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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Mm11

Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Regist10
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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Mm11

Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Regist10

Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Keitei 13.09.18 17:05

630 comments so far and rising .............

Those who play games do not see as clearly as those who watch. 

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Scotland Yard more funds

Post by willowthewisp 13.09.18 18:50

Keitei wrote:

630 comments so far and rising .............
Hi Keitei,Bingo,without fail,application from Mr Javid for more funds,how much would you like,oh at least six more months worth please Mr Javid,good luck Boys and Girls,your doing a fantastic job,LOL!

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Keitei 13.09.18 19:25

The farce must continue.

Those who play games do not see as clearly as those who watch. 

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by suespeaking 13.09.18 23:08

And then in 6 months time they will want 6 months more, and then..................
I'll happily donate 48 quid if KM will answer 48 questions!!!!!

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by polyenne 14.09.18 9:25

For all of you making sarcastic/derogatory comments...........all the time OG remains live & active, there remains a chance. Close it, and, in the UK at least, that chance is gone.

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Verdi 14.09.18 13:19

polyenne wrote:For all of you making sarcastic/derogatory comments...........all the time OG remains live & active, there remains a chance. Close it, and, in the UK at least, that chance is gone.
A chance of what - divine intervention?

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Guest 14.09.18 13:44

A chance of what - divine intervention?

No, a chance some of the old guard will DIE and new untainted people may see the error of their predecessors ways, then put forward a case to PROSECUTE some people to the CPS.
It is only when the gatekeepers die that change happens. That must be a terrible living fear for any guilty people who know they are protected. TIME may get them in the end. . .

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re; Scotland Yard, Funding.

Post by willowthewisp 14.09.18 14:25

Verdi wrote:
polyenne wrote:For all of you making sarcastic/derogatory comments...........all the time OG remains live & active, there remains a chance. Close it, and, in the UK at least, that chance is gone.
A chance of what - divine intervention.
Hi Verdi,Polyenne,seriously,you have announced in the News Headlines of how Four Adults were poisoned and One Woman Died due to the Poison,Thursday 13 September 2018.
Then the UK Government Lamblasts the RT Programme and the proposed culprits as innocent Russians visiting Salisbury Cathedral,Government tates"Pull the Other Leg-Farce"?

Whilst at the same time UK Government Proposing that Operation Grange is legitimate process,when even the A/C Mark Rowley openly admits in his statement,he is there to "Assist the McCann's" in Operation Grange,they are not suspects along with the Tapas 7/9,now extending funding for Six more months,another "Final bit of evidence to investigate"crap?

"Pull the Other One Theresa,its got bells on", its all part of a Cover Up of child Abuse over the past Seven Decades at least,the "Proof" has existed in Governments hands since the process began,watch the film "Oranges and Limes"?

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by willowthewisp 14.09.18 17:35

Film is "Oranges & Sunshine",this depicts how inhuman UK Government was,is,child abuse?

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Verdi 14.09.18 21:58

Every time funding allocated to Operation Grange is nearing it's end, based on a time span rather than actual expenditure, the UK media report that the McCanns might be forced to use private detectives to continue their 'search'.

Before going any further, I will just point out that private detectives have no legitimate authority to conduct an investigation into a serious crime, only the official police force can do this within UK law. So where does that leave the future McCann 'search' campaign if Operation Grange cease to exist? They could always resort to 100% cooperation with the Portuguese police, as they always vowed and declared they would/did but perhaps that not simple or practical enough to consider.

I know a source close to the McCanns has said on many occasions that a specific sum has been reserved within the 'Find Madeleine Fund' (untouchable so to speak) for an unconfirmed reason, so perhaps this notional figure ranging between £500,000 and £750,000 (depending on the source) has been frozen pending the closure of Operation Grange and a re-launch of the McCann 'search' campaign a la private dicks. Success rate in that department has been less than impressive so far but that's another matter.

Whatever, the Find Madeleine Fund (according to all concerned at the time) was established in response to offers of donations by members of the public and other more wealthy well wishers from various walks of life - to help the 'search' for Madeleine. By all accounts they applied for charitable status which was turned down because, if I remember rightly, the fund was established in a sole name i.e Madeleine McCann - to effect charitable status all they need to do was widen the horizons of the fund but they chose not to do that. Instead they opted for a limited company which naturally gives greater control over expenditure and less accountability, which casts doubt over the claimed reason for charity v. limited company.

