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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Mm11

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The tapas phone autopsy

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Gillyspot 22.08.11 15:38

From the Mirror regarding Gerry's telephone usage on the holiday.

"Police applied to Portugal's supreme court to seize his phone records after learning of the alleged messages.

They claim Gerry was sent 10 texts from an unknown number 24 hours before Madeleine disappeared.

And detectives say four messages arrived from the same mystery number the day after she went missing, according to court documents.

But Gerry and wife Kate have dismissed the claims as "utter rubbish".

A source close to them said: "They have had their phone records available for inspection for months. But the police never asked for them. And now they have formally asked, they have been refused.

"Any suggestion of Gerry receiving 10 texts the day before Madeleine disappeared are utter rubbish.

"He hardly used his phone during the holiday and most of the friends with them didn't even have mobiles.

"The only time his phone rang was when work called and he explained he was on holiday. There are no mystery texts. Gerry has nothing to hide
. It's yet more nonsense coming from Portugal."

All I can say is Hmm!

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 22.08.11 15:50

Kiko has more on this, but I think he said that they were 12 voicemail messages, during a time he kept his phone switched off and that the PJ never found out who they were from.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 23.08.11 8:54

1. The 3 national mobile telephone operators (TMN, Vodaphone and Optimus) be requested to provide digital support (CD or DVD) with the complete listings of telephone traffic referring to the calls received and made during the period of time from 28th April 2007 t0 9th September 2007 including mobile phone location and trace back, as well as roaming calls and SMS and MMS messages and their respective contents for the following phone numbers:

- 00447786986188 Gerald McCann
- 00447903108397 Kate Healy
- 00447748844837 David Payne
- 00447796272586 Fiona Payne
- 00447790327853 Diane Webster
- 00447713258795 Russell O'Brien
- 00447808584191 Jane Tanner
- 00447771591456 Matthew Oldfield
- 00447818520047 a telephone number that has not yet been identified, which on 2nd May 2007 sent 14 written SMS messages to Gerald McCann and another 4 on the day following Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 23.08.11 10:49

I don't know if this is correct, I know I'm missing one call on the 29th and not quite sure about the split of calls and voicemails on the 2nd, but the rest is correct I think.

red / VM
black / calls
no calls
same as Kate
alarm is raised

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by LG78 23.08.11 11:20

I guess 0044 its the land code to call from a foreign phone. So thats not part of the phonenumber.. if we remove the landcodeThen we get the number 7818520047 - and that number is located in Burlington.. I might be totaly wrong also lol, .searching without 0044 gave this..

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Newintown 23.08.11 11:27

LG78 wrote:I guess 0044 its the land code to call from a foreign phone. So thats not part of the phonenumber.. if we remove the landcodeThen we get the number 7818520047 - and that number is located in Burlington.. I might be totaly wrong also lol, .searching without 0044 gave this..

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Or was it an indian number

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Burlington - Wiltshire's Underground City

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Strange that it is a nucleur underground bunker and Gerry is on a government committee to do with radioactivity in children.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 23.08.11 11:41

The phone numbers starting with "07" are UK mobile numbers which have already been extensively researched by Kiko. You cannot find their owners using a conventional phone search engine but you can - quite legitimately - pay a company to do so, which in fact is what Kiko did.

I think the Burlington number found is possibly a land line in the States?


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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 23.08.11 11:49

alison wrote:The phone numbers starting with "07" are UK mobile numbers which have already been extensively researched by Kiko. You cannot find their owners using a conventional phone search engine but you can - quite legitimately - pay a company to do so, which in fact is what Kiko did.

I think the Burlington number found is possibly a land line in the States?

Hi Alison

Was just about to post the same... In addition, looks like 07818 is the Vodaphone mobile network code....interesting to see if anyone around the case is on this network.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 23.08.11 14:17

I hope I've got this right, if so, Kate goes crazy on the 1st after 2 days of silence !!

red / VM
black / calls
no calls
same as Gerry
alarm is raised

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by LG78 23.08.11 14:24

Stella wrote:I hope I've got this right, if so, Kate goes crazy on the 1st after 2 days of silence !!

red / VM
black / calls
no calls
same as Gerry
alarm is raised

'seem like u are right. Maybe the girl Gerry invited to the table had something to do with it? Is it phone calls or messages or both we se on this time table? Maybe she had a argument with him over the phone? Maybe she was so desperatly in love with him, and he might not pay her all that attention she wanted, maybe she staged something to bring him back to her? You never no, there are so manye selfish sick people this days...

Is it that day that the plings for Gerrys phone are missing?

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 23.08.11 14:32

That's the thing LG78, I'm still looking for the section that confirms her text messages. Some of those I have listed as calls may very well be voicemail, until I find the right document I'm leaving them in place as calls.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 23.08.11 15:05

Kate's calls up to the 4th as per the PJ (but this does not correspond with the other records !!!)

