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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by Tony Bennett 29.10.15 8:12

Rogue-a-Tory wrote:Met investigation
1,338 statements taken
1,027 exhibits collected
60 persons of interest investigated
8,685 potential sightings considered
560 lines of inquiry identified
30 requests made to other countries asking for work to be carried out

But still 48 questions remain unanswered - yelled the vast majority of the UK & Portugal 
How very useful to have this statistical update.

I remember how excited I was when I read in the press on 4 October 2013 that the Met had:

* now identified 41 'persons of interest' from 5 countries (up from 38 at the previous count), of whom 15 were 'UK nationals'
* processed 21,614 documents out of a total of 39,148 documents they needed to study, and
* had completed 2,123 out of a total of 4,920 'actions' being identified as being necessary.  

We were told earlier in 2013 that they were checking over 11,000 mobile 'phone records from 31 countries.

And checking 560 sex offender records.

Where is the update on these? - I am disappointed.

The more sinister and illegal it is, the more enormous will be cover-up operation needed to hide what really happened 

Please add your name to the petition calling for a full Home Office report on Operation Grange - thanks:

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Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by roy rovers 29.10.15 8:16

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Worth reading the Met statement in full (see link above). Some of the wording is interesting:

1. 'the vast majority of the work by Operation Grange has been completed' - How do they know this? Was it was known at the outset?
2. 'This work has enabled us to better understand events in Praia da Luz the night Madeleine McCann went missing' - In what way?

I don't think this is as whitewashy as some believe. Just IMO.
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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by Angelique 29.10.15 8:27


You wrote:

"The more sinister and illegal it is, the more enormous will be cover-up operation needed to hide what really happened "

Yes the cover up is enormous - £10 million plus is enormous.

But I think it's gone strictly to plan and will wind down on time. Stating they have done all they could.

I think SP documentary was the last throw of the dice too.

Things aren't always what they seem

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by Guest 29.10.15 8:47

Angelique wrote:TB

You wrote:

"The more sinister and illegal it is, the more enormous will be cover-up operation needed to hide what really happened "

Yes the cover up is enormous - £10 million plus is enormous.
I think people have every right to be suspicious about the whole thing.

Especially as the don't appear to have done the bog standard investigative policing.

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by Sophiebubbles 29.10.15 8:50

Tony Bennett wrote:
Rogue-a-Tory wrote:Met investigation
1,338 statements taken
1,027 exhibits collected
60 persons of interest investigated
8,685 potential sightings considered
560 lines of inquiry identified
30 requests made to other countries asking for work to be carried out

But still 48 questions remain unanswered - yelled the vast majority of the UK & Portugal 
How very useful to have this statistical update.

I remember how excited I was when I read in the press on 4 October 2013 that the Met had:

* now identified 41 'persons of interest' from 5 countries (up from 38 at the previous count), of whom 15 were 'UK nationals'
* processed 21,614 documents out of a total of 39,148 documents they needed to study, and
* had completed 2,123 out of a total of 4,920 'actions' being identified as being necessary.  

We were told earlier in 2013 that they were checking over 11,000 mobile 'phone records from 31 countries.

And checking 560 sex offender records.

Where is the update on these? - I am disappointed.

The more sinister and illegal it is, the more enormous will be cover-up operation needed to hide what really happened 

Please add your name to the petition calling for a full Home Office report on Operation Grange - thanks:

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Maybe the above statistical breakdown quoted by... @Rogatory above and your own accrued info also above from 2013 records are in their minds enough
information for us plebs to placate us from needing a full Home Office report Tony, I have never seen a police outfit clamering to give such detailed info
to the general public as to the 'ins' and 'outs' of any police operation, although I may be wrong........It is as if the feel they have to be accountable to us
for some reason !!!!!!!!! (I hasten to add my twitterings are MOSTLY tongue-in-cheek)

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by Carrry On Doctor 29.10.15 9:41

Freudian slip from TM's in their statement yesterday ????

"We are reassured that the investigation to find Madeleine has been significantly progressed and the MPS has a much clearer picture of the events in Praia da Luz leading up to Madeleine's abduction in 2007".
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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by jeanmonroe 29.10.15 9:50

Firstly, I have 'learnt', through 'experience', ('clever ain't i?) that ANY Madeleine 'pronouncement, printed 'story', broadcast' is, designed, (strategically?) to 'deflect' from other 'news/stories' elsewhere.

Kids Company 'report', and how they 'bullied' politicians, is out TODAY.