Some time after the swift response to public demand (?) and the Find Madeleine Fund and website were formally launched, this list of FAQ appeared on the Find Madeleine website..

1. What are the objects of Madeleine's Fund?
Madeleine's fund is a non-charitable not-for-profit company, which has been established to help find Madeleine McCann, to support her family, and to bring her abductors to justice. Any surplus funds will be used to help families and missing children in the United Kingdom, Portugal and elsewhere in similar circumstances.
The full objects of the Fund are:

To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2007;
To procure that Madeleine's abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice;
To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine’s family.

If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere.

2. Is Madeleine's Fund a registered charity?

No, Madeleine's Fund is registered as a company limited by guarantee. Its company registration number is 6248215.

3. What are the registered details of the Madeleine's Fund?

Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, CRN 6248215. Registered office: 2-6 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6YH.

4. Why is Madeleine's Fund not registered as a charity?

In England & Wales, registered charities are required to demonstrate public benefit. Because Madeleine's Fund is currently focussed on searching for one child, Madeleine McCann, it cannot register as a charity. However, it may be able to register as a charity in the future.
At the point the Fund starts to focus on abductions generally, public benefit may be demonstrable and the Fund may be able to register as a charity.

5. Can you claim Gift Aid on my donation to Madeleine's Fund?

No, Gift Aid is only available to registered charities.

6. Can I claim tax relief on my donation to Madeleine's Fund?

No. In the UK, tax relief is only available for charitable donations. Because Madeleine's Fund is not a registered charity, tax relief is not applicable to donations made to the Fund.

7. I have a charity account with Charities Aid Foundation from which I make regular donations with my vouchers. Can I use this to donate to Madeleine's Fund?

No. These accounts are used to obtain tax relief for charitable donations. As Madeleine's Fund is not a registered charity, it is inadmissible for this.

8. If Madeleine's Fund isn't a charity who is regulating it?

The Fund is subject to Company Law applicable in England and Wales and will be filing required returns with both Companies House and Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.
Internally, in so far as is relevant and taking into account differences in structure, the Fund is aspiring to follow best practice policies and processes used by charities. The directors have reviewed its operation against "Good Governance: A Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector". This sets out best practice requirements for charities.
The Fund also has:

a Financial Procedures Manual
job descriptions for directors, chair and treasurer
clearly laid out policies and processes for:
expense claims
risk management
whistle blowing
registering conflicts of interest

9. Who are the directors of Madeleine's Fund?

There are seven directors of the Fund. They are:

Peter Hubner; a retired consultant;
Brian Kennedy, a retired head teacher;
John McCann, a medical representative;
Edward Smethurst – A Commercial lawyer;
Doug Skehan, clinical director in cardiology at Glenfield Hospital;
Jon Corner – Director of a media company;
Michael Linnett, a retired accountant

10. Are the directors paid?

The directors are not paid as directors of the company. However, they may, if family members, be beneficiaries of the Fund and they may, as is the case with some registered charities, be paid for providing services to the Fund. The Fund has established conflict of interest policies to deal with these situations.
Currently, as at the end of August 2007, none of the directors are being paid for providing services to the Fund.

11. I've heard the directors are members of Madeleine's family. Is this true?

Two of the directors, Brian Kennedy and John McCann, are members of Madeleine's family. The other five directors are independent appointments. They were appointed to ensure the Board of Directors had independence and the range of skills required to manage the Fund.

12. But surely family members shouldn't be directors because the Fund is set up to support the family?

It is true that family members, including those on the Board, can benefit from the Fund. However, the Fund has a conflict of interest policy to manage this situation. Those directors who are members of Madeleine's family cannot vote in discussions relating to payments to family members. They also cannot sign cheques payable to themselves or other members of the family. The only exception to this was some small initial payments to family members made before the independent directors had signed the bank mandate.

