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Bernt Stellander interview

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Honesty 26.08.24 17:18

Please excuse my ignorance, but who is Clifford Ward?

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Amy Dean 27.08.24 3:00

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Verity 27.08.24 8:17

Lizzy Hideho Taylor


I was pleased to see The Sudden Impulse by Bernt Stellander was getting the info, about the McCann’s involvement, out to the public.

He spent 7 years, some of that time collating the research (whether from the Police Files or from our social media groups and videos) along with his own effort of monitoring with video research on Rocha Negra. (which we haven’t seen).

Bernt is kindly sending me the book, but until now I have only been able to make any judgements based on his interview with James English and his promotional video.

After having spent four years detailing the statements and compiling them into a hundred or more TIMETABLES AND TIMELINES I knew it would be relatively easy to spot any errors in what he claims, and that became true.

There are ALWAYS going to be errors, but I was saddened to see many of those errors were stated as FACT and often without proof, which is troubling to me to feel our member would believe and the incorrect or unproven ‘facts’ would escalate and be believed by many exponentially.

I felt I needed to correct or question a few that I have discovered so far…

1) Maddie was taken to the cemetery - NOT FACT

"they rented the car to uh move move her from the cemetery up to the final place 1:13:45 they had prepared on the hill"

"point is Gerry's too intelligent to walk down with the dead daughter right to the restaurants and bars to go to the beach 2:15:13 for what hoping the tide would take her away no she was already of course a day before in the cemetery"

OF COURSE? in the cemetery NOT FACT

2) Transported to Rocha Negra for burial – If she was only taken from the cemetery to Rocha Negra HOW WOULD THERE BE BODY FLUIDS FROM THE FROZEN BODY LEAKING ONTO THE WHEEL AFTER DEFROSTING in less than a mile in early May?


3) Maddie's blood was not found under the tile.

"and also Keela the the 1:11:27 blood sniffing dog human blood sniffing dog and they found blood underneath the tile"


286/2007-CRL (17) Cement-glue [grouting] between the floor tiles identified as number 2
A DNA profile that appeared to be from at least two sources was obtained through LCN from cellular material recovered in that area. In my opinion, the major part of the profile matched that of Lino Henriques [PJ Officer]


4) Martin Grime was intercepted at Faro Airport to change the alert locations? Have I understood this correctly? Where is the proof of this happening?

"2:42:45 Kate's tops were positive by Eddie but he completely ignored them so Martin Grime the dog handler he was intercepted by probably some Mi Personnel at uh Faro airport this is from Amaral and um make made him switch because her Checker pattern pants and her top was on the list of positives "


5) We do not have confirmation about who created the dossier but apears to be some Pro McCanns in the community


"from Gerry McCann himself he he was talking about a campaign of making an 2:38:17 example and they were creating a dosier and I think his uh sister Philomena was 2:38:22 helping him with this and this dossier"


6) He is talking about Maddie [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] I find it disrespectful to refer to:

'Game of Chess' "Cat and mouse game" "joker" "trump card" "play my cards slow' "jackpot"

"and how many times did you see Kate and Jerry uh I don't want to go into details I write in the 1:42:32 book that I have them uh why not no it's nice that they don't 1:42:38 know everything you know because this is of course a game of chess"


DIGGING: "the point is if that was true if they knew for example if they had hitd her elsewhere okay why wouldn't they now 1:43:07 promote getting that dug up because then my book will drown right it will drown 1:43:14 and uh and my timeline would disappear with the book right which is the jackpot


this has only been 17 years the thing is that the context of this this cat and mouse game


they know who they are when they read this book and uh that's probably a joker 1:44:30 you know in this card game

13:26 my trump card uh and I'm going to play my cards slow Slowly by slowly uh making U moves


7) Claims it as FACT that Maddie died May 2nd between 11pm and midnight... THE WAITERS CLAIM they were in the bar until about 1am!!
Claims it as FACT that Maddie died May 2nd between 11pm and midnight... THE WAITERS CLAIM they were in the bar until about 1am!!

"you can tell the story right but this book is because of the timeline 2:41:00 she died the night before that is what I hope people are curious about to find out how did he put this together how can he be so confident about May 2nd between 11:00 p.m. and midnight"

""it's the 1:44:54 timeline you know she died um the last hour before midnight uh I mean the last 1:44:59 hour of May 2nd and um yeah oh about moving the body"



'On the night in which they drank more than usual, [Wednesday May 2] they left a bit later, perhaps towards 00h30-01h00. I remember this detail because I was supposed to finish work at 00H00 and I wanted to go home.'

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Bernt agreed to answer some questions in ‘What happened to Madeleine McCann’ (Private group) so I looked forward to asking him a question. He claimed that Mr Amaral had stated there was sedatives found in the body fluid from the car.

