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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Mm11

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Mm11

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Google.Gaspar.Statements 24.08.16 13:49

Detectives investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann have "outstanding work" left to do on the inquiry and may apply for more UK Home Office funding.

In April, then-home secretary Theresa May granted the team £95,000 to keep the investigation going, with the cash expected to last until October.

On Wednesday, Scotland Yard said it would talk to the Home Office about funding.

A force spokesman said: "Whilst there remains outstanding work on this case, the Metropolitan Police Service will remain in dialogue with the Home Office regarding the continuation of funding."

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Verdi 24.08.16 14:10

Despite no obvious progress since then, earlier this year the head of Scotland Yard’s murder squad, Detective Chief Superintendent Mick Duthie, remained optimistic.

He said: "There is ongoing work. There is always a possibility that we will find Madeleine and we hope that we will find her alive."

YAWN!  This is just bloody ridiculous - more recycling of waste paper.

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann

Post by willowthewisp 24.08.16 14:14

PS,Note to the Home Office,please make funding available so that we can maintain and bluff our remit,until the Supreme Court decides on it's decision on the defamation case against our non suspect friends,Tapas 9?
PPS,Yours Sincerely the remaining Four Police Officers from Operation Grange,thanking you for your continued support,slurp,slurp?

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by bobbin 24.08.16 14:29

Verdi wrote:Despite no obvious progress since then, earlier this year the head of Scotland Yard’s murder squad, Detective Chief Superintendent Mick Duthie, remained optimistic.

He said: "There is ongoing work. There is always a possibility that we will find Madeleine and we hope that we will find her alive."

YAWN!  This is just bloody ridiculous - more recycling of waste paper.
Interesting however, that it's the MURDER squad that's looking for an ABDUCTED child, who is hopefully still alive.

If state money is to be spent correctly, shouldn't it be the 'abductor squad' looking for a missing child, believed to be alive, or do they think there might be a case of murder to answer for.

Perhaps they just have some spare murder officers kicking their heels because London is now becoming a safer place to live in, with murder rates falling since previous years and they don't have any spare 'abduction squad' officers because missing but believed 'alive' children are on the increase.

Queer decision this one, perhaps someone up higher knows better.

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann

Post by willowthewisp 24.08.16 14:45

bobbin wrote:
Verdi wrote:Despite no obvious progress since then, earlier this year the head of Scotland Yard’s murder squad, Detective Chief Superintendent Mick Duthie, remained optimistic.

He said: "There is ongoing work. There is always a possibility that we will find Madeleine and we hope that we will find her alive."

YAWN!  This is just bloody ridiculous - more recycling of waste paper.
Interesting however, that it's the MURDER squad that's looking for an ABDUCTED child, who is hopefully still alive.

If state money is to be spent correctly, shouldn't it be the 'abductor squad' looking for a missing child, believed to be alive, or do they think there might be a case of murder to answer for.

Perhaps they just have some spare murder officers kicking their heels because London is now becoming a safer place to live in, with murder rates falling since previous years and they don't have any spare 'abduction squad' officers because missing but believed 'alive' children are on the increase.

Queer decision this one, perhaps someone up higher knows better.
A bit like Brian Gerrish and a Detective John had found,about the Metropolitan Police service, trying to find escaped children from the Care Homes in London,then being targetted for Prostitution rings of which they couldn't find any "Credible Evidence"to support these theories?
Now it has been uncovered that numerous UK Police forces could not be bothered to investigate"Child Abuse Rings"due to Political Correctness?
Not all Police Officers are bad Apples in the Orchard,but there was quite a few wriggly Worms fraternising with dubious Characters related to the Sex Industry in and around London going back decades,receiving" Sexual Favours"kick backs from the Porn Baron's?

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Verdi 24.08.16 15:18

bobbin wrote:Interesting however, that it's the MURDER squad that's looking for an ABDUCTED child, who is hopefully still alive.
That claim keeps rearing it's ugly head - it's actually 'The Homicide and Serious Crime Command'.

