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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Mm11

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Bernt Stellander interview

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by AnneCGuedes 27.08.24 17:39

Jill Havern wrote:
AnneCGuedes wrote:If I were writing a review, I probably wouldn't say everything I think, because freedom of expression doesn't exist on forums in general and I've been banned from at least 3 just for telling what I thought ! But I wouldn't say anything I don't think.
You seem to wear 'I've been banned from at least 3' as a badge of honour!  big grin

A badge of honour ! No, it made me very sad to be rejected.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Honesty 27.08.24 17:41

To be honest, Anne, I, myself, can't say what it is. I'm not one of the "giants" in the long and determined search for the truth. I have a feeling that Bernt has done his best. I just hope he can solve the case.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern 27.08.24 17:45

Honesty wrote:That's good.  Who does Bernt name?

Brenda Leyland
Richard D. Hall
All the armchair detectives, bloggers, youtubers, vloggers (too numerous to mention)
And a special thank you to Pamalam

In the interview he mentioned CMOMM and PeterMac and FB groups.

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by AnneCGuedes 27.08.24 18:57

Bluebagthepirate wrote:Some more nit-picking in my opinion.

Madeleines blood was found on top of the tiles from swab 3A.

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Bernt did an amazing job - yes I noticed some errors as well and the cemetery is not a given - yes he does state as fact things that may have a different interpretation - but overall he covered nearly everything and there is the 2nd part of the book still unfolding.

"An incomplete DNA result was obtained from cellular material on the swab 3a. The swab contained very little information and showed low level indications of DNA from more than one person. However, all of the confirmed alleles (DNA components) within this result match the corresponding alleles in the DNA profile of MMC... 
The individual components in Madeleine's profile are not unique to her, it is the specific combination of 19 (instead of 29 since she inherited the same allele came from both parents) components that makes her profile unique above all others... 50% of Madeleine's profile will be shared with each parent."
Unfortunately nothing is said about the size of the sample and how many loci the FSS was able to study. To identify a combination of 20 markers, 10 loci need to be studied.  LCN technique was unable to identify the type of body fluid from which the sample had come (remember that the Keela would only alert to human blood that had dried in situ). 

Interesting reading :

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by deepeepee 27.08.24 21:33

AnneCGuedes wrote:
Don't you think that if it was an "elaborate bluff", BS would have spent so much time and money and energy in what he names "cat and mouse game" ? It was sufficient to SAY he had done this and that, like the MCs SAID they found the window/shutters open. This is just performative utterance.
Anne, what do you mean by "performative utterance"? I know you are a native French speaker but as a native English speaker (I also speak French) I don't really understand what you are saying here so would appreciate more explanation of what you think.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by AnneCGuedes 28.08.24 1:10

deepeepee wrote:
AnneCGuedes wrote:
Don't you think that if it was an "elaborate bluff", BS would have spent so much time and money and energy in what he names "cat and mouse game" ? It was sufficient to SAY he had done this and that, like the MCs SAID they found the window/shutters open. This is just performative utterance.
Anne, what do you mean by "performative utterance"? I know you are a native French speaker but as a native English speaker (I also speak French) I don't really understand what you are saying here so would appreciate more explanation of what you think.

John Langshaw Austin, in How to Do Things with Words,  shows how discourse can 'do'. Austin revolutionised the approach to language by introducing the concepts of 'performative utterance' and 'act of discourse'.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jojo1 28.08.24 1:15

In my opinion Bernt deserves much credit for putting forwards his own theory on the case. It is only by actually reading his book that one can truly appreciate that he might be onto what may well prove to be the solving of this case. This may lead to a proper investigation by the UK and Portuguese police.
From my reckoning Bernt is an intelligent fella who acts with great integrity and empathy which is evident in his book. It is thorough and engaging. I couldn't put it down.
His interview with JE was just a snapshot of what is a puzzling case. I don't recall him saying his theory as FACT on his interview, Facebook or his book. We also have to remember that his mother tongue is not English language and open to interpretation in some areas. There are so many theories and nobody is 100% spot on regarding MM. All we have to go off are the pj files that we are privy to as there are countless more that we aren't privy to.
I think critical analysis is a good and a bad thing but we should remember to be kind and not slate other proactive researchers. After all, our goal is to get to the truth about what happened to MM.
My apologies if my response doesn't make sense to members. I am a user of adaptive assistive technology and am not finding it easy to use when I am not tech minded. I need quite alot of tech support. So please be kind and patient with me. And be kind to each other.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by PeterMac 28.08.24 6:23

Several very vocal critics are making heavy duty attacks on Bernt Stellander 
and his THEORY of what MAY have happened, and are using the fallacious argument 
known as the Straw Man.

