely no information and the whole thesis about drug-dealers could be coming from TM. One assumes Amaral is more informed than most though.

 I actually think there might be a clue in what amaral said about the cannabis plants on the land they were searching. The 3 burglars nonsense came from the media earlier this year, then we have a few cannabis plants on 'the snail' and everyone joking about it on forums such as this. ....then a few days later the media are reporting that the '3 suspects' were drug dealers. ie. they are making it all up based on some very tenuous links between earlier reports of burglars and plants found in SY's investigation area. Could they really be that desperate...probably!

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by aiyoyo 09.06.14 10:11

So, Amaral questions "does the body exist", and believes that elaborate showy search is but " mise-en-scène ".

Should SY abandon the search, down tool, and go home ?

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by mouse 09.06.14 10:13

At last! We have it.........Instead of all the speculation on here, we have real opinion of this whole circus of a supposed investigation being carried out in Portugal (imo of course) And from the only person who, again  imo, has real insight into the original investigation and  who's always had truth and justice for Madeleine in his sight.

GA - has taken us back to the beginning - the original investigation - and is not budging from his original conclusion no matter how hard other organisations want us to just move along now, as they say.  And for those who will say why didn't the Mccanns just go away and hide - it's no great conspiracy. Here's your answer (well, a big part of it) they didn't reckon on a man like GA, his unshakable character, a man that wouldn't go away. But for GA, the available police files and internet forums like these, they might have been able to hide away......but GA knows some truths - so they'll always have to fight their corner.

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by CynicAl 09.06.14 10:15

That's certainly an incendiary set of information. 

I urge caution about leaping to conclusions about grand high conspiracy theories... 

If MI5 wanted to control the investigation they would have controlled it. They would not simply wait for a British police investigator to run through a bunch of processes, discuss them with an uncontrollable bunch of Portuguese colleagues, formulate some conclusions then arrange a shadowy debrief at the airport to make the past weeks of research vanish... The investigation, the lines of inquiry, the dogs, the details, the interviewing of arguidos - all conducted independently of MI5 or SY and all a matter of public record thanks to the PJ publishing the files and GA's right to write a book or sit on a chat show sofa and discuss what he knows. Did MI5 not see that coming? Are the spooks as inept as the cops? Are they controlling anything? There is enough evidence and information to attempt a prosecution based on what is known publicly. Have MI5 made any of that go away? Have they in any way prohibited or confounded the resurrection of this affair to public scrutiny? Are they really attempting to put to bed something that was already in bed fast asleep, by pouring a gallon of rocket fuel on the dying embers. Is this the dark hand of intelligence services? No. 

Since MI5 changed nothing and failed to protect the Mc's from suspicion and criticism, there are only two plausible explanations for their involvement. First, they were merely acting as private detectives for a PM who wanted to know what was going to be coming out in the open faster than reading it in the newspaper. Second, they were capitalising on the opportunity as a launchpad, or protecting an already running second investigation and looking to see how much crossover there might be between this case and something else, perhaps the objects of focus were suspects or assets in PDL who may have touched the Maddie case as facilitators on the ground.  Was Murat one of those? Or were MI5 simply gathering leverage against someone for a future date, Hoover-style? 

Remember, the cover up has failed to cover anything up. The suspicions and evidences are in the open. And awakening a sleeping dog in order to make sure it goes to sleep is an exercise in futility, in fact it is counter productive because the barking has set off all the other dogs in the neighbourhood. A cover up of a case already in the open is achieved first by controlling opinion, not information. Opinion steering is done in the media. Yet the media are clearly not resolved and in concert at the dictate of a media handler (CM),  they're running scared from processes enacted by private individuals (SI/CR). A cover up could be achieved by simply letting Maddie go, formally, officially, a deeply mysterious cold case. 

So the purpose of interference has to be something else in which what happened to Maddie is a deeply inconvenient event which occured in the background of something else, where continued scrutiny to the Maddie case might unearth something unrelated by highly explosive. 

