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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Mm11

The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Regist10
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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Mm11

The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Regist10

The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by sharonl 03.06.20 22:17

I wonder if this may have anything to do with that article about a blood stained towel being found in a derelict farmhouse or barn. Apparently, Gerry and Russells mobiles were traced there but the article was quickly whooshed.

Something is definitely in the wind.
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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by listener 03.06.20 22:34

So - 'Brunt of the Yard' puts 1 and 1 together, makes 5 and as usual, our (UK) media laps it up! lalala

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Mainline 03.06.20 22:36

'Madeleine McCann police 'have enough evidence to charge suspect with abduction and murder''

Prosecutors in Germany have already begun building a strong case against the main suspect in the Madeleine McCann case, a drifter with a record of burglary and offences against young girls.

The man, now 43, had been living a “transient” life in a camper van, and working in and around Praia da Luz at the time of Madeleine’s disappearance from a holiday flat in the Algarve resort on May 3, 2007.
In the documentary Case Files XY Unsolved on German TV tonight, Christian Hoppe, director of the National Crime Agency, said German police believed they had almost enough evidence to charge him with Madeleine’s abduction and murder.
Herr Hoppe said that there may be some people associated with the suspect who were aware of his ­movements on the night Madeleine disappeared, and he appealed to them to come forward and “clear their conscience” now.
Police appealed to anyone in the resort at the time to fill “the final gaps” in the case, releasing photos of the man’s camper van and Jaguar car and details of a phone call he made on the night the three-year-old vanished.

The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 0_MAIN-MAIN-Madeleine-McCann

Police had been aware of his ­presence in the resort and had been building up a case against him since parents Kate and Gerry McCann made an appeal for information on German TV in October, 2013.
The suspect had faced sexual and drug-dealing charges in Germany before he arrived in Portugal.


He had also been involved in theft and burglary in the country, where he lived from 1995 to 2007, when he returned to Germany.
Police are unclear if the suspected motive was a simple burglary and he had found Madeleine in the flat after he had broken in, or if he went with the intention to abduct her.
Police revealed the man’s Portuguese-registered phone was in the resort the night Madeleine vanished.
He received a half-hour phone call from another Portuguese number an hour before Madeleine was last seen.

The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 0_Christian-Hoppe
Christian Hoppe, director of Germany's National Crime Agency, said police think they have enough evidence to charge the suspect with murder (Image: ZDF)
His number, +351 912730680, and the caller’s number, +351 916510683, were released. The caller is not a suspect but is a “crucial witness” police now want to trace.
The programme revealed details of properties the suspect used in the area, one an apartment between Praia da Luz and Lagos, the other an empty property around 15km from Lagos.
Viewers were asked to send police any holiday snaps or video which could help their inquiries. In a reconstruction, Kate and Gerry McCann relived the moment they realised Madeleine was gone.
Kate told the programme, a version of Crimewatch, how they had returned from a tapas restaurant to find ­Madeleine’s bed empty.

She said: “It just seemed a very calm and peaceful place when we arrived there. When I went into her bedroom, I could not see her.

“I thought she was in our bedroom but she was not there either. The curtain went ‘pssh’ and I just remember seeing that the window had been opened.”
Gerry said from that moment they knew the “worst thing imaginable” had happened.
Scotland Yard Detective Chief Insp Mark Cranwell said the suspect had lived a “transient lifestyle” living in his camper van for “days on end”.
Police released photos of the man’s 1980s VW camper and Jaguar XJR-6, both were in Praia da Luz in 2007.

The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 0_EMB-Missing-Madeleine-McCann
(Image: PA)

The Jaguar was re-registered in Germany to another person the day after Madeleine disappeared.
 The vehicles have since been seized in Germany and checked for forensic clues linking them to Madeleine.
The suspect had rented a ramshackle farm building from a British man two miles from the resort and had made money selling cars.
Former neighbours told Sky News he “disappeared without a word” from the Algarve farmhouse in 2006.

The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 0_EMB-Missing-Madeleine-McCann
Handout photo issued by Metropolitan Police of a 1993 Jaguar XJR6 that has been linked to the suspect (Image: PA)
One said: “He arrived in the mid-90s and rented the place from the English owner.
"He went back to Germany at one stage and moved another German guy in to look after it, then came back and threw him out on the street.
“He was always a bit angry, driving fast up and down the lane. And then one day, around 2006, he just disappeared without a word.
"I think he left some rent unpaid. About six months later I was asked to help clean up the place and it was disgusting, ­absolutely vile.
“We found a bin bag and inside were wigs and exotic clothing.”

