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'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' Mm11

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'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' Mm11

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'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?'

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'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' Empty 'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?'

Post by Jill Havern 11.04.10 12:23

'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?'

'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' Cover+up+blair
While British Prime Minister Tony Blair is under criminal suspicion in the "honours-for-cash" scandal that has rocked his Labour government, we have been told that there is an even more explosive scandal that Blair, up to now, has managed to hide behind the draconian British policy of issuing "D-Notices," government orders that prohibit the British media from reporting on certain "national security" cases.

In 1999, an international investigation of child pornographers and paedophiles run by Britain's National Criminal Intelligence Service, code named Operation Ore, resulted in 7,250 suspects being identified in the United Kingdom alone. Some 1850 people were criminally charged in the case and there were 1451 convictions. Almost 500 people were interviewed "under caution" by police, meaning they were suspects. Some 900 individuals remain under investigation. In early 2003, British police began to close in on some top suspects in the Operation Ore investigation, including senior members of Blair's government.

However, Blair issued a D-Notice, resulting in a gag order on the press from publishing any details of the investigation. Blair cited the impending war in Iraq as a reason for the D-Notice. Police also discovered links between British Labour government paedophile suspects and the trafficking of children for purposes of prostitution from Belgium and Portugal (including young boys from the Casa Pia orphanage in Portugal).

Tony Blair: stifling investigations of paedophiles in his Labour government.

In the United States, Operation Ore's counterpart was Operation Avalanche. However, U.S. authorities only charged 100 people out of 35,000 investigated. The international paedophile investigation began when Dallas police and the US Postal Inspection Service raided the offices of Landslide Productions of Fort Worth, Texas and confiscated records on thousands of people around the world who were child pornography customers of the firm. Landslide's halcyon days as a Fort Worth-based international online marketplace of kiddie porn was during the term of Texas Governor George W. Bush.

WMR has learned that the Bush administration, like that of Blair, is rife with paedophiles in top positions. The paedophile network also extends to the U.S. defense industry, particularly some of the companies that have been involved in the sexual abuse of minors at overt and covert U.S. prisons in Abu Ghraib, Iraq; Guantanamo, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Thailand, and now, at three prisons in Ethiopia.

Source: Wayne Madsen more.../
Related: Blackout in Britain - Alleged Pedophiles Helm Blair's War Room

'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' 5
Jill Havern
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'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' Empty Re: 'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?'

Post by jimuck 21.06.12 22:21

I think we all know deep down why Madeleines body had to "disappear".... life experience should tell us why. If you dont ! then you are in for one hell of a shock when the truth is told.

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'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' Empty Re: 'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?'

Post by jimuck 21.06.12 22:30

Gaspar Statement.....

When he mentioned “this”, Dave was sucking on one of his fingers, pushing it inside and outside his mouth, while with the other hand he made a circle around his nipple, in a circulatory movement over his clothes. This was done in a provocative manner and carried an explicit insinuation in relation to what he was saying and doing.

I remember that I was shocked at this, and looked at Gerry, and also at Dave, to see their reactions. I looked around (page 4) as if saying “did anyone else hear this, or was it just me”. There was a "NERVOUS SILENCE" registered in "ALL" the conversations and afterwards, everyone began talking again.

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'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' Empty Re: 'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?'

Post by jd 22.06.12 0:42

jimuck wrote:I think we all know deep down why Madeleines body had to "disappear".... life experience should tell us why. If you dont ! then you are in for one hell of a shock when the truth is told.

Yes I totally agree with you jimuck....There is a very good reason why Maddies body had to disappear (some of us know), hence the abduction scam story, there can't be a body as this will reveal all

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'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' Empty Re: 'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?'

Post by mira2 25.06.12 22:49

jd on Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:42 am

jimuck wrote:I think we all know deep down why Madeleines body had to "disappear".... life experience should tell us why. If you dont ! then you are in for one hell of a shock when the truth is told.

Yes I totally agree with you jimuck....There is a very good reason why Maddies body had to disappear (some of us know), hence the abduction scam story, there can't be a body as this will reveal all
Ahhh handsome so this is where you are at these days, good to see you are still around.
We know deep down that the Tapas Group should have been investigated fully early on and eliminated from the investigation. Instead what we got was high level interference and expensive extradition lawyers acted on behalf of a Group of individuals who were so cash strapped that they used public donations in their high profile search for Madeleine to pay the mortgage (well that was until the public got wind of it), and imo siphon off the millions into a black hole.
handsome, you sumise that the only reason why Madeleine's body had to disappear was because their were paedophilia practices within this group.

My problem with that scenario is that if the Tapas Group were involved in such lowlife practices, and Madeleine was a victim of such, that alone would not factor in the high level of protection that this group received to the extent where they were being touted as EU Ambassadors for children.
What is intereasting is that after all this time we know little or nothing about this group, why were they in Praia that week, who paid for the jaunt, were this group of NHS professionals involved in New Labours secret mission back then to privatise the NHS? Why did the McCanns suddenly feel like they were the untouchables? Murdoch's little empire came to the rescue, it was the Gerry and Kate show.
What we do know is that Kate McCann was stressed, and if the jaunt to Praia was part of a high level UK Government of the day's secretive plan to sell of large sections of the NHS, (which we now know was a fact) Kate was not part of this.
I would be interesting in knowing Kate's state of mind back then and what she was doing in Praia, since it appears motherhood was not her focus.
See what I am getting at is that if this little jaunt to Portugal had political connections, any publicity surrounding it would not be welcome.

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'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' Empty Re: 'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?'

Post by jimuck 07.07.12 14:11

Hi mira ,,,,please open your eyes.

Richest man in England also a regular of prostitution ring in Spitzer scandal

The Royal “Duke of Westminster”.

“The British reports about Grosvenor said the duke’s prostitutes were young enough to be his daughters”

Comment 7 ?

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'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' Empty Re: 'Blair covering up paedophile scandal?'

Post by jimuck 07.07.12 14:28

In my opinion,,,this guy is telling us all what this is about.

Former News Of The World deputy feature editor Paul McMullan has told the Leveson Inquiry that 'privacy is for paedos'.

The journalist - one of several giving evidence at the high court in London on Tuesday - told Lord Justice Leveson: 'Privacy is the space bad people need to do bad things in.

'Privacy is evil; it brings out the worst qualities in people.

'Privacy is for paedos; fundamentally nobody else needs it.'


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