They allege, by implication, that he is stating as FACT – a word they always put in capitals –
a number of things he discovered and what he deduced from the evidence he had found and analysed.

The best anyone can hope for – without full and rank admissions and confessions from the parents, 
confirmed by post-hoc forensic science testing – is a set of hypotheses, which IF they match the available evidence well enough may quality for promotion to THEORY.

The sequestration of Madeleine's body in a disused Sarcophagus for a month before moving it to a pre-prepared grave on the hill has, on Bernt's own telling not (yet) been confirmed.   Not by science, discovery, nor admission.

it remains a Theory, which happens to fit very closely with his interpretation of the evidence he has revealed - and perhaps even some he has chosen not yet to reveal.

To the present group of critics we can therefore agree it is not FACT.  (in capitals and Bold to make it look important)

But on any test it is a far stronger theory than Tannerman's having been seen marching off up the street carrying a child in his arms in the manner of a forklift truck;   Smithman's having been Gerry carrying a still warm corpse randomly around PdL within minutes of the alarm's being raised;  or a minor Royal's being in a yacht lying off the coast waiting to receive a living child;  or of the couple breaking into the Church with the tools necessary to unscrew a coffin;  or of several of the other more fanciful hypotheses or theories proposed thus far.

What distinguishes Bernt Stellander's Theory from others is this.
He applied scientific method to his thoughts.
He visited the scene – as did I when it tested the hypothesis about the shutters (and Pat B filmed it and posted it on You Tube, thus destroying that nonsense story – we hope forever, though we note that some on the fringes of knowledge still suggest it might have been possible)
He lived in PdL for three years, during which time he walked the ground hundreds of times, testing possibilities, changing his mind about possible routes and details, and eventually . . .
He – with an accomplice who is known to this investigation – went to the cemetery and with due reverence moved a stone slab of a Sarcophagus sufficiently to prove it could indeed be moved and replaced with relative ease.
He noted the distance, route and time it takes to walk from 5A to the cemetery, noted the ease and routes of access at all hours,  . . 
And he then explored for a long time, also measured in years, the area he believed the McCanns themselves had "leaked" as the final resting place.

He then followed the scientific necessity of Prediction.
He tested his own hypothesis against the likely actions of the persons involved as he describes at length in part 2 of the Brick.
That led to a result, which in turn allowed him more closely to define the area.
That too led to a result . . .
This process of iteration allowed him to define a very specific area which not only conforms to the necessary physical requirements, but on further prediction and testing of the refined hypothesis produced the results he reports.

It remains a Theory.    
The question now is – Is it strong enough for the proper authorities to test ?

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by pinkgladioli 28.08.24 8:25

This of course is only a THEORY, I have laid out in the book, all the evidence on which I have based it, it is for the readers to decide wether they follow my THEORY or the claim that Madeleine was abducted from her bed, for which as we know not a single shred of evidence has been presented or discovered by the Police force, forces of 3 nations nor by numerous fraudulent private detectives and dubious investigative journalists, let me repeat that, there has not and has never been a shred of evidence of abduction, here I present 850 pages of evidence of something else 

Taken from 
Bernt Stellander  James English interview

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by crusader 28.08.24 8:32

It IS a theory by Bernt, but it's not a theory that he sent emails to the McCann's they actually turned up on Rocha Negra and were caught on camera, as were the Nuggetts. 
That is fact, and to me, that is the most important thing that has happened since Madeleine disappeared.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Bluebagthepirate 28.08.24 8:46

AnneCGuedes wrote:
Bluebagthepirate wrote:Some more nit-picking in my opinion.

Madeleines blood was found on top of the tiles from swab 3A.

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Bernt did an amazing job - yes I noticed some errors as well and the cemetery is not a given - yes he does state as fact things that may have a different interpretation - but overall he covered nearly everything and there is the 2nd part of the book still unfolding.

"An incomplete DNA result was obtained from cellular material on the swab 3a. The swab contained very little information and showed low level indications of DNA from more than one person. However, all of the confirmed alleles (DNA components) within this result match the corresponding alleles in the DNA profile of MMC... 
The individual components in Madeleine's profile are not unique to her, it is the specific combination of 19 (instead of 29 since she inherited the same allele came from both parents) components that makes her profile unique above all others... 50% of Madeleine's profile will be shared with each parent."
Unfortunately nothing is said about the size of the sample and how many loci the FSS was able to study. To identify a combination of 20 markers, 10 loci need to be studied.  LCN technique was unable to identify the type of body fluid from which the sample had come (remember that the Keela would only alert to human blood that had dried in situ). 

