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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Woofer 26.01.13 17:35

Southern Gal - its good to go over old ground. There`s just too much info to keep in one`s mind all the time and I know I tend to forget stuff.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by southern_gal 26.01.13 17:44

Gillyspot wrote:And of course Katey's calls are on the same night that Mrs Fenn heard children crying for over an hour.

From Mrs Fenn's Statement

She also refers to the day of the 1st May 2007, when she was at home alone, at approximately 22.30 she heard a child cry, and that due the tone of the crying seemed to be a young child and not a baby of two years of age or younger. Apart from the crying that continued for approximately one hour and fifteen minutes, and which got louder and more expressive, the child shouted ?Daddy, Daddy?, the witness had no doubt that the noise came from the floor below. At about 23.45, an hour and fifteen minutes after the crying began, she heard the parents arrive, she did not see them, but she heard the patio doors open, she was quite worried as the crying had gone on for more than an hour and had gradually got worse.

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So Katey's last call was 22.27 and crying started at 22.30 approx.


Here's one of the things I was looking for. Commonly when a child is upset and crying they typically call out for the mother especially when this is the parent who does most of the child rearing yet Maddie was heard crying for "daddy". From the interactions via photos and video of GM with his children he doesn't appear to be the nurturing type.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Woofer 26.01.13 17:51

Remember, that Mrs. Fenn hearing the patio doors open, doesn`t necessarily mean someone was arriving - it could mean someone was leaving. And we don`t know whether the cry was `for` Daddy or `at` Daddy.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by southern_gal 26.01.13 17:57

Guest wrote:
LG78 wrote:Why arent there any overview of GM calls/sms made on May 1th? seems like Kate had a lot of calls that day...
Yes LG78, Gerry's call activity for the 1st must have been witheld by the PJ. Along with all the others for some strange reason. Let's hope Kiko has this information somewhere.


Here are KM and GM's phone data for the 1st. That evening Maddie was heard crying and calling out for GM, KM makes a serious of back to back very short calls and the record for GM's phone are withheld. Hmmm.....


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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Or...

Post by Guest 26.01.13 19:24

Woofer wrote:Remember, that Mrs. Fenn hearing the patio doors open, doesn`t necessarily mean someone was arriving - it could mean someone was leaving. And we don`t know whether the cry was `for` Daddy or `at` Daddy.

Couldn't it have been KM crying for 'Maddie'?

This could explain why the poor child was so zealously restyled Madeleine.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 26.01.13 19:43

Or Sean crying "Maddie" ... ?
I've said it before and I say it again:
- Eddie reacted on the red T-shirt, Sean was wearing afterwards
- Sean was definitely IMO drugged, when they landed in UK after flying PT

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by southern_gal 26.01.13 20:08

Châtelaine wrote:Or Sean crying "Maddie" ... ?
I've said it before and I say it again:
- Eddie reacted on the red T-shirt, Sean was wearing afterwards
- Sean was definitely IMO drugged, when they landed in UK after flying PT

The red shirt has always confused me. I suspect that the children were medicated for convenience but don't think Eddie reacted to this shirt because of this particular scent. In the forensic photos of the family's clothing I don't recall any that Maddie had worn. Who requested their clothes to be washed by the MW staff on the 4th?


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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by southern_gal 26.01.13 20:27

Guest wrote:Updated chart using info supplied by Kiko's tweets.

red / VM
black / calls
no calls
same as Kate
same as Kate but Gerry deletes it on his phone
alarm is raised
voicemails from unknown source
only call taken by Gerry after 88 hours of taking no calls
Gerry saves this voicemail, then turns off his phone


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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by southern_gal 26.01.13 20:32

Stewie wrote:it also appears that there were a number of portuguese phones being used on that holiday... DP statement indicates that by late evening on the friday they had portuguese phones in their hands sorted out by a portuguese friend of FP's brother in law (SA) maybe there were other phones available earlier than the friday, which could acount for the huge gaps in their uk mobile records.... can't believe that portuguese phones needed because they didn't have a charger!
Portuguese mobiles also mentioned in JT and FP's rogatory interviews....

would love to see the call records for these portuguese mobiles!

