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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Mm11

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Mm11

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by mrscee 07.12.11 10:36

Hi, I am posting the below link for interest.  Seamus O'Riley is a US based blog which does ' statement analysis' examining the police statements and other communications of people in various cases.  I find it absolutely fascinating the way he breaks down the text and identifies why certain things point to deception!   It is based on the highly developed FBI statement analysis method.  The guy has no axe to grind and takes every piece on face value. Anyway, he has recently done an analysis of Kate Mccann's diary, which you may find interesting as it highlights all the areas of tensions which they would pick up on for further investigation.

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That link no longer works, but the whole article is here:
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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by jd 07.12.11 10:47

Thanks for posting this up MrsC..I will read this with great interest

I hope Seamus is ready for his carter ruck letter for libel....the mccanns are innocent remember, and have a god like status winkwink

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by MrsC 07.12.11 11:23

Thanks for posting the link - it's an excellent and very interesting read.

Perhaps Jeremy Vine would find it useful? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

ETA: I should imagine Mrs McCann will read the blog - no doubt her next novel will be more carefully written.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by mrscee 07.12.11 11:29

Perhaps Jeremy Vine would find it useful? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Ha ha, perhaps he would! GRRRRR! It is very interesting indeed I think. I particularly enjoyed the bits about questioning why in some parts she referred to Madeleine as just 'M' and in others ' madeleine'. Also the ordering exercise he goes through about the ' long day'. My thoughts exactly!

Also MrsC, I hope you don't mind that I am mrscee- I picked the username without realising!

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Xavier 07.12.11 11:37

I have come across this chap before, in the context of another case - Amanda Knox.

In that instance his detailed statement analysis drew conclusions of guilt from the words and expressions she used. However, he was using a translation of the statements. There is an obvious problem in this. Especially in the light of the appeal court ruling.

So I would suggest that members treat his writings with caution, and with a sceptical and unbiased eye.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by MrsC 07.12.11 11:37

mrscee wrote:

Also MrsC, I hope you don't mind that I am mrscee- I picked the username without realising!

MrsC/mrscee is a great name. The more the merrier! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by jd 07.12.11 12:10

MrsC wrote:
mrscee wrote:

Also MrsC, I hope you don't mind that I am mrscee- I picked the username without realising!

MrsC/mrscee is a great name. The more the merrier! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Mrs C, please could you change your avatar picture, It is disturbing!!!!! lol!

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by MrsC 07.12.11 13:22

jd wrote:

Mrs C, please could you change your avatar picture, It is disturbing!!!!! lol!

Here you go...

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by jd 07.12.11 13:36

jd wrote:

Mrs C, please could you change your avatar picture, It is disturbing!!!!! lol!

Here you go...

Wish I hadn't said anything now!!! aaagh my god thats dreadfull!!!!!

Who pulled the strings?...THE SYMINGTONS..And the Scottish connections...Look no further if you dare

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Pershing36 07.12.11 13:51

Have any of the McCanns libel actions been successful against anyone in the USA?

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by jd 07.12.11 13:53

Pershing36 wrote:Have any of the McCanns libel actions been successful against anyone in the USA?

Not that I know of. Pat Brown is the first one I think. They did scare Amazon with libel action and they complied immediately

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Pershing36 07.12.11 15:33

jd wrote:
Pershing36 wrote:Have any of the McCanns libel actions been successful against anyone in the USA?

Not that I know of. Pat Brown is the first one I think. They did scare Amazon with libel action and they complied immediately

Interesting, I wonder what would happen if somebody published a book in America? I have a feeling that the yanks wouldn't bend over so easily, they love a scrap with the UK and the rest of the world over law matters.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Guest 07.12.11 15:40

Pershing36 wrote:Have any of the McCanns libel actions been successful against anyone in the USA?

Have they actually succeeded anywhere in the world? I mean where a proper libel trial has resulted in a win for them?

All I have seen is letters from Carter Ruck used to silence people. Some obeyed, others have not. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Some have even given them vast amounts of money without going to court. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Galloway too?

Post by crewman 07.12.11 15:42

Having just read the link to George Galloway's comments on the case, one of the things that stuck with me was this line:

I have been in and around the Ocean Club in the sleepy Algarve village of Praia da Luz for more than 20 years.....

Et tu, George? How many other notable luminaries of the business and political world - all mentioned on here before - are so well acquainted with the Ocean Club and the village parish of PDL?

Who'd a thought a sleepy little Portuguese fishing resort would be so renowned among so many of the country's high fliers?

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Badboys 07.12.11 19:05

crewman wrote:Having just read the link to George Galloway's comments on the case, one of the things that stuck with me was this line:

I have been in and around the Ocean Club in the sleepy Algarve village of Praia da Luz for more than 20 years.....