13. I've heard that Kate and Gerry McCann might benefit from the Fund. Is this true?

Yes – the fund has provided support to Kate and Gerry. One of the reasons the fund was established was to support Madeleine's family and such financial assistance is one of its specific objectives. This assistance to Kate and Gerry was a subsistence allowance, provided whilst they were on unpaid leave from work and enabled them to push forward the campaign to find Madeleine. The directors approve all payments to Kate and Gerry, with family members not having a vote. Financial support given to Kate and Gerry since Gerry returned to work is negligible.

14. What is the money being spent on?

The Fund is supporting the McCann family during their search for Madeleine and in ensuring a high profile of Madeleine's abduction is maintained. Money spent to date has been on :

- supporting the private investigation to find Madeleine;
- ongoing public awareness raising ;
- establishing and updating the website ;
- family expenses; and,
- professional fee, including concerning international law on child abduction and the costs of setting up the Fund

The directors continue to review the future strategy of the Fund to ensure effective use of the funds

15. Who are the professional advisors to the Fund?

The Fund's lawyers are Bates Wells Braithwaite, 2-6 Cannon Street, London, EC4M 6YH.
Auditors are Haysmacintyre, Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London,WC1V 6AY.
Bankers are National Westminster Bank plc., 3rd Floor, Cavell House, 2A Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0NN

It would appear from the outset that the Find Madeleine Fund was less than honest about it's intentions and it's still floundering in the same stinking bog as it was eleven years ago - indeed since it was established. I seriously doubt anyone is donating these days, even though the paypal button still appears prominent on the website. So where is the residue that was said to be destined for other charitable causes if not consumed by the 'search'? Has it been relocated somewhere - is it still held in reserve for more pressing matters like legal defense, building maintenance, website update, mortgage payments, translators, whistleblowers, telephone hot lines, dogs food etc?

Perhaps Operation Grange can fill the gaps.

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Jill Havern 16.09.18 23:11

Madeleine McCann investigation ending would be “disastrous”, says ex-Scotland Yard police chief

EXCLUSIVE: Colin Sutton says the hunt for Madeleine McCann must continue if detectives have credible leads

An ex-Scotland Yard police chief says the hunt for Madeleine McCann must continue if detectives have credible leads.

Colin Sutton said it would be “disastrous” if Operation Grange was shelved while there is still an ongoing investigation.

Funding for the search for Madeleine – who vanished, aged three, while the family were on holiday in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in 2007 – is set to end next week.

Scotland Yard is in “dialogue regarding funding” but no request for extra cash has been made.

Mr Sutton, 57, is a former Met detective chief inspector who brought Milly Dowler’s killer Levi Bellfield to justice.
He said: “If the detectives feel there are leads that need investigating, then they should be given more money.

“To end the Operation Grange investigation while there is still work to be done would be disastrous. To say they are in ‘dialogue’ suggests they are still working on leads.”

Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry, from Rothley, Leics, say they have no plans to give up the hunt for their daughter, who would now be 15.

The couple may use cash from the Madeleine’s Fund to hire new private investigators to keep the search going.
Nearly £12million has been spent on Operation Grange but no firm suspects have been identified.

More than 60 persons of interest have been investigated and 650 sex offenders considered possible suspects.
There have been nearly 9,000 reported sightings of Madeleine since 2007.

The Scotland Yard inquiry was set up in 2011, three years after Portuguese police ended their probe.
The Home Office gave the Met £154,000 in March to extend their work for six months.

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Jill Havern 17.09.18 12:38

Posted by Michael Shaw on CMOMM facebook:

Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Barone10

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Jill Havern 18.09.18 6:32

Madeleine McCann cops will 'request more money' before Operation Grange deadline expires

By Mark Saunokonoko understands Scotland Yard detectives investigating Madeleine McCann's disappearance are about to request further funds from the UK's Home Office to keep the world's most famous missing person's case alive.

Operation Grange, launched in 2011 to review and investigate how Maddie mysteriously vanished in Portugal, has so far cost British taxpayers £11.6 million ($21.2 million).

Funding of Operation Grange is due to expire at the end of September, leading to increased speculation British detectives could finally be about to close their investigation.

Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i McCann, father of missing girl Madeleine McCann, after speaking to the press with his wife Kate in Portugal, 2007. (Getty) ()
When contacted by, a Home Office spokesperson said: "To date no request has been received from the Metropolitan Police Service to extend funding for Operation Grange beyond the end of September 2018."
However, understands Scotland Yard will formally seek funding in the next fortnight, and that the Home Office is set to accept that request.
Over the past week, as the deadline draws nearer, confusion has reigned over the future of Scotland Yard's investigation.
Contrasting stories in the media claimed Metropolitan Police Service had already asked for further funding, or that Operation Grange was about to shut down.

Last week the Minister of State at the Home Office, Susan Williams, told the House of Lords that Operation Grange had to date not requested more cash.
Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i and Gerry McCann in Madrid, Spain, four weeks after their daughter Madeleine Beth McCann vanished. Kate is holding Maddie's toy, Cuddle Cat. (Getty) ()
Over the past two years, Operation Grange has been given six-monthly instalments of around £150,000 to remain operational.
In 2015 Operation Grange was cut from 29 to four detectives.
Madeleine was reported missing from her family's holiday apartment in May 2007, while with her parents, Kate and Gerry, in the resort town of Praia da Luz.
Mr and Mrs McCann were named formal suspects during the investigation after specialist sniffer dogs from Britain made a number of alerts in the apartment, a rental car and on Kate's clothing.
But DNA results came back inconclusive and the case was shelved 14-months after Maddie vanished in August 2008.
Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Madeleine McCann was reported missing on May 3, 2007 from her bedroom in the family's holiday apartment while her parents were dining at a nearby restaurant. (Supplied) (AAP)
Mr and Mrs McCann deny any involvement in their daughter's disappearance, and claim she was abducted by a pedophile.
The McCann's media spokesman did not respond to questions about the looming deadline of Operation Grange.
FOLLOW: Mark Saunokonoko on Twitter
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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Guest 18.09.18 7:48

I don't get it.

Why don't they just drop it?

Everyone (the mass public) is bored with it and couldn't care less about what happened now (unless something really juicy crops up).

This could easily just drift away if they wanted it to.


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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Yorkshirgel 18.09.18 7:50

The answer should be 'NO WAY!'  So much of taxpayers' money has been wasted keeping British police in Portugal, where they have no jurisdiction anyway, it should not be offered and the tax-payers should protest if the PM gives more money to a lost cause.  There are other children who might be found waiting for someone to rescue them.  Why aren't they being given the same consideration?

If M ever existed, and I doubt that, she is long gone now.  She is no longer a 3 year old, she is 15yrs old.  There is no way anyone would recognise her as there would not be a shadow of the 3 year old left now.  The little girl they called 'Madeleine' imo who was seen in videos and photographs playing with the twins could have been flown out of Portugal before the fake abduction was announced.  I do not believe any of this, it was a means of raising money imo.  There never was an abduction, this little girl called 'Madeleine' never existed in the first place.  If Scotland carries on investigating it will be tax payers' money wasted.  What exactly have they been doing all these years?  There cannot be anything else worth investigation and everything that has been done so far has resulted in a complete lack of anything worth considering.....BRING THE BRITISH POLICE BACK TO UK!  The very least they could do is give an itemised list of the investigations they have spent tax payers' money on so far.

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by littlepixie 18.09.18 8:45

Blue Bag I share your thoughts. Nobody cares anymore so why does the farce continue. The motives of the Sun newspaper in particular has always baffled me. Its as if its something personal to them.

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Jill Havern 18.09.18 13:53

Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann
Keyword =

Portugal have the [alleged] substantive crimes and offences - whatever happened to cause the death, conceal death, conceal cadaver, prevent burial, conspire to Pervert Course of Justice and so on.

England has only [alleged] Fraud - so far as I can see.

So Grange is
NEVER going to interview the McCanns about the events in Portugal, nor are Portugal going to interview them about the Fund.
And there is little point in people insisting that they do.
2 sets of offences, 2 different jurisdictions, 2 different legal systems.

Grange cannot interview about the Fund until they are very sure that they can prove that Madeleine was dead when it was set up AND that the McCanns knew, or reasonably suspected that. (The dogs' evidence came months later, so is not relevant to the setting up of the fund, though it might be to its continuing).
Portugal will need evidence collected in the UK to assist them in the conspiracy to Pervert issue. They would be better off with a body, of course.

