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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by chillyheat 08.12.13 21:14

Daisy wrote:Most definitely. ^^
My research skills would only have us ending up with Tony Blair or Dave Cameron having an affair with Philomena McCann at some stage titter 

I see the link....But Im always a few chains short big grin

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Daisy 08.12.13 21:17

ChillyHeat wrote:
Daisy wrote:Most definitely. ^^
My research skills would only have us ending up with Tony Blair or Dave Cameron having an affair with Philomena McCann at some stage titter 

I see the link....But Im always a few chains short big grin
Not to mention Frankie Boyle! The connections there are very close (& many).

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”   


“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” 

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by aiyoyo 08.12.13 21:22

ChillyHeat wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
Châtelaine wrote:I beg to disagree. The guy was making the original The first, more or less, genuine annual accounts listed EUR 37,000 [or around that figure]. He IS a player in this game ... And he's a pupil of Aunty Phil .. IMO enough to take a close look.
What proof is there the sum listed in the accounts went to him ?
He probably was recommended by someone associated to the Mccanns b/c of his talent in that field.

Just because he was hired by Mccanns is not enough to insinuate he is a player if that is what this thread is about.
Otherwise where should the line be drawn?  
What has their misleading site got anything to with the web construction/maintenance guy ?
Else by the same principle, just because their accounts is suspicious -- is it OK to insinuate that their Auditor is a player in the game as well?
Sorry, if I don't get it, and I don't get it.
Are you saying the fund is all tip top and above board ?
Im saying Calum was funded for his now biometric enterprises....IMO
Amber Alerts

It has been the agenda from day one. And is silently still going on, but this (possibly) young chap has allowed it all to go to his head and he is promoting it for his own benefit....And its pissing people off big grin 

All IMO (Im usually wrong though titter )
Well, allegations like that is not useful to this forum, and dangerous. But hey.....suit yourself...

I am bowing out of discussion on this thread.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by T4two 08.12.13 21:36

Newintown wrote:
Daisy wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
Châtelaine wrote:I beg to disagree. The guy was making the original The first, more or less, genuine annual accounts listed EUR 37,000 [or around that figure]. He IS a player in this game ... And he's a pupil of Aunty Phil .. IMO enough to take a close look.
What proof is there the sum listed in the accounts went to him ?
He probably was recommended by someone associated to the Mccanns b/c of his talent in that field.

Just because he was hired by Mccanns is not enough to insinuate he is a player if that is what this thread is about.
Otherwise where should the line be drawn?  
What has their misleading site got anything to with the web construction/maintenance guy ?
Else by the same principle, just because their accounts is suspicious -- is it OK to insinuate that their Auditor is a player in the game as well?
Sorry, if I don't get it, and I don't get it.
I agree here. Connections don't necessarily mean involvement. If we connect everybody it gets a bit silly. Lots of people have obviously been used along the way.
It's more realistic to say that Madeleine has been used along the way by all and sundry, the poor girl has been used like a savings account/pension fund for many people.
Well said both of you - sad but true.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Newintown 08.12.13 23:01

Newintown wrote:
ChillyHeat wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
Châtelaine wrote:I beg to disagree. The guy was making the original The first, more or less, genuine annual accounts listed EUR 37,000 [or around that figure]. He IS a player in this game ... And he's a pupil of Aunty Phil .. IMO enough to take a close look.
What proof is there the sum listed in the accounts went to him ?
He probably was recommended by someone associated to the Mccanns b/c of his talent in that field.

Just because he was hired by Mccanns is not enough to insinuate he is a player if that is what this thread is about.
Otherwise where should the line be drawn?  
What has their misleading site got anything to with the web construction/maintenance guy ?
Else by the same principle, just because their accounts is suspicious -- is it OK to insinuate that their Auditor is a player in the game as well?
Sorry, if I don't get it, and I don't get it.
Are you saying the fund is all tip top and above board ?
Im saying Calum was funded for his now biometric enterprises....IMO
Amber Alerts

It has been the agenda from day one. And is silently still going on, but this (possibly) young chap has allowed it all to go to his head and he is promoting it for his own benefit....And its pissing people off big grin 

All IMO (Im usually wrong though titter )
Sinister happenings (obtaining finger prints through the back door):

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It's finally here Over the past 6 months, the team here are delighted to announce the arrival of miPass! Working around the clock to provide a great interface for companies as well as a easy to use API for all you developers out there.

What is miPass? It is a fingerprint authentication system.

miPass main aim is to provide a easy to use service that protects and benefits the user, everywhere. We imagine that you will not ever need to bring ID documents to a Pub, Tickets to an event, never need that membership card again, etc. The possibles are endless.