Last week we had the tax credit 'debacle' that the government lost!

(McCann 'fund' 'robbed', Polish man)

Secondly, imo, WHENEVER there is 'bad news' to 'bury' out comes a Maddie 'story'

She is 'used' as a 'fire shield' by politicians, imo.

And by keeping 4 'officers' at Grange, this 'situation' WILL 'carry on'............. ad infinitum! (adverb: 'again and again in the same way; forever.')

They are not DAFT, those 'politicos'!

jta: Also, with OG still, barely, 'active' the millionaire McCann's will NOT have to 'spend a penny' of their 'special' fund, ONLY to be used, if, and when, OG 'is CLOSED' completely, because they 'don't want to interfere, in an 'ongoing/live' police 'investigation'.

The McCann's really DO think 'WE' are 'DAFT', don't they?

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by Guest 29.10.15 10:06

Carrry On Doctor wrote:Freudian slip from TM's in their statement yesterday ????

"We are reassured that the investigation to find Madeleine has been significantly progressed and the MPS has a much clearer picture of the events in Praia da Luz leading up to Madeleine's abduction in 2007".

What the hell does that mean?

They read all the witness statements in the PJ files?

They could have asked us.

What do they mean by "significantly progressed" because sweet FA (a sock actually) is not significant progress in anyone's book.

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by Doug D 29.10.15 10:09

Haven’t always agreed with Pat Brown, but can’t fault this one:
‘My opinion remains the same. This is a whitewash; always (h)as been. The Scotland Yard investigation in no way represents the way a police department handles a true above-board investigation but has had all the hallmarks of a staged play. I have seen such charades before - not to this level - and the results are always the same; the truth stays hidden and life goes on.’
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Imo, they can’t shut it down completely just yet though and need to keep OG in play just in case the PJ (if they are still or ever were investigating) and/or Amaral come up with embarrassing evidence, so there is still a fallback team to come up with more diversions and bullshit.
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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by aiyoyo 29.10.15 10:39

BlueBag wrote:
Carrry On Doctor wrote:Freudian slip from TM's in their statement yesterday ????

"We are reassured that the investigation to find Madeleine has been significantly progressed and the MPS has a much clearer picture of the events in Praia da Luz leading up to Madeleine's abduction in 2007".

What the hell does that mean?

They read all the witness statements in the PJ files?

They could have asked us.

What do they mean by "significantly progressed" because sweet FA (a sock actually) is not significant progress in anyone's book.

That's Mcs statement release on their Fund website.

That definitely was a freudian slip.  Wonder what the hell Kate meant when she said "events in PDL leading up to Madeleine's abduction"?  What events ?

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by jeanmonroe 29.10.15 10:50

How 'astute' was BBC 'reporter' Tom Burridge in June, 2014?

Tom Burridge - [on location, close to 'searches' site, PDL]

"All I know is that there's a lot of pressure on the police. The Prime Minister David Cameron has spoken on camera about this issue in the past and expressed his desire the investigation is concluded. The Home Secretary [Theresa May], the Interior Minister back in Britain has spoken on several occasions. A lot of public money has been spent on Operation Grange, the British police's investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, and there is the public opinion. There is pressure on the police. This investigation is anything but normal, and it has never been normal from the very day that Madeleine McCann disappeared".

"This investigation is anything but normal, and it has never been normal, from the very day that Madeleine McCann disappeared."

And, i think, 'we' can all, wholeheartedly, 'concur' with TB's astute 'observation'.

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by Carrry On Doctor 29.10.15 10:52

From the statement released, it would seem reasonable to deduce;

1. OG know there WAS pre-planning in the lead up to the 'abduction'.
2. OG have identified who was involved in the pre-planning (otherwise how would they know pre-planning existed?).
3. OG have advised TM's that they are aware of their knowledge of this.

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by roy rovers 29.10.15 11:08

aiyoyo wrote:
BlueBag wrote:
Carrry On Doctor wrote:Freudian slip from TM's in their statement yesterday ????

"We are reassured that the investigation to find Madeleine has been significantly progressed and the MPS has a much clearer picture of the events in Praia da Luz leading up to Madeleine's abduction in 2007".

What the hell does that mean?

They read all the witness statements in the PJ files?

They could have asked us.

What do they mean by "significantly progressed" because sweet FA (a sock actually) is not significant progress in anyone's book.

That's Mcs statement release on their Fund website.