For certain, this is not about protecting two mediocre middle class doctors. And as tempting as it may be to believe that "The Masons" is doing it, there is no precedent for believing that MI5 run interference to protect some Mason brother somewhere. Too many Masons have actually gone down for crimes, and too few have behaved with the reckless anticipation of a get out of jail free card. The McCann's have the appearance of being the undeserving beneficiaries of a form of grace which has not been extended on their own behalf.

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by mouse 09.06.14 10:31

cynicAL Quote "So the purpose of interference has to be something else in which what happened to Maddie is a deeply inconvenient event which occured in the background of something else, 

Exactly what some of us who have been labelled as some kind of crazy whitewashers - have been thinking all along. This, sadly, has never really been about Madeleine, or at least the cover-up hasn't been because of her. It involves something much bigger (we could all speculate on what - but it would get us absolutely nowhere now) - hence why I never get my hopes up that this is going to be solved any day soon. GA knows this, he realises, I believe, that this is so big that it could take his lifetime (which I hope and prey will be a long one) and beyond to show the light of day....Believe me I would love to be wrong, but I can't see it any other way........And call me mystic meg - didn't I say a few weeks ago that I reckoned Andy Redwood would be retiring soon.....

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by CynicAl 09.06.14 10:33

Don't forget that GA could also be wildly speculating at high level conspiracy theory in order to provoke. He doesn't seem like a man who is in any way feeling constrained to keep a silence.  If he knows for fact that there's a high level conspiracy he must also know why. If he knows MI5 had an extraordinary interest, he must know why. If what he knows is a danger to the conspiracy, why has he not accidentally killed himself practicing escapeology in a blue holdall while taking a bath. 

If this is the domain of a high level conspiracy (HLC) or an intelligence-service cover-up, then why does it appear to be anything but a disjointed balls up, visible to whoever wants to take a look. Why is GA answering questions exclusively about what he imagines SY are investigating? Does he not havefriends anywhere in the PJ,  or allies in Portuguese government? We know plenty about what SY aren't investigating. Why do we know nothing about what the PJ aren't investigating? There are, after all, two investigations, no?

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Bristows spider

Post by BerryHerry 09.06.14 10:36

bristow wrote:So clear, so concise and so obvious.
So whitewash.
 Hi, I do not wish to go off topic, BUT, has anyone else seen the spider running round on Bristow's blogs?
I thought it was on my Ipad, but it isn't.
The other day there were 3 of them ,all doing the same thing! affraid 

Please tell me I am not imagining things offtopic

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by Guest 09.06.14 10:41

BerryHerry wrote:
bristow wrote:So clear, so concise and so obvious.
So whitewash.
 Hi, I do not wish to go off topic, BUT, has anyone else seen the spider running round on Bristow's blogs?
I thought it was on my Ipad, but it isn't.
The other day there were 3 of them ,all doing the same thing! affraid 

Please tell me I am not imagining things offtopic

Welcome, no you are not imagining things and yes it is off topic.  I don't want any talk about spiders on this very important topic.  Thanks.

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by AndyB 09.06.14 10:41

CynicAl wrote:Remember, the cover up has failed to cover anything up. The suspicions and evidences are in the open. And awakening a sleeping dog in order to make sure it goes to sleep is an exercise in futility, in fact it is counter productive because the barking has set off all the other dogs in the neighbourhood. A cover up of a case already in the open is achieved first by controlling opinion, not information. Opinion steering is done in the media. Yet the media are clearly not resolved and in concert at the dictate of a media handler (CM),  they're running scared from processes enacted by private individuals (SI/CR). A cover up could be achieved by simply letting Maddie go, formally, officially, a deeply mysterious cold case.
Perhaps the cover-up hasn't failed and is actually a spectacular success. Its only failed if you think that its limited to hiding the McCanns' involvement in their daughters death but to my mind that doesn't make any sense; why on earth would the establishment give two hoots about the McCanns? If there is a cover-up going on it is something or someone else that is being protected, not the McCanns who have just been collateral beneficiaries.