Et tu, George? How many other notable luminaries of the business and political world - all mentioned on here before - are so well acquainted with the Ocean Club and the village parish of PDL?

Who'd a thought a sleepy little Portuguese fishing resort would be so renowned among so many of the country's high fliers?

IT is said that a number of people connected with the symingtons may have gone up there(oc,that is),once they entertained john major,they are supposed to have connections with a late someone(wine merchant) who knew the director of control risks.

Clement raphael freud lived locally.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by rainbow-fairy 08.12.11 1:16

This is fantastic news - I just hope we get Part Two etc.
I have now for months been fiercely hoping that SA would assess the McCann case. Its maybe helped that several of us here have posted up links from the blog before. The facts and realities of the case are so blatant to your averagely intelligent person, its only remained under the public radar for so long due to the sycophantic support of journo's (one cringes while thinking of Lorraine Kelly). Someone posted on another thread here that it seems the case is going viral again, and the tide of public opinion is turning - I'm quietly optimistic this is so. Not before time...
As an aside, did everyone read the 98 comments? There seemed to be very sensible points made, especially by Hobnob, but there seemed to be an unsubtle attempt at derailment going on - a sub-topic-commenting on Santa?!? Bizarre!

"Ask the dogs, Sandra" - Gerry McCann to Sandra Felgueiras[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Angelique 08.12.11 1:52


Yes I agree hobnob's comments were excellent.

I didn't realise that the Santa discussion was some sort of " derailment" - I did wonder why it should have appeared in the middle of an intense discussion.

I am looking forward to Part II as well.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by annabel 08.12.11 5:35

Part II

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by rainbow-fairy 08.12.11 8:08

annabel wrote:Part II

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Thanks annabel - now off to read!

"Ask the dogs, Sandra" - Gerry McCann to Sandra Felgueiras[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Truth is artless and innocent - like the eloquence of nature, it is clothed with simplicity and easy persuasion; always open to investigation and analysis, it seeks exposure because it fears not detection.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by tigger 08.12.11 8:47

mrscee wrote:Hi, I am posting the below link for interest. Seamus O'Riley is a US based blog which does ' statement analysis' examining the police statements and other communications of people in various cases. I find it absolutely fascinating the way he breaks down the text and identifies why certain things point to deception! It is based on the highly developed FBI statement analysis method. The guy has no axe to grind and takes every piece on face value. Anyway, he has recently done an analysis of Kate Mccann's diary, which you may find interesting as it highlights all the areas of tensions which they would pick up on for further investigation.

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I'll have to go through it again but thanks for posting this. For a start the first few weeks of the diary were written post hoc. So hardly a diary.

What struck me particularly is that M gets mentioned by an initial, the twins not at all (they most probably slept with the other children in another apartment). M pulling away - hmm, seems a bit of resentment here, something Maddie did on another occasion?

One explanation for the insistence on the name Madeleine instead of Maddie may be a conscious creation of distance. The iconic photograph and the name Madeleine together represented quite a different girl.

Most consistent of all is the endless, useless, pointless listing of all the interesting things that Kate does. This only serves to highlight all the things that aren't in the diary.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Liz Eagles 08.12.11 9:19

1. Nobody from police introduced themselves.
2. Nobody offered her drink or food.
3. The clothing/appearance of police, and their habit of smoking
4. No one offered sympathy.
5. Far from inspiring.

I found the above little lot disturbing. IMO it's incredibly self-absorbed. If no-one introduced themselves why not ask them who they are? If nobody offered drink or food why not ask for a drink if you are thirsty? As to the food, who would have an appetite under these circumstances?

Now the clothing and the appearance of the police who smoke...who would give a b*gger? Not really the point is it when they're investigating the disappearance of a precious daughter.

No-one offered sympathy....beggars belief. Why would they offer sympathy? A child had disappeared after being left alone in an apartment with two other little ones. The police were interested in finding her and finding out what happened to her. Correct me if I'm wrong but in all the police cases I've ever read, those closest to the missing person are the first to be suspected/eliminated from the investigation. They are also questioned to provide vital information to assist the police.

Far from inspiring. I have no words for this one.

In an imaginary setting perhaps it is to be expected that the parent of a missing child goes to the police where they introduce themselves wearing suits, offer tea and sympathy (and a sandwich or perhaps a light lunch) and tell you they'll have the missing child back by tea-time as they've put every single top police officer and top detective (who've polished their shoes especially) on the case. Inspiring.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Guest 08.12.11 9:25

That's right Aquila. When faced with the worst kind of fear possible to mankind, eating, drinking and whether someone looks smart or not, is the last thing on your mind. People usually stop eating, forget to drink and generally stop taking care of themselves for months, sometimes years.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Liz Eagles 08.12.11 9:36

Stella wrote:That's right Aquila. When faced with the worst kind of fear possible to mankind, eating, drinking and whether someone looks smart or not, is the last thing on your mind. People usually stop eating, forget to drink and generally stop taking care of themselves for months, sometimes years.