It shouldn't be assumed that the squad are investigating a 'murder' just because that's the title of the unit.  Whichever way you care to look at Madeleine's disappearance a serious crime is under investigation - or at least it should be.

Really it's just a load of old waffle isn't it?  Will they cut-out the Home Secretary and go straight for the PM, the ex who previously sanctioned a prolonged review/investigation - throw a few more million down the proverbial, before a general election is called mid-term?  

I bet Operation Grange aren't available for comment smilie .

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Guest 24.08.16 15:47


The didn't do the bog standard policing they should have dome at the start.

This is stringing it out until the next Amaral episode.


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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by pennylane 24.08.16 15:48

BlueBag wrote:Mental.

The didn't do the bog standard policing they should have dome at the start.

This is stringing it out until the next Amaral episode.


You betcha BB, that's exactly what it is!

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by jeanmonroe 24.08.16 16:44

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"Please Theresa, Marm, I want some more"

Just to add 're-posting'

WHO is Amber Home Secretary? (the 'Home office' that 'funds', with taxpayers money, OG)

Amber Rudd has enjoyed a steep elevation in status from working as "aristocracy co-ordinator" on Four Weddings And A Funeral to running Britain's counter-terrorism efforts, police forces, and immigration policies.

'running police forces'......including the MET. ('investigating' Madeleine McCann 'abduction')

Amber Rudd (4 'weddings')----->Huge Grant (4 'weddings')----->Missing People 'fundraiser'------> McCan'ts.

Don't 'expect' 'our Amber' to 'rock the boat' regards to granting 'unlimited taxpayer funding' for OG, imo.

The 'show' MUST go on!

Way 'too many' BIG 'NAMES', 'involved', from 'PM's' down, to 'protect' now, for it not to!

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by skyrocket 24.08.16 17:10

There is no question that the case was treated as a serious crime from very early on, as indicated by the setting up of the UK police gold strategy group to oversee all aspects of the initial investigation. 

Operation Grange's remit was/is stated as including further investigation alongside the review.

The College of Policing (the UK polices professional body) set best practise for all UK police forces in the form of Authorised Professional Practise (APP) guidelines which police officers are expected to follow. Deviation from APP is legitimate only if there is clear rationale for doing so.

Best practise in missing persons cases starts as follows: 

The majority of missing person enquiries are quickly resolved. In a few cases, however, the report of a missing person is the first step in a major crime case. Therefore, the initial stages of any missing person enquiry should commence on the basis that the case may escalate into a serious crime enquiry. It is always easier to rein back from the early stages of a major enquiry than it is to recover missed opportunities resulting from a miscalculation in the early stages. It is now widely recognised that missing is a key indicator in identifying victims of various crime types. 

5.4.1 Homicide. 
One of the fundamental facts to be determined in a missing person investigation is the reason why the subject has disappeared. In cases where the circumstances are suspicious or are unexplained, use the maxim: IF IN DOUBT, THINK MURDER.

Failure to apply such thinking in past cases has led to the loss of valuable investigative opportunities. This can ultimately result in failure to trace the missing person or to establish sufficient evidence to convict a perpetrator. The status of the relationship between the missing person and the person making the initial report can also be important. Investigators should not always assume that such relationships are stable. There have been numerous cases where the person reporting the crime and/or the missing persons has been found to be the perpetrator of the crime. For further information see ACPO (2006) Murder Investigation Manual. 

The rest of section 5.4 can be read at

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Verdi 24.08.16 20:48

As far as the case of Madeleine McCann is concerned, the Metropolitan Police 'Gold Group' is the equivalent to Monty Pythons Ministry of Silly Walks.

Operation Grange was established around May 2011 with a specific remit to collate and review all information from the various entities involved - official and unofficial - as if the abduction had occurred in the UK.   A Gold Group is a sort of governing body that determines priorities, direction, allocation of resources etc.  - a sort of stepping stone towards early retirement or if you prefer the knackers yard.