Developers are going to be really excited as they can add references to a user's account and recall it after they have scanned. For example, the user has purchased a ticket with the reference 1234. The developer can call the user's reference after they scan their finger and confirm the ticket reference.

Just to be clear. The information we keep is kept to a minimal. Another example, If you buy a ticket, we only know the reference number to that ticket. We do not store the ticket's info such as location, price, time etc. This increases security and privacy.

We hope to see you on miPass soon!

Posted 2nd August 2012 by Calum MacRae

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Is that where the £35,000 "TM website management" money has gone.  Otherwise how can Calum MacRae pay for a "team" working around the clock.

I thought he was only a school boy when he set up the McCanns' website, a pupil of Auntie Phil if I recall.  He seems to have come a long way in the past 6 years.

Also is it legal for any company to obtain and save people's fingerprints or does being the son of a police officer make it OK?
I forgot to add the link to the website from where I copied the information (duh) -

Another link which is a bit creepy advising parents that children can have their finger prints as identification if they are not old enough to have any ID:

It sounds to me like getting around having human microchipping which people would not endorse by taking everyone's finger prints instead, although nothing seems to have happened much with these websites so perhaps it was all pie in the sky for Calum MacRae and his big ideas have been reigned in.

Laurie Levenson, Quoted in the Guardian ........

"Never trust an eyewitness whose memory gets better over time"


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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Guest 08.12.13 23:20

I had my Dutch passport renewed here in France at the nearest Consulate and had to give "electronical" fingerprints of all 10 ... Next time I have to go to the Embassy in Paris-  a one way 500 km  travel - to have them checked again to get a renewal.


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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Newintown 08.12.13 23:28

Châtelaine wrote:I had my Dutch passport renewed here in France at the nearest Consulate and had to give "electronical" fingerprints of all 10 ... Next time I have to go to the Embassy in Paris-  a one way 500 km  travel - to have them checked again to get a renewal.

Flamin' Nora (excuse language), that's very scary, I'm gobsmacked hearing that. My Passport (UK) runs out in February, if I have to have my fingerprints taken to renew it I don't think I'll bother. I'd rather stay in the UK than have my fingerprints floating around the World not knowing who has a copy of them. big grin 

Laurie Levenson, Quoted in the Guardian ........

"Never trust an eyewitness whose memory gets better over time"


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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by tigger 09.12.13 7:14

Newintown wrote:
Châtelaine wrote:I had my Dutch passport renewed here in France at the nearest Consulate and had to give "electronical" fingerprints of all 10 ... Next time I have to go to the Embassy in Paris-  a one way 500 km  travel - to have them checked again to get a renewal.

Flamin' Nora (excuse language), that's very scary, I'm gobsmacked hearing that.  My Passport (UK) runs out in February, if I have to have my fingerprints taken to renew it I don't think I'll bother.  I'd rather stay in the UK than have my fingerprints floating around the World not knowing who has a copy of them.  big grin 
Same  - I'm even more annoyed because I should at all times carry a valid ID. Either a passport or ID card, that one pays for a passport, OK. But the ID is another 45 euro. I carry a photocopy of my passport and a British driving licence, I can still be fined.

@ Chatelaine : that's your chance of a criminal career gone then - come to think of it, so's mine....

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by bobbin 09.12.13 13:54

tigger wrote:
Newintown wrote:
Châtelaine wrote:I had my Dutch passport renewed here in France at the nearest Consulate and had to give "electronical" fingerprints of all 10 ... Next time I have to go to the Embassy in Paris-  a one way 500 km  travel - to have them checked again to get a renewal.

Flamin' Nora (excuse language), that's very scary, I'm gobsmacked hearing that.  My Passport (UK) runs out in February, if I have to have my fingerprints taken to renew it I don't think I'll bother.  I'd rather stay in the UK than have my fingerprints floating around the World not knowing who has a copy of them.  big grin 
Same  - I'm even more annoyed because I should at all times carry a valid ID. Either a passport or ID card, that one pays for a passport, OK. But the ID is another 45 euro. I carry a photocopy of my passport and a British driving licence, I can still be fined.