As to Madeleine's disappearance becoming an officially unsolvable cold case, there are many who believe that is exactly where we are heading. This is the exact situation we were in until the Portuguese published the case files. Even then, officialdom ignored it, helped by a press that is gagged by our repressive libel laws and possibly DA notices and/or super injunctions. It was only when Rebekah Brooks threatened the PM (and I'd love to know what Cameron was so scared of) that there was no choice but to open a review that would look thorough while at the same time distracting attention away from whatever it is that is really being covered-up

CynicAl wrote:So the purpose of interference has to be something else in which what happened to Maddie is a deeply inconvenient event which occured in the background of something else, where continued scrutiny to the Maddie case might unearth something unrelated by highly explosive.
Exactly! Why do you think its impossible that the something else is being covered up?

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by mouse 09.06.14 10:42

cynicAL quoted "Don't forget that GA could also be wildly speculating at high level conspiracy theory in order to provoke."

Don't think so. GA doesn't say much - but when he does he appears to speak with clarity. Very different to the various vague/confusing statements coming out of the SY Crimewatch Prog, Lead up to Portuguese Dig........It is very obvious he is not on the same page as Andy and his team.

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by Doug D 09.06.14 10:51

And don't forget that whilst GA is prepared to speak fairly openly, or so it seems, at this stage, he presumably still needs to keep back a couple of golden bullets for the closing stages of the libel trial.
Doug D

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by Truthandjustice 09.06.14 10:59

Big thanks to Joana for her wonderful work in translation. Without this we would be reliant on the total bull fed to us by SY and MSM.  GA is a beautifully clear voice of truth in the mire of confusion thank goodness he has not given up. I empathise with this brave man whose life has been ruined by this case and those who would silence him.

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by jeanmonroe 09.06.14 11:01

Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Hill10

Then they say “we found two cannabis plants in the middle of the field”. This is where the drugs were kept. This is madness. These are completely mad people. If they moved further up, they would not find a few plants, there are hundreds of cannabis plants in that area,

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by aiyoyo 09.06.14 11:07

Truthandjustice wrote:Big thanks to Joana for her wonderful work in translation. Without this we would be reliant on the total bull fed to us by SY and MSM.  GA is a beautifully clear voice of truth in the mire of confusion thank goodness he has not given up. I empathise with this brave man whose life has been ruined by this case and those who would silence him.

Correction :

Astro did the translation; Joana put up the link on her site.
Thanks to them both.

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by ChippyM 09.06.14 11:09

mouse wrote:At last! We have it.........Instead of all the speculation on here, we have real opinion of this whole circus of a supposed investigation being carried out in Portugal (imo of course) And from the only person who, again  imo, has real insight into the original investigation and  who's always had truth and justice for Madeleine in his sight.

GA - has taken us back to the beginning - the original investigation - and is not budging from his original conclusion no matter how hard other organisations want us to just move along now, as they say.  And for those who will say why didn't the Mccanns just go away and hide - it's no great conspiracy. Here's your answer (well, a big part of it) they didn't reckon on a man like GA, his unshakable character, a man that wouldn't go away. But for GA, the available police files and internet forums like these, they might have been able to hide away......but GA knows some truths - so they'll always have to fight their corner.

 Is GA not speculating?

 Obviously he knows everything about the original investigation and 'disapearance' but how does he know for sure that SY want to interview drug dealers and burglars?

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by Mirage 09.06.14 11:10

The strongest indicators are for whitewash. I believe Dr Amaral is right about that. This is why SY had to give some ground and admit the possibility of MBM being dead in the apartment. This leads them into all the nonsense theories of course, because they are making it up as they go along and nothing can be made to hang together.

 I also think an increasingly frustrated SY have tried all ways to get a foot in the door of the PJ in order to cajole/persuade that it is in the best interests of both countries to secure closure. And also to get sight of their files. We saw the booted and suited Faro photo shoot. That didn't seem to persuade anyone.