It is now (if not from the beginning of operations) abundantly clear that Operation Grange had no direction to review and/or investigate the disappearance of Madeleine McCann with a view to solving the case, au-contraire - yes, their function was to collate all information relative to the case but I think leaning more towards Clarence Mitchell's infamous statement, I quote  "There is a wholly innocent explanation for any material the police may or may not have found”.

Operation Grange was ostensibly created in May 2011 to undertake a review of the case,  once the review was said to have been completed some bright spark decided in July 2012 that Operation Grange should continue with a full investigation.

Operation Grange Remit

The support and expertise proffered by the Commissioner will be provided by the Homicide & Serious Crime Command - SCD1.

The activity, in the first instance, will be that of an ‘investigative review’. This will entail a review of the whole of the investigation(s) which have been conducted in to the circumstances of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.

The focus of the review will be of the material held by three main stakeholders (and in the following order of primacy);

The Portuguese Law Enforcement agencies.
UK Law Enforcement agencies,
Other private investigative agencies/staff and organisations.

The investigative review is intended to collate, record and analyse what has gone before.

It is to examine the case and seek to determine, (as if the abduction occurred in the UK) what additional, new investigative approaches we would take and which can assist the Portuguese authorities in progressing the matter.

Whilst ordinarily a review has no investigative remit whatsoever- the scale and extent of this enquiry cannot permit for such an approach.

It will take too long to progress to any “action stage” if activity is given wholly and solely to a review process.

The ‘investigative review’ will be conducted with transparency, openness and thoroughness.

The work will be overseen through the Gold Group management structure, which will also manage the central relationships with other key stakeholders and provide continuing oversight and direction to the investigative remit.

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Guest 25.08.16 8:06

skyrocket wrote:
5.4.1 Homicide. 
One of the fundamental facts to be determined in a missing person investigation is the reason why the subject has disappeared. In cases where the circumstances are suspicious or are unexplained, use the maxim: IF IN DOUBT, THINK MURDER.

Failure to apply such thinking in past cases has led to the loss of valuable investigative opportunities.

Is there any way to get OG to say if they have ruled out murder?

And if so, on what grounds?

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by skyrocket 25.08.16 11:53

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - I don't see that they could possibly have ruled it out. This surely could only happen if Madeleine were found (one way or the other Sad ) or, if there were a confession.

Another question might be - have they ruled out any involvement of family, friends or acquaintances (i.e. someone Madeleine knew) in her disappearance, and if so, on what grounds? I wont be holding my breath for a response if the question is asked.

Around 80% of child (under 16 years of age) homicides in the UK are committed by someone from the above group. That is not to say that there was a homicide in this case, but in the police's own words - if the circumstances surrounding a missing person case are suspicious or unexplained, then homicide should be at the forefront of any investigation. I would say that Madeleine's disappearance fulfils both those criteria in bucket loads.

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by jeanmonroe 25.08.16 11:56

WHY did OG 'change' from, in the 'first instance', an 'investigative REVIEW', to a 'full time, 38 'strong', detectives and staff 'team' with 'unlimited' taxpayer 'funding'........ Metropolitan police 'INVESTIGATION'?

WHAT did the 'investigative review' 'team' actually FIND, in their 'review', to be able to 'change' from their original 'review only', remit, to a full time, over five years, and 'counting', 'investigation'?

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by jeanmonroe 25.08.16 12:09

Methinks this latest 'Maddie' story is to possibly 'divert' attention AWAY from this real 'story'.

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Theresa May and the Tatler Tory: How PM back-slapped the activist at the centre of a sex, blackmail and bullying scandal

  • A video has emerged of Prime Minster endorsing activist Mark Clarke
  • PM can be seen praising his work for the Conservatives at a boozy rally
  • She leads a round of applause for him and even acts as his cheerleader
  • Comes days after Tory party was accused of a 'whitewash' over an inquiry

When in a 'sticky' situation, 'wheel out' the 'fireshield, Maddie/McCant's' to 'distract'.