Interesting reading :

It was either Madeleine, Gerry or Kate.

Except there weren't excuses going around about cut knees and nose bleeds for Kate and Gerry.

I think the dog decided what the "fluid" was.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Buzz Shine 28.08.24 9:27

In physics there is a theory floating around called string theory that many physicists have criticised as a failed model for the simple reason that it can't be tested. Why waste our precious time on any theory that can never be tested they say? In the McCann case I often wonder if the same principle applies. Why waste precious time on theories that investigators will never investigate? If investigators are never going to investigate them, what chance have they got?
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Honesty 28.08.24 9:35

PeterMac wrote:Several very vocal critics are making heavy duty attacks on Bernt Stellander 
and his THEORY of what MAY have happened, and are using the fallacious argument 
known as the Straw Man.

They allege, by implication, that he is stating as FACT – a word they always put in capitals –
a number of things he discovered and what he deduced from the evidence he had found and analysed.

The best anyone can hope for – without full and rank admissions and confessions from the parents, 
confirmed by post-hoc forensic science testing – is a set of hypotheses, which IF they match the available evidence well enough may quality for promotion to THEORY.

The sequestration of Madeleine's body in a disused Sarcophagus for a month before moving it to a pre-prepared grave on the hill has, on Bernt's own telling not (yet) been confirmed.   Not by science, discovery, nor admission.

it remains a Theory, which happens to fit very closely with his interpretation of the evidence he has revealed - and perhaps even some he has chosen not yet to reveal.

To the present group of critics we can therefore agree it is not FACT.  (in capitals and Bold to make it look important)

But on any test it is a far stronger theory than Tannerman's having been seen marching off up the street carrying a child in his arms in the manner of a forklift truck;   Smithman's having been Gerry carrying a still warm corpse randomly around PdL within minutes of the alarm's being raised;  or a minor Royal's being in a yacht lying off the coast waiting to receive a living child;  or of the couple breaking into the Church with the tools necessary to unscrew a coffin;  or of several of the other more fanciful hypotheses or theories proposed thus far.

What distinguishes Bernt Stellander's Theory from others is this.
He applied scientific method to his thoughts.
He visited the scene – as did I when it tested the hypothesis about the shutters (and Pat B filmed it and posted it on You Tube, thus destroying that nonsense story – we hope forever, though we note that some on the fringes of knowledge still suggest it might have been possible)
He lived in PdL for three years, during which time he walked the ground hundreds of times, testing possibilities, changing his mind about possible routes and details, and eventually . . .
He – with an accomplice who is known to this investigation – went to the cemetery and with due reverence moved a stone slab of a Sarcophagus sufficiently to prove it could indeed be moved and replaced with relative ease.
He noted the distance, route and time it takes to walk from 5A to the cemetery, noted the ease and routes of access at all hours,  . . 
And he then explored for a long time, also measured in years, the area he believed the McCanns themselves had "leaked" as the final resting place.

He then followed the scientific necessity of Prediction.
He tested his own hypothesis against the likely actions of the persons involved as he describes at length in part 2 of the Brick.
That led to a result, which in turn allowed him more closely to define the area.
That too led to a result . . .
This process of iteration allowed him to define a very specific area which not only conforms to the necessary physical requirements, but on further prediction and testing of the refined hypothesis produced the results he reports.

It remains a Theory.    
The question now is – Is it strong enough for the proper authorities to test ?
As Bernt has defined a very specific area, could not a specialist dog be brought in? I know Bernt said the Swedish archaeology dog had passed away (sadly) but hopefully another specialist dog could assist?

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by pinkgladioli 28.08.24 10:06

Hi Honesty,

Bernt says the following on the James English interview =

“I have a team with 8 persons with dogs”

In conclusion I personally could imagine it would cost a lot of money to fund a search like this

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Cake Lover 28.08.24 10:22

Buzz Shine wrote:In physics there is a theory floating around called string theory that many physicists have criticised as a failed model for the simple reason that it can't be tested. Why waste our precious time on any theory that can never be tested they say? In the McCann case I often wonder if the same principle applies. Why waste precious time on theories that investigators will never investigate? If investigators are never going to investigate them, what chance have they got?
Your post includes Goncalo Amaral, who was not only not allowed to investigate, he suffered the loss of his marriage and his career. His THEORY would have been proved correct, and we wouldn't have this back and forth about what we should and shouldn't be permitted to suggest. It took me years to disabuse myself of man carrying child absolutely being connected to the McCann's; Bluebag pointed out that this man could have been anybody. Of course he could! I saw the light then. It is very fortunate for everybody who wants justice for Madeleine that  Bernt had the wherewithal to move to Portugal, and the knowledge, background and training to carry out his investigation, and present his own theory.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Honesty 28.08.24 11:06

pinkgladioli wrote:Hi Honesty,

Bernt says the following on the James English interview =

“I have a team with 8 persons with dogs”

In conclusion I personally could imagine it would cost a lot of money to fund a search like this
Thank you pinkgladioli. 