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1485 "The same yeah. Okay, we'll move on, this is a small number and it, it is ***."
Reply "So that's a local number?"

1485 "I think..."
01:26:10 Reply "Yeah, I mean it may well have been SA gave us a contact of someone that was a friend of the family in Portugal who could get us mobile phones because Kate and Gerry hadn't got any contact, way of contacting, their batteries were running out or something like that so SAhad basically said there's, these people that we know there and that could have been it."
1485 "Or, because then there were two text messages sent about half past, about ten o' clock on the Friday evening to that number."

Reply "Oh to that number, well that wouldn't make sense."
1485 "No."
Reply "Err..."

1485 "From that number to your number."
Reply "Oh, it could have been then, if they text me saying oh I hope everything's alright, you've got the phones and everything, that's the only thing."

[url= [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The importance of phone calls

The extensive analysis that is carried out on all telephone communications that were made by the nine English people during their entire stay in Portugal is an important detail of the official investigation into Maddie's disappearance.

It is Jane Tanner who reveals to the English police that David and Fiona Payne used a Portuguese mobile phone at the time when Madeleine disappeared, a situation that was not even unique given the fact that Kate and Gerry McCann also had phones with a Portuguese chip at their disposal, some of which were never known to the PJ.

When questioned in England about her own phone communications, Jane Tanner identifies all of the correspondents as being friends or relatives, yet fails to identify the owner of a Portuguese mobile phone whom she calls and sends text messages after Maddie's disappearance. The question would never be clarified.

This is the first I've heard about this but it does answer some of the ?'s I have had.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Inspectorfrost 26.01.13 23:03

01:26:10 Reply "Yeah, I mean it may well have been SA gave us a contact of someone that was a friend of the family in Portugal who could get us mobile phones because Kate and Gerry hadn't got any contact, way of contacting, their batteries were running out or something like that


Do batteries on mobiles run out?


I also wonder who KM was texting or phoning that tuesday night


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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by russiandoll 26.01.13 23:18

Unless I have misread ,there are no records of K or G phone activity for April 30th, the day about which virtually nothing was said in Kate's book. the day Maddie was signed out of creche in the p.m. after 15 minutes while the twins stayed in theirs apparently. A break in the established routine which I would have expected to be described more fully in a book titled " madeleine".
A very significant day imo.
I have always wondered was it one of the twins crying for Maddie 1st May, missing big sister who was no longer there?


             The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate,
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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Inspectorfrost 26.01.13 23:26

russiandoll wrote:Unless I have misread ,there are no records of K or G phone activity for April 30th, the day about which virtually nothing was said in Kate's book. the day Maddie was signed out of creche in the p.m. after 15 minutes while the twins stayed in theirs apparently. A break in the established routine which I would have expected to be described more fully in a book titled " madeleine".
A very significant day imo.
I have always wondered was it one of the twins crying for Maddie 1st May, missing big sister who was no longer there?

she had her photo taken on 1st may at the tennis leson so i doubt she wasnt there anymore on the monday

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by russiandoll 26.01.13 23:31

sorry I am confused....... the tennis lesson was in the daytime, the crying was late evening I believe? can you please elaborate a little on what you meant in your post re the Monday[30th?]


             The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate,
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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Inspectorfrost 26.01.13 23:47

russiandoll wrote:sorry I am confused....... the tennis lesson was in the daytime, the crying was late evening I believe? can you please elaborate a little on what you meant in your post re the Monday[30th?]
i may be mistaken but i thought you meant madeleine was gone on 30 april
which cant be right if she was playing tennis the next day

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by worriedmum 27.01.13 10:52

but wasn't there confusion over who took the tennis photo, and on what day? Was it produced straight away or after Gerry had been back to the uk? I haven't read Kate's book, but if she said she took it, why wasn't it used as the best recent picture to help the search?

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 27.01.13 11:15

Indeed there is confusion over this photo and not just because of the miraculous differences in Madeleine from the poolside photo!

Kate claimed ownership in the book but Rachael said that Jane had taken it. I don't know if Jane was ever asked if she did.