@ Chatelaine : that's your chance of a criminal career gone then - come to think of it, so's mine....
My mind immediately goes into, yes, but what are the possible abuses of this new system?
1. A noted criminal, assisted by a corrupt policeman/ person in authority, could furnish his 'finger-prints' to be co-opted for any purpose whatsoever.
2. Anyone with a known but unsavoury secret could be held to 'ransom' / 'blackmail', for personal gain by such a corrupt policeman/ person in authority / blackmailer.
3. Kidnapped people, or waylaid drunks after a night out could be forced to go to ATM's etc. to have their finger forced onto any keypad, the purchase of tickets, etc.
4. Fingers could be removed, preserved, kept for later use.
5. Silicone or other appropriate skin/mimicking materials could be used to make a false finger with instantly transferable purchasing power.
6. 'Finger masks', a finer version of 'Face masks' could become a completely profitable 'new market' whereby known criminals can register under many different 'finger mask' aliases.
7. People might start developing surgical Finger print tatooing or, the reverse, removal of unique finger print markers.
Just to name a few.... The possibilities are endless....  spin 

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Guest 09.12.13 15:46

There, of course, a lot of criminal [mis-]use thinkable. And it doesn't add any more security to proof identity. It's just costly and time-consuming every FIVE years ...
What bothers me most, though, is that my own native government treats its citizens like criminals  sad 
Even my dear 95-year-old Maman had to go to a Dutch townhall and present herself in person to get her passport renewed. I've had foreign assistants, though, from all 4 winds working for me here in France and/or the Netherlands. All they had to do was put the old one in an envelop with a check and they would get a new one back via regular mail ...

And I will soon need to take a TAXI to go to Paris, as I cannot renew my driver's license [to be done every TEN years] anymore. If I would have emigrated to say Australia, I could have put it in an envelop with a check, etc. But I stayed with the EU and now I have to try [emphasis on "try"] and get a French one  whacky 

OT, sorry. Rant over.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by lj 09.12.13 18:30

Newintown wrote:
Daisy wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
Châtelaine wrote:I beg to disagree. The guy was making the original The first, more or less, genuine annual accounts listed EUR 37,000 [or around that figure]. He IS a player in this game ... And he's a pupil of Aunty Phil .. IMO enough to take a close look.
What proof is there the sum listed in the accounts went to him ?
He probably was recommended by someone associated to the Mccanns b/c of his talent in that field.

Just because he was hired by Mccanns is not enough to insinuate he is a player if that is what this thread is about.
Otherwise where should the line be drawn?  
What has their misleading site got anything to with the web construction/maintenance guy ?
Else by the same principle, just because their accounts is suspicious -- is it OK to insinuate that their Auditor is a player in the game as well?
Sorry, if I don't get it, and I don't get it.
I agree here. Connections don't necessarily mean involvement. If we connect everybody it gets a bit silly. Lots of people have obviously been used along the way.
It's more realistic to say that Madeleine has been used along the way by all and sundry, the poor girl has been used like a savings account/pension fund for many people.

Don't forget the free advertising. This saved Carter Ruck and Jon Connor, and others, loads of money.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by lj 09.12.13 18:39

bobbin wrote:
tigger wrote:
Newintown wrote:
Châtelaine wrote:I had my Dutch passport renewed here in France at the nearest Consulate and had to give "electronical" fingerprints of all 10 ... Next time I have to go to the Embassy in Paris-  a one way 500 km  travel - to have them checked again to get a renewal.

Flamin' Nora (excuse language), that's very scary, I'm gobsmacked hearing that.  My Passport (UK) runs out in February, if I have to have my fingerprints taken to renew it I don't think I'll bother.  I'd rather stay in the UK than have my fingerprints floating around the World not knowing who has a copy of them.  big grin 
Same  - I'm even more annoyed because I should at all times carry a valid ID. Either a passport or ID card, that one pays for a passport, OK. But the ID is another 45 euro. I carry a photocopy of my passport and a British driving licence, I can still be fined.

@ Chatelaine : that's your chance of a criminal career gone then - come to think of it, so's mine....
My mind immediately goes into, yes, but what are the possible abuses of this new system?
1. A noted criminal, assisted by a corrupt policeman/ person in authority, could furnish his 'finger-prints' to be co-opted for any purpose whatsoever.
2. Anyone with a known but unsavoury secret could be held to 'ransom' / 'blackmail', for personal gain by such a corrupt policeman/ person in authority / blackmailer.
3. Kidnapped people, or waylaid drunks after a night out could be forced to go to ATM's etc. to have their finger forced onto any keypad, the purchase of tickets, etc.
4. Fingers could be removed, preserved, kept for later use.
5. Silicone or other appropriate skin/mimicking materials could be used to make a false finger with instantly transferable purchasing power.
6. 'Finger masks', a finer version of 'Face masks' could become a completely profitable 'new market' whereby known criminals can register under many different 'finger mask' aliases.
7. People might start developing surgical Finger print tatooing or, the reverse, removal of unique finger print markers.
Just to name a few.... The possibilities are endless....  spin 

Nothing futuristic in that. Everything is already being done, including the finger print transplant.

