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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Mm11

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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Mm11

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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by sharonl 25.05.19 22:21

So according to the media, Jim Gamble believes that 

Madeleine wandered off and

Her distraught parents and their friends reacted by making all those claims 

But, there is no reason to suspect them

One more thing, if Madeleine had simply wandered off, why didn't they search for her on that dark cold night? 

big grin  If Gamble really fell for this lot then it's quite worrying that's he is considered a "top" cop, no wonder Grange cannot solve the case.
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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by sharonl 25.05.19 22:42

big grin  It's ludicrous really,

"Evening all, the name is Gamble is Gamble, James Gamble, Top cop.  Can you tell me what happened"

"Yes officer.  Kate came into the apartment to find that the shutters had been jemmied open, the window was wide open with the curtains blowing, she could tell someone had been here due to the state of the place, our beautiful daughter has been abducted by a paefophile gang and all three of our children have been drugged.  They must have been watching the apartment for days.

"Ah, yes Sir, sounds like your daughter has got up and wandered off then".

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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by Verdi 26.05.19 1:24

Jimbo the gambler is fast becoming another Sutton of Coldfield - all wind and wee wee.

Not forgetting .... err .... err .... err ... Marcus Willyus Thomasian, the wisest of ones.

Always willing for a shilling.

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by PeterMac 28.05.19 14:58

But are they coming round slowly to a public acceptance that there was NO entry, NO presence, and NO Exit ?
If so then woke and wandered has to be the only thing left.

But the question then is – How far did she wander ?  And when ?

They may come to an acceptance that Madeleine woke, but only wandered as far as the sofa, climbed on to it, and fell awkwardly down the back, down a narrow gap which stopped her putting her arms out to break the fall, and landed on her head with her neck bending badly forward. . . .

There is, sadly, lots of evidence for this scenario, but none for any other.

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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by willowthewisp 28.05.19 16:05

So for the past Six years since Crime Watch special 14 October 2013, Mr Julian Totman and partnership Daughter, are No longer Creche Dad, Smith Family sighting, Nor Janes Abductor?

Madeleine McCann woke up and wandered off never to have been seen since reported missing Thursday 3 May 2007 by Her Parents Kate,Gerry, a time tale period of 21.05 to 22.00hrs?

More "fairy Tales" from Jim, as he wasn't actually there, but what conversations between Parents and Jim is 100% Kocha?

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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by sharonl 28.05.19 16:12

Or were they originally protecting the McCanns only to cover up the activities of those earlier days which may have involved someone else, Freud maybe? And now, they realise that there is far too much evidence in the public domain to keep covering for the McCanns.  I may be wrong but I sense a dispute between the McCanns and the rest of them but they can't implicate the McCanns without implicating themselves.  That's just my theory for these trolls defending the earlier death theory but appearing as McCann sceptics. 

I stand to be corrected on this of course.thinking
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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by willowthewisp 28.05.19 16:32

Hi Sharon, "Naughty Step" Thesis? 

Remember Big Jim, Gerry and Martin, Dossier handed to Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, how a certain person needed to be "Exposed" for having a different thought on what had happened to Madeleine McCann?

Now Jim saying Madeleine simply wandered off?

Care to apologise for your actions then Jim,Gerry and Martin Brunt, Sky News Corporation Hounding of Mrs Brenda Leyland?

What did you Not investigate eh Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, Article 6/8 of Mrs Leyland's rights ECHR? 

If it was good enough for Mr Richards, BBC Mr Dan Johnson, isn't it appropriate to "Defend Innocent members of the Public" against vile repugnant remarks from an Ex Police Officer, who knows about certain Laws?

Only When It Suits the Cause, "Special Friends"?

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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by Guest 28.05.19 22:54

Does Gamble really believe Madeleine walked out of the apartment
or is it another connivance with the Met and McCanns,anything but
she succumbed in the apartment.

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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by Cammerigal 28.05.19 23:32

Gamble is adamant that the Mccanns had nothing to do with their daughters 'disappearance'. He will  keep citing anything else as an alternative theory, like a mantra. All without evidence of course and eventually all his opinionated options will be found to be null and void.
She was abducted. No evidence of entry or Exit Jim, apart from the claim from the parents, who were actually the last persons to see her.
She wandered off. No evidence there Jim.
So go back to policing 101, question the last persons to have seen her alive; or is that contrary to your spinning a lie brief?

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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by Guest 29.05.19 6:21

Has Operation Grange ever investigated the theory that the parents were involved?

Is it possible to ask them and get their conclusions?

We are paying for this investigation after all.

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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by sharonl 29.05.19 7:27

Don't forget the circumstances in which Operation Grange was set up in the first place.

1. To stop Rebekah Brooks from reporting a week of bad headlines about Theresa May

2. To assist the Family (David Cameron)

3. To investigate the abduction of Madeleine & search for her
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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by Doug D 29.05.19 7:28

AC Mark Rowley confirmed they hadn't (other than 'looked at material') on 25th April 2017:
Q: Andy Redwood, the first senior investigating officer, said in one interview his policy was to go right back to the beginning, accept nothing, but one thing you appear to have accepted is that this was an abduction. It’s in your first remit statement, it refers to ‘the abduction’, which rather suggests right from the start you had a closed mind to the possibility of parents’ involvement, an accident or Madeleine simply walking out of the apartment.

MR: Two points to that, firstly the involvement of the parents, that was dealt with at the time by the original investigation by the Portuguese. We had a look at all the material and we are happy that was all dealt with and there is no reason whatsoever to reopen that or start rumours that was a line of investigation. 
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Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered - Page 4 Empty Re: Operation Grange re-examine theory that Madeleine woke up and wandered

Post by sharonl 29.05.19 8:20

thinking Despite the fact that the Portuguese Police still suspect the McCanns, Montana Flores proved that there was no abduction and the judges of the Supreme Court say that the McCanns remain under suspicion.
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