That definitely was a freudian slip.  Wonder what the hell Kate meant when she said "events in PDL leading up to Madeleine's abduction"?  What events ?

It means that she knows that they know.
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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by jeanmonroe 29.10.15 11:10

'slightly' O/T

How 'much', if any, of the £15+million, used to 'fund' OG, for 4 1/2 years, was 'assigned' to possibly 'protect' the other 'Tapas 7'?

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by jeanmonroe 29.10.15 11:13

roy rovers wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
BlueBag wrote:
Carrry On Doctor wrote:Freudian slip from TM's in their statement yesterday ????

"We are reassured that the investigation to find Madeleine has been significantly progressed and the MPS has a much clearer picture of the events in Praia da Luz leading up to Madeleine's abduction in 2007".

What the hell does that mean?

They read all the witness statements in the PJ files?

They could have asked us.

What do they mean by "significantly progressed" because sweet FA (a sock actually) is not significant progress in anyone's book.

That's Mcs statement release on their Fund website.

That definitely was a freudian slip.  Wonder what the hell Kate meant when she said "events in PDL leading up to Madeleine's abduction"?  What events ?

It means that she knows that they know.

Leicestershire Social Services....................'PROTECT THE MCCANN TWINS, NOW!'

KM: 'press a button and we'd (me, twins, Gerry) ALL be 'gone'

KM: 'have a car crash and 'wipe' us (me, twins, Gerry) ALL out'

If, IF, 'push comes to shove' who 'knows' what KM is 'capable' of?

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by jeanmonroe 29.10.15 11:25

Carrry On Doctor wrote:Freudian slip from TM's in their statement yesterday ????

"We are reassured that the investigation to find Madeleine has been significantly progressed and the MPS has a much clearer picture of the events in Praia da Luz leading up to Madeleine's abduction in 2007".

And, imo, NOT the 'ONLY' ern, Freudian 'slip' Mr Pinkie has made these last few days.

Last night the McCanns spokesman said "Madeleine's Fund takes extremely seriously any suggestion monies intended for the search have been obtained fraudulently"



A 'Freudian slip', 'typo'?

'somebody' (at Madeleine's 'fund'?) OBTAINED, FRAUDULENTLY, 'monies' FOR the 'search'?

If, IF, Madeleine's 'fund' was 'set up' and the McS 'knew' that Madeleine was 'deceased' BEFORE the 'fund' set up, then certainly they would have 'obtained, fraudulently' monies from OAP's, schoolkids, 'anyone', FOR a 'pretend SEARCH'

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Police hunt for Madeleine McCann scaled back

Post by willowthewisp 29.10.15 12:24

You cannot state that Clarence has obtained funds from the "Find Madeleine McCann Fund" he has been on a retainer for 8 1/2 years,no mention of Metodo 3 and Kevin Haligen,Henri Exton defrauding the fund?
MPS produced a lot of mumbo jumbo facts and figures(confusion is good,eh, Gerry) incredibly stating spending both time and money on the PJ files into English, why didn't they ask Clarence for a copy of the PJ files they had paid/claimed as expenses £100,000 from the find Madeleine fund accounts?
Or didn't the Metropolitan Police trust the documents handed over to them from the Team of Clarence's cohorts?
Let there be no doubt about it,Sir Bernard Hogan Howe has kept a low profile since his Freudian slip on a live radio broadcast over the well being of Madeleine?
Has there been dirty underhand deeds over the acceptance of proposed Police spending cuts and the sudden scaling back of "Operation Grange-Abduction" to save face over the result of the Four and a Half year review/Investigation,nod,nod,wink,wink, eh Dave?
Rupert couldn't afford for his fragrant queen bee one to be incarcerated in the Phone Hacking scandal and sacrifices had to be made, whereby Andy(former lover) had to serve his sentence on her behalf, but there was no way a former Labour MP was going to have our Andy Jailed on the charges of "Perverting the Course of Justice" that the former Labour MP had served time for, as this would open up a nasty can of Worms wouldn't it?
One can only hope that the "Scales of Justice" in Portugal over Mr Goncalo Amaral defamation case isn't like the sham we have just seen before our eyes in the UK, in the search for the Truth,Operation Grange-Abduction,Aliens?
Shame on you at Scotland Yard, clearly not the finest World wide Police Force,Justice for Daniel Morgan Murder 28 yrs ago now Theresa?