“the liquid in the rental car that was found uh was said by Amaral to contain 34:32 very high dosage of uh sedatives”

There were others that wanted to ask the same question as we believe there were no forensics on the body fluid released.

He claimed it was in one of Goncalo Amaral’s Documentaries. I had added the sub titled PORTUGUESE to ENGLISH translations to his documentaries and interview videos and had never seen that mentioned so I was eager to find out WHERE he had said it.

I asked my question, and was surprised that I could not see his answers to anyone! I WAS BLOCKED! (an FB glitch?)

Admin contacted him and sent my question to him but when he FINALLY answered it was nothing to do with my question (which was odd).

A few days later Bernt entered the group to post on the threads and SUDDENLY I was magically unblocked!

I tried to make sure I was respectful in my comments in the group but was surprised to see Bernt and another supporter member being, what I would consider, rude to me.

Bernt left the group abruptly and I felt that it would be respectful to the group for me to pull away for a while in case my ‘research’ threads made him uncomfortable.

Knowing I have a HUGE amount of research on the timelines I felt it was for the best.

I did not want to create any angst and lower the morale of other members who were extraordinarily supportive of him.

However, I feel its important to highlight some issues that I discovered while watching the James English interview for just a short period of time.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Bluebagthepirate 27.08.24 8:50

Some more nit-picking in my opinion.

Madeleines blood was found on top of the tiles from swab 3A.

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Bernt did an amazing job - yes I noticed some errors as well and the cemetery is not a given - yes he does state as fact things that may have a different interpretation - but overall he covered nearly everything and there is the 2nd part of the book still unfolding.


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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern 27.08.24 8:56

Maybe she should have read yet another one of Bernt's FREE books first that he's sending to her all the way from Portugal to Canada.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Verity 27.08.24 9:31

Lizzie could have bought a kindle version for a few quid for immediate reading rather than accepting an expensive book with expensive postage. 

It's a shame that her post is attracting negative comments and putting people off even reading the kindle and his investigation on the Rocha Negra.

They also seem to be demanding the release of the videos. As Bluebag quite rightly says, the second part of the book is still unfolding, which they would appreciate if they read the book.

And as Sharon says:

sharonl wrote:Bernt does state the reason that he is not ousting the nuggets just yet.  He is hoping that they go the police and tell them whatever it is they know.  They will need to protect themselves, he is giving them that opportunity.

It's a shame people aren't getting behind Bernt who is trying his damnedest to bring closure to this case. Isn't this what we all want?

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by pinkgladioli 27.08.24 9:33

Re the long post with question’s to Bernt 
In ref to point 2 which is hilighted in capitals 
just to say in Brent’s theory he never made the claim the body was moved to the Rocha Negra in EARLY MAY

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by pinkgladioli 27.08.24 9:37

Re the long post with question’s to Bernt 
In ref to point 2 which is hilighted in capitals 
just to say in Brent’s theory he never made the claim the body was moved to the Rocha Negra in EARLY MAY

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern 27.08.24 9:47

pinkgladioli wrote:Re the long post with question’s to Bernt 
In ref to point 2 which is hilighted in capitals 
just to say in Brent’s theory he never made the claim the body was moved to the Rocha Negra in EARLY MAY

Also if Bernt believes Maddie's body was in the cemetary 'the day before' that gives the body time to start thawing so that fluids could leak. Didn't he say her body could have been hidden in the graveyard? No freezers in the graveyard. 

"point is Gerry's too intelligent to walk down with the dead daughter right to the restaurants and bars to go to the beach 2:15:13 for what hoping the tide would take her away no she was already of course a day before in the cemetery"

OF COURSE? in the cemetery NOT FACT

2) Transported to Rocha Negra for burial – If she was only taken from the cemetery to Rocha Negra HOW WOULD THERE BE BODY FLUIDS FROM THE FROZEN BODY LEAKING ONTO THE WHEEL AFTER DEFROSTING in less than a mile in early May?

