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Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann - Page 2 Mm11

Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann - Page 2 Regist10
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Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann - Page 2 Mm11

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Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann

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Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Me too : I think the McCanns were 'strange'

Post by Deeply Disillusioned 22.08.13 0:54

Starting at the very beginning of this dreadful case my gut instinct, unsupported by facts other than my perceptive observation as a non-medial/non-clinical person, made me regard both McCanns as the prime suspects.  There was always something odd, unnatural and definitely un-parental about both McCanns' behaviour.

When newspapers published diagrams of the distance of the sleeping children away from the restaurant, and the walking route, the McCanns utter indifference to the safety and welfare of their OWN children suggested grave irregularities. Especially as both doctors could have easily afforded the cheap services of a hotel supplied child minder. Normal parents would have routinely and unquestioningly used the child minding service, just to put their own minds at rest and know that THEIR children would be safe and well looked-after.  For some unexplained reason the McCanns did not think or act like 'normal' parents on that evening.

The McCann's behaviour on the night was so abnormal for any caring person, parent or otherwise, that it suggested to me their direct involvement in the disappearance and the fate of their own child.

The Portuguese police were a disaster. They failed to realise they were dealing with cunning, deceitful and merciless people (word substituted

This is my honest person opinion.

Deeply Disillusioned.
Deeply Disillusioned

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Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann

Post by PeterMac 22.08.13 7:20

Deeply Disillusioned wrote:
The McCann's behaviour on the night was so abnormal for any caring person, parent or otherwise, that it suggested to me their direct involvement in the disappearance and the fate of their own child.
The Portuguese police were a disaster. They failed to realise they were dealing with cunning, deceitful and merciless people (word substituted).
This is my honest person opinion
Deeply Disillusioned.
I do not think there is any evidence for the word "killers', if taken in a literal sense.
Perhaps you are using it metaphorically  - killing the truth - killing the enquiry - killing any possibility of their being believed by consistently changing their story in the first few days.

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Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann

Post by Guest 22.08.13 13:55

I don't feel that it's fair to describe the Portuguese police as a disaster.

While no doubt mistakes were made - as happens everywhere - how could they have foreseen the British government interference and obstructions which were put in their path?

Had this case involved lesser mortals than the McCanns and their cronies, I'm sure that it would have been resolved quickly.

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Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann

Post by Liz Eagles 22.08.13 14:33

PeterMac wrote:
Deeply Disillusioned wrote:
The McCann's behaviour on the night was so abnormal for any caring person, parent or otherwise, that it suggested to me their direct involvement in the disappearance and the fate of their own child.
The Portuguese police were a disaster. They failed to realise they were dealing with cunning, deceitful and merciless people (word substituted).
This is my honest person opinion
Deeply Disillusioned.
I do not think there is any evidence for the word "killers', if taken in a literal sense.
Perhaps you are using it metaphorically  - killing the truth - killing the enquiry - killing any possibility of their being believed by consistently changing their story in the first few days.
'Merciless killers' that's a new one on the forum from a newbie. Perhaps it's a forthcoming trend to reduce this forum to tw*tterism and gossip. It's also good to say 'this is my honest opinion' so I'll sign off this post by saying this is my honest and personal opinion.

I await the usual ticking off from people.
Liz Eagles
Liz Eagles

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Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann

Post by Guest 22.08.13 15:01

aquila wrote:
PeterMac wrote:
Deeply Disillusioned wrote:
The McCann's behaviour on the night was so abnormal for any caring person, parent or otherwise, that it suggested to me their direct involvement in the disappearance and the fate of their own child.
The Portuguese police were a disaster. They failed to realise they were dealing with cunning, deceitful and merciless people (word substituted).
This is my honest person opinion
Deeply Disillusioned.
I do not think there is any evidence for the word "killers', if taken in a literal sense.
Perhaps you are using it metaphorically  - killing the truth - killing the enquiry - killing any possibility of their being believed by consistently changing their story in the first few days.
'Merciless killers' that's a new one on the forum from a newbie. Perhaps it's a forthcoming trend to reduce this forum to tw*tterism and gossip. It's also good to say 'this is my honest opinion' so I'll sign off this post by saying this is my honest and personal opinion.

I await the usual ticking off from people.
No ticking off Aquila, thank you for bringing the post to my attention, I had not noticed that bit.  It has been changed.

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Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann

Post by Deeply Disillusioned 22.08.13 16:06

Peter Mac wrote

    I do not think there is any evidence for the word "killers', if taken in a literal sense.
    Perhaps you are using it metaphorically - killing the truth - killing the enquiry - killing any possibility of their being believed by consistently changing their story in the first few days.

I concur there is apparently no evidence. Obviously there may be evidence that exists but has not, for reasons unknown to me, been acted upon. I can not truthfully state whether evidence exists or it does not. I simply do not know.

Thank you for your constructive metaphorical suggestions. It is my understanding the Defamation laws of England allow one to have honest beliefs even when those honest believes are unsupported by facts providing the accusations are not made as statements of fact.

The McCann issues that continue to puzzle me are:-

  • Their behaviour including reactions which was radically different, in my opinion, from others in a similar or identical situation; and

  • Their failure as parents and guardians of their own children's care and well-being, to utilised an easily available and easily affordable hotel child minding service - something I believe all other parents, who could afford the fee, would have done without a second thought.

  • Mothers with young children, in my experience, usually pop-out briefly, about hourly, to check on her children even when there is a child minder. Its a mother's natural caring instinct - programmed in the mother's DNA.

The Portuguese police failed to treat the crime scene as a scene of a major crime. Mistakenly in a sleepy tourist town they did not expect the event would be so serious. One hopes next time they will be more aware of what rarely, thankfully, can happen.
Deeply Disillusioned

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Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann - Page 2 Empty Re: Dr Christian Ludke, Criminal Psychologist, talks about Kate and Gerry McCann

Post by Guest 22.08.13 17:00

I'm going to set up a new topic about the actions of the Portuguese police as we've gone off topic.

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