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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Mm11

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Mm11

Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Regist10

Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by Tinkerbell81 18.10.11 12:50

Also about the shoes, wouldnt Madeleine have a bigger shoe size than the twins? Even if it were true it reeks of abuse to make a child wear shoes that are a few sizes too small!!!

Where was the pink blanket last seen? I remember it being in one of the PJ file photos and Kate says in her book the police took the blanket with them after a search making the disappearance of the blanket "go away"

EDIT: I believe she also mentions cuddlecat being taken

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by rainbow-fairy 18.10.11 13:46

Tinkerbell81 wrote:Also about the shoes, wouldnt Madeleine have a bigger shoe size than the twins? Even if it were true it reeks of abuse to make a child wear shoes that are a few sizes too small!!!

Where was the pink blanket last seen? I remember it being in one of the PJ file photos and Kate says in her book the police took the blanket with them after a search making the disappearance of the blanket "go away"

EDIT: I believe she also mentions cuddlecat being taken

You'd expect some size difference wouldn't you? Mind, my 12 year old wears size 1, my 9 year old size 5, like me!

Re pink blanket, didn't Kate mention on Oprah that the 'abductor' had the pink blanket?!? So many tales, but where lies the truth?

"Ask the dogs, Sandra" - Gerry McCann to Sandra FelgueirasFaked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 670379

Truth is artless and innocent - like the eloquence of nature, it is clothed with simplicity and easy persuasion; always open to investigation and analysis, it seeks exposure because it fears not detection.

NORMAN MACDONALD, Maxims and Moral Reflections.

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Hello Smokeandmirrors,

Post by tigger 18.10.11 13:52

Smokeandmirrors wrote:
snipped Likewise the lack of Maddies DNA. I struggle to believe this, and think it might be a case of when you have three very small children who get everywhere and onto everything it is more a case of not being able to retrieve uncontaminated DNA. Just thinking aloud really because some of the elements discussed don't ring true for me. Early on there was loads of stuff mentioned which now, four years on I can't remember seeing since. There was a rumour on Mirror forum IIRC suggesting that Gerry had bought a number of cleaning products in Baptista but then we hear that the Brits did not co-operate in procuring credit card records. I've become quite confused over the last four years to be honest.

Forgot to say: you've made Gerry very happy if you are confused, because that's exactly what TM are after!.
Have a look at the short videos HideHo is putting together, with statements and proof to the contrary per subject.

Just saw a clip from an interview in Lisbon, Gerry says, 'we're doctors, you know, we've been trained to call for help in an emergency', surely they are the help in an emergency?

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by Guest 18.10.11 14:12

rainbow-fairy wrote:
Re pink blanket, didn't Kate mention on Oprah that the 'abductor' had the pink blanket?!?
Not quite. Oprah alluded to the alleged abductor having taken the blanket, but Kate did not correct her.

Oprah: Well I, you know, I'd read something that said there were times even you know early on after she err went missing that you would say I want I hope that whoever has her gives her her blanket I hope that whoever has her is keeping her warm I hope that whoever has her...

Kate: I mean it's funny, it's you know, I mean as a mum it's things like that you worry about as well you know. Is someone brushing her teeth. Is someone rubbing her tummy when she's not feeling well. You know, it's all those things as a mother you do and you should be doing and...

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by Tinkerbell81 18.10.11 14:37

rainbow-fairy wrote:
You'd expect some size difference wouldn't you? Mind, my 12 year old wears size 1, my 9 year old size 5, like me!

Re pink blanket, didn't Kate mention on Oprah that the 'abductor' had the pink blanket?!? So many tales, but where lies the truth?

In her book, page 74
"...the pink blanket and cuddlecat were still exactly where they had been when we wished her goodnight"
Really Kate? because you describe the last you saw of Madeleine like this: "...Madeleine was already under her pink blanket with cuddlecat..." so the abductor made a fuss to place the blanket back exactly like it had been? Or as you describe it, "one of those almost photographic memories" had some photoshop done in your head? Or am I just fussing...

Page 86 explains the disappearance of the blanket:
" The GNR police officers asked for something which would help the dogs recognise her scent, so we provided her pink blanket which they took with them and some clothes which they didnt take"

(please note that I am translating back to English from Dutch version of the book, some lines may have different wording to the original)

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by Guest 18.10.11 14:59

Tinkerbell81 wrote:
Page 86 explains the disappearance of the blanket:
" The GNR police officers asked for something which would help the dogs recognise her scent, so we provided her pink blanket which they took with them and some clothes which they didnt take"
If you read all of the GNR dog handler statements, nowhere does it mention them removing a pink blanket. Only that they were given one inside the apartment to use at the very moment. Why would they remove it, when it could contain DNA from the alleged abductor? Crazy..