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Gerry's calls up to the 4th

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 23.08.11 15:40

From 'A Verdade Da Mentira', by Goncalo Amaral;

The PJ check Kate and Gerry's phone records. Kate did not make any phone calls between the 27th April and the 4th of May which arouses suspicions. And hasn't received any between 11:22 on the 2nd of May and 23:17 of the 3rd. Gerry's phone has no record of calls before the 4th at 00:15. But there is a record on Kate's phone of a phone call from her husband on the 3rd May at 23:17. The same record doesn't exist on Gerry's phone. So the records were deleted. Why?

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 23.08.11 15:50

- Yes, I think so: between April 27th and May 4th, Kate did not make any calls. Hum...

- None either, between 11.22am and 11.17pm on the night of the disappearance.

- Kate mustn't like making telephone calls...

- For Gerald, there's nothing before May 4th at exactly 12.15am

- What does that mean? They never made phone calls then?

- Wait, there's something here. Look at the number at the top of the list.

- Yes, so?

- On her telephone, her husbands' number is logged: she called him on May 3rd at 11.17pm, but on Gerald's, nothing, no trace of that call!

- How can that be explained?

- It's simple as anything: the list of calls has been deleted.

- Always the same old question: why?

Summing up: the first phone calls were exchanged one hour after the disappearance. It could be imagined that in that lapse of time, they were busy looking for their daughter. Nevertheless, it's astonishing that they didn't need to speak to each other at such a difficult time.

Later I learn that the English secret service had already placed the couple under telephone surveillance. If that's true, the Portuguese police were never informed.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 23.08.11 15:58

Thus the number appears to be a message box for Gerald McCann that sends him an SMS when his mobile is unable to accept a call (because it is out of range or turned off). However, when he was asked by "Expresso TV" on 6th September 2008 about the "sixteen SMS messages" received, he flustered:

"No one has ever asked to see any of my text messages. There is no way that there 16 messages on that day or even the day after, you know. You know, the day after, you know that we got..." Kate McCann came to his rescue and interrupted; "Gerry hardly ever sends text messages until the day after, the day after Madeleine was taken". Gerald McCann continued: "so you know that it is actually rubbish"

Their McCann's denials were, of course, technically true although perhaps disingenuous - because there were only 14 messages received on the day before they reported Madeleine missing and two on the day after.

There were 16 SMS messages, in total, so why prevaricate and deny an allegation that was never made. The question was about received messages, not those sent, and on the day before not on 3rd May 2007 or the day after! In the field of forensic linguistics you must always concentrate on the precise wording of denials and especially on those of allegations not made. The denials made by the McCanns are suspicious. However, Mrs McCann's statement about her husband not sending SMS messages, until after Madeleine's disappearance, is confirmed by Vodafone's records.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Me 23.08.11 16:05

Stella wrote:From 'A Verdade Da Mentira', by Goncalo Amaral;

The PJ check Kate and Gerry's phone records. Kate did not make any phone calls between the 27th April and the 4th of May which arouses suspicions. And hasn't received any between 11:22 on the 2nd of May and 23:17 of the 3rd. Gerry's phone has no record of calls before the 4th at 00:15. But there is a record on Kate's phone of a phone call from her husband on the 3rd May at 23:17. The same record doesn't exist on Gerry's phone. So the records were deleted. Why?

I read that to mean the PJ checked the handsets rather than the mobile company's records. I take it to mean that call logs on the handsets themselves were deleted rather than they didn't make calls which were subsequently found from the mobile operator's records.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 24.08.11 8:09

Me wrote:
Stella wrote:From 'A Verdade Da Mentira', by Goncalo Amaral;

The PJ check Kate and Gerry's phone records. Kate did not make any phone calls between the 27th April and the 4th of May which arouses suspicions. And hasn't received any between 11:22 on the 2nd of May and 23:17 of the 3rd. Gerry's phone has no record of calls before the 4th at 00:15. But there is a record on Kate's phone of a phone call from her husband on the 3rd May at 23:17. The same record doesn't exist on Gerry's phone. So the records were deleted. Why?

I read that to mean the PJ checked the handsets rather than the mobile company's records. I take it to mean that call logs on the handsets themselves were deleted rather than they didn't make calls which were subsequently found from the mobile operator's records.

Oh yes[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] The first bit talks of "phone records", but the second bit says "phone has no record", which absolutely means Gerry's phone has been deleted of all his calls and voicemails. Thanks Me.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Me 24.08.11 8:14

No problem, i wonder if SY are following this line of enquiry because to me the phone records and the deletion of calls on the handsets sticks out like a sore thumb.

Who were they calling and why and more than that why did they feel the need to delete the calls from their handset?

Have they ever faced questions on these issues?

Like everything else related to the McCann's in this case, something isn't right.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 24.08.11 8:24

Good morning Me.

Kiko has informed us that his full, professional analysis has been hand delivered to SY. There is no excuse then and it will save them huge amounts of time and money. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

BTW, Kiko knows who the voicemails were from that got deleted and if you or anyone else would like to know who he is, follow him on twitter 'kikoratton' Dewi Lennard. Read all the way back.