Let us remember that the head of the CPS visited a long time ago, and that small teams have visited in 2017, and probably 2018 though we don't know that yet.

So what are Grange and the PJ doing ?
They are clearly not 'searching'. They gave that up a long time ago, but it was clear from what they did that they were looking for traces of a corpse.
They are clearly having long and secret meetings, talking and comparing what each side has which might be usable by the other, handing over documents and files of evidence, and seeing how far they can develop the case. Some of the evidence to support a charge of Conspire to Pervert the Course of Justice [Portuguese equivalent, obviously]
emanates from England, but the substantive crime - if any - would be in Portugal, subject to Portuguese Law and prosecutable only in Portuguese Courts.

Every visit has to be planned in advance, and a full and proper case put forward by DCI Wall to her boss and on up the chain for authorisation of the funds.
Bearing in mind the political sensitivity this will not be easy. Jibes like Golf and Sunshine holidays are amusing, but wide of any mark in the real world.

Everyone up the chain of command is ultimately answerable for the decisions to authorise the funding, and FOI requests are a powerful brake on frivolity.

Which takes us back to the same question. What are they doing ? What is their ultimate goal ? What will be the 'success' criterion ?

I don't know. But I can make an educated guess.

* * * * * * * 

The more I look at the timing of -
Grange going to run out of money
Grange applies for more money
GM recording his Radio 4 Mental Health piece
Mail and SUN going in with apparently sympathetic piece, which in fact in both cases is exactly the opposite, and Comments allowed and still published, the Dogs video attached IN FULL including the long explanation by Grime of what the indications actually meant .  .

the more I think the MSM want their money back !

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Ref;Scotland Yard

Post by willowthewisp 18.09.18 18:52

littlepixie wrote:Blue Bag I share your thoughts. Nobody cares anymore so why does the farce continue. The motives of the Sun newspaper in particular has always baffled me. Its as if its something personal to them.
Hi littlepixie,It is not just personal to the sun,but the Murdoch empire?
First alerts of abduction, Sky News Corporation-Murdoch.
News of the world £1.5 Million reward,for the"Safe Return" of Madeleine,what did they know,what wouldn't be paid out?
Mrs Brenda Leyland-Dossier,need to silence,make example of Gerry McCann quotes,Jim Gamble,Martin Brunt,Sky News?
McCann Book Deals Rebekah Brooks,Sun,Murdoch,past Eleven yrs ensuring front page news.

Take a look at the Un-solved Murder of Daniel Morgan, to find out how powerful Rupert Murdoch controls UK politics.

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Yorkshirgel 19.09.18 8:12

Money talks!    Money is great for covering things up that you do not want the  public to know about.  Money is very useful when you want to keep someone's mouth firmly shut.  Money is needed for expenses and for employing people to fudge the story-line or leave false trails.  Selling books makes money.  Pleading to the public to help find Madeleine brings in lots, and lots of money, even if it comes from pensioners and schoolchildren's pocket money, who cares?  Money corrupts.  Money, money, money, must have a rich man's world.....!

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Doug D 19.09.18 22:26

Roll up, roll up. Tracey's latest 'exclusive'!

Madeleine McCann supporters call for Kate and Gerry to get more cash to find missing girl
By Tracey Kandohla
19th September 2018, 7:49 pm
Updated: 19th September 2018, 7:51 pm
MADELEINE McCann supporters have called for her parents to get more money to continue trying to find the missing girl.
They have rallied to tell the Home Secretary: “Madeleine is priceless. You cannot put a price on her life.”
Madeleine McCann vanished from an apartment in Portugal’s Praia da Luz during a family holiday in May 2007
Campaigners are demanding Sajid Javid give the green light to Scotland Yard to carry on searching when their money runs out in just eleven days.
The Met Police has not yet applied for more cash but they say they are “currently in dialogue” with the Home Office who insists it would need to “carefully consider” any fresh requests.
Kellie Howe posted this week on the official Find Maddie Facebook page, endorsed by her parents: "Fingers crossed the new Home Secretary backs us the way Theresa May has.
"You cannot put a price on her life. There should never be a limit where they say ‘too much money has been spent.’
Her parents, Kate and Gerry McCann have never given up searching for her