Perhaps Bernt will elaborate on this - if he hasnt done so already?  I'm sure that with all the interest in the case, if a fund were set up with a specific goal, the public would respond with their usual generosity.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Buzz Shine 28.08.24 11:24

Cake Lover wrote:
Buzz Shine wrote:In physics there is a theory floating around called string theory that many physicists have criticised as a failed model for the simple reason that it can't be tested. Why waste our precious time on any theory that can never be tested they say? In the McCann case I often wonder if the same principle applies. Why waste precious time on theories that investigators will never investigate? If investigators are never going to investigate them, what chance have they got?
Your post includes Goncalo Amaral, who was not only not allowed to investigate, he suffered the loss of his marriage and his career. His THEORY would have been proved correct, and we wouldn't have this back and forth about what we should and shouldn't be permitted to suggest. It took me years to disabuse myself of man carrying child absolutely being connected to the McCann's; Bluebag pointed out that this man could have been anybody. Of course he could! I saw the light then. It is very fortunate for everybody who wants justice for Madeleine that  Bernt had the wherewithal to move to Portugal, and the knowledge, background and training to carry out his investigation, and present his own theory.
Amaral's theory was the one theory that was designed to be tested in a court of law IMO. It's not Amaral's fault that the McCanns lawyers didn't have the wherewithal to challenge it when they had the chance. But they did have the chance to challenge it. Everyone wants justice for Madeleine, it's just a shame there is no sign of her getting justice in the McCanns' lifetime.  After that, the chance of justice for Madeleine is gone and there's nothing anyone's theory can do to change that. I'd love to be proven wrong but I'd be mad not to be skeptical when it's the Madeleine McCann case I'm discussing.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern 28.08.24 11:33

I think that's why we all need to get behind Bernt and get his investigation concluded one way or another. We can't just let this hang in the air forever now with a load of 'what if's and maybe's'.

Let's get to work and do what we can to help!

PeterMac's FREE e-book
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because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by crusader 28.08.24 11:36

What can we do specifically to help Bern't, I'm in.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Cake Lover 28.08.24 11:39

Sadly, there is indeed little to no chance of justice for Madeleine, which is disgusting for her, and  disgusting because people have covered their own backsides by lies, corruption, and treachery and will continue to do so until the day they die.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Cake Lover 28.08.24 11:53

Jill Havern wrote:I think that's why we all need to get behind Bernt and get his investigation concluded one way or another. We can't just let this hang in the air forever now with a load of 'what if's and maybe's'.

Let's get to work and do what we can to help!
You and Petermac have sent copies of the Brick to people who haven't had the decency to acknowledge them, and I don't think you can do much more than  that.  Bernt doesn't seem to need financial help; he seems to be on top of everything , and I assume this includes his own safety. What I wonder is how long can he be the only person making moves? If the 'other side' don't act, and the  various police forces don't act, what then?
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by pinkgladioli 28.08.24 12:13

We can get behind him by remaining positive, sharing his theory with relations friend’s colleagues, etc  have your copy  on show on train rides, bus rides at the airport etc with the aim of  engaging  in conversation with strangers, draw attention to it even if it’s to ask for it in your local library book shop, supermarket asking why they don’t stock it in the hope people around are pricking their ears up and listening in.  
Anything that brings attention to it

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Justice for Maddie 28.08.24 12:20

I really hope that BS will solve this case and that Maddie will get justice. But I fear that too many powerful people/goverment are behind the cover up.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern 28.08.24 12:36

crusader wrote:What can we do specifically to help Bern't, I'm in.
Me too   thumbsup

And I know Peter is on side.

It's Bernt's 'military precision' investigation and he is in daily contact with us. 

From what I have learnt about TFD is that he is a laid back dude and is holding all the aces.

Things are happening, is all I will say at the mo.

Stay positive...because this may well be Maddie's last chance to be laid to rest.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 12 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Cake Lover 28.08.24 12:54

I mention   Madeleine to some people, those I think will be receptive, and while they agree with us, they have lost interest. They have got married, divorced, had children, lost children, lost their parents etc, and time has dimmed the case. It's a shame, but understandable.  Respect to forum members who have been here since Jill started the ball rolling.
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