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by crusader 27.08.24 9:50

Did the sniffer dogs go to the cemetery?
I thought the scent was lost just over the road at the car park in front of the apartments.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern 27.08.24 9:51

Lizzy, Bernt is NOT talking about Maddie here! He's talking about his strategy with Kate and Gerry and the Nuggets  angry

6) He is talking about Maddie [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] I find it disrespectful to refer to:

'Game of Chess' "Cat and mouse game" "joker" "trump card" "play my cards slow' "jackpot"

"and how many times did you see Kate and Jerry uh I don't want to go into details I write in the 1:42:32 book that I have them uh why not no it's nice that they don't 1:42:38 know everything you know because this is of course a game of chess"


DIGGING: "the point is if that was true if they knew for example if they had hitd her elsewhere okay why wouldn't they now 1:43:07 promote getting that dug up because then my book will drown right it will drown 1:43:14 and uh and my timeline would disappear with the book right which is the jackpot


this has only been 17 years the thing is that the context of this this cat and mouse game


they know who they are when they read this book and uh that's probably a joker 1:44:30 you know in this card game

13:26 my trump card uh and I'm going to play my cards slow Slowly by slowly uh making U moves

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern 27.08.24 9:56's no worse than Kate and Gerry sending us all on a 'WILD GOOSE CHASE' all around the world in the name of Maddie, aged 3 - their own daughter! 


PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern 27.08.24 10:33

Lizzy HideHo:  However, I feel its important to highlight some issues that I discovered while watching the James English interview for just a short period of time.

So, not read the book and only watched the interview 'for just a short period of time'.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by pinkgladioli 27.08.24 10:38

Jill Havern's no worse than Kate and Gerry sending us all on a 'WILD GOOSE CHASE' all around the world in the name of Maddie, aged 3 - their own daughter! 


and in my opinion the perfect distraction strategy while the media were chasing them on their magical mystery tour their eyes wouldn’t have been focussed on the McC’s and their possible associates around PDL,  I bet there was a deal done with the media that they could only report on the tour shenanigans in exchange for leaving them alone in PDL in this time period

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Honesty 27.08.24 11:42

Re the Deception Detective's analysis above, it's nice to see him wishing Bernt all the best and saying that they are on the "same team".

Interesting to see him considering the possibility that Bernt could be bluffing in order to provoke some sort of reaction from the McCanns.

The DD thinks there are 3 possibilities:

a. It's all an elaborate bluff.
b. Bernt knows nothing is there.
c. Bernt genuinely believes MM's remains are there and wants all the credit.

Time will tell, of course.


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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by pinkgladioli 27.08.24 12:20

Yes deffo time will tell, 
I think as well the DD analyse is based alone on the interview, so he doesn’t look at the bigger picture that could account for things that Bernt is keeping close to his chest the now, I look upon it being that Bernt has disclosed some of the info as a way of analysing how certain people react,I reckon he’ll have it in hand   sometimes it’s best to sit back and let people make their own mistakes  I reckon that is what he is doing

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Cake Lover 27.08.24 12:22

Exactly. Restraint is best until Bernt reveals all.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Bluebagthepirate 27.08.24 12:24

The nuggets have to be very real people, that is not a bluff.

What would be the point of a bluff if they weren't or had nothing to worry about?

I'm sure they are wealthy enough to have some good lawyers.

Not a bluff.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Cake Lover 27.08.24 12:49

I think the Nuggets are real,  but I also hope they're not merely an innocent dog owning couple   who enjoy walking around their neighbourhood. But we'll know all when Bernt publishes the entirety of his investigation.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Jill Havern 27.08.24 12:58

Cake Lover wrote:I think the Nuggets are real,  but I also hope they're not merely an innocent dog owning couple   who enjoy walking around their neighbourhood. But we'll know all when Bernt publishes the entirety of his investigation.
The book says the Nuggets live half hour drive away, so the hill is NOT in their neighbourhood.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Cake Lover 27.08.24 13:08

They're not that keen on walking then, so I retract the remark.
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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Honesty 27.08.24 17:07

Just to add, for those who haven't watched his latest video: The Deception Detective says Bernt does not give credit to the giants whose shoulders he is standing on.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Bluebagthepirate 27.08.24 17:11

Honesty wrote:Just to add, for those who haven't watched his latest video: The Deception Detective says Bernt does not give credit to the giants whose shoulders he is standing on.
He does in the book.

TDD hasn't read it.

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by Honesty 27.08.24 17:21

That's good. Who does Bernt name?

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Bernt Stellander interview - Page 11 Empty Re: Bernt Stellander interview

Post by AnneCGuedes 27.08.24 17:23

Honesty wrote:Re the Deception Detective's analysis above, it's nice to see him wishing Bernt all the best and saying  that they are on the "same team".

Interesting to see him considering the possibility that Bernt could be bluffing in order to provoke some sort of reaction from the McCanns.

The DD thinks there are 3 possibilities:

a. It's all an elaborate bluff.
b. Bernt knows nothing is there.
c. Bernt genuinely believes MM's remains are there and wants all the credit.

Time will tell, of course.

Don't you think that if it was an "elaborate bluff", BS would have spent so much time and money and energy in what he names "cat and mouse game" ? It was sufficient to SAY he had done this and that, like the MCs SAID they found the window/shutters open. This is just performative utterance.


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