New Madeleine McCann prime suspect

German authorities are treating their investigation as a murder inquiry, while Scotland Yard say it is still a missing person case.
Met Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stuart Cundy said: “It’s now 13 years since Madeleine went missing. Today is a significant point in time for the Met’s investigation.”
Kate and Gerry welcomed the breakthrough, saying: “All we have ever wanted is to find her, uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice. We need to find peace.”
Scotland Yard said they were “aware” of the man before getting a tip-off in May 2017, but he had never previously been a suspect.
They worked alone on the tip for four months before agreeing to liaise with German colleagues.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Cundy said since then “a huge amount of work” had been done by the Met and German police.
“The outcome of that is that he is a suspect in the Met’s investigation.
"We will not be giving the name or the identity of this man, but I do recognise that some people will know this suspect.
"Somebody called his phone. We don’t know who that caller was.”
Det Chief Insp Mark Cranwell, who is leading Operation Grange, issued a description of the suspect.
He said: “He is white, has short blond hair, possibly fair, about six foot in height with a slim build. In 2007 he was 30 and may have looked somewhere between 25 and early 30s.”
Appealing to anyone who personally knows the man, he added: “This individual is in prison and we are conscious that some people may have been concerned about contacting police in the past.
“Now is the time to come forward.”

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by sharonl 03.06.20 22:51

Here we go - this guy is being made a scapegoat


“Indirectly, it may boost out search simply by enlightening those who, for whatever reason, believe Madeleine is no longer alive, or that there is nothing else that can be done to find her.”

Kate went on to explain how she hoped this information would help put to bed any misconceptions about her daughter’s disappearance.

She added: “We trust it will put to rest some of the myths that have sprung up around her abduction.

“As will become clear in the book, while we still do not know what happened to Madeleine, there remains no evidence whatsoever to suggest that she was killed.”
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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by listener 03.06.20 22:52

Thirteen years on and still no charges of at least 'multiple child neglect'.
Any explanation re. the 'wooshing' curtains inside the closed (unjemmied and unmarked) shutters yet?

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Tony Bennett 03.06.20 23:01

pauloalexandre wrote:I was just watching a Portuguese news report about how "Maddie could still be alive" and how this lead is "highly credible".

It's inexcusable for the Portuguese press to continue parroting the lies of the UK establishment and media, after all the interviews they conducted with Gonçalo Amaral and other credible experts, and the evidence that they discussed.

Madeleine deserves better.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna rewatch a great documentary presented by an actual journalist.

Thank you very much for this post Paulo, and for posting this link to Richard's comprehensive documentary. I hope you are well. It sounds as if you are in good form, anyway.

You may be interested that Richard Hall is actively looking for someone to translate and add subtitles for this documentary for a Portuguese (and Brazilian) audience. It would be something like this excellent subtitling done five years ago by a Spanish contact of ours, 'Mercedes': 
La verdadera historia de Madeleine McCann 1a Patre (there are 4 parts, all of them subtitled in Spanish. 

If you are interested in this project, or if you know someone who could translate Richard's video either from English or Spanish into Portuguese, please contact Jill Havern. Proper rates for translation work would be paid. 


P.S.  Of course, we know that the British police will try to wrap up this tragic story with a false narrative, so that the public forgets about it.

Many think the British police have already done this in another controversial case. Many years ago, a 2-year-old, Ben Needham, disappeared whilst his family were beginning to settle in a new life on the Greek island of Kos. It was fairly obvious to the Greek police what had happened. They questioned his uncle, Stephen Needham, who was aged about 20. There was strong evidence that he had taken Ben out for the afternoon on his motorbike and that somehow Ben had had a fatal accident, which he then covered up. In a documentary, he partly disclosed what had happened under hypnosis, until his minders told the TV company to stop filming him.  

Ben's mother Kerry, and his grandparents, who were minding Ben that day, insisted however that he 'must have been' abducted, though there was not a shred of evidence in support.

Kerry Needham ran a very vigorous 'Look for Ben' campaign and raised a lot of money. After many years of pressure, South Yorkshire Police began an extensive and expensive investigation on the island, eventually reaching the unevidenced verdict that a digger-driver (who had since died), who had been working in the neighbourhood at the time, 'must have' run over Ben and covered up his death. The family of the dead digger-driver were absolutely distraught at the tarnishing of his name the British Police.     

The South Yorkshire Police force didn't care. They had 'solved' the case. The British media faithfully repeated the South Yorkshire Police's claims and everyone was happy. The police were happy. The media were happy. Kerry Needham was happy. Stephen Needham was happy.

But the family of the dead digger-driver, accused by South Yorkshire Police, remain distraught to this day.