With the current searches I suspect SY are trying to ramp up the running sore effect of this case. When the digs produce nothing they will say this question mark is now destined to continue; forever blighting the tourism of the Algarve; forever blighting relations between our hitherto friendly nations; a fruitless exercise that should and could be wrapped up in an agreed form of words.

There will, of course, be political manoeuvring going on in the background, just as we saw with Brown and Socrates. It would be naïve to imagine otherwise. There seems, for now at least, some resistance on that front by PT. Portugal does not seem such a pushover in that department as the days when GA was sacrificed in the name of political expediency. In that respect, things look unevenly weighted against the UK. That, is probably an indicator in itself of how much more damage the UK is in danger of sustaining to this very day. Maybe the danger of the day in the Portugal of 2007 has faded - at least, not likely the subject of immense outrage. I believe that the political stakes are much higher in terms of damage for the UK right now. MUCH. This means that the powers that be will be monitoring public opinion as the case enters its death throes. Enter Ms Burley who has miraculously provided a barometric reading for them with her ambivalent article.

Unfortunately for SY and the Fat Controller (whomsoever that may be), there is one helluva brave guy standing in the way of any convenient exit route. Someone who has now dedicated his life to exposing the truth - like a proper policeman should. And he ain't budging any time soon.

So there will, in due course, be a mirroring of the sacrificial lamb here if the barometric readings fall and a storm threatens. Portugal will not be required to make the second sacrifice. Portugal probably has enough dry powder in reserve to do some persuading and cajoling of its own.

 In the end, it will come down to this: there are, as most here have always maintained, much bigger fish to be concerned about than the McCanns. When you play a high stakes game or fight a war, there comes a moment when you are forced to concede collateral damage. But not before the battlements have been moved back and secured.

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by HelenMeg 09.06.14 11:13

Mirage wrote:The strongest indicators are for whitewash. I believe Dr Amaral is right about that. This is why SY had to give some ground and admit the possibility of MBM being dead in the apartment. This leads them into all the nonsense theories of course, because they are making it up as they go along and nothing can be made to hang together.

 I also think an increasingly frustrated SY have tried all ways to get a foot in the door of the PJ in order to cajole/persuade that it is in the best interests of both countries to secure closure. And also to get sight of their files. We saw the booted and suited Faro photo shoot. That didn't seem to persuade anyone.

With the current searches I suspect SY are trying to ramp up the running sore effect of this case. When the digs produce nothing they will say this question mark is now destined to continue; forever blighting the tourism of the Algarve; forever blighting relations between our hitherto friendly nations; a fruitless exercise that should and could be wrapped up in an agreed form of words.

There will, of course, be political manoeuvring going on in the background, just as we saw with Brown and Socrates. It would be naïve to imagine otherwise. There seems, for now at least, some resistance on that front by PT. Portugal does not seem such a pushover in that department as the days when GA was sacrificed in the name of political expediency. In that respect, things look unevenly weighted against the UK. That, is probably an indicator in itself of how much more damage the UK is in danger of sustaining to this very day. Maybe the danger of the day in the Portugal of 2007 has faded - at least, not likely the subject of immense outrage. I believe that the political stakes are much higher in terms of damage for the UK right now. MUCH. This means that the powers that be will be monitoring public opinion as the case enters its death throes. Enter Ms Burley who has miraculously provided a barometric reading for them with her ambivalent article.

Unfortunately for SY and the Fat Controller (whomsoever that may be), there is one helluva brave guy standing in the way of any convenient exit route. Someone who has now dedicated his life to exposing the truth - like a proper policeman should. And he ain't budging any time soon.

So there will, in due course, be a mirroring of the sacrificial lamb here if the barometric readings fall and a storm threatens. Portugal will not be required to make the second sacrifice. Portugal probably has enough dry powder in reserve to do some persuading and cajoling of its own.

 In the end, it will come down to this: there are, as most here have always maintained, much bigger fish to be concerned about than the McCanns. When you play a high stakes game or fight a war, there comes a moment when you are forced to concede collateral damage. But not before the battlements have been moved back and secured.
Post of the day - athough it didn't make me smile.