It was not a work colleague at Glenfield Hospital. Kate said he had been contacted by someone at work. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 24.08.11 9:13

alison wrote:

The phone numbers starting with "07" are UK mobile numbers which have already been extensively researched by Kiko. You cannot find their owners using a conventional phone search engine but you can - quite legitimately - pay a company to do so, which in fact is what Kiko did.

Is there any way of finding out if Gerry and this person (IS) are in the same lodge ?

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Me 24.08.11 11:27

Interesting stuff Stella. Has there ever been on the forum a cross sectional analysis on the crèche and phone records, or are you keeping that back for now?

It would be interesting to see if conclusions can be drawn regarding the stand in Maddie and crèche records when viewed side by side against calls received, sent or messaged by the McCann’s and others.

I haven’t seen a definitive list of calls made, received and messegaed by the McCann's from Kiko's Tweets, again is that being withheld from the public forums for the moment?

I view the subject of the crèche records with an open mind but something clearly happened there with the released records because there appears to be signifcant issues with them. It would be nice if the phone records helped corroborate the theory regarding the creche records.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 24.08.11 12:11

Me wrote:Interesting stuff Stella. Has there ever been on the forum a cross sectional analysis on the crèche and phone records, or are you keeping that back for now?

One has not been done as yet, it will have to be my next project !!! I'm currently using Kiko's tweets to update GM's calls.

It would be interesting to see if conclusions can be drawn regarding the stand in Maddie and crèche records when viewed side by side against calls received, sent or messaged by the McCann’s and others.

It would be interesting, but we have to remember apart from the one call he took on the 3rd, for a total of 88 hours leading up to that call, he did not speak to anyone.

I haven’t seen a definitive list of calls made, received and messegaed by the McCann's from Kiko's Tweets, again is that being withheld from the public forums for the moment?

I think this will have to be work in progress, as I now know a bit more and will post a new one up soon.

I view the subject of the crèche records with an open mind but something clearly happened there with the released records because there appears to be signifcant issues with them. It would be nice if the phone records helped corroborate the theory regarding the creche records.


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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Me 24.08.11 12:33

Stella wrote:
Me wrote:Interesting stuff Stella. Has there ever been on the forum a cross sectional analysis on the crèche and phone records, or are you keeping that back for now?

One has not been done as yet, it will have to be my next project !!! I'm currently using Kiko's tweets to update GM's calls.

It would be interesting to see if conclusions can be drawn regarding the stand in Maddie and crèche records when viewed side by side against calls received, sent or messaged by the McCann’s and others.

It would be interesting, but we have to remember apart from the one call he took on the 3rd, for a total of 88 hours leading up to that call, he did not speak to anyone.

I haven’t seen a definitive list of calls made, received and messegaed by the McCann's from Kiko's Tweets, again is that being withheld from the public forums for the moment?

I think this will have to be work in progress, as I now know a bit more and will post a new one up soon.

I view the subject of the crèche records with an open mind but something clearly happened there with the released records because there appears to be signifcant issues with them. It would be nice if the phone records helped corroborate the theory regarding the creche records.

I know what you're saying about the "radio silence" on their phones but i wonder if the alleged stand in's parents were contacted by phone and if the Naylor's were as well.

Plus it would be nice to see if call times and locations match up with entries in the creche records and the movements they claimed they made in their statements.

It's probably nothing substantial but given the nature of this lead it's one worth investigating and ruling in or out.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty creche records vs phone records

Post by Guest 24.08.11 15:58

It looks like it would be hard to do this comparison for some days are there are gaps in the publicly available phone records... not clear if this is because there weren't calls at all, the records were obtained but not made public in the police files..... or the records are there but I'm being a bit dim and can't see them.

However, there is some analysis done to asses their movements in conjunction with the phone calls on this deleted call link:

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30 April is interesting. This was the day that Gerry did the creche runs for morning drop off 0920/0930 and pick up 12.10/12.15, then Kate did the afternoon run.. and on the afternoon run she seems to have put the Madeleine in the creche at 15.15, then put the twins into their creche at 15.25, then back to get Madeleine out of the creche at 15.30... wonder what she did with her in the afternoon.
I don't have KM's book as don't want to pay for it...but if anyone has access to it would be good to see what she says happened on this day..

The only phone records that seem to be public for this day are for DP who had
calls at 0846 and 1550..

As an aside, the creche records themselves are interesting - for the Jellyfish club, the records are neat, all the parents manage to sign their own children in and out successfully and the parents also manage to remember their room numbers and children's names.. the same can't be said for the Lobsters club records which are messy, have errors and apparently children being left in the creche overnight as their parents haven't signed them out... winkwink

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 2 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by pauline 24.08.11 16:24

Stewie wrote:
I don't have KM's book as don't want to pay for it...but if anyone has access to it would be good to see what she says happened on this day..

Stewie, would your principles permit you to borrow from the local library. It is really interesting reading it when you have done your own research. I got someone to pay for it who believed the McCanns'!

When you return the book to the library you could put neatly inside (or maybe write in somewhere) a list of websites such as this one where the next reader could get more information.

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