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by HelenMeg 29.10.15 13:15

sallypelt wrote:Did I just hear Martin Brunt on Sky News, saying there are "60 people of interest" in the McCann case? I was doing other things but could hear the television, but as I wasn't concentrating on the Sky News, I am wondering if I misheard what was being said.
Just looking at Sky reporting on the case:

Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, who has overseen the inquiry since 2012, said.
"This work has enabled us to better understand events the night Madeleine McCann went missing and ensure every possible measure is being taken to find out what happened to her."

Police say more  than 60 "persons of interest" have been investigated, while 650 sex offenders have "been considered".

Interesting reporting from Sky. Notice Rowley is reported as saying 'every possible measure is being taken to find out what happened to her'..... so he certainly does not mention abduction - he leaves it open.
He says 'better understand events the night Madeleine Mc Cann went missing'  -so therefore he means to inform that they understand certain things that were going on that night or that took place... Wow!! He says a lot more than he needs to say .. this without doubt is being directed at certain people ..............

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by HelenMeg 29.10.15 13:19

Certainly extremely optimistic now for a resolution to this case revealing at least some of the truth of what happened to Madeleine. Firs there was the Mc Cann sourced story about the
fund money being used fraudulently then a swift followup from SY stating they understand events that night and are now on to the focussed lines of enquiry.  high5

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by Carrry On Doctor 29.10.15 13:24

You are not the only one HelenMeg.....

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Anonymous 29 Oct 2015, 11:06:00,

Sorry to only be replying now but busy preparing tomorrow's post. 

As you might imagine doing more writing than reading but can tell you that we are very optimistic as we hope to show tomorrow.
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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by HelenMeg 29.10.15 13:35

However, I realise that for every optimistic one there will be at least 3 ready to interpret all of this as a complete whitewash! big grin
But rather than see each little bit of news as a standalone event, it is probably better to look down at all the little 'MC Cann-related  articles' and see them in the context of the wider picture. 
I look forward to seeing how Textusa interprets recent events tomorrow

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by jeanmonroe 29.10.15 13:59

Re: 'title' of 'topic'

"Police hunt for Madeleine McCann..................."

'Is, are, have, OG, EVER really, physically, 'hunted' for a 'live' Madeleine McCann.?

Did they, OG, ever, 'hunt down' and find the 'hellish lair', within a radius of 10 kms of PDL, where. the McCann's ONLY 'professional' PI, DE, says Madeleine 'is being held'?

I'm just wondering, exactly, what ACTUAL 'hunting', of/for a 'live' Madeleine McCann, have OG 'done', in their 4 1/2 years, of 'investigation' as the lead UK Police force 'tasked' with 'finding' Madeleine?

Not saying, just asking.


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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by jeanmonroe 29.10.15 15:01

Kate McCann: 'I just want to press a button, and we're all gone, and it's all finished, and we're all together, and gone, whatever'

Yesterday, October 28th 2015, the McCann's £28,000pa, paid from 'donations' to Madeleine's 'fund', spokesman said 'they believe she might still be alive, they are hopeful she will one day be returned to them, alive, that's the principal, so they still very much hope and pray that she will be coming home alive, at some stage'

'she will be coming home, alive, at some stage'?

Some 'stage'? 'Be 'returned' to them?

('HOAX' 'theory') If, IF, Madeleine 'is' hidden, in either, Amsterdam or Scotland, at what 'stage' would be 'best' for her re-appear and 'return', and 'come home'?

'I mean, she might be much closer to the UK' said KM.

Ooopps, back to 'post'

What would an 'alive' Madeleine 'come home' to, 'at some stage', if mommy dearest, had 'pressed a button' and the 'twins, Gerry and herself) ('all') were 'all gone, all finished, gone'?

How COULD KM and family possibly 'be together' (with an 'alive' Madeleine) if she has already 'pressed a button' and 'gone'?

How would 'pressing a button, and being 'ALL gone' make Madeleine and her 'family' be..............'all together' again?

Rhetorical, probably.  


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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by aiyoyo 29.10.15 15:12

Wonder why they still keep CM on their payroll.  
If he's working pro bono, that's even more bizzare he would stick his nose in it as you have to ask what's in it for him?

It makes no sense to keep a media control person whose role is to control what comes out of the media?  What are they still afraid of?

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Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back - Page 2 Empty Re: Police hunt for Madeleine McCann is scaled back

Post by jeanmonroe 29.10.15 15:20

aiyoyo 'asked'

"What are they still so afraid of?"

Two 'words'............................Gonçalo Amaral!

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