"And if Madeleine had hurt herself inside the apartment, why would that be our fault?"  Gerry

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Guest 09.12.13 20:05

That's why we're moving to iris-scanning these days

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by PeterMac 09.12.13 21:40

Portia wrote:That's why we're moving to iris-scanning these days
Don't tell Iridologists.
They think your iris changes if you have a tummy ache !
And then changes back again when you have been for a good dump !

Seriously !.
That is what they preach / teach.
Quite mad all of them.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by bobbin 09.12.13 23:35

PeterMac wrote:
Portia wrote:That's why we're moving to iris-scanning these days
Don't tell Iridologists.  
They think your iris changes if you have a tummy ache !
And then changes back again when you have been for a good dump !

Seriously !.  
That is what they preach / teach.
Quite mad all of them.
That would be a kind iridologist who would put it like that PeterMac, if they were trying to make it simple for you to get the picture.
An authentic one would tell you that some eye markers can be unchangeable and others changeable. Some markers are 'constitution' and don't change, others represent inflammation or temporary / changing conditions.
For instance, salt overload will show until and unless the body's salt problem is reduced.
Brown marks may represent temporary signs, black marks, tissue death.
It's very much more complicated when it's studied and practised properly.
It is nevertheless remarkably possible to read a person's condition, if done so by a competent practitioner. The iris is an accumulation of the many thousands of nerve endings, relating to all parts of the body, a bit like a fibre optic cable.
The information in the iris can therefore be mapped and shine a light on the condition at the nerve base.
A coloboma however does not /cannot change position, no more than a leg can move from its leg position to an arm position, and that is one reason why we can know for certain that some of Maddie's photos were faked or enhanced.
Her sometimes 6.30 coloboma was at other times, 7.30 or even 8 o'clock.
Trust me, on this one, as someone who has studied iridology for some years and who still considers myself a novice.  big grin 

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by tigger 10.12.13 7:33

David Suchet was warned by a doctor I believe, that he had a condition which could become serious.

The doctor had been looking at a Poirot episode and noticed an abnormality in the irises of Suchet.  The disease had nothing to do with his eyesight,  the condition of the iris was one of the symptons.

Amazing isn't it?

Yes, PM, the alternative therapies are often invaded by airy fairy practitioners, but I was lucky to find someone who was a qualified staff nurse, studied alternative medicine and without fail diagnosed and treated me brilliantly.
She lectures in complementary medicine and has a senior post in a convential medical training institution.
More people like her, who are able to use both alternative and conventional methods, we'd be a lot healthier.

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by bobbin 10.12.13 8:25

tigger wrote:David Suchet was warned by a doctor I believe, that he had a condition which could become serious.

The doctor had been looking at a Poirot episode and noticed an abnormality in the irises of Suchet.  The disease had nothing to do with his eyesight,  the condition of the iris was one of the symptons.

Amazing isn't it?

Yes, PM, the alternative therapies are often invaded by airy fairy practitioners, but I was lucky to find someone who was a qualified staff nurse, studied alternative medicine and without fail diagnosed and treated me brilliantly.
She lectures in complementary medicine and has a senior post in a convential medical training institution.
More people like her, who are able to use both alternative and conventional methods, we'd be a lot healthier.

And this is precisely why it's so difficult to find a competent registered alternative therapist, "we'd be a lot healthier".
The reason that the pharmaceutical/medical industry has forced global laws through, to prohibit the training and registering of competent therapists, forbidding them access to their traditional tools, namely the most valuable ancient herbs, nutrients etc. which bigpharma are themselves in the process of 'patenting' for their untold value, is because bigpharma recognises the superior qualities of natural herbs and foods.
Yes, au naturel, people would be healthy.
This however serves two 'dis-services'.
1.  the sales and marketing control of the pharmaceutical industry would plummet.
2.  governments would have to pay pensions further.
However, in the balance, would it be cheaper to let people live longer, but healthier, and therefore NOT constitute a financial drain on the hospital services/NHS/ prescription-medicine, roller-coaster, or would it be better to rake the money in first through augmented prescription sales and then collect the death taxes of those who left this mortal coil a bit earlier than need be, and having suffered unnecessary, protracted pain.

It's all about economics, and sociopaths playing out their power game.