"you can take the 'gal' out of the Tories, but you can't take the Tory out of the 'gal'"

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Verdi 25.08.16 12:31

BlueBag wrote:
Is there any way to get OG to say if they have ruled out murder?

No there isn't - as well you know!  IF pushed into a corner (very big IF) they will say they've followed normal policing procedures by investigating all possibilities.

And if so, on what grounds?

No evidence - no evidence - no evidence.

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Verdi 25.08.16 12:44

jeanmonroe wrote:WHY did OG 'change' from, in the 'first instance', an 'investigative REVIEW', to a 'full time, 38 'strong', detectives and staff 'team' with 'unlimited' taxpayer 'funding'........ Metropolitan police 'INVESTIGATION'?

WHAT did the 'investigative review' 'team' actually FIND, in their 'review', to be able to 'change' from their original 'review only', remit, to a full time, over five years, and 'counting', 'investigation'?
Precisely - what have they been doing for the past 5 + years at the tax payers expense?  Has such a large contingent of policing staff genuinely been working full-time reviewing and/or investigating the case of missing Madeleine or was it only a cosmetic exercise to appease all concerned?

As you facetiously ask, what did they find in the review that led to a full-blown (unsuccessful) investigation - an investigation they had no authority to undertake.  Oh no sorry, they were/are working in tandem with the Portuguese authorities aren't they so that can at least justify their interference - with the knowledge of course that Scotland Yard's finest are the only outfit capable of solving such a convoluted case.

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty outstanding

Post by tnb 25.08.16 22:05

Outstanding has more than one meaning[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Verdi 25.08.16 23:12

tnb wrote:Outstanding has more than one meaning[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
As far as Operation Grange is concerned 'outstanding' doesn't exist - unless followed by incompetence m1264 .

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann

Post by willowthewisp 26.08.16 14:57

  • Verdi

tnb wrote:Outstanding has more than one meaning[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
As far as Operation Grange is concerned 'outstanding' doesn't exist - unless followed by incompetence m1264 .
That's a bit Harsh isn't it Verdi, mentioning incompetence, they may have"Over Looked" certain things,though? bignono

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Verdi 26.08.16 15:40

willowthewisp wrote:That's a bit Harsh isn't it Verdi, mentioning incompetence, they may have"Over Looked" certain things,though? bignono
Soon see about that - tis weekend again!  IF the latest report about continuation of the farce investigation is to be believed, it will definately call for a buoyed-up moment from clan McCann.

Outside of that I think it can be safely assumed that 'incompetence' it is.   Or some other more expressive synonym if you prefer, how about lax-ativity - think I've just invented that  whacky!

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Ref;Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann

Post by willowthewisp 26.08.16 15:57

Hi Verdi,Alan Clarke from Mrs T's Government summed it up best with the classic"Economic with the Actualities" when giving evidence in Court on the Prosecution of the Matrix Churchill contracts of which Ken Clarke was the Home Secretary,signing extradition Orders for the USA to Prosecute the Four Directors on Supplying Armaments,which Alan and Ken cohorts had full knowledge of the Contracts,that eventually led to the Directors escaping lengthy Prison Sentence in the USA?

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Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do' Empty Re: Detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have 'outstanding work left to do'

Post by Roxyroo 26.08.16 17:48

Verdi wrote:
willowthewisp wrote:That's a bit Harsh isn't it Verdi, mentioning incompetence, they may have"Over Looked" certain things,though? bignono
Soon see about that - tis weekend again!  IF the latest report about continuation of the farce investigation is to be believed, it will definately call for a buoyed-up moment from clan McCann.

Outside of that I think it can be safely assumed that 'incompetence' it is.   Or some other more expressive synonym if you prefer, how about lax-ativity - think I've just invented that  whacky!

Lax-ativity is a great word! Mrs

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