Supporters of the family have rallied around them in the effort to get more cash to continue searching for her
“She is priceless and just as Gerry said in May 2007 ‘We will leave no stone unturned.’
“Hoping this is our last round of funding because it is the round that brings Madeleine home to where she belongs.”
Denise Wynne added: “Be safe and come home dear sweet Madeleine. There is hope and faith that you will someday return to your family who are never going to stop looking for you.
"It was such a cruel thing that happened when you were kidnapped.”
Three-year-old Maddie vanished from an apartment in Portugal’s Praia da Luz during a family holiday in May 2007.
She and her younger twin siblings had been left sleeping alone in their beds while Kate the McCann’s were dining in a nearby tapas restaurant with pals.
So far the inquiry into her disappearance, launched in May 2011 on orders of the then Prime Minister David Cameron, has cost the British taxpayer a staggering £11.6 million.
The parents of missing Madeleine McCann describe the pain 10 years on
Kate and Gerry McCann arrive at church for a service to mark the 10th anniversary since Maddie vanished
Heart doctor Gerry and ex GP turned medical worker Kate, both 50, are currently on tenterhooks again not knowing if the hunt for their eldest child will continue of be shelved.
Friends and members of public are rallying round to give them a D-day boost with heart warming and positive messages posted on social media.
Charlotte Metcalf enthused: “It would be one of the best days of my life when Madeleine is found. I think of her often and pray that God is looking after her no matter the circumstances.”
Suzi Kerslake added: “Never give up on you Maddie you are out there somewhere. We all want you hone safe and with your family.”
A source close to the family told The Sun Online today: “To have positive and supportive messages like these gives Kate and Gerry a boost and they are grateful to everyone, everywhere who hopes and prays with them that Madeleine can still be found alive.”
Whilst the couple from Rothley, Leics, are “keeping fingers crossed” the search will carry on for another six months they realise funding could be refused by the Home Office special grants committee, and if members are undecided they will turn to the Home Secretary for his final say.
A Home Office spokesperson said today: “To date no request has been received from the Metropolitan Police Service to extend funding for Operation Grange beyond the end of September 2018.
"Before we would even consider an application from the Met Police to continue its Operation Grange inquiry we need to know what work is left to be done and how much it would cost.”
A Yard spokesperson said: “We are currently in dialogue with the Home Office regarding future funding for Operation Grange.”
Cops on the scaled down inquiry have secretly continued to visit the Algarve searching for possible clues to Maddie’s whereabouts but are not believed to be any step closer to finding her abductor during their high profile and at times controversial seven year investigation.
Kate and Gerry, who have 13-year-old twins Sean and Amelie, cling onto a glimmer of hope their daughter - who would now be aged 15 - could still be alive.
Doug D

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Verdi 19.09.18 23:46


To whom it may concern

If Madeleine McCann were found to be alive and well today, there's not a hope in hell's chance she would be returned to chez McCann. That is not how the system works.

Apart from the legal implications and social technicalities - not only is she a ward of court but what fifteen year old teenager would wish to be returned to birth parents who have treated their name and memory so infamously. Effectively abandoned.

Go take a powder Olive

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Sundance 20.09.18 10:10

Verdi wrote:bn

To whom it may concern

If Madeleine McCann were found to be alive and well today, there's not a hope in hell's chance she would be returned to chez McCann.  That is not how the system works.

Apart from the legal implications and social technicalities - not only is she a ward of court but what fifteen year old teenager would wish to be returned to birth parents who have treated their name and memory so infamously.  Effectively abandoned.

Go take a powder Olive  
But if she was found alive and well, then surely the parents would be vindicated and she would then discover the extent of the 11 year campaign to find her. Quite the opposite of effectively abandoned.

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Jill Havern 20.09.18 13:30

Grange is ONLY looking at possible offences in England
Portugal is ONLY looking at possible offences in Portugal
Neither will, or can, interview about offences outside their respective jurisdiction.
And there is no point in people's urging that they do.