ETA:   Has anyone viewed that video of Mark Cranwell yet? He looks every bit as unconvincing as did Andy Redwood and Nicola Wall before him. It can't be easy for a Detective Chief Inspector being told to reach a false conclusion, especially in such a globally infamous case. It would make you look and feel uncomfortable. Just like Redwood and Wall did. But I suppose the prospect of promotion and a nice fat police pension at the end of it would assuage your angst


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by Eastree27 03.06.20 23:06

WTF - the Police are interested in a 30 minute pre 'abduction' call but equally think it could have just been a disturbed burglary.

The press are making enough fuss that someone is going to end up in court soon.

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Post by Eastree27 03.06.20 23:11

I think Kerry Needham doesn't know her brother was involved (if he was) - Unlike Kate and Gerry she has no need (No paedo links or respectable carrer) to constantly search if she knows for sure   he is dead

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Guest 03.06.20 23:17

Tony Bennett wrote:
pauloalexandre wrote:I was just watching a Portuguese news report about how "Maddie could still be alive" and how this lead is "highly credible".

It's inexcusable for the Portuguese press to continue parroting the lies of the UK establishment and media, after all the interviews they conducted with Gonçalo Amaral and other credible experts, and the evidence that they discussed.

Madeleine deserves better.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna rewatch a great documentary presented by an actual journalist.

Thank you very much for this post Paulo, and for posting this link to Richard's comprehensive documentary. I hope you are well. It sounds as if you are in good form, anyway.

You may be interested that Richard Hall is actively looking for someone to translate and add subtitles for this documentary for a Portuguese (and Brazilian) audience. It would be something like this excellent subtitling done five years ago by a Spanish contact of ours, 'Mercedes': 
La verdadera historia de Madeleine McCann 1a Patre (there are 4 parts, all of them subtitled in Spanish. 

If you are interested in this project, or if you know someone who could translate Richard's video either from English or Spanish into Portuguese, please contact Jill Havern. Proper rates for translation work would be paid. 
Hello Tony.

Thank you for you comment.

Just to clear this up... you're not confusing me with Paulo Reis, right?

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Jill Havern 03.06.20 23:20

Tony Bennett wrote:ETA:   Has anyone viewed that video of Mark Cranwell yet?
No, where is it?

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Tony Bennett 03.06.20 23:22

pauloalexandre wrote:
Hello Tony.

Thank you for your comment.

Just to clear this up... you're not confusing me with Paulo Reis, right?

Yes I was. Apologies.

But I think he still reads here anyway and if not, perhaps someone will get the message to him


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by Jill Havern 03.06.20 23:24

Here's the video of DCI Cranwell:

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Jill Havern 03.06.20 23:28

Tony Bennett wrote:
pauloalexandre wrote:
Hello Tony.

Thank you for your comment.

Just to clear this up... you're not confusing me with Paulo Reis, right?

Yes I was. Apologies.

But I think he still reads here anyway and if not, perhaps someone will get the message to him
nah  Nah, let's not go there again.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Post by Rogue-a-Tory 03.06.20 23:36

Two telephone numbers. Is that it, is that the best OG can offer? 

What about all the numbers Murat, Kate Gerry and T7 were using? Have those gone straight passed them into the shredded evidence of 13 years?

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by sandancer 03.06.20 23:40

I  smell a whole sewer full of rats . 

Phone numbers , a black bag of wigs and exotic clothing , a 1980's campervan and a Jaguar , both now in Germany and undergone forensic testing , a man already in prison. 

Is this a " look over there not over here " , what are we being distracted from ? 

" Squirrel , what squirrel ? Forget the damn squirrel , we're investigating "

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Stffl 04.06.20 0:12

It’s bad enough to think the British police would fabricate evidence, find a scapegoat and declare the case solved. It’s even worse the Portugese seem to go along with that scenario and now the Germans too? Let’s be clear in my opinion the parents are guilty as can be but for three countries to be involved in a cover up is still a bit hard to get my head around to be honest. The more people, countries and jurisdictional systems you involve the bigger the chance the truth will come out. I still hold some hope that these telephone numbers, that house and maybe the cars too will somehow turn out to be linked to the McCanns and this german suspect is just used as a cover for now. It’s probably false hope but still...

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Post by Guest 04.06.20 7:11

As Peter said... the "how" will be interesting.

Maybe he'll be dead soon.

