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The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords Mm11

The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords Regist10
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The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords Mm11

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The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords

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The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords Empty The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords

Post by Irish Eyes 07.10.10 16:46

The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords
On Wednesday 10th of January 2007 in the House of Lords, Jim Gamble (accompanied by Ms Sharon Girling, Mr Tim Right and Mr John Carr) stated without any objection:
“The principal operation of Landslide was simply this: you went on; you identified what you wanted; you handed over your credit card details and you were sent a password back to your e-mail address which you had; you then went back on-line using that password which had been sent to your computer and then accessed your choice.”
Jim Gamble was responding to Question 219 from the Earl of Erroll who was asking in effect for comment on advice he had received that people were hounded when there was no evidence of breaking the law or evidence had been misinterpreted. James Gamble responded:
“It is common practice in many cases – and I have been a law enforcement officer for over 26 years – to try and discredit an operation of any type, not least this type in a new area. I would not want to associate myself with any investigation that manifested itself in the way you described, and that does not bear any resemblance, in my view, to my actual experience of this investigation.”
Lord Erroll put a number of informed questions to Jim Gamble in respect of Operation Ore. In particular, he asked – Is there possibly going to be a problem with the amount of credit card theft – identity theft as people have re-named it – that is going on at the moment?
Jim Gamble replied:
“We never prosecute someonesimply on the basis of their credit card being used”.
This statement raised serious concerns as to the honesty of Gamble’s testimony given to the House Of Lords. Concerns expressed by Expert Duncan Campbell in this letter to Lord Broers:
The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords DC1
The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords DC2
Irish Eyes
Irish Eyes

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The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords Empty Re: The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords

Post by Judge Mental 07.10.10 17:40

The Gamble chap would appear to be on a very sticky wicket.
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The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords Empty Re: The controversy over Operation Ore reaches the House of Lords

Post by aiyoyo 08.10.10 1:48

Personally I am glad to see the back of that chap.

When he's gone maybe a lot more negative will emerge out of the woodwork about him.

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