From memory, the tennis ball photo was published within a week.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Lady-Heather 27.01.13 13:01

As far as I'm aware, there's no proof that the tennis court photo was taken on 1st May 2007. It is only their word for it that places Madeleine McCann as being alive, and at Luz on that date.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Nina 27.01.13 13:30

Lady-Heather wrote:As far as I'm aware, there's no proof that the tennis court photo was taken on 1st May 2007. It is only their word for it that places Madeleine McCann as being alive, and at Luz on that date.

Hi Lady-Heather. Yes they are placing Madeleine in Luz, but all we see is a little girl, all alone, not even a shadow of another by her. It says to me a little girl on a tennis court. It doesn't say Luz or May 1st.

Not one more cent from me.

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Inspectorfrost 27.01.13 22:08

Jean wrote:Indeed there is confusion over this photo and not just because of the miraculous differences in Madeleine from the poolside photo!

Kate claimed ownership in the book but Rachael said that Jane had taken it. I don't know if Jane was ever asked if she did.

From memory, the tennis ball photo was published within a week.
Jane does make reference to the tennis court photo in her rogatory interview and suggests it was her that took it. Unfortunately I cant search for the quote as I am on an ipad 1 at the moment.
Rachel got her days mixed up, Madeleine was not having a tennis lesson on Thursday morning as she was on a boat trip at the time! So not sure how reliable a witness she is anyway about much.

Also I can't believe that KM *rushed* back to her flat to get a camera to take photos. Not as if Madeleine was goingto get a cup or something.

I'm still wondering why Kates camera and photos are not in the PJ files.


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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Lance De Boils 28.01.13 9:40

Guest wrote:Good morning Me.

Kiko has informed us that his full, professional analysis has been hand delivered to SY. There is no excuse then and it will save them huge amounts of time and money. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

BTW, Kiko knows who the voicemails were from that got deleted and if you or anyone else would like to know who he is, follow him on twitter 'kikoratton' Dewi Lennard. Read all the way back.

It was not a work colleague at Glenfield Hospital. Kate said he had been contacted by someone at work. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

I've tried looking through @kikoratton tweets, but there are thousands of them now and I can't find what I'm looking for.
Can anyone help? pray2
Lance De Boils
Lance De Boils

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by southern_gal 28.01.13 14:32

. [/quote]

I've tried looking through @kikoratton tweets, but there are thousands of them now and I can't find what I'm looking for.
Can anyone help? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] [/quote]

While reading the initial phone autopsy posts Guest commented about the work Kiko had done in determining the names of the phone numbers on the groups phone records and voicemails(IIRC). Does anyone know where I can go to find this information?

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by doug 28.01.13 16:14

southern_gal wrote:.

I've tried looking through @kikoratton tweets, but there are thousands of them now and I can't find what I'm looking for.
Can anyone help? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] [/quote]

While reading the initial phone autopsy posts Guest commented about the work Kiko had done in determining the names of the phone numbers on the groups phone records and voicemails(IIRC). Does anyone know where I can go to find this information?[/quote]

This may help

You could try here [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
and here [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by southern_gal 29.01.13 0:12

doug wrote:
southern_gal wrote:.

I've tried looking through @kikoratton tweets, but there are thousands of them now and I can't find what I'm looking for.
Can anyone help? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

While reading the initial phone autopsy posts Guest commented about the work Kiko had done in determining the names of the phone numbers on the groups phone records and voicemails(IIRC). Does anyone know where I can go to find this information?[/quote]

This may help

You could try here [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
and here [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


Thank You. Unfortunately I can't access the link above to the site. I registered last week but my account hasn't been activated/approved. sad

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by Guest 29.01.13 9:41

It sounds as if there's a problem with the site. I've just registered and will wait and see what happens. My experience is that you either hear back within a few minutes or never at all!

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phone records - The tapas phone autopsy - Page 5 Empty Re: The tapas phone autopsy

Post by chrissie 31.01.13 12:38

As far as I am aware, Maddie Case Files are no longer accepting new members. I've been a member there since it started.

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