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Cammerigal 04.06.20 7:35

listener wrote:So - 'Brunt of the Yard' puts 1 and 1 together, makes 5 and as usual, our (UK) media laps it up! lalala
C Dick; “Brunty; We need to extend the funding for operation Grange at short notice. It will need a strong justification to the Home Office. The pesky public are sending in FOIs again and MI5 need them distracted from the Prince Andrew and Epstein line. It’s best if the minister reads it in the press on the way into work, so don’t deviate from the agreed storyline and of course; total ambiguity and make sure he can’t speak out”
Brunt; ‘OK Maam. The media have the ‘off the shelf’ perp stories in place. Too easy! What about a new line of enquiry on a Big Fat and ugly woman in purple from Bulgaria?’
C Dick; Oh No Brunty, you used that one last year; try and exercise your imagination, however little it is!
Brunt; Ok Maam, a Bulgarian paedo then? The Brits hate paedos
C Dick; Didn’t we use that one a couple of years ago?
Brunt; No, he was a Brit paedo Maam, in a German jail. What about a German paedo, in a German jail. The red tops will love that. They hate Germans, they do. They bombed our chip shops in the war. I love that line!
C Dick. Oh well done Brunty darling, you are a such a cunning little stunt. A jailed up German paedo then. The Home office will love that. Now orf you go and get the story in the press before YOUR funding dries up.

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Post by PeterMac 04.06.20 7:50

The big problem they have
that he is still alive.

BundesKriminalAmt Officer:  Did you do it ?
Suspect: No, Sir.
Are you sure
Absolutely sure
Absolutely yes

BKA-Offizier: Haben Sie es getan?
Verdächtiger: Nein
Sind Sie sicher
Absolut sicher
Absolut ja

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Post by sharonl 04.06.20 7:57

thinking Just a moment

We are going back to 2007, 13 years ago. These two vehicles were bangers then, where are they likely to be now? Especially as he buys and sells and has been convicted for some time. Not to mention that these vehicles are not in the UK and the our so called cops here, only have jurisdiction in the UK. My guess would be that they were scrapped long ago.

So how on earth, do the UK police, suddenly get pictures of obsolete vehicles in a foreign country, that probably were scrapped or at least sold off years ago, and with no registration plate? How do they link these vehicles to any one person?

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Armchair-defective 04.06.20 8:43

sharonl wrote:thinking   Just a moment

We are going back to 2007, 13 years ago.  These two vehicles were bangers then, where are they likely to be now? Especially as he buys and sells and has been convicted for some time.  Not to mention that these vehicles are not in the UK and the our so called cops here, only have jurisdiction in the UK.  My guess would be that they were scrapped long ago.

So how on earth, do the UK police, suddenly get pictures of obsolete vehicles in a foreign country, that probably were scrapped or at least sold off years ago, and with no registration plate?  How do they link these vehicles to any one person?

Hi Sharonl and everyone!

I would just like to say about the vehicles. VW camper vans have quite the cult following around them and they are sought after. ( I have one a little younger than the 'suspects'). So I doubt it would be scrapped just because it was an 80s model. As for the Jag I don't know. This does seem like the latest in a long line of suspicious foreigners ( dirty, gypsy, drifter, pedo) and I doubt it will come to much. Anything but look at the bunch of respectable doctors who seem to be lying about their movements that night.
   My prediction is, after this 'lead' has been exhausted they will try and wrap up the case by declaring it unsolvable.
The question now, is where is the German police confirmation of this latest lead and how serious it is?

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by sallypelt 04.06.20 8:46

Who is falling for this latest heap of cow manure?  Do they think that after 13 years, people who have left no stone unturned, have forgotten what was said, the interviews where they wouldn't answer questions, or contradicted everything they said?

I am not buying it!

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Stffl 04.06.20 8:52

sharonl wrote:thinking   Just a moment

We are going back to 2007, 13 years ago.  These two vehicles were bangers then, where are they likely to be now? Especially as he buys and sells and has been convicted for some time.  Not to mention that these vehicles are not in the UK and the our so called cops here, only have jurisdiction in the UK.  My guess would be that they were scrapped long ago.

So how on earth, do the UK police, suddenly get pictures of obsolete vehicles in a foreign country, that probably were scrapped or at least sold off years ago, and with no registration plate?  How do they link these vehicles to any one person?

I’ve read somewhere they’ve even already searched them for forensic evidence, which I find pretty hard to believe... it’s the same as with tannerman who apparently after all those years still owned the exact same clothes he wore on that evening and kept the pyjamas his daughter wore at the time

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The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. - Page 2 Empty Re: The latest McCann suspect: Scotland Yard has revealed vital new information about a suspect wanted in connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Post by Stffl 04.06.20 9:05

Armchair-defective wrote:
The question now, is where is the German police confirmation of this latest lead and how serious it is?

Pretty serious it seems. There are asking the public for help to “clarify the circumstance of the offence”, sounds like they are pretty certain this man has done it (in their eyes)

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