Obviously not ALL people Stella...some go jogging, do their hair, wear make-up, have a better sleep, write a diary, set up a fund, jet around the world, meet the Pope, set up a fund (did I mention set up a fund?)...the list is endless innit?
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Liz Eagles

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by mrscee 08.12.11 9:53

There is a very disturbing bit in the next section of this which Annable has posted a link to about the Madeleine and her ' fear of pain' . Also in the comments, someone ( I think hobnob) has mentioned Kate saying somewhere ( not sure where) she expected to find Madeleiene 'cowering' in a cupboard, and how disturbing that use of the word cowering is. Very disturbing indeed.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Guest 08.12.11 10:08

From Piers Morgan interview transcript.........

MORGAN: You went down to tell Gerry straight away?

K. MCCANN: Yes. I just basically and quickly whisked around the apartment, like 15 seconds. I don't know why. In my head, I was just thinking if someone's been in and she's cowering somewhere I guess is why I did it. And then it just flew out through the back, down the stairs to the restaurant.

Link no longer working.


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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Guest 08.12.11 10:16

I think that in the sense of IF there had been an intruder, the use of the word "cowering" is reasonable as anyone would be frightened in such a situation.

I am hoping that it does not mean that Madeleine had cause to be cowering away in fear on previous occasions.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by rainbow-fairy 08.12.11 10:19

aquila wrote:
Stella wrote:That's right Aquila. When faced with the worst kind of fear possible to mankind, eating, drinking and whether someone looks smart or not, is the last thing on your mind. People usually stop eating, forget to drink and generally stop taking care of themselves for months, sometimes years.

Obviously not ALL people Stella...some go jogging, do their hair, wear make-up, have a better sleep, write a diary, set up a fund, jet around the world, meet the Pope, set up a fund (did I mention set up a fund?)...the list is endless innit?
Mustn't forget, aquila, the careful choosing of which Necklace to wear and colour co-ordinating her hair ribbons...

"Ask the dogs, Sandra" - Gerry McCann to Sandra Felgueiras[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Truth is artless and innocent - like the eloquence of nature, it is clothed with simplicity and easy persuasion; always open to investigation and analysis, it seeks exposure because it fears not detection.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by jd 08.12.11 10:25

rainbow-fairy wrote:
aquila wrote:
Stella wrote:That's right Aquila. When faced with the worst kind of fear possible to mankind, eating, drinking and whether someone looks smart or not, is the last thing on your mind. People usually stop eating, forget to drink and generally stop taking care of themselves for months, sometimes years.

Obviously not ALL people Stella...some go jogging, do their hair, wear make-up, have a better sleep, write a diary, set up a fund, jet around the world, meet the Pope, set up a fund (did I mention set up a fund?)...the list is endless innit?
Mustn't forget, aquila, the careful choosing of which Necklace to wear and colour co-ordinating her hair ribbons...

Don't forget the colour co-ordinated wristbands

Who pulled the strings?...THE SYMINGTONS..And the Scottish connections...Look no further if you dare

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by Guest 08.12.11 10:30

jd wrote:
rainbow-fairy wrote:
aquila wrote:
Stella wrote:That's right Aquila. When faced with the worst kind of fear possible to mankind, eating, drinking and whether someone looks smart or not, is the last thing on your mind. People usually stop eating, forget to drink and generally stop taking care of themselves for months, sometimes years.

Obviously not ALL people Stella...some go jogging, do their hair, wear make-up, have a better sleep, write a diary, set up a fund, jet around the world, meet the Pope, set up a fund (did I mention set up a fund?)...the list is endless innit?
Mustn't forget, aquila, the careful choosing of which Necklace to wear and colour co-ordinating her hair ribbons...

Don't forget the colour co-ordinated wristbands

More than any of this, I would never, however dirty it got, have washed Cuddlecat.

I still have something of my Dad's, a tankard, that is full of 40 years worth of dust by the looks of it and I still cannot after many years, bring myself to clean it out. He used to store sentimental items inside it and I would feel that I'm washing all of those memories away, if I washed it out now.

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Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary Empty Re: Statement Analysis of Kate McCann's diary

Post by jd 08.12.11 10:32

Nobody would have washed cuddlecat in this situation, but then this story is a scam

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