'Social people/ society' may think of the 'good' 'common sense' angle of nutrition and health, but the sociopath, the "infinitely" greedy, power-game players cannot think like the ordinary people, they can only think 'dis-empowerment and enforced control' and to cover all risk of leakage from the system, i.e. free-thinkers, well intentioned people, they use the same global tactics that they have used in politician co-opting, secret discussions behind closed doors, laws forced through 'against', rather than 'for', the people who elected their so called representatives, and then make it 'illegal' to speak out or show any form of dissent.
This is the current status quo.

ETA following on from 'tell-tale' signs which an alternative therapist might pick up on.
In a recent television interview on the R(ussia)T(oday) channel, an aging American high-flying military/politician showed signs on the backs of his hands which are very telling.
It is possible to give a fair prediction of how long it will be before this person bites his own version of the dust.
When it becomes necessary to recognise that death comes to all men, good or evil, we have to hope that each man has got his papers and successor in order.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Pershing36 10.12.13 8:59

I am a little bit concerned that some people are assuming this guy got the full £37,000 they listed in the accounts for website. 

I owned an IT business that specialized in charities.  I can say it was not uncommon for them to ramp up the costs of the websites in their accounts although I never received anywhere near what they were claiming.  Many years after winding up the business I had no end of troubles with HMRC due to their creative accounting.  The culprits were educational charities which are now long gone but it seemed at the time a good way for them to hide money.

One case of this I only cleared up this year with HMRC despite winding my business up in 2008.

One possible cause would be the shear number of hits it received.  In some cases a host will allow a certain number of hits to a website before starting sanctions.  These will either be restriction of access or charging more money.  Whether that can get to a figure of thousands of pounds I am not sure.

Looking at the website their is no way I would have been able to get more than a few hundred quid for it at a push.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by tigger 10.12.13 9:13

Pershing36 wrote:I am a little bit concerned that some people are assuming this guy got the full £37,000 they listed in the accounts for website. 

I owned an IT business that specialized in charities.  I can say it was not uncommon for them to ramp up the costs of the websites in their accounts although I never received anywhere near what they were claiming.  Many years after winding up the business I had no end of troubles with HMRC due to their creative accounting.  The culprits were educational charities which are now long gone but it seemed at the time a good way for them to hide money.

One case of this I only cleared up this year with HMRC despite winding my business up in 2008.

One possible cause would be the shear number of hits it received.  In some cases a host will allow a certain number of hits to a website before starting sanctions.  These will either be restriction of access or charging more money.  Whether that can get to a figure of thousands of pounds I am not sure.

Looking at the website their is no way I would have been able to get more than a few hundred quid for it at a push.

You're quite right of course. Your own story! It really goes on all the time and it.'s often done by people who already have enough.
Not for a moment do I think Callum got that amount. McCanns don't strike me as such generous people, I would guess the webmaster got a risible amount and the amount listed went elsewhere.
I believe their creative accounting at the time was in the hands of  GH - wasn't he going to write a book?

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Pershing36 10.12.13 9:28

Well the encouraging thing is HMRC are well aware of the costs of websites and hosting.  If there is anything not right they will probably find it, eventually.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by tiki 15.04.19 21:52

I've just come  across a video on YouTube which also highlights the fact that the website was copyrighted in 2006. How in hell does that make any sense. Anyone know any more about this strange fact.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Verdi 15.04.19 22:10

tiki wrote:I've just come  across a video on YouTube which also highlights the fact that the website was copyrighted in 2006. How in hell does that make any sense. Anyone know any more about this strange fact.

@tiki, would you be so good as to upload the video you refer to, failing that post the link? Thanks!

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Jill Havern 15.04.19 22:11

tiki wrote:I've just come  across a video on YouTube which also highlights the fact that the website was copyrighted in 2006. How in hell does that make any sense. Anyone know any more about this strange fact.
Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Online10

Screenshot taken from Page 1 of this thread, which was originally lifted from my 'Abuse of Power' blog, shows 2006.

It could be something as simple and innocent as Callum had purchased a few websites in 2006 for whatever reason and, when the need arose, he used one of them for the Find Madeleine Fund.

I must admit I found it very curious that the Find Madeleine online shop should show 2006 when she disappeared in 2007 which is why I took that screenshot and put it on my blog. The Find Madeleine website no longer shows 2006.

It's just as weird as the CEOP page showing Madeleine missing on 30th April.

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by Mainline 15.04.19 22:31

For whatever worth:

Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Cmac10

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Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Empty Re: Calum MacRae and The McCann Website

Post by NickE 16.04.19 11:02

Calum MacRae and The McCann  Website - Page 3 Scree116

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