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by Tinkerbell81 18.10.11 15:22

Its one clean way to explain how it could disappear... Not true but still an explanation.

Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized.
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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by rainbow-fairy 18.10.11 16:52

Tinkerbell81 wrote:
rainbow-fairy wrote:
You'd expect some size difference wouldn't you? Mind, my 12 year old wears size 1, my 9 year old size 5, like me!

Re pink blanket, didn't Kate mention on Oprah that the 'abductor' had the pink blanket?!? So many tales, but where lies the truth?

In her book, page 74
"...the pink blanket and cuddlecat were still exactly where they had been when we wished her goodnight"
Really Kate? because you describe the last you saw of Madeleine like this: "...Madeleine was already under her pink blanket with cuddlecat..." so the abductor made a fuss to place the blanket back exactly like it had been? Or as you describe it, "one of those almost photographic memories" had some photoshop done in your head? Or am I just fussing...

Page 86 explains the disappearance of the blanket:
" The GNR police officers asked for something which would help the dogs recognise her scento we provided her pink blanket which they took with them and some clothes which they didnt take"

(please note that I am translating back to English from Dutch version of the book, some lines may have different wording to the original)

Once again, more confusion as I thought it was said that they gave the officers a towel(thought to be Gerry's as the dogs tracked it to the supermarket and back?)
But, say they DID give it the GNR, where is it now? Are they saying the PJ kept it? Smoke, mirrors and red herrings maybe.

"Ask the dogs, Sandra" - Gerry McCann to Sandra FelgueirasFaked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 670379

Truth is artless and innocent - like the eloquence of nature, it is clothed with simplicity and easy persuasion; always open to investigation and analysis, it seeks exposure because it fears not detection.

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by rainbow-fairy 18.10.11 17:20

Stella wrote:
rainbow-fairy wrote:
Re pink blanket, didn't Kate mention on Oprah that the 'abductor' had the pink blanket?!?
Not quite. Oprah alluded to the alleged abductor having taken the blanket, but Kate did not correct her.

Oprah: Well I, you know, I'd read something that said there were times even you know early on after she err went missing that you would say I want I hope that whoever has her gives her her blanket I hope that whoever has her is keeping her warm I hope that whoever has her...

Kate: I mean it's funny, it's you know, I mean as a mum it's things like that you worry about as well you know. Is someone brushing her teeth. Is someone rubbing her tummy when she's not feeling well. You know, it's all those things as a mother you do and you should be doing and...

Deftly deflected, as per.....

"Ask the dogs, Sandra" - Gerry McCann to Sandra FelgueirasFaked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 670379

Truth is artless and innocent - like the eloquence of nature, it is clothed with simplicity and easy persuasion; always open to investigation and analysis, it seeks exposure because it fears not detection.

NORMAN MACDONALD, Maxims and Moral Reflections.

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by Guest 19.10.11 8:45

If you read the GNR dog handler statements, they talk of a pinkish/orange blanket. Where as the one seen on her bed is only pink, work that one out !!!

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by rainbow-fairy 19.10.11 13:12

Stella wrote:If you read the GNR dog handler statements, they talk of a pinkish/orange blanket. Where as the one seen on her bed is only pink, work that one out !!!
Well, as dear Gerry says, all confusion is good!

"Ask the dogs, Sandra" - Gerry McCann to Sandra FelgueirasFaked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 670379

Truth is artless and innocent - like the eloquence of nature, it is clothed with simplicity and easy persuasion; always open to investigation and analysis, it seeks exposure because it fears not detection.

NORMAN MACDONALD, Maxims and Moral Reflections.

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by Tinkerbell81 19.10.11 16:43

Stella wrote:If you read the GNR dog handler statements, they talk of a pinkish/orange blanket. Where as the one seen on her bed is only pink, work that one out !!!

They were simply given another one out of precaution? Do we know if the twins had a similar blanket?

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Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007 - Page 2 Empty Re: Faked abduction: New audio evidence in McCann appeal on May7, 2007

Post by Gillyspot 20.10.11 7:48

From Kate McCann's PJ Aguido Statement

"During these holidays Madeleine usually slept clutching a soft toy, a pink cat, and sometimes wrapped in a pink blanket. Sometimes she slept on top of the bedcover and at other times was covered with it. When shown a photo of Madeleine's room and bed, she recognizes the soft toy and the blanket of the same colour."

So were the GNR given the blanket or another one as it was still in the photograph (when photo taken) for Kate to recognise?

"The twins were laid down on their backs, covered with open weave blankets."

Kate McCann "I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other circumstances"

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