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by aiyoyo 09.06.14 11:13

Two simple questions :

If MI5 were involved -

Why would MI5 allow Mark Harrison to suggest to PJ "think murder"; and to place McCanns under Police radar?

Why did Mark Harrison (assuming he's the SY officer Amaral refers to) tell his Portuguese counterpart about the MI5 call he received?

MI5 operation is typically covert and all that.......

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by fossey 09.06.14 11:17

Where and what is Mark Harrison doing these days?

Does anybody know?

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by AndyB 09.06.14 11:22

aiyoyo wrote:Two simple questions :

If MI5 were involved -

Why would MI5 allow Mark Harrison to suggest to PJ "think murder";  and to place McCanns under Police radar?

Why did Mark Harrison (assuming he's the SY officer Amaral refers to) tell his Portuguese counterpart about the MI5 call he received?

MI5 operation is typically covert and all that.......
If MI5 were involved, and there is a cover up...
I doubt that MI5 control Mark Harrison but if they did, murder explains Madeleine's disappearance without the need to go probing into the background and so the cover-up remains in place

The person that told Amaral about his meeting with MI5 did so because he assumed that he was talking to someone on the inside, a colleague, someone that could be relied upon to be discrete

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by Guest 09.06.14 11:23

aiyoyo wrote:Two simple questions :

If MI5 were involved -

Why would MI5 allow Mark Harrison to suggest to PJ "think murder";  and to place McCanns under Police radar?

Why did Mark Harrison (assuming he's the SY officer Amaral refers to) tell his Portuguese counterpart about the MI5 call he received?

MI5 operation is typically covert and all that.......

Good questions aiyoyo.

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by mouse 09.06.14 11:24

ChippyM wrote:
mouse wrote:At last! We have it.........Instead of all the speculation on here, we have real opinion of this whole circus of a supposed investigation being carried out in Portugal (imo of course) And from the only person who, again  imo, has real insight into the original investigation and  who's always had truth and justice for Madeleine in his sight.

GA - has taken us back to the beginning - the original investigation - and is not budging from his original conclusion no matter how hard other organisations want us to just move along now, as they say.  And for those who will say why didn't the Mccanns just go away and hide - it's no great conspiracy. Here's your answer (well, a big part of it) they didn't reckon on a man like GA, his unshakable character, a man that wouldn't go away. But for GA, the available police files and internet forums like these, they might have been able to hide away......but GA knows some truths - so they'll always have to fight their corner.

 Is GA not speculating?

 Obviously he knows everything about the original investigation and 'disappearance' but how does he know for sure that SY want to interview drug dealers and burglars?
No - I don't think he is. Didn't he say in this piece that in the orig. investigation certain lines by SY were being put forward to follow which he thought incredible then. I guess he is saying he has heard it all before. I also imagine he has friends still working for the PJ who are also of this opinion who are on the periphery of  the investigation now. Though of course this is speculation on my part and I wouldn't want to go there. As I don't with speculation on what SY is/or is not doing in the background of this case. 

I like to deal with facts as they come out, speculation gets you nowhere. GA and his expertise on this case is I'm afraid the only official voice I listen to now.

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by whatliesbehindthesofa 09.06.14 11:26

How did MI5 get the Portuguese authorities to agree to these excavations?

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Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks - Page 2 Empty Re: Latest interview with Dr Amaral - copied from Joana Morais - with thanks

Post by Truthandjustice 09.06.14 11:27

aiyoyo wrote:
Truthandjustice wrote:Big thanks to Joana for her wonderful work in translation. Without this we would be reliant on the total bull fed to us by SY and MSM.  GA is a beautifully clear voice of truth in the mire of confusion thank goodness he has not given up. I empathise with this brave man whose life has been ruined by this case and those who would silence him.

Correction :

Astro did the translation; Joana put up the link on her site.
Thanks to them both.

Thank you

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