Grange is still visiting Portugal on a regular basis
Neither is searching for a living child / young woman
Neither is searching for a body
Neither is following up leads to mythical abductors, burglars, p-gangs, gypsies, or any of the other nonsense
Grange is therefore doing something else.

Providing what evidence Grange has of offences committed in Portugal, 
and receiving evidence from Portugal about offences committed in England ?

If not that, then what ?
And why would the DPP (Director of Public PROSECUTIONS) have visited all those years ago ? 
CLUE: The DPP discusses prosecution.  She does not direct enquiries into missing persons

IF, but only IF, that is correct, then we should all be insisting that Grange is given full funding for as long as it takes.

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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
Jill Havern
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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by Doug D 20.09.18 14:51

‘Grange is still visiting Portugal on a regular basis’
Not sure that that is correct. The visits recently highlighted in the press seem to relate to early 2017, February  and May. I don’t think we have seen any evidence of anything more recent.
Trying to get to grips with it properly, but this has been one of the lines of Textusa’s thesis about Operation Grange for a while, although I think I recall PeterMac disagreeing with them as to the status of the Mc’s when interviewed.
This is from the comments in their latest blog:
The last factual contradiction that we want to point out, is where Kate says this: “I left the station with Trish, Carlos and Sofia a little after 1am. The lateness of the hour had not deterred the hundreds of cameramen and spectators waiting to gawp at me as I emerged, exhausted, from the main door to the now familiar rapid clicking and whirring of the cameras, squinting into the dark against the incandescent flashbulbs. Was this real? Was this actually my life? Carlos gave a statement to the crowd. It was in Portuguese, so I cannot tell you what he said, except that my status remained that of witness.”

The Files state very clearly that Kate was at that questioning under the legal status of assistant. We will explain later what this means but if the reader wishes to read ahead, this status is defined in the articles 68º, 69º and 70º of Portuguese Penal Process Code.

Another legal status that doesn’t exist in the British Justice System. Just another thing to show the sheer arrogant ignorance shown by those claiming that a questioning in the UK would have legal value in Portugal.

We have shown it wouldn’t and we have shown it would kill the case because technically, or legally, it would make the case invalid for prosecution in Portugal and it would be impossible politically to prosecute it in the UK.
…………to continue to prove how questioning the McCanns in the UK without the request and supervision of the PJ would kill the case, an issue that we put on hold a few months ago as our readers know.

……….A very important aspect to this case, why there has always been a reason for the Met to be prevented from interviewing the McCanns as it would jeopardise completely any prosecution in Portugal.
It certainly would make some sort of sense that Alison Saunders visit to Portugal, which was right back in June 2013, just before OG’s change of status, was more to do with discussing boundaries and maybe taking a lot of the nonsensical donkey work away from the PJ, but based on the Portuguese beliefs in the archival summing up, who (or what) was the driving factor behind the ridiculous investigations of so many blind alleys?
That is still the million dollar question, to which plenty of reasons and suggestions have been made, but still nobody, apart from the ‘inner circle’, knows.
Alison Saunders, London's chief crown prosecutor, and her deputy Jenny Hopkins, head of the complex casework unit, discussed the inquiry with their Portuguese counterparts. 
It is the first time CPS lawyers have visited the country in connection with the Yard’s £5 million review of the case. 
A CPS spokesman confirmed that prosecutors had travelled to Portugal with officers from the Metropolitan Police “to discuss possible next steps”.
Goncalo Amaral: "We will know the truth about what happened to Madeleine when the MI5 files on her case are made public".  
Unfortunately most of us will be long gone before MI5 open up their files!
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Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i Empty Re: Scotland Yard has asked the Home Office for another six months of funding to support its joint operation with Portuguese police in the investigation i

Post by georgeforme57 20.09.18 15:48

I am going to get shot down in flames now but here goes. My opinion only of course. I am always pleased Grange gets the funding. I am one of those people(oh dear) who believes Grange are going to get it right - They will only get one shot at this - Oh no  I hear you cry - opinion only - no facts to support this - yes you are right - however the silence from both SY and the PJ has been deafening and if SY want to cover this up they will need complicity from the PJ wouldn't they? and I am yet to be convinced this will happen.  If I were heading up this investigation and was asked about the parents I would say exactly the same - oh that's been dealt with....

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